blood feud

258. Subduing the Rape

"Cui Mingzhe, well said, you have ambition." Bai Shujie's voice finally became louder: "Since you want to avenge your father, do you dare to kill someone!"

Cui Mingzhe bowed and said, "Report sir: I wish I could kill all the Japanese devils!"

"Very good, you go and ask these people who were caught, why did they betray you, and what benefits did the little devils give them." Bai Shujie frowned, thinking: "Mantun, search all these guys , and hand it over to Cui Mingzhe and the others for interrogation!"

Not to mention, among the 19 people who were arrested, 13 of them had guns on their bodies, and they were all original cracking shell guns. This kind of gun should be bought by the little devils to arm the traitor team or the court traitor team. It's a pity that there are a total of ten machine guns staring at the surrounding area, so they haven't dared to make any changes.

After Yang Mantun found the gun, he realized how big a mistake he had made. If these bastards shot desperately before, it might not be the result. Didn't dare to say a word.

"That's what you scouts do. You don't even search people when you catch people." Bai Shujie was even more furious: "Do you think that the world is peaceful now? Well, you still feel that you didn't die fast enough. It's unreasonable, Zhao Sanbao , where are the bodies of the two guys you killed!"

Zhao Sanbao blushed and had a thick neck, so he could only turn his head and let the four soldiers leave the yard in a low voice. No need to ask, they killed two escaped guys, so they must have not checked the bodies.

Half an hour later, four soldiers came back carrying two corpses, and still held two crackling rifles in their hands.

"Report to the captain: This is all my fault." Zhao Sanbao could only bite the bullet and said, "I thought they were ordinary people who were greedy for life and afraid of death, so, so,!"

"You have forgotten the first division of the Korean devils so quickly, have you? You have forgotten the bloody battle at Phoenix Mountain and Lianshan Pass so quickly. You have forgotten how dozens of brothers died, have you?"

Bai Shujie didn't say anything in front of hundreds of outsiders, but he still got it: "Don't you think about it, there are 21 spies in a village, is this just a general coward? Well, Cui Haozhe, You can start talking!"

When Bai Shujie said this, he reached out and grabbed a [-]-type rifle that had just been retracted, and with a click, he unloaded the bayonet and threw it to Cui Mingzhe: "Take this guy, and ask these bastards what's going on!"

What the little devil is doing to "control the country with China", Bai Shujie wants to "rule the country with the government" today, to see what this little guy Cui Mingzhe is capable of, how dare he speak boldly to avenge his father.

Click, click.

Bai Shujie unloaded the remaining nine bayonets and piled them together, and said: "There are so many spies over there, if anyone else wants to help with the interrogation, just come and get a bayonet." !"

With a bang, many people rushed out.

Bai Shujie nodded secretly, then turned to Yang Mantun and said, "Mantun, let the brothers take out the bayonets, and let these little brothers have a guy!"

In an instant, there were only three of these young men serving a spy, and Jiliwala started questioning over there, but Bai Shujie couldn't understand half a sentence. Fortunately, Gao Erwa, a half-hearted translator, explained a few sentences from time to time. Later, Cui Haozhe saw Gao Erwa was struggling, so she volunteered to be Bai Shujie's interpreter.

In the end, the questions were all messy and trifling, not on the point at all, and those spies yelled casually, just talking nonsense.

"Cui Mingzhe, come here." Bai Shujie couldn't listen anymore, so he said loudly: "Interrogating prisoners is a science, and it's too late to learn it from the beginning, but Cui Mingzhe, let me teach you a lesson." The way, you don’t even need to ask, they will tell you!”

"What is the use of the bayonet I gave you? It is for cutting your nails. You see, the fingers of those spies are too long. Can't you help them cut off a section? If the cut doesn’t look good, then continue to cut off a cut until it looks good!”

"Report to the officer: Cui Mingzhe understands!"

Cui Mingzhe really understood, bowed to Bai Shujie, then turned his head and shouted: "Come two people and arrest the leader for me, I want to fix his nails!"

It is indeed very difficult to teach a person to be good, but it is too simple to teach a person to be bad. In his previous life, Bai Shujie spent all day thinking about how to quickly interrogate captives, humanitarianism, human rights and so on. I don't know, the most important thing is to be able to use the simplest method to know the result from the enemy.

Starting from cutting the nails, he can cut a person into a "human stick" all the time. If you cut off the fingers, don't you say yes, then I will cut up the fingers until the whole arm is cut off for you, of course , The cost of cutting people's sticks is very high, and the current conditions are not met.

Why, because a lot of hemostatic powder is needed, otherwise, the bleeding would be dead.

But today is different, there are 19 guys who can practice for Cui Mingzhe, it doesn't matter if one is killed, just change another one, Bai Shujie won't do it to waste hemostatic powder on these bastards.

Sure enough, Cui Mingzhe had fully comprehended Bai Shujie's spirit, the guy's little finger fell off at the first strike, and the screams like killing a pig pierced the night sky.

Cui Mingzhe did exactly what Bai Shujie said: just kept cutting off his fingers without asking questions at all, and soon cut off all five fingers of the guy's right hand.

Unexpectedly, the guy whose finger was cut off was too painful to speak, and a guy behind him shouted loudly: "Cui Mingzhe, I want to say, I want to say, don't cut off my finger!"

Cui Mingzhe continued to grab the guy's left hand, and with a stab, the thumb of his left hand flew up again.

The guy on the opposite side said in one breath: "It's like this, the imperial army said that if we can capture all the rebels, the head and deputy head of this pioneering group will be ours, and we can get money from these farmers every year." Take 5.00% to 15.00% of the tax, in order to let us speak with weight, set up a special protection team for us, I have said everything I know, don't cut my fingers!"

Gao Erwa asked loudly: "Who is the leader, and how do you contact the little devil!"

"We have a special pass to enter the garrison brigade and the gendarmerie!"

Gao Erwa heard the sound and asked that guy to search everyone again, and sure enough, 21 small sky blue notebooks were found, with plaster flags on the cover.

Bai Shujie took it over and opened it. The first page had name, title, and age, and the second page was a photo.

"You, come here." Bai Shujie pointed to the guy who took the initiative to speak: "What's your name, how old are you!"

That guy ran over, bent over ninety degrees to Bai Shujie and said, "Sir, my name is Liu Xunyan, I'm 25 years old, my family has been in Anton three generations ago, and I'm half Chinese too!"

"Very good, your head is temporarily saved." Bai Shujie nodded and said, "Whether you can keep it forever depends on what you do next!"

Liu Xunyan's head was like a chicken pecking at the rice: "Sir, please tell me at any time, I will definitely do my best, and I will never let you down!"

"Cui Mingzhe, that's enough, the interrogation is over." Bai Shujie saw that the guy's ten fingers had been frozen on the ground, and he passed out from pain, so he asked, "You twenty How many people, who knows how to shoot!"

Cui Mingzhe hurried over and said, "Report to the officer: I know how to shoot. I gave the guns of the little devils that my father shot back then. They were later betrayed by these bastards, and the guns were confiscated!"

"I will." "Me too!"

The twenty or so guys with bayonets shouted one after another: "We all know how to shoot guns. Our fathers and grandpas died in the battle, but we brought back all their guns!"

"Okay, here are ten rifles, you start in turn, and kill all eighteen people." Bai Shujie looked at the hundreds of people on the other side and said: "Anyone who betrays his compatriots, anyone who frames and slaughters Chinese people Yes, this is the end, the rifles are here, start executing now!"

After finishing everything, it was already three o'clock in the morning, and Bai Shujie asked, "Cui Mingzhe, you should still have the original food, right? Those people led by Mr. Zheng Junzhe don't have anything to eat!"

Cui Mingzhe took the rescued people to find food, and Bai Shujie used the blood of those who were shot to leave the words "Revenge Team" on each corpse.

He knew that the little devil would definitely come here to look for the missing squad. As long as the little devil knew that the revenge team had arrived near Anton, he would definitely be alerted. If things went wrong, all the little devils in Fengcheng would be attracted here If Wei Chong led another large army, he might find an opportunity to intersperse.

It was already six o'clock when they led everyone back to Liangzi of the Bao family, and naturally Liu Xunyan was brought back.

Bai Shujie asked the soldiers to prepare dry food quickly, then rested immediately, and said to Cui Mingzhe: "Cui Mingzhe, I promised Mr. Zheng Junzhe to rescue you, and I have fulfilled my promise. Now, you can go to them with food. Your brother Cui Haozhe knows the location!"

"Sir, I don't know about others, but I want to join your team, please accept me." Cui Mingzhe bowed and said, "As for the food, I can let my brother bring someone there!"

In the end, everyone was unwilling to go back and asked to stay in the team. Bai Shujie's heart turned slightly, and then he kept the people who participated in the interrogation.

After thinking about it again, he said to the others: "We can't all stay and join the team. Those old people, women, and children need someone to take care of them, so you should go back, use the food, and go all the way to the northwest. As long as you can reach the heat River, you are home, where you can open up wasteland and farm, you can work in factories, and no one will bully you!"

After all, what will happen next time, let’s see the breakdown in the next chapter,

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