blood feud

256. Xintun, North Korea

To dig snow cellars, Bai Shujie requires that the distance between each class is 100 meters.In this way, even if the enemy finds a snow cellar, the other two places can naturally form a corner to respond.The headquarters has a small number of people. It is just upstream of the ravine, and there are two squads and one squad below.

Bai Shujie and Gao Erwa first assisted Xiao Lamei, Wang Xinlan and Liu Cuihua to dig the snow cellar, and then dug a space where five war horses could be placed.In the end, a space for two people was dug next to the three women.

All these things should have gone smoothly. Unexpectedly, Bai Shujie's side just made a similar mess, and Yang Mantun from the second class roared: "Who is it, come out! Hurry up, or you will shoot!"

Bai Shujie was shocked when he heard it: there are outsiders in this ghost place?It's over if you shoot!

"Lamei, Xinlan, you protect the radio station and don't move, the second baby will follow me!"

Bai Shujie drew out his Tang saber and jumped up, rushing towards the location of the second class downstream like flying.When he arrived, the second class had escorted more than 70 people out.When Bai Shujie looked at his attire, he turned out to be a group of Korean attire.And there are old and young, men and women.

"What's going on, why are there so many people here?" Bai Shujie was angry: "How did you investigate before?"

Yang Mantun said in a low voice: "Report to the captain: This is not a matter of investigation, but the actual situation. I can't tell you the specifics. You can go inside and see for yourself!"

Bai Shujie was full of doubts, so he followed Yang Mantun into the snow cellar.The snow cellar in the second class is used to house horses, so the digging space is relatively large.The depth is more than ten meters, all the way to the mountain wall.As Bai Shujie was walking, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he had already arrived outside the snow cellar!

This place should be close to the mountain wall, but I didn't expect there to be a hole in it!

"Captain, we have been digging in, but we didn't expect there to be a funnel here." Yang Mantun continued to walk forward: "Look, Captain, after passing through this funnel, there is a big cave inside, and those people are hiding in it." How do we know that there are caves under the heavy snow, so we can’t blame the detective brothers!”

Bai Shujie looked stern. There are so many people here, his task force is completely exposed.It is only forty miles away from Tangshan Town. If you move quickly, the little devil can get there in more than two hours.

Could it be that more than 70 people were killed?

I glanced at it casually just now, and there seemed to be little girls among the 70 people besides the old man.Bai Shujie is not a murderer, he kills children for his own safety, what an international joke!

It's too late to transfer now, it's almost dawn after five o'clock.As long as the team is dispatched, it will be directly exposed under the eyes of the enemy.

what to do?Bai Shujie walked into the big cave while turning his mind.

It seems to be a remnant mine here, which was not formed naturally.Because there are still obvious traces of artificial excavation on the surrounding stone walls.The entire cave is inside the mountain behind, as if the entire mountain has been hollowed out.Judging from the immediate scale, accommodating hundreds of people is not a problem.

After walking all the way into the cave, Bai Shujie saw more than a dozen large earth kangs, which seemed to be the place where those people rested.The quilts on the kang are really bad, and some are simply broken sacks.This should not be a normal resident's residence, but like a beggar's den.

There are still weak flames in the three fire pits, and a large sand pot is placed on each of them.In the sand pots, two sand pots boiled unknown food, and the other sand pot boiled water.It seems that these people are ready to "get up".

"Mantun, have you asked, who are they?" Bai Shujie paced back and forth, feeling a little hesitant.

Yang Mantun nodded and said: "I have asked, they are very wary of us, and everyone is silent."

"Look at their clothes, I can't stand the cold outside, let them in!"

Bai Shujie knew that the Korean people were very particular, and almost completely inherited all kinds of complicated etiquette in the heyday of Tang Dynasty.So he didn't just sit on those big kangs, but found a big stone to sit on. He had to ask these people himself to find out what happened.

Not long after, the group of people were brought into the cave.Walking in the front were six old men who seemed to be in their 60s or [-]s.Bai Shujie quickly stood up and made way sideways. The six elders took a look at Bai Shujie, and instead of walking past Bai Shujie, they stood about one meter away from Bai Shujie.

"Old gentlemen, don't look at us wearing little devil's clothes, but we are Chinese." Bai Shujie chose his words carefully: "I'm really sorry to disturb you today. Because we don't want to be found by the little devils below the mountain, That's why I dug a snow cellar to hide here. Therefore, if I disturb you, please forgive me!"

Gao Erwa hurriedly re-phrased what Bai Shujie said in Korean.

"You don't need to bother, sir, I understand official language." An old man in the row on the left bowed slightly to Bai Shujie, and then said: "Old man Zheng Junzhe, please take care of me, sirs!"

"You're welcome, old man, please take your seat!" Bai Shujie bowed and waved his hand to give up his seat: "I still have something to ask."

The six old men found a place to sit down, and then looked up at Bai Shujie.

"It's like this, old man, now that the mountain is covered by heavy snow, why don't you stay at home, but hide in this cave?" Bai Shujie looked around intentionally, and then said, "I think everyone is very poor, why don't you go down the mountain?" Find a way out?"

"Sir, it's a long story!" Zheng Junzhe also saw that Bai Shujie and the others were not heinous people, so his tone became a little angrily: "I also want to live a good life, so I smuggled here. However, the matter is not As we imagined, the Japanese devils also came, so we naturally have nowhere to go."

When Bai Shujie heard that there was something hidden and that he was not dealing with the little devil, he needed to ask clearly: "Mr., what exactly is going on, please speak slowly and see if we can help!"

With the narration of several elders in turn, Bai Shujie finally understood that those people with feelings are really the ones who dare not meet the little devils face to face!

It turned out that this matter had to start from a winter more than ten years ago.

These people are North Korean civilians in Xuanchuan County and Dingzhou County in North Pyongan Province. Because the little devil wanted to build the railway, all their fields were confiscated and they were moved to Hefeng Mountain in the east.Because that place can't support people at all, the people are of course unwilling to relocate.

The little devil sent over a security team, probably performing the same task as our current urban management, with one purpose - demolition!

As a result, the two sides clashed, and Zheng Junzhe and the other five old men in front of them killed a security team leader of the little devil!

More than 100 angry ordinary people swarmed up, killed the other forty or so little devils and security guards, then snatched the guns, and fled northward desperately.In the end, they were chased all the way by the little devils, and most of them were killed or injured. In the end, more than 50 people escaped the Yalu River.

After crossing the Yalu River, these people fled into Mantouding, which is more than 20 kilometers from east to west, and then lived in seclusion to open up wasteland and farm.After more than ten years of development, it gradually accepted some people who escaped from the famine, and finally formed a village with more than 200 people.

Unexpectedly, after the "September 1933th Incident", the whole of Anton had become the rear base of the little devils, and maintenance groups from all over the place popped up immediately. At the end of [-], the little devil's immigration plan began to be implemented, and Korean immigration was also put on the agenda, and a goal of emigrating one million in ten years was set.

The front line of Anton, as a temporary immigration distribution center, began to investigate suitable places for reclamation.After seven investigations and eight investigations, this "North Korean Xintun" was finally discovered.After so many years of continuous land reclamation, Xintun, North Korea, has nearly a thousand acres of fertile land, which naturally requires "coexistence and common prosperity."

Unexpectedly, after the last riots in Xuanchuan County and Dingzhou County, the little devil naturally couldn't let it go, and the arrest warrant has not been revoked.

In addition to traitors in Anton, there are traitors from the dynasty.There were a few traitors in North Korea's Xintun, and these people finally revealed their identities more than ten years ago.Several traitors ran to Anton's garrison brigade to report the letter, and the little devil immediately sealed these spies as if he had found a treasure.In a sudden change, they became the leaders of the North Korean Xintun Maintenance Association.

Just half a month ago, troops were sent to encircle and suppress Xintun, North Korea.The traitor and the little devil cooperated inside and outside, and soon caught everyone in the village. More than 50 young men launched another riot to create opportunities to let these people with status escape.

The current situation is that the six old men ran out with their children, but those young men were all arrested.It is said that in order to lure these people out, they are still locked up and used as bait.

"Senior officers, these are children and women, how can they be ruined by little devils!" Zheng Junzhe was already in tears when he said this: "Poor young people are suffering constantly, but we can only hide in the cave, thinking about it." Nothing can be done."

Bai Shujie couldn't see women crying and old people crying the most, so he had to ask: "Old man, don't worry, where is your new village?"

Zheng Junzhe shook his head, and said in a low voice: "That place is more than 100 miles away from here, about forty or fifty miles northwest of Jiangshan (now Jinjiang Mountain) in Andong Town."

"Old sir, can you arrange for someone to take my soldiers over there to have a look?"

Bai Shujie didn't know what was going on there, and he didn't dare to make up his mind. Therefore, necessary investigation was necessary.Fortunately, the general direction is in line with my goal, and I didn't go wrong.Therefore, Bai Shujie took out the map to check possible routes, while waiting for Zheng Junzhe's decision.

At this moment, a childish voice said a word after bowing to Zheng Junzhe.After Gao Erwa translated it, Bai Shujie realized that it was: "Patriarch, please let me go!"

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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