blood feud

288、Eliminate evil and do everything

In the blink of an eye, Chuan Tokutaro, who took the initiative to launch a sneak attack, was cut open in the blink of an eye.Except for Xiao Lamei, everyone in the audience did not see this sudden change clearly.All the audience opened their mouths wide and were speechless, the audience was shocked!

Bai Shujie's figure did not stop, and now he has circled behind Chuan Tokutaro.Just at this moment, Bai Shujie reached the highest point from bottom to top, and then he twisted his wrists, drew a semicircle with the short knife, took advantage of the situation and made a diagonal chop, and came down with a shrieking sound and lightning flash!

Kacha—Chuan Tokutaro's dog's head had left his neck and flew up, and then sprinkled a rain of blood in the sky, whirling and flying to the audience.

Pfft——Chuan Tokutaro's headless body still standing tall, a cloud of blood sprayed from his neck, as dazzling as fireworks!

Plop—all the blood in his body flowed out, Chuan Tokutaro's headless corpse finally fell down on the ring, and a bloody scene was frozen!

All this is a long story, but in fact it is just a blink of an eye!

Chuan Tokutaro suddenly launched a sneak attack, and the speed was naturally as fast as lightning.It took less than two seconds for the blade to bring out a cold light, and it had already reached the top of Bai Shujie's head.

Bai Shujie waited until the opponent could no longer change his moves, then he turned and ran straight into Chuan Tokutaro's arms.Then he pulled out the coordinator and turned back, and then he dodged sideways behind Chuan Tokutaro, letting go of the gushing blood.

Almost at the same time, the assistant in Bai Shujie's hand took advantage of the rest of his strength to lift up, and then swung his arms back and down obliquely, cutting off Chuan De Pinglang's dog's head.

The whole process is a lot to say, but it actually takes about four seconds!The people on and off the stage didn't react at all, Chuan Tokutaro had already been disemboweled and beheaded!

"Good kill!" "Good kill!"


The folks in the audience, especially the relatives who were the pillars of the family who were killed by Chuan Tokutaro, immediately flocked to the edge of the ring.The heart-piercing cry made Bai Shujie's heart twitch, and the anger in his heart reached its peak.

Throwing away the coordinator in his hand, Bai Shujie shouted to the other two scumbags who came with him: "You guys, come up together and lead to death! A bunch of bastards with no conscience dare to run amok on the land of China. That's a way to heaven! If you don’t leave, you will cast yourself in hell! I will send you all to hell today, and no one will leave this place!”

With a swipe sound, Bai Shujie finally pulled out his Tang knife from behind!What is Tang Dao for?That's for killing little devils!

Seeing Chuan Tokutaro launch a sneak attack, the two little devils even lost their heads with one move. When they were in a daze, Secretary Bai woke them up with a roar.But they didn't stand up to fight, they couldn't defeat this kind of enemy, so they turned around and ran towards their horses!

Just started, want to escape?

Seeing the actions of the two guys, Bai Shujie smiled contemptuously, then put his right index finger into his mouth, and then a whistle sounded.

"Hey——" Wanli Wuyunzhao let out a long roar, and then rushed forward, his huge body had already soared into the air, and flew directly onto the ring from behind the crowd!

Bai Shujiefei got on the horse, and thousands of miles of dark clouds rose up, and the moment his two front hooves hit the ground, he had already rushed forward.As if a wisp of green smoke dissipated, Bai Shujie had disappeared from the ring.When people saw it again, they were already 500 meters away from the entrance of the village, just blocking the way of the two little devils.

This was a very simple strategy. Bai Shujie used the speed of Wanli Wuyun to catch up with the guy in front first.

Seeing that there is no way to escape, it is not that there is no way, but that his horse is too slow compared to Wanli Wuyunzhao.The little devil had no choice but to grit his teeth desperately, drew out his knife with a swipe, and rushed towards Bai Shujie.


Tang Dao turned into a white shadow and passed by, the little devil's long sword has been cut into two pieces!Bai Shujie flipped his right wrist, and then dragged it from bottom to top. With the strength of the little devil's forward rush, Tang Dao had already passed the little devil's neck, and a headless corpse fell under the horse immediately!

During the whole process, Wanli Wuyunzhao stood there without moving.The villagers who ran over to watch the commotion didn't even have time to take a closer look. The only thing left in their sight was the little devil urging the horse and directly hitting the big knife in Bai Shujie's hand, and then his head flew up!

This is purely the little devil who is impatient to live and wants to commit suicide, and has nothing to do with Bai Shujie!

When the remaining little devil saw this scene, he was frightened out of his wits.At the same time as a strange cry, the horse turned its head and rushed out into the sideways.

Wanli Wuyunzhao did not catch up from behind, because there was farmland over there, which was not conducive to the fast running of horses.So Wanli Wuyunzhao made a big circle along the main road, but the last one came first, just blocking the little devil's way again.

In fact, Bai Shujie had at least three ways to kill this little devil immediately.However, this cat and mouse game must be played, because Bai Shujie needs time!It's only around ten o'clock now, and it should take more than an hour for Yang Mantun's second shift to arrive.

To be idle is to be idle, by teasing the little devil, to amuse the villagers, and relieve the grief and fear in the hearts of the villagers of Hejiatun, this is Bai Shujie's real intention.

The little devil has slaughtered 69 people in the village, that is to say, the pillars of 69 families have fallen. This is a huge disaster.If all the folks lose hope and confidence from now on, then everything is over!

Now, Bai Shujie wants to show the folks that the little devil is actually nothing, no less than a rabbit, a roe deer, or a roe deer under the gun of a hunter!As long as you have the confidence to win, there is hope for defeating the little devil!

Bai Shujie just wanted to rekindle the hope of the villagers!When hope is ignited in one village, hope will be ignited in countless villages, and then the whole nation will have hope!

As before, with the Tang Dao in his right hand, Bai Shujie sat upright on the horseback, staring at the little devil opposite him, motionless.Without speaking or moving, Bai Shujie just stared at the little devil!

The villagers had surrounded him from afar and stopped more than 50 meters behind Bai Shujie.Now everyone knows very well that as long as you stand behind Bai Shujie, you are safe!This is trust!Now there is no need for any reason, it is almost blind trust!

The remaining little devil is the most powerful guy Bai Shujie discovered earlier, and he is probably a master of the seventh stage of swordsmanship.Although in Bai Shujie's eyes, he doesn't mean fart, but in Ao Zongzi's swordsmanship, he is above average, and this bastard should already be considered number one.

"Your Excellency, your hero is great! Mine, your opponent's is not!" The little devil has no way to retreat now, no way to escape, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "Mine, go back now, and re-practice the way of swords!" Live. Then, there will be someone who will come to you to compete!"

"Little devil, I understand that I am not a hero!" Bai Shujie shook his head, then pointed his finger back at the villagers behind him and said loudly: "The Chinese nation is a nation of heroes, so the Chinese nation cannot be insulted!"

"But the real heroes are them! They may die, but they did not give up the fight. Therefore, all the honor of heroes belongs to them! As long as they let you go, I will spare your life for the first time today!"

"Kill him!" "Kill him, avenge more than 60 people!"

"Listen, they need your life to avenge the folks!" Bai Shujie said with a sneer, "Since you set foot on this hot land, you should know that your graves are everywhere in China! Die, you have no way to go! Now I give you two choices, one is suicide and atonement. The other is that I will cut off your dog's head!"

The little devil's forehead was sweating, which showed the fierce battle between heaven and man in his heart.After a quarter of an hour, he finally said with difficulty, "Mine, I can kill myself, I hope, yours won't be beheaded!"

After finishing speaking, the little devil got off his horse, then sat cross-legged on the ground, took out the coordinator, wiped it clean, and stabbed it in his heart.It's a pity that if you can't practice well, you can't do the horizontal stretching on both sides.

The little devil said with difficulty: "Help me! Please help me!"

Bai Shujie galloped forward, waved the Tang Dao with his right hand, and a big head flew up.Only then did he say: "I didn't say no to beheading. I said before that I would behead all of them. I will never break my promise in front of the folks!"


The villagers immediately swarmed up as soon as they called out.There are all kinds of weapons in his hands, including hoes, picks, shovels, shoulder poles, and door bolts.In the blink of an eye, the little devil's headless corpse was smashed into a pulp by the angry villagers!

"Folks, these three beasts today have paid the price for their crimes. However, the situation in the future may be even more cruel. I hope you will be vigilant." Standing on his horse, Bai Shujie said loudly: "If someone asks From now on, you can say that the Pingdingshan Revenge Team did it! And you can tell those who come to investigate, the Revenge Team said, whoever dares to take revenge on the villagers, the Revenge Team will definitely destroy his whole family!"

At this moment, a dark cloud flew over from the sheep circle.Then there was an earthquake, as if there were thousands of troops and horses.

Not long after, Yang Mantun rushed to Bai Shujie's side first.Behind them came another 17 war horses, neatly arranged in two columns.Task force, the temporary second squad has arrived!

"Folks, you have seen it. This is the Pingdingshan Revenge Squad! It is also a task force of the Jehol Front Army. It is dedicated to supporting and avenging the folks. This is your own team!"

Bai Shujie stood on the horseback and glanced at all the villagers: "The little devils will not be willing to fail, they will be even crazier in the future! In order to prevent the little devils from directly taking revenge on our Hejiatun, we are now going to attack the little devils' development If you really can't hold on in the future, you can come to Rehe to find us!"

Sitting on the horseback again, Bai Shujie yelled: "Target: Dahe Village Development Team, Jin County! All brothers are here, let's go!"

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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