blood feud

282、Consecutive Division

Zhao Sanbao rushed to the meeting point with the first and third squads, and it was already around six o'clock in the afternoon.Bai Shujie and others had already prepared meals in Longmen Town, and everyone's excitement had not passed, so they rushed to report the battle to Bai Shujie.

Hearing about Zhao Sanbao's heroic feat of blowing up the bridge alone, Bai Shujie gave Zhao Sanbao a hard look, and then changed into a smiling face, congratulating everyone on their great victory, dealt a major blow to the little devil, and successfully completed the task of mobilizing the enemy.

During the whole process, Zhao Sanbao didn't see Yang Mantun, so he felt a little confused.After eating, it was already past seven o'clock, and it was completely dark. Bai Shujie informed him to have a meeting with Wang Sanju and Gao Erwa.When they arrived at the meeting place, Yang Mantun, Wang Xinlan and Xiao Lamei had already arrived.

"Three Leopards, you fucking don't want to die. You went to blow up the enemy's bridge alone?" Bai Shujie scolded: "It's not the last moment, and it's not the time to die! Remember, this is not an example. No reward, no punishment!"

"In addition, you have made Dong'an a mess. The little devil must be furious and will never let it go. Therefore, we have no time to stay and must move immediately. You didn't see Mantun just now, because they are cleaning up the supplies that need to be taken away. All ready."

"This time we have more things than Wei Chong and his team took away last time. Fortunately, after the surprise attacks in Dragon King Temple, Tangchi Town and Chang'an Town, we finally got the pack horses and mules together. There are already 49 pack horses. and a train of mules, that's all we have going home."

"According to my analysis, once the old devil Ueda Yongnan gets the news, he will definitely return to Andong County regardless of anything. We have spent so much effort, this is a golden opportunity we have created! The front line of Shalizhai will definitely appear in an instant Therefore, you go down to rectify the troops and set off immediately, and you must cross Shalizhai tonight!"

"The specific marching sequence is: you still lead the first squad as the vanguard, and are responsible for leading the way. Try not to disturb anyone, go quietly, and don't shoot! Gao Erwa leads the third squad to form a supply unit and follow up in the middle. Yang Mantun Lead the second squad to the rear, ready to cut off the tail at any time. If the tail cannot be shaken off, then find a way to bring the tail to another direction."

"On the line from Liaoyang to Anshan, the North Korean First Division is the one with the most strength. The possibility of encountering them is the greatest. I have decided to draw 4 people from the third squad. Special passes, the first and second squads took away two people respectively. If you encounter a small group of troops from the North Korean First Division, try to use them to sneak in."

"Our first destination is to covertly intersect the Miaogou line in the northeast of Xiuyan, and wait hiddenly in the deep mountains and dense forests. As long as there is a chance, we will immediately go west. As long as we cross the line between Anshan and Yingkou, we will win. For To ensure strong assault firepower, each squad is equipped with 10 machine guns, and two people are in charge of one machine gun."

Zhao Sanbao shoulders the task of opening up channels for the entire army, which is the key to the success of the breakout.Therefore, his eyes kept moving along Bai Shujie's fingers, staring at the route map that didn't exist on the map, and then it was deeply imprinted in his mind.

Before departure, Bai Shujie took Wang Xinlan to the starting point of the first class, and went to Zhao Sanbao and Wang Sanju: "Sanbao, Xinlan is still following you with the radio. If there is any trouble, we must strengthen contact. Lamei and I are still following you." The supply troops are moving, so it is easy to choose. Our marching echelon is ten kilometers apart. Safety is the top priority, I wish you all the best!"

Standing on a small hill and watching as if disappearing into the vast forest, Bai Shujie let out a long breath: "After half a year, I'm finally going home now!"

Xiao Lamei suddenly came to the hill and said, "Brother, Gao Erwa's third class has 24 people and 32 pack horses. Now they are all ready and ready to go!"

Bai Shujie nodded, and silently followed Xiao Lamei to the foot of the mountain. Gao Erwa, Cui Ming and their team were already standing there quietly.

According to Bai Shujie's request, Cui Mingzhe selected 11 Korean soldiers with a calm personality to form a special squad, wearing a little devil's army coat on the outside and black tights on the inside.Except for the four crooked sub-machine guns, the rest all carried box cannons slung across their shoulders.

Gao Erwa led 11 other Korean fighters to form a real supply squad. The soldiers in this squad were all wearing little devils' uniforms from inside to outside, and they all had [-]-style rifles.As long as you don't speak, anyone will see you as a pure little devil.

Bai Shujie looked at Cui Mingzhe: "Cui Mingzhe, from the bottom of your heart, you have to regard yourself as the captain of the little devil's special operations team. If you see the North Korean puppet army, that is, the North Korean First Division composed of little devils The soldiers of the regiment have to show a domineering posture, you know?"

Cui Mingzhe said loudly: "Yes, I am now the captain of the special operations team who specializes in oppressing the people and doing all kinds of evil everywhere! Now I am leading the way for the prince and delivering supplies to the front line. Anyone who dares to delay the military operation of the prince will die! "

Bai Shujie nodded, and then said to Gao Erwa: "Gao Erwa, you are now the boss of the little devil, and you should always touch the command saber around your waist. If Cui Mingzhe and the others meet the North Korean First Division, what will happen to your class?" Everyone is dumb for me! Don't say anything except 'Baga, dead!'! The special operations team will lead the way, let's go!"

Cui Mingzhe and 11 other team members flew on their horses and rushed into the darkness according to the predetermined route.

Only then did Bai Shujie put the two shell guns in the back of his belt, and hung a bastard box and a commander's knife of the little devil's squadron leader.In fact, this command knife was not used by the squadron leader at all, but was accidentally beaten to death by Liu Zhiwu, the command knife of Itatsu Naosumi, the captain of the fourth battalion of the little devil's independent defense!

With a bang, he pulled out the command knife and waved it forward, Bai Shujie screamed strangely: "Let's go quickly, work in Shalizhai!"

Gao Erwa and the soldiers laughed loudly, and drove the pack horses into the deep mountain.

Xiao Lamei lowered the brim of her hat as much as possible to cover part of her beautiful face, and followed Bai Shujie like a little devil soldier.Fortunately, the little devil is short, and Xiao Lamei's height is not a problem.

There are a total of 26 people in this troop, which means 26 war horses and 49 pack horses. It is equivalent to a cavalry platoon, and they are arranged in two columns and go side by side.

The area around Shali Village has not been peaceful recently.First, all the security team members of the maintenance committee were slaughtered, and then the Da Taijun led hundreds of people to live here for two days.After a while of flying around, everyone was on tenterhooks.Before it was dark, every house was closed.

Because of this, Bai Shujie and the others passed through the front line of Shali Village smoothly, and arrived at Jianshan Peak, 06 kilometers northwest of Shali Village, at five o'clock in the morning to hide. At 30:[-], the second class of Yang Mantun arrived at Jianshandingzi and joined Bai Shujie and the others.

After radio contact, Zhao Sanbao and the others had already crossed the big ditch ahead and took cover in the Yellow Ditch fifteen kilometers ahead.At present, leading soldiers are being dispatched to scout the enemy's situation in the Xiuyan area and prepare for the interspersed operation at night.Now that the enemy situation is serious, we have to keep turning around in the enemy's heartland, and there is no chance for a real rest.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Zhao Sanbao's enemy situation report came, and a small team of little devils appeared in Xiuyan.Maybe it was getting late, and the gang of little devils didn't move on, but stopped and prepared to camp.However, they did not live in the town, but camped in the open air three kilometers east of the town.It seems that the enemy is already on the verge of an enemy and is on high alert.

Bai Shujie immediately adjusted the marching route, and then ordered Zhao Sanbao to conduct a detailed reconnaissance of the hilly area north of Xiuyan, controlling the line width from [-] kilometers to [-] kilometers.Tonight, we bypassed the devil squad, cut in from the north, and arrived at the area north of Yingkou.

That night, the special task force marched 160 miles overnight, from Nangou, [-] kilometers north of Xiuyan, to the northwest, bypassing the devil team, and arrived at the Lishugou line, [-] kilometers southeast of Haicheng County.All three classes meet here to meet the final breakout moment.

"Three Leopards, the front line of Liaoyang, Anshan, and Yingkou has always been the throat of the little devils heavily guarded. Therefore, the front is the first real blockade line. All your squads are sent out to conduct a comprehensive reconnaissance of Anshan, Haicheng, and Yingkou. The specific situation on the front line. Be sure to explain clearly to the soldiers that the principle of going out for reconnaissance is safety first. You understand what I mean.”

"As pioneers, you don't need to return after completing the reconnaissance mission. You go out separately, and then find a hidden place on the Huangshatuo line, more than 50 kilometers west of Anshan. Then send the specific situation by telegram, and we will base it on the actual situation here. Follow up."

How could Zhao Sanbao, an old scout, not know the true meaning of Bai Shujie's words!In the current state of crisis, the worst thing is not the enemy blocking the way, but the capture of one's own people!

As a discipline on the battlefield, when the strategic troops intersect the line of fire, once they find someone captured, the people behind must shoot without hesitation, and the enemy must not be killed!

Don't believe the propaganda of steadfastness under the torture of the enemy!The so-called no betrayal means that you did not take the initiative to tell the secret in your heart.You also must not believe how strong you are, and you can keep secrets!

If the enemy really wants to get what is in your mouth, there are many ways!It can be said that in this world, no one can completely resist torture to extract a confession!The standard for judging whether you are a traitor or not is just to see whether you voluntarily surrendered or passively leaked secrets!

In fact, as long as you are caught, the secret has already been leaked!The enemy suddenly catches you in the line of fire. Even a fool knows that there is likely to be a big problem in this area.If you are alive, the enemy will find a way to verify his speculation from your mouth.If you die, the enemy can only be paranoid and indecisive.

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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