blood feud

255. Bing Divided into 2 Routes

With the arrival of master Lin Heier, Bai Shujie came up with an idea, that is to divide the current task force into two, and let the large force escort the supplies back to Rehe first.

Although the five old men may not be suitable for today's duel, they are all wise men who have survived from the battlefield.Their keen observation ability for the ever-changing battlefield is even more old and stronger.With them in charge, Bai Shujie felt at ease.

Especially for close-range reconnaissance of the enemy, it is estimated that few scouts are better than Lin Heier and Shen Xuemin.When crossing the line of fire, you can even find gaps to pass through.

Time flies like an arrow, and in the blink of an eye, more than three months have passed, and it is getting closer and closer to the melting of spring snow.After discussing with master Lin Heier, they disagreed at first.The reason is very simple, the big stall in Rehe is second, Lin Heier is just such a precious apprentice, it is too dangerous in the little devil's heart, so I don't agree with him staying.

After Bai Shujie analyzed the current strategic situation for Lin Hei'er for three consecutive days, and staying to play an irreplaceable role for others, Lin Hei'er reluctantly agreed.However, it was specifically agreed that within half a year at most, they must return to Jehol!

In fact, Bai Shujie respected and feared his master.Originally, he was most attached to his master, but since his master told him to marry at least three women at once, he began to be afraid.

There is one main reason for throwing yourself in the heart of the enemy - to make the extremely dangerous and tense situation drive away the messy thoughts in your mind.

Therefore, what he fears the most is that the master will officiate the wedding once he returns!Because the last time the three old people went out for a while, they brought back three carts when they returned to Rehe.Bai Shujie found out later that there were actually six sets of dowries inside!In other words, once he returned to Jehol, he would face a very dangerous wedding——he thought so.

If it could be delayed until the eve of the little devil's full attack, and then return, because of the tense battle, Bai Shujie could find many reasons to delay.

It is definitely not possible to go back now, there is no major war, the Rehe Front Army has just been reorganized, and Rehe Province has just started, and it is not capable of launching a major battle on its own initiative.Totally a peaceful time.If several old people conspire together, he will be in big trouble!

Bai Shujie couldn't afford to offend these old people, so he could only hide away.Let the elderly be beyond their reach, with more than enough heart but no strength, and in the end there is nothing they can do.

In Bai Shujie's mind, he actually wanted to marry only one person, and that was Zhao Jinxi.It's not that girls like Gan Tong and Yang Erya are bad, in fact, Bai Shujie thinks that these girls belong to the top.However, he had never thought about it this way, so he couldn't accept it psychologically.

However, Lin Hei'er kept her words to herself last time, and she probably already communicated with those girls, planning to build a big "harem" for Bai Shujie!Otherwise, it would be impossible to get back six sets of dowries!Thinking of these things, Bai Shujie himself felt his scalp go numb!

In fact, in the early 30s, behind every successful man, there were three wives and four concubines, so that was not his identity.That's what Lin Heier said: "He, Kang Pinqing, can have a nine-room concubine. Could it be that my Lin Heier's apprentice is worse than him? Isn't it enough to marry a few wives?"

In other words, if there were fewer women around Bai Shujie, then Lin Hei'er would feel ashamed when he went out!Therefore, Bai Shujie understood very well, from the standpoint of master Lin Heier, it would be best for him to marry all the girls into the family, and there would never be too many masters!

According to Master Lin Heier's proposal, if you want to transfer supplies to Rehe, you must not wait until the beginning of spring.Although it is difficult to walk in the snow-covered mountains, it is also difficult for the enemy to patrol around.It's not about traveling in mountains and rivers, you have to suffer if you should suffer.Mr. Wan Furui even hopes to step into Chengde so that he can turn the blueprint of the pharmaceutical factory drawn by himself and Bai Shujie into reality.

This long-distance transport, of course, cannot be done without capable go-getters.After much consideration, Bai Shujie could only send Wei Chong back.Although Wei Chong left, the task force lacked a general, but this batch of supplies is indeed very important.

In particular, there are a total of 15 infantry artillery. After being equipped with an appropriate number of mortars, four artillery battalions can be formed, which is of great help to improving the ability of the front-line combat troops of the Jehol Front Army.Bai Shujie specifically emphasized: the first, second, and third divisions are attached to the artillery battalion, equipped with 4 infantry guns and 12 mortars; the artillery battalion of the first Rehe garrison division is equipped with 3 infantry guns and 12 mortars.

In the end, it was decided that Wei Chong would lead the luggage squad, the third squad and the fourth squad, a total of 52 people, to escort personnel and supplies back to Rehe. The entourage who needed to be protected included five elderly people and seven people from the "special squad".Among them, Liu Cuihua from the special class insisted on staying, and the sophomore girl from the logistics class stayed because she knew the language of birds.

In this way, Bai Shujie had at hand Zhao Sanbao's Temporary First Squad and Temporary Second Squad, both of which were composed of new fighters from Yaoziling. The two combat squads had a total of 36 people, plus The top deputy platoon leader Zhao Sanbao has 37 people.

The headquarters consisted of 5 people including Bai Shujie, Xiao Lamei, Wang Xinlan, Gao Erwa and Liu Cuihua.These 42 people have to undertake the arduous task of continuing to fight in the heart of the enemy for half a year, buying time for the stability and development of Rehe.

In order to contain the enemy and create better opportunities for the transfer of large forces, Bai Shujie led the task force to leave Tianhua Mountain first. On March 1934, 3, Bai Shujie and others took their horses to Huanziling to replenish supplies.

In order to facilitate long-distance maneuvers, the first and second squads are temporarily organized to be equipped with 4 crooked light machine guns, each with a shell gun and 4 grenades.Gao Erwa of the headquarters chose a crooked handle and carried a box of bullets.Liu Cuihua is exactly the same as Xiao Lamei now, with two guns in her body, so her horse is mainly equipped with medicines and supplies (canned food from the little devil).

At midnight on March 3th, Bai Shu's outstanding troops went out to the south of Fengcheng and went straight to Tangshan Town.The mission this time is very clear. The first target of Bai Shujie's armed reconnaissance is Anton (now Dandong), the lifeblood of the little devil's war machine!

Andong County is the bridgehead for controlling the Korean peninsula, and the springboard for the little devils to encroach on the Northeast!

In the 30th year of Guangxu (1904), after the defeat of Tsarist Russia, it was occupied by little devils.Ohara Takeyoshi, Shaozuo of the Little Devil Army, arrived in Andong as a military and political officer. He forcibly occupied the old city street (later changed to Yamatocho Street) and Qidaogou, set up the Military and Political Administration, and established the Little Devil's logistics supply base.

Because of this bridgehead, the little devil can drive straight in, follow the Nanman Railway all the way north, and successively occupy the areas on both sides of the railway along Fengcheng, Benxi, Liaoyang, Fengtian, Tieling, and Changchun!

In September of the 31st year of Guangxu (1905), the little devil began to build the Andong-Fengtian light railway for the convenience of transporting troops.At the same time, the Little Devil's Military and Political Administration threatened the magistrate of Andong and forcibly confiscated 3 square meters of civilian land as the "subsidiary" exclusively for the Little Devil. (Author's note: Ping: The little devil's calculation method, 1 ping = 3.3 square meters, that is, the area between Qidaogou and Liudaogou, totaling about [-] mu!)

The overall plan of the little devil's subsidiary area is to build a railway from the foothills of Zhenjiang Mountain (today's Jinjiang Mountain) straight south to the Yalu River, with Andong Railway Station in the middle.The main streets to the east of the railway station are Market Street (today's Wujing Street) and Yamato Bridge Street (today's Qijing Street) in Xiaoguizijianxin Street.The so-called Yamato Bridge is the Yalu River Broken Bridge that people see in Dandong today.

The Xiaoguizi block in Andong County was mainly built between Liudaogou and Qidaogou, and was later designated as a subsidiary of Xiaoguizi Manchuria Railway Co., Ltd.There are more than 400 enterprises including Manchurian Railway Local Office, Anton Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Anton Gendarmerie, and Little Devils.

According to historical data, the notorious Little Devils Independent Defense Sixth Battalion was stationed on the northwest side of Liudaogou. In the "September 4th Incident", the Sixth Battalion went north and stationed on the Tieling line, and then returned to Anton.Captain Ueda Yuo was promoted to Colonel due to his meritorious service, and he has [-] garrison squadrons and [-] garrison headquarters.Among them, the second squadron is stationed at the head of the Yamato Bridge (Yalu River Bridge).

The target of Bai Shujie's investigation this time is the deployment of the little devil's Sixth Independent Defense Battalion.If you have a chance, take a look at the status of the guards on the Yalu River Bridge.

This matter is easy to say, but it is difficult to choose an interspersed route in order to reach the Anton line safely.The area around Fengcheng is already full of soldiers, whether it is a big devil, a little devil or a second devil, they all sleep with their eyes open now.What they are most worried about is that their heads will be cut off.This is not a joke, the revenge team really doesn't care about chopping off their heads!

After the final calculation, Bai Shujie decided to take the line of Tangshan Town and go out diagonally to the southwest.To the west of the railway, there is still a lot of leeway.

After finalizing the action plan, Bai Shujie said to everyone: "Since the equipment has been put in place, everyone should rest well now. Tonight we need to march for more than 140 miles in a row. Now that the snow has not yet opened, the horses will definitely not be able to pick up their speed." , if you don’t cultivate enough energy, I’m afraid it will be difficult to reach your destination.”

At 07:30 that night, Bai Shujie and others left Huanziling, and then went south all the way across the mountains, almost throwing their horses off the cliff several times.Finally, around 40 o'clock in the evening, a group of more than [-] people came to Sujiagou, [-] miles northeast of Tangshan Town.

Although the current Kui River has not thawed, the ice is too slippery.All of them could only get off their horses, grab the horse's bit with their hands, and then slid towards the opposite bank step by step.

Bai Shujie and others did not dare to take the main road, they still crossed the railway from the most remote place, then rode their horses and swung their whips, and went straight to the group in the southwest direction, and arrived at Xuejiagou, more than 50 miles southwest of Tangshan Town, at around [-] o'clock in the morning Mountain.

I can no longer move forward, so I can only find a place to hide on the spot. It is too dangerous to act during the day.There is no hope of finding a cave now, the only way is to dig a snow cellar in the ravine!

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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