blood feud

257. Rescue Refugees

"Sir, this kid's elder brother has been arrested, so I'm impatient, please don't mind." Zheng Junzhe looked up at Bai Shujie for advice: "My elder brother's name is Cui Mingzhe, and his name is Cui Haozhe. He is only 12 years old this year. I don't know if it will work." ?”

"Old man, as long as he knows the way, it doesn't matter who he is." Bai Shujie said with a smile: "We only need him to point out the direction of the road, and other things have nothing to do with him. By the way, according to the direction your old man said, Forty or fifty miles away from Zhenjiang Mountain, it should be Huanglu Ridge."

Zheng Junzhe said in a daze: "It seems to be true. No one usually goes to that place. We didn't know the name when we came here. We usually call it Bald Tail Mountain. The big valley running southwest is our village. If you go further downstream , is the Cui family’s platform.”

"Cuijiataizi? That's right, this is the place!" Bai Shujie turned his head and shouted, "San Bao, take a set of military uniforms for this little brother, and take out the cans for the little brother to eat. Today you bring Erba Take a walk with Cui Haozhe, the three of you walk together, just like three brothers. On the way, Gao Erwa will talk. However, you don’t have to come back after you find out the situation. Go back ten miles to Xigouding, and we will meet there at night .”

Both Zhao Sanbao and Gao Erwa left their machine guns behind, and the pistols were stuck in their belts, so they couldn't see it even if they were covered with overcoats.Two hours later, the three had set off.

Bai Shujie looked at the two casserole and found no food, so he called out: "Sanjuzi, take out some of our canned food. The life of these North Korean fellow villagers is too hard, and they need to add some nutrition. If it is not good , I may have to go a long way in the future, and I can’t do it if I don’t have physical strength.”

Seeing that Wang Sanju didn't move, Bai Shujie suddenly remembered: "What are you doing! There are bad people in North Korea, but there are also good people. Just like we have traitors, there are also traitors to the dynasty. This is very normal. Park Zhengxi and Bai Shanye Being raped by the court does not mean that all North Koreans have surrendered to the devils. Didn’t you hear that these old men killed little devils just now! Hurry up, don’t dawdle.”

Anti-Japanese united front, this is a principle that should be observed.No matter who he is, as long as he is willing to kill devils, even if he is a devil, Bai Shujie is willing to deal with them!

A series of actions by Bai Shujie finally won the favor of these fellow North Koreans.With the arrival of Xiao Lamei, Wang Xinlan and Liu Cuihua, the whole atmosphere suddenly eased.

Especially Xiao Lamei, under Bai Shujie's secret guidance, called "Armani" long and short "Armani" to several elderly women, and first became friends with those women.

"Old man, when you came from Jiangnan, where did you cross the river?" Bai Shujie asked thoughtfully, "When will the Yalu River freeze and when will it open?"

"Sir, more than ten years ago, ice ridges basically began to appear at the end of October, and people could leave at the beginning of December. By the end of December, they could cross sleds." Zheng Junzhe thought for a while: "However, in recent years, I have heard that The ice layer is getting thicker and thicker, and four-wheel vehicles of the Dongyang people can go. Generally speaking, no one dares to go in March of the next year. We came here from the north of Changcheng."

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Bai Shujie bid farewell to Zheng Junzhe and other villagers, and led the large army to continue to move forward. At nine o'clock in the evening, he arrived at Xigouding and joined Zhao Sanbao.

"Don't talk now, let's move on!" The camping place in Bai Shujie's mind is not here, but Baojialiangzi, which is more than 20 miles south.According to the map, the cave should be found in that place, and there are several triangle symbols on the little devil's map.

At 11:30, Bai Shujie and others tried their best to find a large cave, which was also not formed naturally and should be an abandoned mine.It is more than two meters wide and more than 20 meters long, and then there is a large hole composed of cross tunnels.

Bai Shujie sat down on the ammunition box and gasped for breath: "This is a temporary base, Sanbao can talk about the situation now, others are preparing dinner, and there is still action today."

"There is nothing wrong with the situation. The arrested people are still in the village and locked up in the original ancestral hall." Sitting beside Bai Shujie, Zhao Sanbao said in a low voice: "Little devils only look like one class, and they also live in the ancestral hall. There is a There was a machine gun on duty, but nothing unusual was found in the others. According to Erwa and the child, a notice was posted at the entrance of the village that if those people do not turn themselves in, they will be executed in nine days.”

Bai Shujie nodded and said: "The little devils in the first class are already very good, because it is less than forty miles away from the sixth garrison team of the little devils. It can be regarded as the back garden of the little devils. Has the little devil built any fortifications?"

"No!" Zhao Sanbao shook his head and said, "There seem to be three to four hundred people in the village, and they are all busy building houses at the moment. Is it the pioneering group that the captain often talks about?"

"It should be!" Bai Shujie said casually: "According to the information I received, the pioneer troops of the first and second batch of armed immigrants of the little devil have already arrived. If it is the pioneering group of the little devil, it should be There are weapons and ammunition. The North Korean pioneer group should not have any."

Zhao Sanbao said affirmatively: "The child and the second child both said that the hundreds of people were all Koreans, and there were no little devils."

"In this way, a surprise attack will be launched in the middle of the night today to wipe out a squad of little devils. However, those North Korean spies want to catch as many alive as possible. I have other uses." Bai Shujie opened the map and spread it on the ground: "Let's split up and take a team. The squad came up from the lower reaches, and I took the second squad to press down from the ditch. Try to get as close to the ancestral hall as possible before fighting, and the battle must be resolved quickly. Then you gather all the North Koreans and let everyone identify the spies inside."

Bai Shujie's estimation was a bit off, and the little devil was not careless.The squad led by Zhao Sanbao had just approached 50 meters from the ancestral hall, and before it could fully deploy, the kid's machine gun on duty had already fired.

The two sides stalemate for more than five minutes, and the second squad led by Bai Shujie has already touched down from the top of the mountain.After careful observation for a while, it was confirmed that the little devil only had 15 people in a class. Then Bai Shujie and Yang Mantun double-sided to copy it. The first round of blows had already knocked out more than half of the little devil.

By the time the little devil realized that he was surrounded, it was already too late, and the attack from three directions had already reached both ends of the corridor of the ancestral hall.Under the attack of eight machine guns, the remaining five little devils were completely wiped out before they jumped twice.

Bai Shujie didn't pause at all, and immediately issued an order: "The second squad immediately surrounded the entire village, and the first squad immediately launched a comprehensive search. Be sure to arrest all the members of the pioneering team and bring them all here! Erwa, take Cui Haozhe in and have a look. Where are those who were arrested?"

Gao Erwa and Cui Haozhe went in to find someone, but Bai Shujie quickly took off the armed belts of 15 little devils, and took off 15 coats and piled them aside. 10 rifles, 1 grenadier, 1 crooked machine gun, two boxes of bullets, and six grenades.

Not long after, Gao Erwa came out of the ancestral hall with a large group of people.Bai Shujie took a look with the torch and saw that these were young and middle-aged people, all of them were 14-18 years old.

Gao Erwa came to Bai Shujie and said: "Report to the captain, there are 52 people in total, they can speak a few Chinese, and they can ask questions at any time."

Bai Shujie shook his head: "I don't have anything to ask for now. You lead them to gather some firewood and start a fire quickly. This thief is still so cold in spring! In addition, let's see what the little devil eats. These people must They didn’t eat anything, they couldn’t stand still, and they were covered in blood.”

About an hour and a half, under the reflection of two long torches, a dark group of people appeared from the lower reaches of Shanchong.At this time, four fires had already started in the yard, illuminating the surrounding area brightly.

Bai Shujie was sitting on the steps of the porch of the ancestral hall, watching the crowd slowly gather in the yard.

Zhao Sanbao came to Bai Shujie and said with a guilty conscience: "Report to the captain, there are two guys running away desperately, and it is really difficult to catch up in the snow. There is no choice but to shoot and kill them. Everyone in the village Here it is."

Bai Shujie waved his hand, and said weakly: "Let Cui Haozhe take the rescued people over to identify who betrayed his own people! The first squad is on guard, and the second squad is accompanying them for protection, ready to arrest them!"

You can't blame Bai Shujie for being weak, because this kind of scene is what he doesn't like to see the most!

He always felt that he was almost as rare as a little devil entering the village now.Arresting ordinary people in the middle of the night, this is not like a teacher of justice, the whole image is lost.

However, the pioneering group of the little devils, especially the pioneering group of the two North Korean devils, did so much evil during the entire Japanese puppet period, it is really too numerous to record!

Don't look at them all shrinking now, it's because they haven't been trained by the little devils yet.Once they go through the "pioneering training" of the little devils and get the promise that they can "do whatever they want" in the specified area of ​​Manchuria, after they are released, they will be a pack of hungry wolves, vicious wolves that eat Chinese people without spitting out their bones!

More than 50 people were tortured to the point of being almost useless, and it was the time when the anger in my heart was bursting.Going to identify your enemy now, naturally the speed is very fast.In less than 5 minutes, 19 guys were pulled out of hundreds of people.

Looking at this scene, Bai Shujie felt more and more that he and the little devil had almost as few catches, so he didn't bother to look at these bastards, and asked lazily: "Who is Cui Mingzhe?"

A young man came out from behind Bai Shujie, bowed to him, and said, "Report to the officer: I am Cui Mingzhe! Thank you, officer, for bringing someone to rescue us!"

Bai Shujie saw that although the kid was too hungry to stand still, he was still energetic, so he asked, "Oh, you are Cui Mingzhe, how old are you?"

"Report sir: I am 17 years old, I am already an adult!" Cui Mingzhe bowed again, and then said: "My father was beaten to death when he was fighting with the little devil to protect my mother and our three brothers and sisters. Yes! I just want to avenge my father, and please take care of me, sir, I am very grateful!"

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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