blood feud

248. Group of 4

Bai Shujie didn't watch Zou Baoyin's training in the delivery class, but turned to Liu Cuihua and said, "Girl, do you also open your eyes when you shoot?"

"I'm not!" Liu Cuihua said with a smile, "Father is a dead-headed person, and he won't allow me to touch a gun. So, I learned my marksmanship from my grandfather."

"How old is your brother Liu Zhiwu this year?"

"He's 17, and I'm one year younger than him." Liu Cuihua answered the question by analogy, and seemed to feel that something was wrong, so she blushed and added: "That boy Tang Pingshan is as old as me, and Liang Jishan is about the same age as me this year." Maybe 18, anyway, he is half a year older than Zhiwu."

Bai Shujie didn't have any other thoughts, he just wanted to know more about the basic situation of Liu Zhiwu and the others: "Aren't their parents in a hurry if Tang Pingshan and Liang Jishan don't go home?"

"Oh, that's a long story!" Liu Cuihua shook her head: "These two boys have always been in our house, how can they have a home! When Tang Pingshan was one year old, his father never came back after leaving the coal mine. My mother left him and ran away. My grandfather brought him up, and he died in the end. My father brought him back when he passed by his house while hunting. Liang Jishan was even more pitiful, because his father did not come back from the coal mine, and my mother was ruined to death."

"Oh, so that's how it is!" Bai Shujie pondered for a while, and then said: "The nine wounded in the supply squad are almost healed, and it's useless for Liu Zhiwu and the three of them to stay here. You go and pass on my order, Liu Jufu was promoted to the deputy squad leader of the supply squad! Liu Zhiwu, Tang Pingshan, and Liang Jishan were transferred from the supply squad and reported to the team headquarters immediately!"

It turned out that Bai Shujie had long discovered that Liu Zhiwu and the others' marksmanship was innate, and the only one in the Jehol Army who could suppress them was Chen Jie, except for Bai Shujie himself!

However, with Bai Shujie's current status, he can't do whatever he wants in many things. Chen Jie is the deputy commander of the guard division, so he can't do anything about it under normal circumstances.Therefore, rather than letting these three boys make trouble with Zou Baoyin, it is better to bring them by your side to hone for a while.

Since then, Bai Shujie has had one more job: to be a coach!

It turned out that after Liu Cuihua conveyed Bai Shujie's order that day, everyone in the delivery team breathed a sigh of relief.Zou Baoyin thought to himself: "The captain is really a god, these three bastards have finally left." Liu Zhiwu and others might follow the captain after hearing that, they were overjoyed!As a result, everyone got what they wanted, and everyone was happy.

"I heard that you three little brats are not easy. You dare not even listen to Squad Leader Zou!" Bai Shujie glanced at the three and a half boys standing in front of him: "Do you know where this is? The army! Know the army What is it? That’s the military order falling like a mountain, and those who disobey the order will be beheaded! Your guns are good at shooting, but they have a use for nothing! Killing people with guns is nothing, everyone can! Kill people without guns, that is ability!"


The three club darts drew three beautiful arcs and nailed them to the three corners of the wooden board where Bai Shujie hung the map!

"See, this is the ability to kill people!" Bai Shujie said nonchalantly, "When you fire a gun, there must be a sound, and you can't use guns in many cases. Besides, you all use long guns, so it's inconvenient to go anywhere. If you don't believe me, go out and try it now, the little devils will chase after you as soon as they see you are carrying long guns! How many little devils can you beat with these three broken guns?"

After all, Liu Zhiwu, Tang Pingshan, and Liang Jishan were not very old, and they were already trembling in the face of a great master like Bai Shujie.After Bai Shujie's lesson, sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead.

Bai Shujie picked up a pen and wrote a note, turned his head and said to Liu Cuihua, "Girl, immediately go to the delivery squad to get three 500-ring, three ten-round rifles and 12 rounds of ammunition, and another twenty rounds with 15 rounds of magazines." One, ten rounds and 9 ammunition bridges. Uh, take these three boys over there, and get a light machine gun, a grenade grenade, a box of machine gun bullets, and [-] rounds of grenades. Hurry up and come back!"

"Captain, what do you want to do?" Xiao Lamei came in suddenly, just in time to see Bai Shujie issue an order.

Bai Shujie looked at the place where the four little guys left, then glanced back at Xiao Lamei, and then said: "These four little guys are all good seedlings. If you hone them well, they will be of great use in the future!"

Xiao Lamei suddenly understood: "If you talk about them, just talk about them. What do you think I am doing? Do you think I didn't give you enough problems at the beginning? Hee hee hee!"

"Yeah, time flies so fast, your junior class is already in charge." Bai Shujie said with some emotion: "Lamei, tell me, am I already old?"

Xiao Lamei said coquettishly: "Captain, what nonsense are you talking about? You're only 25 years old this year, okay! If Commander Zhao and Commander Gan hear about it, you'll look good!"

At this time, Liu Cuihua brought Liu Zhiwu and others over. They were sweating profusely from running, and all kinds of weapons were also in place.

"Starting today, this Battalion Commander Xiao will teach you to use various firearms every afternoon, and I will teach you basic fighting skills in the evening." Bai Shujie said to Liu Cuihua again: "Find a cave and move all the weapons and equipment in there. The four officially started training tonight."

Fortunately, there are still dozens of ordinary people here, as well as prisoners of war who have not been selected.Although they didn't live together, the whole logistics was still done by someone.The food is all for the little devils, and everyone can eat it with peace of mind.

Especially those prisoners of war who were eliminated. Since hearing all kinds of news about the Lanhualing victory, many people have asked to join the task force.It's a pity that not everyone can join Bai Shujie's team. If he is not determined to get rid of his old problems, naturally he will not want anyone.

There are not many soldiers, and Bai Shujie was never prepared to win with more.A larger number of people only means that the momentum is stronger, more food is consumed, and more equipment is needed. In addition, the combat effectiveness of the troops is not only not enhanced, but will be greatly weakened.

To give a very simple example: you need a battalion for a position that a combat platoon with strong combat effectiveness could have held.That's fine, for a position of more than 60 people, you go up to 700 people.Originally, one enemy shell might injure a soldier, but now it might kill four or five people!

Because the position is so large, the density of personnel is high, and the casualties will increase greatly.After the battle, the pressure to replenish personnel will naturally be high.The quality of soldiers has to continue to decrease, the combat capability of the troops will continue to decline, and then the casualty rate will continue to increase-this is the most uneconomical "vicious circle"!

Is there more power in numbers?That depends on what you do!Bai Shujie never believed in this.Is it not enough to suffer from the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea?Of course, the whole people's war of resistance is necessary, and piecemeal is the best way to deal with the little devils.If one little devil in each resident dies every month, that is a victory.Mao Weiren's instruction is definitely an "imperial decree"!

Because of this, in the Rehe Sanxiandong base area, there are more militiamen than regular troops, which are used to strengthen their momentum.The real supplementary brigades are all trained in the dark, and there is no need to show it to others.Of course, it is very difficult to be selected as a militiaman in Sanxiandong.It must be that there are no problems in the three generations, and it belongs to the kind of Genhong Miaozheng.

The fighting skills taught by Bai Shujie to Liu Cuihua, Liu Zhiwu, Tang Pingshan, and Liang Jishan include two parts: one is unarmed combat, which is a necessary skill.Anyone can fight without a weapon.The other was bayonet fighting, which the scouts had to do.

To do these two things properly, the lower body must be stable, and the strength of the upper body must be strong.Therefore, squatting and push-ups have become compulsory courses.In order to increase the fun of training, the routines of military boxing also need to be taught.

Fortunately, all four of them were hunters, so the hidden problem was much simpler.After Bai Shujie explained some precautions, the four of them were able to infer other cases from one instance.

Sixteen or seven years old is the time when the ability to accept is the strongest, and the four of them will soon be on the right track.Usually equipped with two shell guns, ten rounds of magazines in the left hand and twenty rounds in the right hand.When there are combat missions, only bring the [-]-type rifle.

The four little guys were not happy at first.But Xiao Lamei performed a unique skill with two guns, which immediately stunned them.Although Xiao Lamei's qualifications are very old, her actual age is less than 19 years old, only half a year older than Tang Pingshan!

Besides, Xiao Lamei's marksmanship was handed down by Gan Tong and Bai Shujie, and later Zhao Jinxi passed on his own experience.As for the entire Rehe Front Army, there are only two people who have the best of the three in terms of double guns: Huang Qiaoyun and Xiao Lamei!These two little girls are able to play with two twenty-shot rifles!

This is why Bai Shujie chose Xiao Lamei as the marksmanship instructor.If it were someone else, the four underlings would say: "When I get to your age, I will do better than you!"

But Xiao Lamei just said: "I'm half a year older than you, so I'll give you half a year. If you can't reach my level, then just fuck your aunt, don't be ashamed here!"

Young people have a good face and are highly motivated.With Xiao Lamei standing here as a benchmark, I can't help but work hard.Therefore, the four guys were lagging behind in other aspects, but the shooting level of the two guns has naturally improved by leaps and bounds, which made Bai Shujie shake his head.

"See, do you know what this is? Mortar!" Xiao Lamei didn't teach the grenade at all, and just got a mortar: "Soldiers don't know how to use all kinds of weapons, so why not use a mortar?" What a fucking battle! Therefore, you must use all the weapons here, and you must not embarrass me!"

Xiao Lamei said carelessly: "As you are now, if my senior sister sees you when you go back to the base, it will be a shame! Do you know who my senior sister is, Huang Qiaoyun! There are tens of thousands of people in the entire front, who dares to fight against her?" Blowing stabs in front of you? Those who dared to pierce were flattened. Of course, no one dared to blow stabs in front of grandma!"

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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