blood feud

284、I'm going to be there

At around 11:30 in the evening, Bai Shujie transferred the four machine gun groups of Yang Mantun from the rear of the hall to the front of the baggage train.Because the enemy is now in the front, once something happens, it will be bad for your main combat force to be behind.Now put the machine gun team behind you to give the enemy the feeling that it is a personal guard.

The marching sequence was adjusted in place, and Cui Mingzhe led the team first, and opened a distance of more than 100 meters.With a distance of three kilometers, they arrived within a short time, and the fire in front of them became brighter and brighter.Afterwards, the second devil beside the fire was able to see clearly through his nose and eyes.

Bai Shujie was worrying about whether it was the North Korean First Division on the opposite side, when suddenly there was a shout from the other party: "???

Cui Mingzhe shouted: "???????? (our own people),???????? (Anton Rangers)!????????? (Which part do you belong to) ?”

As far as this questioning was concerned, after a question and an answer between the enemy and us, Bai Shujie had already confirmed the identity of the other party, Zhao Sanbao and the others' information was correct, and the other party was indeed Goryeo Bangzi.

Cui Mingzhe led 11 soldiers on the main road, came to the edge of the fire, and went straight to the squadron leader who had been targeted for a long time, and then there was a lot of birdsong that Bai Shujie couldn't understand.

Seeing Cui Mingzhe waving his right arm constantly, his voice getting louder and louder, the squadron leader on the opposite side was constantly retreating due to Cui Mingzhe's momentum.

Both Bai Shujie and Xiao Lamei couldn't help laughing.This is not prepared to pass quietly, it is simply to make a big noise, lest the world will not know.What is empty is real, and what is real is empty. This has been the case since ancient times.

Cui Mingzhe's performance was almost done, Bai Shujie urged the horse to come forward, and shouted at Cui Mingzhe: "Cui Sang'er, come here, what is he doing?"

Cui Mingzhe bowed and ran to Bai Shujie and said, "Grand Majesty, please calm down! He is a small squadron leader, Jin Zeyong's work!"

Bai Shujie waved his hand impatiently: "Theirs, get out of here quickly, the warriors of the Imperial Japanese Army are conscripting here, hurry up!"

As soon as Cui Mingzhe heard the words, he turned around, straightened his back immediately, and shouted at Jin Zeyong: "Jin Zeyong, do you hear me, quickly ask your people to get out of the fire and stand guard next to you! Da Taijun wants to warm up!"

Bai Shujie got off his horse and sat down in Jin Zeyong's original position.Then he drew out a bayonet, put a piece of bacon on it, and put it on the fire to grill.

At this time, Yang Mantun and the others had already led the luggage team onto the road, and then drove all the pack horses to a place more than 300 meters west of the road to circle them, leaving a few soldiers to feed the horses, and the others returned to the road and brought them to the road. The two devils, who had no time to leave the fire, kicked them out one by one.

"Ba Ga, die, die!"

Dozens of people would say this, and it was everywhere for a while: "Baga, die!" Gaoli Bangzi was kicked and rolled around one by one, but they dared not speak out in anger, and they cowered and hid one by one. Shaking on the side of the road.

On a cold day, leaving the fire suddenly, under the huge temperature difference, it will make people feel very cold.Coupled with the fact that Yang Mantun and his gang are like wolves and tigers, Gaoli Bangzi seems to be trembling even more.

After a short time, the special aroma of roasted bacon wafted over the road.Not only were the soldiers not restrained in the slightest, but they found it particularly exciting now.Although each of them didn't speak, it was also a rare opportunity to have a barbecue around the fire in such a bitterly cold night.Being able to eat a hot meal is of great benefit to the recovery of physical strength, so everyone is full of energy.

Jin Zeyong was completely confused by the scene in front of him. Where did this army come from?Looking at this arrogant posture, don't they know that the enemy is now?

Bai Shujie ate a large piece of bacon, and the soldiers were almost done too.Seeing Bai Shujie winking secretly, Xiao Lamei got up and clapped her hands, then walked towards the horses.Gao Erwa naturally knew the agreed signal, so she stood up and waved her hand, and the soldiers of the supply squad got up one after another to take care of the horses.

Only Cui Mingzhe's special operations team and Yang Mantun's four machine gun teams were left at the scene, sitting next to the two fire pits on the left and right of Bai Shujie.

Seeing Jin Zeyong sizing up the horses in the west, Bai Shujie immediately called out to him: "You, what are you doing? Come here, hurry up!"

"The great majesty called you, why don't you hurry up and answer!" Cui Mingze yelled angrily at the side, like a dog who was determined to die.

When Jin Zeyong bowed and approached, Bai Shujie asked in a low voice, "Your, Hua girl's?"

As soon as Cui Mingzhe translated it, Jin Zeyong quickly shook his head: "Taijun, now that the enemy is at hand, the commander-in-chief of the Kwantung Army and the headquarters of the First Military Region have clearly stipulated that those who neglect their duties will die! For Miss Hua, Big no!"

"Nani?" Bai Shujie rolled his eyes helplessly, so he had to ask another question: "Sake, Missi, do you have any?"

"Taijun, now that the enemy is at hand, no one is allowed to drink alcohol to cause trouble!" Kanazawa bowed and said: "Your Excellency Kondo Butesuke, the captain of the regiment, repeatedly ordered you not to drink alcohol during the battle."

"Baga, your conscience is badly damaged!"

Bai Shujie was furious when he heard the words, stood up suddenly, grabbed Jin Zeyong's collar with his left hand, and slapped him with a dozen big mouths with his right hand. In the blink of an eye, Jin Zeyong gained a lot of weight and became a complete Pig head!

After a big mouthful, Bai Shujie raised his right leg and kicked Jin Zeyong to the other side of the road with a hard kick.

With a bang, Bai Shujie drew out his command saber, and chased after Jin Zeyong, shouting incessantly: "Your conscience is badly broken, badly broken, dead, dead!"

Seeing that Da Taijun was going to kill people, those Korean sticks would quit, and immediately surrounded him with rifles.

Bai Shujie was so angry that he yelled sharply: "Everyone's conscience is broken, all of them are dead, dead! Dead, dead!"

杨满屯等人顿时架起机枪,随即就是一阵咔嚓咔嚓拉动枪机的声音,金泽勇躺在地上,原本已经被揍得通红的猪脸,一下子又吓得煞白:“大家放下枪!大家放下枪! "

There was a mess here, Xiao Lamei and Gao Erwa had already taken the pack horse team and ran away to nowhere.

Cui Mingzhe saw that the overall situation had been settled, so he stepped forward to persuade him: "Grand Majesty, Jin Zeyong is also loyal. They are here to do their best for the benefit of the empire. Their conscience is very good, and their good people are very good. Madam, please Calm down, please calm down!"

Cui Mingzhe tried to persuade him, and finally sent Bai Shujie to the horses in the west, and then helped Bai Shujie to get on the horse, and then ran to the road and complained to Jin Zeyong: "Jin Zeyong, you are really, Why can't you get a flower girl? Don't tell me you don't have sake here? Why are you so stubborn when you're away from home? If it wasn't for the fact that everyone is from the same town, I wouldn't bother to meddle in your business!"

"Yes, yes, I will be more flexible in the future, thank you brother Cui for your teaching!" Jin Zeyong nodded repeatedly, covering his cheeks: "Next time I have a chance, brother Cui will definitely come over, I want to thank brother Cui for his rescue!"

"Hey, brother Jin's words are too far away. How can you not bow your head under the eaves of others?" Cui Mingzhe saw that Bai Shujie and the others had gone far away, so he said in a low voice: "Hey, you don't know, Mr. Taijun suffered a big loss from the revenge team in Dong'an, did you see? There are only a few people left in a squadron, and now they are sent to the front line to commit crimes and meritorious deeds. You say, you are asking for trouble if you provoke him at this time. ?”

Jin Zeyong nodded again and again: "No wonder you are so angry! It turned out that he came from Dong'an, and it was not easy to escape from the dead. Hey, brother Cui, I heard that there was a big mess in Anton, what is going on? ah?"

"Who said no!" Cui Mingzhe said in a low voice: "Tell me, that revenge team is said to have only one or two hundred people, and they dared to attack Anton. It was really ambitious. It was really miserable to say it. , I heard that the captain’s wife and children are missing too. The headquarters of the brigade was burned into ruins, the gendarmerie was wiped out, and the bridge was blown down!”

"Fortunately, I took my brothers to maintain law and order outside, and finally escaped. When we returned to the county, there were piles of corpses on the entire street. It was shocking, brother, so be more careful. The revenge team really It's not easy to mess with! Hey, I saw it this time, and I had nightmares at night. Oh, I can't say any more, I will be beaten if I go back late! See you later, brother Jin, take care!"

Cui Mingzhe led eleven soldiers from the Special Operations Team onto the horseback, fisted Jin Zeyong, then turned the horse's head and flew away, disappearing in the blink of an eye!Everything that should go has gone, leaving Jin Zeyong still in a daze on the road.

Fortunately, all the people had a good meal on the road in Ganquan Town, and the horses got a rest.This road runs westward for 1 mile, and there are ravines everywhere, and the Taizi River and Hun River are crossed continuously in the middle.After a lot of hard work, I arrived at the front line of Huangsha Tuo at around [-]:[-] in the morning.

Zhao Sanbao welcomed Bai Shujie and others into the temporary residence, and then asked: "Captain, we are all sweating for you. How is the journey going?"

"Successful, unexpectedly smooth! Let Lamei tell you about the specific situation, and I found that Cui Mingzhe has the potential to be a puppet army's dog leg, hahaha!" Bai Shujie waved his hand and said: "Really, Cui Mingzhe The kid is very promising, and it is really inappropriate to put him on the front line to fight the enemy head-on, and accidentally consume one of them."

"This is all for the future, and we can talk about it at that time." Zhao Sanbao said with a smile: "The front line from Fengtian to Jinzhou is more than 30 kilometers ahead, and that is the main front-line combat force of the little devil. There are no mountains and dense forests along the way. Now, the difficulty of the troops' covert operations has greatly increased, how will the captain decide next?"

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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