blood feud

249、Group Retreat

Twelve days had passed since the Battle of Lanhua Ridge, even minor injuries from the fierce battle at Shan Pass had basically recovered, Bai Shujie finally decided to start arranging for a retreat.

Because of howling north winds in recent days, the temperature has dropped sharply.And the sky was gloomy, as if it was going to snow.There are too many wounded people around me, once the mountain is blocked by heavy snow, it will be troublesome.

How to arrange the transfer, this is a big problem.Zhang Erlen still couldn't get out of bed, and he definitely couldn't move now.In the end, there was no other way but to decide to retreat in batches.

The team with the most complete personnel is the temporary fourth squad. Qiu Wanyou and Luo Qingsong used to be the backbone of the reconnaissance battalion, and Bai Shujie felt more at ease leading the team first.

There are still 19 horses on hand, except for 2 emergency horses, and the other 17 horses are all carrying weapons and ammunition.There are 9 14 infantry guns and [-] [-] heavy machine guns, which are too bulky.After careful consideration, Bai Shujie decided to stay temporarily, and come to take him away when he returns to Rehe in the early spring.If the little devil gets it back, it can only be considered unlucky.

Two days later, at ten o'clock in the evening, the wind was biting outside, and the baggage squad and the temporary fourth squad were all assembled, with a total of 17 pack horses full of ammunition ready to go.

"Brothers, although these things are important, I still say that no matter how expensive things are, they are not worth human life! If there is an emergency on the road, these things can be thrown away! Wang Xinlan and Liu Wanruo will bring the radio with you. , their safety is your top priority, and there must be no loss at all!"

Bai Shujie finally said: "After arriving at Huanziling, send a telegram to me. The others returned to Tianhua Mountain immediately. The baggage squad unloaded their weapons and ammunition and rested for two days. Then they returned here with their horses, and took away the rest. The temperature is very low at night, you must prevent frostbite and falls. Now I order: Qiu Wanyou is the commander-in-chief of this operation, let's go!"

Because Liu Jufu is a living map of the mountains and mountains here, Bai Shujie arranged for the baggage squad to run twice.On the evening of the fifth day, Liu Jufu led the baggage squad back to the secret camp at Yaoziling, and brought back some news.

The news that Bai Shujie cares about the most has finally arrived!

In the recent period, there have been three vicious incidents in which the "Revenge Team" executed the maintenance president near Liaoyang.The first division of Koryo Bangzi was ordered to send troops to encircle and suppress, but was killed by the "revenge team" with a carbine, and even took down a gun tower to the west of Liaoyang County, and all the little devils in a squad were beheaded!

And left a warning letter: "Come to me if you have the ability. If you dare to retaliate against ordinary people, I will start to kill the unarmed civilians on the island!"

Arrogant!Arrogant as always!

Exactly the same as the situation around Fushun back then, it is certain that the "Revenge Team" will go west!

After urgent consultations, the headquarters of the Fengtian First Military Region decided that it was best for the Chinese to deal with the Chinese, since the ones who died were not imperial warriors anyway.Therefore, an order was issued immediately: "Order: Shao Benliang's 'independent army' immediately set out and stationed in Liaoyang to suppress bandits on the front line, there must be no mistakes!"

Liu Jufu finally said: "Originally we were able to come back last night, because all the puppet troops were dispatched, which made the railway very tense, so we had to spend a day on the east side of the railway. At first, we thought it was coming for us, but finally passed After inquiring, I found out that it was the army that set off."

"Once the bastard Shao Benliang leaves, our pressure will be much less." Bai Shujie nodded and said, "You have worked hard, let's rest for two days before we talk about it."

"No way, captain, I have to go back to my hometown!" Liu Jufu shook his head: "In my vegetable field, there is still a jar of badger seed oil buried. It is absolutely good medicine for treating scalds, burns and frostbite ! This is the prescription taught to me by Mr. Wan Furui, an old Chinese doctor in Laozhuanggou, Motianling. It’s a pity to throw it in the field.”

Bai Shujie also felt that badger seed oil was a good thing, so he agreed: "That's fine, Jiapigou is not far from here. Liu Zhiwu, the four of you will go with the old man and leave all the spears behind. Can the things the four of you have learned recently be useful! No matter what happens, safety comes first, and don’t be reckless. You must know that you are now soldiers of the Rehe Front Army, not ordinary people!"

Bai Shujie had other intentions in arranging these five people to act at the same time.After Liu Zhiwu and Liu Cuihua's mother was killed by the little devil, they haven't been back yet.Some time ago, because Shao Benliang stared too closely, there was no chance at all.Today, I just took this opportunity to let their family go home to visit the old mother's grave, which can be regarded as the last filial piety.

After the few people left, Bai Shujie felt uneasy again, so he approached Xu Sanjiang who was temporarily assigned to the third squad: "Sanjiang, take two soldiers from your squad to follow secretly, if you find anything, come back and report to me!"

At six o'clock in the morning the next day, all the people returned without any accident.However, Zhang Erlen's recovery is not very good.The wound on the left shoulder has healed, but the left arm is still weak.

Bai Shujie thought it was muscle atrophy at first, but after careful inspection, no problem was found.According to Zhang Erleng, his left arm is always limp and has no strength at all, and he still feels numb in some places.

Zhang Erling used to be able to shoot with a rifle with one arm, that is to say, he could shoot with two rifles at the same time, and his hit rate within a hundred meters was very high.This is the only number one in the Jehol front army, which shows how powerful his arms are in control.Now suddenly limp, Zhang Erlen suspected that his left arm had been disabled.

Zhang Erlen was anxious, but Bai Shujie, Xiao Lamei, Yang Mantun and others were even more anxious.

"Captain, if it doesn't work, we may need to ask Mr. to see. It's useless to worry here." Liu Jufu saw that everyone was helpless, so he found Bai Shujie and said, "I'll take squad leader Zhang to Motianling for a walk. Find old Mr. Wan Furui, maybe he has a solution. I'm afraid that Squad Leader Zhang won't be able to walk, which is more difficult."

"It's not difficult, I have a way!"

Bai Shujie also knew that the old Chinese doctor had unique skills in dealing with difficult and miscellaneous diseases, so he immediately became energetic.After a day of preparation, Bai Shujie finally got a "horse stretcher".It is to let the two horses walk in parallel and hang the stretcher on the two saddles.When encountering a steep slope, use someone to carry it.This can save energy and not delay the speed of the journey.

After careful consideration, Bai Shujie decided to take Liu Zhiwu, Tang Pingshan and Liang Jishan with him, which was also a kind of training.As a guide, Liu Jufu is naturally indispensable.In the dead of night, six people and two horses set off quietly and headed straight to the line of Lanhua Ridge.

It seems that the little devil has used this time to complete the work of collecting the corpses, and the journey was clean.The surrounding common people may have just had a bloody battle in this area, and there are no pedestrians.Several people walked all night, not to mention people, not even a wild animal was seen.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Bai Shujie and his party finally arrived at the main peak behind Laozhuanggou.According to Liu Jufu, from here along a small ravine in the northwest direction, less than four miles away is Mr. Wan Furui's home.

For the sake of safety, Bai Shujie asked Liu Jufu and Liu Zhiwu to go down to see the situation first.This place is unfamiliar, and there have been two consecutive wars before.I'm afraid that the little devil may also consider that there are wounded and sick coming here for treatment, so he can't be careless.Even if the two father and son of the Liu family meet acquaintances, they can be said to be relatives, so it is not easy to arouse others' suspicion.

In less than an hour, Liu Zhiwu came back in a hurry, looking nervous: "Captain, I'm afraid Mr. Wan won't be able to treat Squad Leader Zhang."

Bai Shujie became a little anxious when he heard it: "What's going on, please speak clearly slowly!"

"It's like this. In the past six months, the little devil has come to see Mr. Wan. It seems that Mr. Wan wants to send some folk remedies and acupuncture methods for treating gunshot wounds to the emperor, and talk about contributing to coexistence and prosperity. Mr. Wan They are all ancestral medical skills, which have always been passed on from sons to daughters, how could they be given to little devils. That's it, the maintenance committee has issued a final order, and they must be handed over before the New Year's Eve, otherwise the Wan family Just don't celebrate the New Year!"

It's an open secret that little devils robbed Chinese cultural heritage.Let Bai Shujie meet him in person today, and he immediately laughed angrily: "Hehe, the little devil is extremely insane, it seems that he hasn't killed enough! What does Mr. Wan say, what does he mean?"

Liu Zhiwu patted his head, and then said: "Mr. Wan said that when you see a doctor, sir, you must concentrate and not be half-hearted. He said that now the five hearts are unstable, and the position is out of order. It is impossible to see a doctor. That's it. Let's go now, and don't waste time here."

Without knowing Mr. Wan's specific thoughts, Bai Shujie couldn't make up his mind: "You go back now and ask Mr. Wan directly how he needs to see a doctor, and then come back and report!"

When Liu Zhiwu came back again, the sky had already started to darken, and Bai Shujie hurriedly asked, "What did Mr. Wan say?"

Liu Zhiwu said in a low voice: "Mr. Wan said that he has been doing good deeds all his life, and he can't let the old Wan's family be wiped out. If he can take his eldest son and daughter out first, and ensure their safety, he will see a doctor. Otherwise, Don't talk about anything!"

Bai Shujie waved his right hand: "Since this is the case, then hurry up and lead the way, let's go down now! I have agreed to all the conditions of Mr. Wan, and saving people is the most important thing now!"

Not long after, a small villa appeared in Bai Shujie's sight.Looking down from a high height, the small manor is surrounded by earthen walls made of dry bases.Inside is a blue-tiled house with two front and back entrances. Entering from the wall is a small square, and there are some dustpans placed on the corridors of the side rooms, which seem to be various herbs.

When he came to the gate of the courtyard, Liu Jufu was already waiting there, also full of anxiety.

Bai Shujie tidied up his clothes briefly, and then said: "You guys help Er Leng down, and move around here, and at the same time put the machine gun in the yard gate to keep vigilant. Uncle, please take me in to meet Wan Wan. old sir!"

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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