blood feud

268、Tight inside and loose outside

Who dares not believe in evil, and wants to compare the size of Xiao Lamei backstage, then just come here and try it out!If you offend Xiao Lamei, the Rehe Front Army and the Rehe Garrison Command, you must start counting from all the deputy battalion commanders, and all of them will trouble you, so you will not live!

Following Bai Shujie for seven or eight years, starting as a correspondent and now as the commander of the security battalion, Xiao Lamei and Bai Shujie can be said to have a similar heart.Punishment of Wang Xinlan is a military law, and lifting the punishment is a human condition, and it is also necessary in the current situation.Bai Shujie couldn't come forward in this matter, and other people didn't dare to come forward.

It is well known that Xiao Lamei can and dares to come forward, and it will not affect Bai Shujie's prestige.Therefore, Xiao Lamei took Wang Xinlan away.However, the two of them did not go directly back to their own snow cellar, but rode their horses into the nearby dense forest.

If you act like a baby, you are acting like a baby, and if you are joking, you are just joking.The task Bai Shujie gave was not as simple as getting Wang Xinlan out of confinement!Xiao Lamei understood: in this special period, there are not many people Bai Shujie can trust.And Xiao Lamei and Wang Xinlan are just two of these few!

No one knows what the two said in the dense forest.However, when the two of them walked out of the dense forest, Wang Xinlan regained the "no waves in the ancient well" which was extremely disproportionate to her age.

After another ten minutes, Bai Shujie arrived late on his horse.Seeing that Wang Xinlan had been taken away, he asked the four guarded soldiers: "Where are the people in confinement?"

"Report to the captain: After Battalion Commander Xiao came back, he hurriedly took Deputy Director Wang away in anger, and no one dared to stop him."

"What are you doing? Who offended her again?" Bai Shujie patted his forehead and sighed: "Why don't you learn your lesson? Can such a little aunt be provoked casually? Forget it, this It’s better for my aunt and grandma to be less annoying, less annoying! You continue to be vigilant here, and when they come out, go to the third squad’s station together. After a busy night, it’s almost dawn!"

Bai Shujie sighed in a serious manner, and as soon as he urged the BMW, he came to the third class's station.All the soldiers had returned to the snow cellar, only Zhao Sanbao, Gao Erwa and Cui Mingzhe were talking outside.The seven corpses of the traitor had been smashed to pieces and turned into ice slag.Bloody and disgusting.

"Throw these dregs into the ditch next to it. Is it disgusting to put it here?" Dismounting from the horse, he shouted: "Gao Erba, get the hell out of here, brothers, what's going on?"

Gao Erwa hurried over and said: "Actually, it's nothing, because these bastards are secretly making troubles, and some brothers also complained casually. Later, the traitor was arrested, and those brothers were worried that the higher authorities would hold them accountable, so they came here Yell."

Bai Shujie shook his head, and said to himself: "Above? That's me, am I a bastard who doesn't distinguish between good and bad, and wrongs people randomly? Cui Mingzhe, I heard that those bastards tied you up, Are you OK?"

"Report to the captain: I'm fine!" Cui Mingzhe said after saluting, "It's all my fault that I believed their one-sided words and brought such a spy into the team."

"How can you be blamed for this?" Bai Shujie patted Cui Mingzhe on the shoulder and said, "Don't say it's you, how could they get in without my consent? So, the main responsibility for this matter is on me. It has nothing to do with anyone!"

"In addition, since the enemy is deliberately trying to bring us down, they will always find a way to sneak in, and the result will be the same on anyone's head. However, this incident is also good, it can make us open our eyes, Be vigilant and be ready to break the enemy's conspiracy at any time! Well, it's getting late, let's tell everyone to pack up and eat some dry food so we can continue on our way."

At five o'clock in the morning, all the people had gathered on the side of the road.This time, because they got the little devil's horses, they all became cavalrymen on horseback, and all the soldiers looked much more energetic.

Bai Shujie sat on the horseback and said loudly to everyone: "Brothers, I wanted everyone to have a good rest last night. I didn't expect our enemies to cause trouble for us. But what's the use of this? Because our soldiers They all have a firm belief, and they all have a pair of sharp eyes, no matter what kind of conspiracy the enemy devises, it will never succeed!"

"Some soldiers are worried that the people above will not distinguish between black and white, and they will engage in the trick of implicating the nine clans in a fit of anger. I am here to tell you that this is absolutely impossible! Especially the brothers who are temporarily assigned to the third squad, you can rest assured That’s right! If I don’t believe you, will I gather you together and equip you with powerful firepower? If I don’t believe you, I can break you up and put you into two other squads. Think about it , Is this the reason? I trust you, can you trust me, brothers?"

All the soldiers roared in a low voice: "Believe it! We believe in the captain!"

"Well, we have broken the enemy's conspiracy and eradicated the traitor, which will make our team more pure and combat effectiveness will be higher. Isn't it more exciting to fight the little devils! Now, there are nearly [-] people behind us!" Thousands of little devils follow, hard work is not enough! I want to tell my brothers, I, Bai Shujie, never do business that loses money!"

"Look, we just ran for a day and killed one of the little devil's cavalry squads. Isn't everyone riding on the enemy's horses now? Let's take a look at what we wear, what we wear on our backs, and what we wear on our backs. The ones in your hand, and the ones everyone just ate, which ones were not delivered by the little devils who worked so hard to chase us? Brothers, tell me, should we thank the little devils?"


All the soldiers laughed wildly, and the dark clouds all over the sky were blown away without a trace by the soldiers' murderous aura!

Bai Shujie finally said: "After a quick transfer, we turned all the little devils into infantry with a sudden attack. Now, we are all on horseback and continue to circle around with the little devils. Drag them fat and thin Half-dead! At that time, our brothers will rush forward, won’t all the little devil’s things be ours?”

"Now I order that Yang Mantun will lead the second squad to monitor the enemies behind; Gao Erwa and Cui Mingzhe will lead the third squad to take care of the horses carrying supplies; Zhao Sanbao will lead the first squad to lead the battle, and the goal is to take Shalizhai fifty miles ahead. , and then get ready to cross the Ocean River! Let's go!"

It is said that Bai Shujie was discovered by someone since he crossed Tangshan Town.This person escaped from Weizi Valley by chance, Xu Sanhuai, the old son of the false maintenance president!After he fled to Fengtian to find his elder brother, he told about his father being beheaded and his house ransacked. The two brothers dared not go home to collect the body, and they didn't even go back for the Spring Festival.

After the Spring Festival, there was no news about the Vengeance Team, so Xu Sanhuai decided to go home to see the situation.He didn't dare to go on the road in broad daylight, and he was sneaking around in the middle of the night along the way.I never thought that I would bump into Zhao Sanbao's leading soldiers head-on!

Zhao Sanbao, that is the Xu family's father-killing enemy, and he will never forget it for the rest of his life!Xu Sanhuai got his wits out of desperation, and managed to escape by diving into the snowdrift.Waiting until dawn, Xu Sanhuai didn't care about going home, and ran towards Lianshan Pass with her buttocks up.Three days later, Xu Sanhuai had already told the little devil's defense team the news of meeting the Vengeance Team.

Why do you say that cutting the weeds does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates!The bastard of the Xu family escaped by chance, but he never repented.He hugged the little devil's short legs desperately, but he didn't let go.

The Vengeance team is heading west, which is not good news.For the sake of prudence, Dazuo Hashimoto, the new captain of the little devil, personally interrogated the confession of the third child of the Xu family.Then, with the fastest action, a report was sent to the headquarters of the first military area.

Because the Pingdingshan Revenge Squad is now the number one enemy of the Kwantung Army Headquarters, the Special High Section of the South Manchuria Railway Garrison Command has reached an agreement with Kenji Doihara to combine the Nanman Revenge Squad and the Jehol Anti-Japanese Squad consider.Therefore, a "Begonia Project" was launched!

In order to cooperate with this plan, the Manchuria Railway Special High School specially dispatched senior team leader Hideo Matsui and deputy team leader Koizumi Kamiao to lead a group of capable members, including the traitor "Teacher Cai" and others, who rushed to Lianshanguan day and night to plan everything.Hideo Matsui is one of Kenji Doihara's favorite students, and he has a close relationship with Yoshiko Kawashima!

Unexpectedly, the Vengeance Team is as quiet as a virgin and moves like a rabbit.They actually used blitzkrieg to directly destroy the Yingzuiao watchtower and the Daqingshan base, and went south to destroy the Weiziyu maintenance meeting, pointing directly at the line from Fengcheng to Lianshanguan.Hideo Matsui and Kanae Koizumi had no choice but to rush into battle, using countless strategies to cooperate with the implementation of the "Begonia Project".

As a result, the revenge team did not attack Lianshan Pass directly, but took a detour and attacked Fengcheng first, causing heavy losses to the imperial warriors.When it was time to adjust the strategic direction, the Vengeance Team turned around and launched a surprise attack on the garrison of the Fourth Lianshan Pass Guard. Not only did they kill Captain Sakazu Naochun, the fourth team leader, but they also disabled three squadrons!

Then he fled far to the west of Liaoyang, where he made waves and disgraced the Imperial Japanese Army.The two brigades split into a joint attack, but they didn't even find a hair!

Now that the Vengeance Team suddenly appeared on the front line of Tangshan Town, and there were signs of fleeing westward, the headquarters of the First Military Region believed that it must not be taken lightly!In the end, it was decided to take a two-pronged approach and give the Vengeance Team a drastic drudgery!

"Matsui-kun, my Sixth Battalion has lost one infantry squad and one cavalry squad in a row because of your Begonia Project for your special high school. I can't bear this responsibility!" Captain Ueda Yunan was fidgeting in the tent : "The hateful Chinese are camping thirty miles ahead, why can't they launch an attack?"

Hideo Matsui knelt aside with a solemn expression: "Don't be impatient, Your Excellency Captain. Your mentor, Your Excellency Doihara, has already given clear instructions. Everything is based on the overall situation!"

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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