blood feud

283、It's time for you

Many people saw that the scouts were always indisciplined and sloppy, and no one would buy it.The superior commander also turned a blind eye to the scouts, respecting ghosts and gods and keeping a distance. Few people cared about the scouts' military style and discipline.

Why is this so?

Because once scouts receive a mission, they will be twice as dangerous as ordinary combat soldiers!In case of special circumstances, scouts will face the guns of both the enemy and us at the same time!As long as you lose the chance to escape, it is already a dead end!Either the enemy kills you, or you solve it yourself, or your teammates help!

In fact, this is easy to understand. You shouldered the task of scouting the enemy, but in the end you gave yourself to the enemy.Not only did he fail to understand the enemy's situation, but he gave his information to the enemy instead!This is completely against the principles of reconnaissance operations!

So during the war years, many people envied the usual treatment of scouts, but few people were willing to be scouts! — Except in peaceful times!

Zhao Sanbao suddenly felt very difficult when he received the "Fire Line Reconnaissance" task assigned by Bai Shujie.For nothing else, in the current squad, the only truly trustworthy scouts are squad leader Wang Sanju, and then himself!

As for the other soldiers, from the deputy squad leader Lu Wanqing down, they were all artillery company soldiers from the Northeast Army.However, this reconnaissance mission is directly related to the life and death of the task force!No, it is directly related to the life and death of the Jehol Front Army!

To put it bluntly, the reason why this reconnaissance mission is extremely difficult is actually for one person!This person is the backbone of the Jehol Front Army, Bai Shujie!

For Zhao Sanbao, the entire task force can be sacrificed, but Bai Shujie must not have any accidents!Otherwise, it would be a disaster for the entire Jehol!If that kind of situation really happened, even if Zhao Sanbao was shot ten thousand times, it would be meaningless.

"Brothers, since you chose to join the task force, I believe you have made all the preparations!" Zhao Sanbao gathered all the members of the advance team and said, "Yes, what I said is that you should have made all the preparations!" Get ready! Today is the moment, when we need to make all the preparations!"

"We are all soldiers, so we have the responsibility of soldiers. This is an unshirkable responsibility. I think you all know the current situation of the task force! Now there are chasing troops behind, and the enemy is facing the front. The task force Whether the team can withdraw safely depends on us, because we are responsible for opening the channel!"

"Just now I received an order asking us to complete the reconnaissance mission of the detailed enemy situation in Anshan, Haicheng and Yingkou before [-]:[-] pm. As long as you are a veteran, you should know what this mission means. However, I still want to emphasize here One more time: After going out from here later, you all have only two results, either you came back safely, or you are dead!"

"We still have 10 minutes to prepare. Now everyone is free to form a group of seven people. The team leaders are Zhao Sanbao, Wang Sanju and Lu Wanqing. We are not afraid of death, but we cannot guarantee that the enemy will not get what they want from us Things. So from now on, everyone has the responsibility to enforce battlefield discipline!"

After 10 minutes, the team was divided into three groups.Zhao Sanbao made a fine-tuning, which was to place two Korean fighters in Wang Sanju's and Lu Wanqing's teams respectively.Because the face-to-face enemy is most likely the North Korean First Division!With Korean fighters, it is easier to deal with it.

Maybe it's a coincidence of timing, maybe it's God's blessing.Zhao Sanbao led Wang Xinlan and six soldiers to spend more than three hours, and finally rushed to the vicinity of Huzhuang, [-] kilometers north of Yingkou.

Before he could think about what method to use for reconnaissance, riots started around Huzhuang.Zhao Sanbao raised his binoculars and saw that the enemy on the opposite side was switching defenses. This is a golden opportunity!

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhao Sanbao led the soldiers to find a loophole in the enemy's defense and gallop away, heading for the Huangsha Tuo line in the northwest.Then, he reported to Bai Shujie what he saw as quickly as possible.

When the enemy changes defenses, there must be some omissions in defense during the handover between the two armies.Newcomers must be familiar with the specific conditions in the defense zone.Although it has been marked on the map, but I have not seen it in detail, after all, it is all imaginary.

For example: There is an unnamed highland here, and the map is marked with "85% vegetation coverage".Can the new troops figure out how thick and tall the 85% vegetation is?nonsense!

Squad [-] and the other two teams rushed to Huangshatuo. After comparing the situation in three aspects, Zhao Sanbao and Wang Xinlan further confirmed that the enemy was switching defenses, and it was the North Korean First Division and the Little Devils Sixth Battalion that were switching defenses!Therefore, a second telegram confirming the enemy's situation was sent to Bai Shujie.

Is it luck?no!

Bai Shujie didn't even participate in such a big raid on Andong County, because it was just a part of the battle.On the night after the war, Bai Shujie led his troops to march westward for more than 100 miles, which exceeded the enemy's expectations.

The North Korean First Division can be said to be vigorous and resolute. The Command of the First Military Region forwarded the order of the Kwantung Army Command to let them deploy on the front lines of Anshan, Haicheng and Yingkou within three days. As a result, they were already in place in just one day!Just this tactical move is faster than that of an authentic little devil!

After Bai Shujie received Zhao Sanbao's first telegram, he really couldn't believe it.An hour later a second telegram came, and he finally affirmed this conclusion.

"Damn it, it's no wonder that the second devil in Gaoli Bangzi is said to be more ferocious than the big devil in history. It seems that it is not groundless. Laozi's actions are fast enough. I didn't expect Gaoli Bangzi to be one step faster than Laozi! It's still early , The supply troops dare not show up at all, so we can only wait until night to talk about it.”

Bai Shujie was filled with resentment, but there was nothing he could do.If there is no supply unit, he can rush out immediately.But asking him to destroy all the weapons and ammunition in his mouth would be like killing him.Especially the infantry artillery, he still doesn't know if the Sanxiandong Armory can imitate it, and if it can be brought back, it is a victory.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Bai Shujie found Yang Mantun and asked their second squad to replace all the standard equipment of the Japanese army.In other words, only four machine guns could be displayed, and the other soldiers quickly took out the 12-type rifles from the supply team and carried them on their backs.The other four fighters carried two grenades and [-] grenades.This is already a Japanese combat squad with enhanced firepower.

Now, there are 44 people in this army, plus 49 pack horses. Bai Shujie, the squadron leader, doesn't look so shabby, enough to fool the two devils for a while.

"Mantun, you lead four machine gun teams and eight soldiers to the rear. Hao Jicai leads eight soldiers to assist Gao Erwa's second squad to protect the pack horse team. Cui Mingzhe and I and Cui Mingzhe's special operations team of 8 people open the way ahead. When crossing the enemy blockade If there is a sudden change, Hao Jicai immediately stays and joins the blocking battle, and Gao Erwa leads the pack horse team to leave the battlefield immediately."

The most dangerous place is the safest place.The breakthrough point chosen by Bai Shujie was the southern part of Anshan where Zhao Sanbao said that the headquarters of the Second Wing of the North Korean First Division was located.Anshan and Haicheng are more than 40 kilometers apart, and the North Korean First Division has a brigade stationed in each.

"Cui Mingzhe, just go through Ganquan, the junction of the two brigades. When encountering enemies, you must be calm, because you have a bigger background, and I, the great prince, will support you behind!"

"Yes, Captain! Don't worry, in front of these traitors, I will naturally be arrogant! As a Korean, I am an upright anti-Japanese team; as a current identity, I am a cronies of the little devils. So, I have no The reason is to humiliate in front of these bastards! You can do it!"

The line from Lishugou to Ganquan was about [-] kilometers away. It took Bai Shujie and his team more than two hours to get close to Ganquan Town, and then stopped at Liutiaogou, three kilometers northeast of Ganquan Town.It was only past ten o'clock and less than eleven o'clock, and it was the time when the enemy's spirits were at their best, so it was not suitable to start operations for the time being.

"Everyone, take advantage of this time to eat something, especially the horses must be fed well, and there may be no chance to rest for a long time!"

After setting up the troops, Bai Shujie was holding a cold bun in his hand, which was so hard that he could probably throw it across the river.At the same time, I held up the binoculars to observe the movement in the west, but it was okay not to look at it, but the more I looked, the angrier I became!

It turned out that although the distance was still far away, on both sides of the road, from Anshan to Haicheng, there were continuous fires.From afar, it looks like a wall of fire!

In the fire built by the enemy in front, the burning firewood turned out to be door panels, tables and chairs and the like.There is no doubt that this damn Goryeo stick was snatched from ordinary people's homes!

The ancients said: Serving a tiger is as fierce as a tiger!These words are applied to Goryeo Bangzi, which is just right!Bai Shujie couldn't help but not be angry.

"Mingzhe, come here!" Bai Shujie finally found a place, so he handed the binoculars to Cui Mingzhe and said, "Look at the big fire in the west, is there a guy with a command knife next to him, and a crooked handle nearby?" son?"

"That's right, it looks like he's still a squadron leader!" Cui Mingzhe said softly, "This bastard even forgot about his ancestors, how dare he show off his might here, he's so invincible!"

"Remember this location, we will run to him later. Remember, we will drive them away after we pass, and tell them to give up the three fires, just say that the Da Taijun wants to warm up! Hurry up and inform the people behind, Let each of them prepare a piece of bacon for the barbecue!"

Bai Shujie stared at the fire in the distance and said softly: "It's best not to let that bastard, I will teach him a lesson tonight, and let him know that being a dog is not so easy!"

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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