blood feud

253 , Wanjia's stunt

"As the saying goes: I don't rely on my muscles and bones when I'm old. I shouldn't have accepted your job." Shen Xuemin said with a solemn expression: "But now that the country is in crisis and the family is in danger, I will fight for it, uncle." Old Bones, accompany you youngsters to the battlefield again!"

Mr. Wan Furui also stepped forward: "Originally, this old man was the chief medical officer in the Tianjin General Altar. Killing the enemy in front of the battle can't keep up with your uncle. However, you must do what you promised me earlier. Hehe, of course, I will just go to Xiangu Lin when the time comes. As for Tian'er and Ya'er, it is the time when young people need to be tempered, so you can arrange them in the future."

After some busy work, Mr. Wan Furui called the two young men who were busy in the wing room over and said: "There is no banquet in the world that never ends. The Japanese devils forced the old man to have no way out. I will leave today with my nephew. There is a big ocean here." Three hundred, the two of you can open a medical clinic in the future and continue to do something for the villagers. If you don’t want to leave, this yard will be handed over to you to continue to take care of it.”

By the time Mr. Wan finished explaining the various herbs at home to the two younger generations, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon.Shen Xuemin simply reorganized a meal, so that everyone is full enough to go on the road.At four o'clock, Yang Mantun's temporary second shift finally returned, and six mules came back with them.

Pulling Bai Shujie aside, Yang Mantun reported what happened in a low voice: "The president and vice president were executed, the other three vice presidents were confiscated, and the remaining eight nursing homes were all executed. Don't think it's a remote place, I didn't expect These bastards are better raiders and richer than the downtown folks."

Bai Shujie felt very emotional: In my previous life, I always heard that the poorer the place, the more corrupt officials there are, and the search for the people's fat and anointing has reached the point of insanity.I didn't expect it to be here, it's still like this, but it's even more lawless.

"Oh, by the way, I'll bring you another person." Having said that, Yang Mantun shouted to the outside of the courtyard: "Little sister, come in!"

"Oh, sister of the Zhang family, you are finally back!" Wan Haoya suddenly rushed out of the room, and rushed forward in surprise.

Bai Shujie turned his head to see that a very shy little girl was already holding Wan Haoya and crying endlessly.

Then Yang Mantun continued: "This is Hou Shanchong's daughter from Zhang's family. After we rescued her, we sent her home. I didn't expect that her father would not let her in. She is talking nonsense about a married daughter. The water that went out. It’s unreasonable! After inquiring, it was because of that old bastard Tian Wanqing that he didn’t need to pay back the three oceans, saying it was a dowry. No, I had to bring it back and let you figure it out.”

"You did a good job on this matter!" Bai Shujie patted Yang Mantun's shoulder and said, "Since his family is gone, let's take care of it. You and the soldiers hurry in and have something to eat, and go up the mountain on time at six o'clock."

Because I couldn't travel during the day, and there were five more untrained people, although there were a few mules that could ride people, I didn't rush back to Yaoziling until after four o'clock in the morning on the third day.

"So you are here, so close to our side, just two mountains away." Wan Haotian finally spoke in a rare way: "My father and I have been here when we were picking herbs."

Entering the cave, cooking is in full swing inside.Why do you cook now, because the soldiers in the secret camp live a life of "black and white upside down".They sleep during the day and come out at night.So "eat dinner" at [-]am and get ready for bed!

The arrival of Mr. Wan's family was naturally another busy meal.Xiao Lamei and Liu Cuihua were even more busy, arranging a place for the two elderly people to rest, arranging for everyone to prepare meals, and chatting with three peers.

Fortunately, the second batch of supplies had already been transported by the logistics team, and the cave was very spacious, so the sudden increase in personnel did not worry about having no place to live.As for the quilts and the like, they were all snatched from the little devils, and everyone treated them equally.When you are away from home, and you are still marching and fighting, naturally you can't pay so much attention.

Bai Shujie and others felt that the conditions were too simple, and they were embarrassed to be still there, but unexpectedly, the guests were full of interest, and everything in front of them felt fresh.It's true, no family has nothing to do, and they all ran out to learn how to fight.

Zhang Erlen finally felt better after going out for medical treatment.Naturally, the genius doctor will see immediate results.When I got back to the cave, I felt out my two twenties, and started looking for the feeling there.Now that the strength of the arms has been restored to balance, all that remains is the restoration of muscle sensation.

Actually, the happiest person should be Bai Shujie.Finding the elders of the teacher's family is the second best thing, and getting the help of Mr. Wan, that is a great harvest!

On the way back here, the father and son did not stop talking and had extensive exchanges on the issue of building a factory in the future.As the topic deepened, the old and the young felt a little bit like seeing each other late.

It turned out that Bai Shujie was most worried and worried about the hemostasis and anti-inflammation on the battlefield.Of course he knew the extraction method of "penicillin", that is, "penicillin".

In many anti-Japanese "magic works", the crossing pig's feet "first invented" penicillin at every turn, and then opened factories, making a lot of money and gold bars, and advancing the birth date of penicillin by almost several centuries!

In fact, this is all taken for granted by the author, or he simply doesn't understand how science and technology work, or even a technology idiot!Sitting there all day making up nonsense, which violates the most basic scientific and technological common sense, and misleads hundreds of millions of readers!

Turning an invention into a product beneficial to society is a huge system engineering in science and technology!Taking the extraction of penicillin as an example, it is not difficult to cultivate "penicillium", but how to extract penicillin from penicillin and purify it to "the extent that it is not fatal to the human body" is a natural barrier!

If science and technology and industrial manufacturing capabilities cannot be accumulated to a certain height, if the manufacturing level of testing instruments and testing technology cannot reach extremely mature standards, it will be impossible to do it at all!

The Americans did not have the ability to produce small batches until 1944, and then at the end of World War II, they "basically met" the needs of the front line-supply according to the ratio of military ranks, ordinary soldiers still had to wait to die-this is American style equality and freedom!

Because using unpurified "so-called penicillin" to treat the human body is the same as injecting murder to death-row prisoners!Penicillium, after all, is a virus, not a "life-saving panacea"!

Before penicillin was put into use, that is, Bai Shujie is now robbing Little Japan of "anti-inflammatory drugs", and the most common one is "sulfonamide" which began to be used in the 30s.

Sulfonamides have side effects on the human body. Excessive use will reduce platelets and white blood cells, leading to hemoglobinuria, hemolytic anemia, and aplastic anemia. In severe cases, it can be fatal. In addition, it may cause liver and kidney damage.

Because of this, Bai Shujie was particularly troubled about how to solve the problem of anti-inflammation of the wounded and hemostasis on the battlefield.His biggest wish is to find a powdered medicine that can replace "Yunnan Baiyao".

Mr. Wan Furui's ancestors had already invented the formula for making "Zhixue Powder".Because there is no condition for mass production, it can only be done locally and a small amount of production is done at home.The old Wan family has always passed on sons but not daughters, and has always done a good job of keeping secrets.

This is the top-secret prescription "Jianming San" that Wanjia relied on for survival - and the "Yunnan Baiyao" that later became famous all over the world. Extinct, folk remedies have been robbed!

Because "Jianming Powder" has the effect of curing diseases, bandits and bullies who kill without batting an eye will not easily offend the old Wanjia.Because no one can guarantee that they will not be in great trouble, and someone will need to save their lives when the time comes!Because of this, if anyone dares to touch Lao Wan's family, the gangsters in the green forest in South Manchuria will be hunted down!

Even though the secrecy work is so good, the reputation of "Wanjia Lifesaving San" still spread quietly, and the little devil with a sharper nose than a dog found the right owner!

If the special task force of Bai Shujie didn't show up in this area in time, the prescription that could be comparable to "Yunnan Baiyao" would be snatched away by the little devils!

After two days of exchanges between Wan Furui and Bai Shujie, the old and the young, Bai Shujie began to conceive of producing a "true hemostatic first aid kit" for future generations.For this reason, Bai Shujie put forward a lot of "self-suggestions", which surprised Mr. Wan!

Bai Shujie's "invention" is very simple, which is to use the hemostatic powder and muscle-promoting ointment in the hands of Mr. Wan at the same time.That is to make three layers of gauze, the innermost layer is the hemostatic powder, the second layer is the myogenic ointment, plus the outer protective layer, the three form a first aid kit!

Lao Wanjia's hemostatic powder is wrapped in yellow paper, and the Shengji cream is pasted on kraft paper, which is not conducive to storage and is not convenient to carry.

After Bai Shujie's suggestion next to him, Mr. Wan suddenly realized: "With this two-in-one first aid kit, there is no need for a professional doctor at all, and the wounded can complete the treatment by themselves! Just go back to the station and take the repellent prepared by the old man." The poison is scattered, and the heat poison from the gunshot wound can be safe."

The train team returned again, five days later.During this period, Mr. Wan performed acupuncture on Zhang Erlen for the second time, and at the same time announced that Zhang Erlen was fine.

Only then did Bai Shujie find Tan Zhongping and Huang Suzhen a separate cave, where 85 rifles, 6 machine guns and [-] rounds of ammunition were left.

Bai Shujie said solemnly: "This is the weapon left for you. I hope you will use these things properly in the future. If the little devil drives everyone to nowhere, you can use the banner of the Motianling guerrillas to openly fight the little devil. In the future, if you meet someone who calls himself Yang Jingyu, you can completely trust him."

"In addition, there is a revenge team in the Fushun area. If you have the opportunity, you can contact it. In short, it is not so easy for the little devil to eat people without spit out bones. It is not so easy to become obedient citizens. The key to these things is to keep them secret. People who cannot be trusted should not take it lightly. Speak out, I hope you can do it yourself."

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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