blood feud

254、Big Snow Closing the Mountains

After a bloody battle and several consecutive small actions, Bai Shujie was basically relieved of the new soldiers who joined the task force, so they all returned to the Tianhua Mountain secret camp.This time the timing was just right, and after the situation had basically settled down, heavy snow covered everything for three days and three nights.

There are three layers of caves in Tianhua Mountain. The first layer of caves and the second layer of caves are above the main peak, and the third layer of caves is already near the mountain ridge below.

The highest one is "Wangxian Cave". There are seven auxiliary caves in total, known as "Seven Stars Holding the Moon".This is where Lin Hei'er practiced, and it is also the most sacred place in Bai Shujie's mind in this life.During the four years here, Bai Shujie went in once a month to be inspected by his master.

Now that Master Uncle Shen Xuemin is here, it naturally becomes the place where the two elders and the girls live.Because the radio stations are all here, it was finally decided that Bai Shujie and Wan Haotian would also live here.

The cave on the second floor is the place where Bai Shujie practiced martial arts. The main cave in the center is where Bai Shujie lived. It is now a meeting room. The big cave on the left is the original warehouse, which can accommodate 300 people. The soldiers of the current unit live here ; a cave on the right that was the original kitchen and is still the kitchen.

The cave on the third floor is halfway up the mountain. It was never used before, but now it is a "military warehouse" and a military horse farm.All weapons and ammunition, food, war horses are here, and the machine guns on duty are also here.

After the task force was reorganized, there were a total of 96 people.When Mr. Wan and Uncle Shi came, five people were added.However, the addition of these people has no effect on the formation of the entire team.

Wan Haotian, Wan Haoya and Zhang Miaoke, the younger sister of the Zhang family who were later rescued, naturally joined the "special team" next to Bai Shujie.Because the old Wan's family has an ancient saying that "women are not allowed to practice medicine", Wan Haoya knows a lot of medicinal materials, but she doesn't know what these medicinal materials are for!

Therefore, Xiao Lamei directly formed Wan Haoya, Zhang Miaoke, and Liu Wanruo into a temporary telecommunications team.Now that the mountains are covered by heavy snow and nothing can be done, then learn to send and receive newspapers.Of course, military skills and physical exercise are essential.

Fortunately, Wan Haotian and Wan Haoya practiced freely with their mother, and they have a good foundation.Their Plum Blossom Kung Fu is already at the same level as Shi Liancheng, Huang Qiaoyun, and Xiao Lamei, second only to Bai Shujie and Gan Tong.It's a pity that Shen Xuemei was worried that they didn't know the depth, so she didn't tell them the actual combat skills.

Both of them felt that it was just to strengthen their bodies, and they never knew what was the use of practicing.The last time Wan Haoya saw Tang Pingshan and Liang Jishan kill people, she secretly compared them in her heart, and then vaguely knew that she should be able to do it herself, or even do it better.

The most difficult thing is Zhang Miaoke, who is 13 years old this year. He has worked as a laborer at home since he was a child and knows nothing.Fortunately, because her family was just across the hill from Lao Wan's, Shen Xuemin saw that her daughter had no playmates, so she went to her home to accompany Wan Haoya to study in a private school for six years.In addition, Zhang Miaoke has never walked out of the mountains, and has never been in contact with the outside world.

Fortunately, Zhang Miaoke is the youngest and it is time to study.Shen Xuemin has always raised her as her own daughter, but she has also learned some basic things.Now being able to be with Wan Haoya again, I naturally feel very happy.

Because of this, Wangxian Cave is the busiest.Although Xiao Lamei is already the battalion commander, her actual age is only 19 years old.Wang Xinlan is slightly older, and is not yet 21 years old.These two eldest sisters led Liu Zhiwu, Tang Pingshan, Liang Jishan, Liu Cuihua, Wan Haotian, Wan Haoya and Zhang Miaoke, seven people, and besides playing in the usual time, they all made a strict study and training plan.

After all, this is the army, so they can't help being childish.Liu Cuihua is useless if she is unwilling or impatient. Reading and writing, martial arts training, sending reports, and first aid on the battlefield, these skills are all indispensable!

There is another combat mission, which is a lookout post that Bai Shujie set up on the top of the main peak.Two pairs of binoculars can monitor Tianhua Mountain in a radius of more than [-] miles, so the special team has to take turns to be on duty.

The only exception among the seven is Wan Haotian, who only participates in basic skill training, and spends the rest of his time doing his main job - being a military doctor!Bai Shujie explained to him a lot of first aid knowledge on the battlefield, as well as the possibility of the combined use of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine.Bai Shujie didn't know much about these things, so Wan Haotian had to figure it out by himself.

After Wei Chong came back, the main tasks for him and Zhao Sanbao were to do a good job in the daily training of the combat platoon, and at the same time carry out combat vigilance on Tianhua Mountain.Now the four temporary editors are fully staffed, and they are all alive and well.

Tactical drills and combined training of various arms that could not be carried out in Yaoziling, you can do it here.Unless the enemy uses aircraft to detect, otherwise, no one can hear you even if you shout your throat.As long as you don't move the mortars and infantry guns, don't worry about anyone being able to spot them.

Why, because Tianhua Mountain has become a forbidden area within a radius of [-] miles since Lin Heier was born.It's not that the common people and hunters don't want to come, but that Lin Heier often sneaks around to intimidate her for her own quietness and privacy.

Although the plum-blossom dart cannot be used, if a small stone is in Lin Hei'er's hands, it is almost less than a flying knife or a dart!Although it didn't kill anyone, hitting your stun point made you unconscious, and when you woke up, you found yourself suddenly appearing tens of miles away.No matter who it is, after encountering such a strange thing, it is impossible not to be afraid!

I don't know how many people have suffered a secret loss. Only people around here understand that Tianhua Mountain "can't go in easily, there are either ghosts or immortals inside, anyway, you will be fine if you hide away!"

Later, once it was passed on to ten or ten to a hundred, there was no one in Nanman who didn't know about it.Even some later "materialists" claimed that they were not afraid of heaven and earth, but after coming in once, they never came again after being beaten to death.

Not to mention the little devils, how many survey teams and spies tried to find out what was hidden here, but in the end they all came in but never came out, no one was alive, no corpse was dead!

Later, planes were sent to reconnaissance, bombing, and a large force was sent to search, but it was found that there were no militants here, so in the end, they had to give up.There are so many strange and mysterious places in this world that no one can explain clearly.And little devils have killed a lot, especially believe in ghosts, so they generally stay away from this place.

Naturally, Bai Shujie doesn't have the ability to intimidate people like his master, but he also has the ability that his master doesn't have: that is, he dares to kill people!Anyone who is not pleasing to the eye, who crosses the warning line and does not listen to the warning, will be killed without mercy!This is the order Bai Shujie gave Wei Chong and Zhao Sanbao!

After the heavy snow closed the mountains, Liu Jufu, an old hunter, finally showed his ability. He really can hunt!In the white snow, he was able to not let go, as long as he went out, he would gain something.No matter what kind of prey it was, as long as it appeared within a radius of fifty miles of Tianhua Mountain, it would already be a meal for the task force.

Everyone is busy, but Bai Shujie and Mr. Wan, the old and the young, are "sitting and discussing the Tao" in the cave, what a joy!Uncle Shen Xuemin loves Wu and Wu, and the more he looks at Bai Shujie, the more he loves him, and he talks about "darling" all day long.In the end, both Wan Haotian and Wan Haoya began to express their jealousy directly, shouting, "Mom is biased!"

After more than a month of discussion between the old and the young, Bai Shujie finally sent an extended telegram to the Rehe Front Army and Rehe Province: "Urgent Notice on Preparing to Establish a Pharmaceutical Factory" and "Top Secret Instructions on Mass Hoarding of Veils"!

This telegram was sent to Cao Fengxiang, Zhao Jinxi, Gan Tong, Sheng Zhiguo, and Chen Jinfang. Its main content included the location of the factory, the procurement of production equipment, the guarantee of power facilities, the expansion of purchase channels for Chinese herbal medicines, and the search for employees. Issues related to political review, external confidentiality of the factory and internal safety management issues, etc.

Of course, at the end of the telegram, he briefly explained the situation of Wan Furui and Shen Xuemin, and asked Gan Tong to tell the three old people to rest assured.

In the end, Bai Shujie did something bad with good intentions, and just as he reassured the three old people, the three old people jumped up in anxiety.No matter how Gan Tong and Zhao Jinxi acted coquettishly, it was useless, the three old people "disappeared" that night!

If a martial arts master wants to play Missing for you, even Zhao Jinxi's resourcefulness is useless.By the time she received the report, it was already noon the next day!

Seven days later, led by Lin Hei'er, the three old men rushed to Wangxian Cave, and scolded Bai Shujie: "Hiding up the military situation is an unforgivable crime!"

The so-called tit for tat, when Lin Hei'er came, the "Jie'er" that had been hanging in his mouth disappeared and became "Tian'er and Ya'er".Naturally, Wan Haotian and Wan Haoya were promoted to "heart and sweethearts", as for Bai Shujie, he had to step aside and take a break!

In other words, more than 4000 sisters died in battle, and the only descendants that can be found so far are Gan Tong, Wan Haotian and Wan Haoya. How precious are these old people!As for the two old sisters, Lin Heier and Shen Xuemin, who conspired in a place where no one was around after crying bitterly in their arms, it is still unknown!

With the arrival of Lin Heier, Wang Yichui, and Wang Yidao, the five elders have already gathered, and Bai Shujie has completely lost his status.Mr. Wan has no time to talk to him. He has been talking about all the details for more than a month, and the telegram has been sent. The rest has nothing to do with him.

The news brought by Lin Hei'er is that Rehe's side is fully operational.Therefore, he could only withdraw from this topmost small circle very consciously, and began to pay attention to the training of the task force.

Bai Shujie could only move his mouth, and he couldn't get involved in the specific training work.Soon he became idle, staring at the map in a daze, and then writing and drawing alone.Xiao Lamei knew that at this time, no one should disturb her.Of course, except for Zhao Jinxi, it's a pity that she is thousands of miles away now.

The plan of the year is winter!Bai Shujie has always thought so!

How to plan for the new year, careful arrangements start from winter.Therefore, his eyes have seen every node in 1934!

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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