blood feud

269: Outsmarting the Town

Bai Shujie was in shock all night, but fortunately, he was prepared and did not cause any more trouble in the end.Of course, this is not entirely due to his credit. Kenji Doihara and his student Hideo Matsui are also secretly helping him!That's why he has the energy to lead the task force to move forward and see who will win.

Youzai Youzai of the special task force is on the road, and Colonel Ueda Yuo behind him is even more angry!

"Your Excellency, Captain, please forgive me for speaking bluntly!" Hideo Matsui was still doing work for Yuo Ueda: "May I ask your Excellency: With just one of your brigades, can you guarantee to annihilate the Vengeance Team in one fell swoop?"

Ueda Yuo knelt down and sat opposite Matsui Hideo and said: "Matsui-kun, to tell you the truth, I am not sure that I will completely annihilate the opponent. But I believe that as long as we pounce, we will definitely be able to deal a fatal blow to the opponent!"

"Your Excellency, Captain, this result is not what we need!" Hideo Matsui shook his head and said, "First of all, my mentor has not yet sent a confirmation telegram, so the Chinese devil Bai Shujie cannot die for the time being! In addition, the Vengeance Team must be wiped out in one fell swoop, Can’t miss one! As long as one person is still alive, it is a time bomb! Therefore, we can only launch an attack here when the Yingkou garrison brigade and Anshan garrison squadron arrive at the designated positions!”

Ueda Yuman was a little hesitant: "Matsui-kun, Bai Shujie's revenge team gave up going west, and now they are suddenly going south. How can you ensure that Yingkou and Anshan can adjust in time?"

"No need to adjust!" Hideo Matsui shook his head and said, "The Command of the First Military Region has already issued an order to let Bai Shujie's revenge team continue to flee south. As long as we block the way to the west, and then your Excellency the captain presses up with all your strength, they will There is only one road: Dalian Bay! At that time, there will be three thousand imperial warriors behind and three seas in front, how can Bai Shujie's revenge team fly with wings?"

Pressing down, the little devil has been highly nervous from top to bottom, and he has worked hard to wipe out Bai Shujie's revenge team, let alone mentioning it for the time being.

But it was said that Zhao Sanbao led Wang Sanju's temporary squad and galloped all the way, and ran sixty miles in three hours, and Shali Village appeared at the foot of the mountain in front right!

Although eight o'clock is faster than nine o'clock now, it still belongs to "early morning" for the deep mountains and old forests in the ice and snow!

"The road down the mountain is slippery, everyone dismounts and walks, let the horses recover their strength!" Zhao Sanbao dismounted first and walked.

As the saying goes: It is easy to go up the mountain and difficult to go down, so it makes more sense to put it in the ice and snow.It took almost an hour to walk downhill for less than five miles.

All the team members gathered on the road more than 300 meters southeast of Shali Village. It seems that the people here are very hardworking, and the snow on the nearby road has been shoveled away.

"Brothers, everyone, keep quiet. Let's ride directly into the town and act according to my eyes. Anyway, the little devils we wear look the same, so we can see the situation before making a decision."

After Zhao Sanbao explained clearly, he took out a little devil's command knife from the leather case next to the saddle bridge and hung it on his waist.This kind of leather case was invented by Bai Shujie, and it is now a regular equipment of the Jehol Front Army.You can put long weapons, such as light machine guns and command knives, rifles and the like.But everyone doesn't like rifles, and few people carry them.

Now Zhao Sanbao has transformed himself into a little devil captain: "You guys keep quiet, and follow me into the town to work!" After a few bad farts, Zhao Sanbao rushed forward.

The situation was as expected, the common people who were already active on the road saw Zhao Sanbao approaching, and immediately retreated to both sides of the road and bowed to salute: "Hello, Majesty!"

Zhao Sanbao suppressed his anger and nodded with a gloomy face: "Your good people are great! Where is the maintainer?"

"Reporting to the Crown Prince, it's in the middle of the town, not far from here, the largest courtyard is on the right hand side."

"Yo Xi!" Zhao Sanbao waved his hand: "Hurry up!"

The soldiers behind watched the common people on both sides of the road out of the corner of their eyes, and found a few people spitting fiercely behind them.This is a good sign, the soldiers pretended not to see it, and finally felt warm in their hearts.

The maintenance meeting turned out to be the yard of a rich family. There was a sign of the maintenance meeting on the side of the courtyard door, but the gate was still closed.Zhao Sanbao didn't get off his horse either, so he slammed the gate twice with the scabbard of his command saber.

"Who, are you trying to die early in the morning?" With an impatient voice, the gate of the yard opened with a creak, and an old man in his 50s came out from inside, and he was dressed more elegantly.

Zhao Sanbao sat upright on the horse, and shouted in a rough voice: "Your, what are you doing?"

"Oh, it turns out that the Majesty is here, please hurry up!" The old man kept bowing and saluting: "I am the maintenance president here, Bai Wancai."

"Well, do you have someone who maintains the president?" Zhao Sanbao nodded slightly, then dismounted: "The ones in front lead the way!"

Walking into the courtyard, we can see that this family is quite powerful.Facing the main building, there are five rooms in a row, with blue tiles and red bricks, and there are three large bluestone steps in the corridor.

As soon as he stepped into the main entrance, Zhao Sanbao's face suddenly became ugly.

This yard doesn't look particularly conspicuous from the outside, but the inside of the room is really resplendent.All mahogany furniture, antique.There is a banner hanging on the shrine facing you, and the four large characters on it are still powerful: "Coexistence and Common Prosperity", signed by Bai Wancai!

Zhao Sanbao thought to himself: It seems that this guy was born as a scholar, and he has actually acted as a traitor!Is this what the captain once said, "the more knowledge, the more reactionary"?

"Taijun, please use tea!"

As soon as Zhao Sanbao sat down on the teacher's chair in front of him, Bai Wancai came in with a little girl carrying a tea tray.

Picking up the teacup in his hand but not drinking it, Zhao Sanbao crackled and asked Datong: "The recent activities of anti-Japanese and anti-Manchurian elements are rampant, and the imperial Japanese army is doing their best to encircle and suppress them. What is the current situation of your maintenance committee? Where are the team members?"

Bai Wancai bowed and stood at the bottom of the head and said, "I want to tell the majesty: Our town is safe and sound, and the security personnel are resting in the backyard!"

"Our big troops are right behind, hurry up and prepare meals, is Missi Missi available?" Zhao Sanbao nodded, "I want to see those from the security team, gather here quickly!"

Except for the two people in the first group who stayed at the gate of the courtyard, the rest of the people came to the main hall under the leadership of Wang Sanju, and the sixteen or seventeen people couldn't turn away immediately.

After 5 minutes, with the sound of scattered footsteps, a group of sleepy-eyed guys gathered in the yard. Zhao Sanbao looked up, and there were twelve people in total.Nine guys with box cannons hanging, and three guys screwing box cannons in their hands.

Zhao Sanbao suddenly roared angrily: "What are you doing all the time? Bagaya Road! The law and order here is very bad. The anti-Japanese and anti-Manchurian elements have already flown over. Yours is still sleeping? You have a big conscience. It's broken, it's really broken!"

A guy who might be the leader quickly stepped forward and bowed and said, "Reporting to the emperor, we are very loyal to the imperial army. We were on patrol last night, and we only went to bed at dawn."

"Nani?" Zhao Sanbao was taken aback. Are there more than 20 security guards in this small town?Therefore, he shouted angrily at Bai Wancai: "Your conscience is greatly broken! I want to see all the security personnel. How dare you deceive the Imperial Japanese Army?"

With a bang, he pulled out the command saber, and saw that the saber flashed, and it was already on Bai Wancai's neck.Zhao Sanbao has followed Bai Shujie for so long, and his sword skills are much more elegant than that of the little devil.

"Chen San'er, hurry to the north of the village and call everyone back!" Bai Wancai said tremblingly, "Taijun, last night the county maintenance committee sent someone to say that there was a rebel movement nearby recently, so the county specially A squad of security guards was sent to assist in the defense. They were in charge of the day, and our team was in charge of the night.”

"Yo Xi! Your good people are great, and the friends of the Great Japanese Empire are great! Now, you go down quickly and prepare meals, and the imperial army's Mixi Mixi has it!"

Let the two soldiers escort Bai Wancai away. Apart from food for the people, the key is to prepare concentrate for more than 70 horses.According to the calculation that each war horse takes away 50 catties, 4000 catties of soybeans (soybeans) are needed.Moreover, a batch of soybeans must be boiled for the war horse immediately, which has exhausted the war horse in the past few days.

Zhao Sanbao winked at Wang Sanju, and shouted at the same time: "Quickly take the security team down and check their quarters. Look at their daily training, and come back quickly to check the next batch!"

Leaving two machine guns in the hall, Wang Sanju took five other soldiers and pressed eleven security guards with three machine guns to check in the backyard.

These people can't be dealt with separately, Zhao Sanbao didn't expect that there are nearly [-] or [-] security guards here.If the outsiders came back and gathered together, they would definitely fight and alarm more nearby enemies.

In less than 10 minutes, Wang Sanju returned with the soldiers, carrying two big sacks.While there were no outsiders, he quickly put him on the horse and drove him out of the hospital.Then he gave Zhao Sanbao a thumbs up, indicating that everything was done.

Sure enough, more than half an hour later, fifteen fully armed team members came to the yard.These people are very different, they have the temperament of a soldier, and they also have a crooked machine gun, 8 [-]-type rifles and a grenadier.It's a full combat squad, a guy who looks like he should be the squad leader, with a box cannon slung over his shoulder.

Zhao Sanbao saw that these guys had also undergone some military training, unlike the guys just now, they had some military qualities.So after hinting at Wang Sanju with his eyes, he asked in a deep voice, "What kind of work are you doing?"

The squad leader bowed and said, "Report to the Majesty, we are soldiers from the Second Battalion and Third Company of the Third Regiment of the Anshan Imperial Association Army. We have been ordered to strengthen our defenses and prevent the rebels from escaping to the west!"

Zhao Sanbao waved to Wang Sanju and said, "Your, take someone to check the maintenance of their weapons. The weapons of the empire are for warriors. They need to be trained well, and the backyard works! Hurry up, Da Taijun's almost there!"

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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