blood feud

281、The Devils Are Crazy

In order to teach the little devil an unforgettable lesson, Zhao Sanbao made the decision to blow up the bridgehead of the Yalu River.The best way to blow up the bridge is naturally to send someone to touch the bridge and plant explosives.

But the little devil has a small team guarding both ends of the bridge. If he wants to touch it, he must spend a long time planning. The small team currently does not have this condition.

Now that he got into the little devil's heart, Zhao Sanbao felt that it would not be worthwhile to leave like this.He felt uneasy if he arranged for others, so he finally decided to go out on his own.

Of course, although Zhao Sanbao is a fierce general, he will not put himself to death, at least it is not yet time to desperately.

When the car was more than 500 meters away from the bridge, he pinned the car's accelerator and fixed the steering wheel. At 300 meters, he opened the car door and jumped out.Rolling on the ground, the grenade in his hand has been thrown out, and it just landed in the carriage!

7 seconds!

This is the time-lapse of the grenade explosion!Zhao Sanbao had no time to worry about what would happen to the car, but turned over and ran back.

For 7 seconds, Zhao Sanbao counted silently in his heart, and at the last second, he immediately lay down on the ground with a tiger pounce, then supported the ground with both hands, let his chest slightly lift off the ground, and opened his mouth vigorously!


With the explosion of the grenade, the gasoline barrel first turned into a huge fireball, and then all the grenades exploded at the same time, with a loud noise that shook the sky, causing the earth to shake immediately!A huge black mushroom cloud rose above the head of the bridge, and all the nearby buildings within 300 meters, like paper, were blown to one side by the huge shock wave!

Zhao Sanbao used seven seconds to run back nearly 80 meters, about 400 meters away from the explosion point, and barely escaped the core area of ​​the explosion.Even so, he felt that his internal organs were no longer in their original positions, and his ears were rumbling.

It doesn't matter if he was in a daze on the ground, the explosion finally blasted out the gendarmerie!If the bridge is blown up, everyone will commit seppuku and apologize!

It's a pity that they came too late. Wang Sanju, Hao Jicai, Gao Erwa, and Cui Mingzhe, the four monitors and deputy monitors, have already been stimulated by Zhao Sanbao's selfless spirit and their blood boils!The other fighters admired it even more!

The power of role models is endless!All the people did not retreat according to Zhao Sanbao's order at all, but maintained the highest alert state to welcome the hero's safe return.

At such a time, fifty or sixty little devils rushed out, isn't that courting death?All the machine gun shooters did not lie on the ground, and the 14 machine guns were spread out, laying a death line for the little devil!

After Zhao Sanbao's brain cleared up, he turned his head and saw that the "I-beam" on the bridge had been completely distorted and deformed, and the bridge deck had been blown apart.Although the main structure of the bridge is still there, the rails on the bridge deck have now been twisted into twists!As for the bridgehead, it was already turned into toner powder by the incendiary bomb, and now it is gone!

"My darling, the thieves have finally been poked a big hole by me, if you don't run now, when will you wait!"

Zhao Sanbao jumped up from the ground, and flew back to the blocking position of the first squad. All the little devils had turned into cold corpses!

Andong County, now turned into an empty city!It's not that there are no people, but that there is no army of little devils!It's a pity that time is not waiting for me, and Zhao Sanbao has no chance to collect property and punish traitors.Besides, you can't take it away even if you find it.

"You bastards, how dare you fight against orders! When we get back to Rehe, let's see how I deal with you!" Zhao Sanbao found that all his brothers were still in place, and his heart suddenly warmed up: "Stay in a daze!" Do you want to watch a Western view? Hurry up and let's go slide!"

Well, Zhao Sanbao was so proud that he even popped out all the slang words about the bandits!


All the soldiers burst into laughter, and then happily ran towards the little devil's brigade headquarters, because their horses were all nearby!

After the soldiers got on their horses, Zhao Sanbao threw out the last grenade in the Battle of Anton, and the gasoline barrels left in the little devil's brigade were instantly ignited. Burning to ashes.The light reflected from the soaring fire illuminated the way home for the warriors!

Not since 1905 had the Imp been so disastrously defeated!

Three days later, Ueda Yongnan and the old devil returned to Andong County with his sixth brigade. The brigade headquarters was already in ruins!There are bodies burned to black charcoal everywhere, and some scattered bullets and shell casings remain.As for the rest, it must have disappeared.The two villas have been burnt down, what happened to the people inside, only God knows!

The station square in front of the most prosperous Yamato-dori is now a slaughterhouse, where all the corpses of the gendarmerie lie here for three days.At the T-junction, blood flowed into rivers, and corpses piled up!The north bridge head of Yamato Bridge and the surrounding area of ​​more than 300 meters are even more shocking!

Killers, people will always kill them!This is the eternal law!

Ueda Yuman's old devil is bleeding from his heart!Because his wife and youngest son should be in the villa.Now you can't see people when you are born, and you can't see corpses when you die!Everything was burned to ashes by countless gasoline!Coupled with the collapse of the house, the scene has been completely destroyed.

When such an extremely bad event happened, which shocked the world, Yuo Ueda sent a detailed telegram to the Fengtian First Military District, then found a quiet place, and stabbed his command knife into his heart!

Hideo Matsui, the deputy head of the railway team of the super high school who came with Ueda Yuo, naturally sent a farewell telegram to his mentor and chief spy Kenji Doihara, and then imitated Ueda Yuo's old devil's appearance and sent A coordinator stabbed into his heart!

Wicked people have their own grind, it's not that the time has not come.

Since the September [-]th Incident, Ueda Yuo has been doing all kinds of crimes on both sides of the South Manchuria Railway, massacring thousands of anti-Japanese people, known as the Butcher of Andong!

For a long time, Yuo Ueda has been proud of the title of "butcher" on his head!Today, the butcher's knife can only be used to kill himself. The so-called natural justice is clear, and the retribution is not good, but that's it!

Such an unprecedented event naturally alarmed the little devil's prime minister's mansion and the military headquarters. All the ministers couldn't believe that such a situation occurred in the core part.In the middle and late June of last year, Ueda Yuo also said that he had defeated the anti-Manchurian anti-Japanese elements, but he did not expect that half a year later, he would lose the city of Andong County.

The worst thing is that the Yamato Bridge, which is the lifeline of the economy, has been greatly damaged. According to the conclusion of the engineer's on-site survey, it will take at least three months of emergency repairs before it can be reopened to traffic!For three months, without the supply of energy and materials from Nanman, I don't know how many companies will stop working and wait for materials!The resulting loss is an astronomical figure!

Before the Spring Festival, Kenji Doihara, head of the super high school department, made a strong promise that everything is under control!Is this under control?Or is the empire in someone else's hands?

The headquarters of the Kwantung Army and the headquarters of the Fengtian First Military Region said three days ago that the "revenge team" is already a fish in a cauldron, and that as long as the time comes, they can be crushed to death anytime, anywhere!Fortunately, a squadron of imperial warriors in Andong County was crushed to death by the enemy!According to the residents of the empire who witnessed the battle in Anton County, it seems that the "Revenge Team" didn't even have any wounded people!It was purely a unilateral massacre of the imperial warriors!

One stone caused a thousand waves, and the Kwantung Army Command has lost face to the whole world this time!Because all major newspapers received a telegram: After half a day of fierce fighting, the "Revenge Squad" wiped out all the little devils in a squadron in Andong County, blew up the north bridgehead of the Yalu River Bridge, and destroyed the base of the Sixth Battalion of the Japanese Railway Garrison. !

After being ashamed, he will naturally become angry from embarrassment!The military department became angry from shame, His Majesty the Emperor became angry from shame, so General Ling Yilong, the commander of the Kwantung Army, naturally became angry from shame!

It's really a pity that such a big thing happened, so people need to come out and take responsibility!General Ling Yilong has not issued the order to "completely wipe out the revenge team", the order from the military department has arrived!

"General Lingyilong neglected his duties and caused irreparable losses to the empire. He was deprived of the post of commander-in-chief of the Kwantung Army and returned to the military headquarters to report on his duties. The post of commander-in-chief of the Kwantung Army will be taken over by General Nanjiro." Yun Yun.

The old devil Nanjiro finally got his wish and became a military officer who dominated one side.The new official took office three fires, this time the goal is very clear, the first fire is to burn the "Revenge Team"!

Although the old devil Nanjiro was eager to make contributions, it was a pity that he didn't know the situation in Nanman very well, so he called "Kwantung Army's head" Itagaki Seishiro and "Kwantung Army's wise man" Neiji Okamura to understand the situation.After plotting, the three damned bastards decided to adopt thunderous tactics, and with the momentum of Mount Tai, they gave the "Revenge Team" a full blow and crushed them all to pieces!

Following a series of orders issued by the Kwantung Army, the third battalion of the independent railway garrison at Dashiqiao in Yingkou, Captain Fumio Iwata personally led three squadrons to sweep eastward immediately, encircling and suppressing the damned "revenge team" with all their strength, and giving the hateful Chinese people Check out a little color!

The Second Wing of the North Korean First Division stationed in Liaoyang immediately went south, and deployed troops on the front lines of Anshan, Haicheng, and Yingkou within three days!Build a solid line of defense to prevent bandits from fleeing westward.

The [-]st Regiment of the [-]st North Korean Division will start southward from the Liujiahe and Fengcheng lines, deploy troops from Andong to Tangshan Town, and then sweep from east to west. confluence.

The fourth battalion of the Lianshanguan Railway Independent Defense Team dispatched two squadrons to go south immediately, and arrived at the front line of Baiqi Town within three days to deploy troops.Then sweep south, and finally gather at the Dragon King Temple.

The little devil's four-way army totaled more than 150 people, just west of Andong-north of Yingkou, within a narrow area less than [-] kilometers long from east to west and less than [-] kilometers wide from north to south, they formed an iron barrel formation!That is really airtight, the revenge team should be unable to escape!

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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