blood feud

289 , Raid the Watchtower

In order not to give outsiders the impression that there is a close relationship between He Jiatun and the "Revenge Team", after Bai Shujie made it clear, he declined the villagers' persuasion and led Yang Mantun's second squad to leave the original place.

Although he made rumors that he was going to attack Dahe Village's pioneering group, it didn't mean that he would hit the door at this time of noon.If this is the case, it is estimated that the little devil will find out from a long distance away, and then a machine gun will sweep over, and it will suffer a big loss.The yelling in Hejiatun was just to let outsiders know about it, so as to remove the suspicion of Hejiatun villagers.

After more than three miles away from Hejiatun, Bai Shujie turned his horse and galloped towards the southwest.

It turns out that not far to the southwest of Hejiatun, there is a lonely small mountain peak, which the locals call "Jiuhua Mountain". Yes, it is not Jiuhua Mountain!Although the mountain is not too high, it is not a problem to temporarily hide 20 people.Because there are still many things that have not been clarified, Bai Shujie needs to deal with it here.

After Gao Erwa and Cui Mingzhe were sent back to Huangshatuo's temporary residence last night according to the scheduled plan, the situation there has not been clarified yet.Now that Yang Mantun is here, it should be clear.

After arriving at Jiuhua Mountain, Yang Mantun arranged for the soldiers to rest and feed their horses. Yang Mantun hurriedly said: "Captain, when we left, Deputy Platoon Leader Zhao hadn't come back yet. However, we didn't see any little devils wandering around on the way. Deputy Zhao The platoon leader should follow your plan."

Bai Shujie nodded: "So that's how it is. Go down and take a rest first. There is still enough time for the next action. Lamei, hurry up and get in touch with them. Sanbao and the others should be back at the station now, right?"

This time the action was very fast, and Wang Xinlan sent a message in a blink of an eye: "The enemy situation on the front line from Fengtian to Jinzhou is relatively calm. On the front line from Liaoyang to Yingkou, the enemy situation has changed a lot. All the enemies have stopped advancing, and it seems that something is wrong, but the enemy has not. It is only right to make a clear judgment. Therefore, tonight, the original plan will be carried out."

Bai Shujie looked at the content of the telegram, and he already knew it.The little devil is not a fool. You don't necessarily need to pull it up to know if there is a fish in it.However, it may be too late for the little devil to adjust the encirclement and suppression troops after he judges the real whereabouts of the "revenge team"!

"Top secret! Zhao, Gan, and the first and third divisions: the day after tomorrow, that is, on April 4, the first division of Zhang Xiang's division was on the front line of Fuxin and Chaoyang, and the third division of Lan Caiqin's division was on the front line of Chengde and Lingyuan At the same time, tactical actions were taken to push the defensive front ten kilometers forward. They exerted strong pressure on the enemy's 13th Division and the 33rd Brigade respectively, forcing the enemy to urgently analyze our strategic intentions."

"The Seventh Regiment of the Naiman Banner of the Second Division of Hou Zide's Department went southward in covert on the evening of April 4, and moved to the front line of Bajiazi to ambush. At 13:4 pm on April 14, a surprise attack was launched on the front line of Wangfu Town, northwest of Fuxin .This is a tactic of suspicious soldiers. You must not entangle the enemy and leave with one blow. The task force will return today and will use this opportunity to enter the territory of Rehe. This order, Bai Shujie."

Xiao Lamei sent a message quickly, and then turned off the radio.Then he let out a sigh of relief: "Brother, I feel that you are becoming more and more cunning in your use of troops. In the south, you used the strategy of turning against the enemy against the 33th Division and the [-]rd Brigade of the Little Devils. Suspicious strategy, tonight, you attacked violently at the little devil's lair again. From my point of view, the little devil must not be able to figure out what we want to do for a while."

Bai Shujie shook his head, and said with a wry smile: "The little devil is not a fool. After Anton's defeat, as long as he can be sure that we have not gone east, he will definitely think that we are going to return to Rehe. So, what I am worried about is that the little devil will take Fengtian immediately. , Fuxin, Huludao (Jinxi), and Jinzhou are running at full strength, so that we will really be unable to escape. My series of tactical actions are just to muddy the water as much as possible and find opportunities to break through the line of fire."

"We launched a surprise attack near Jin County to let the little devils mistakenly think that we are going to use the method of raiding Anton to raid Jin County! If this is the case, the enemies of Jin County and Jinzhou will not dare to act rashly and give us greater Detour space. If the Three Leopards can quickly march 180 miles tonight, and then enter the designated area and advance east of Fuxin, we will have a greater chance of returning safely."

"Hehe, if I were a little devil, I would definitely not launch a large-scale siege on the front line of Anton. Now that they have used all their mobile forces, they will definitely suffer heavy losses! Do you think General Yang's troops are vegetarians? ? Take advantage of the fire to rob, and add insult to injury, that is the true nature of General Yang! You just wait, the day when the little devil cries for his father and mother is coming!"

Xiao Lamei smiled and said: "Your analysis is right! We have been tossing on the front line of Lianshan Pass and Andong for half a year, and General Yang in the east is relieved. Now that we have left, we have mobilized all the little devils again. To General Yang To put it bluntly, the little devil's current Nanman is full of loopholes, it depends on where General Yang hits his first punch!"

Bai Shujie chuckled: "Hahaha, hitting a snake and hitting seven inches, General Yang's first punch must have hit the little devil's heart! Look, the front line of Yanbian, Jilin must have turned the world upside down! The little devil will not lose three They don't know how powerful General Yang is in the five counties. With the supplies from these counties, the Nanman Anti-Japanese Army will surely develop faster. This will be of great help to us on the front line in western Liaoning and even the entire Jehol gone."

"Brother, you should take a rest, you definitely won't have a rest tonight." Xiao Lamei said softly, "You have lost a lot of weight in the past six months."

"Okay, we all rest for a few hours."

Bai Shujie came to his dark cloud, then leaned on the saddle on the ground and began to doze off.Xiao Lamei also followed Bai Shujie's example and rested next to her BMW.

A BMW is much more powerful than a human's ears. Any movement within five miles will arouse the alert of the BMW, and the horse's hooves will beat rhythmically on the ground.If there is any movement within three miles, the BMW will snort.If the owner is still awake, the horse's hoof must have been kicked up!Bai Shujie has been kicked many times, and he is almost used to it.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Wang Xinlan sent a telegram, and the transportation team had already set off.At 10:30 in the evening, Wang Xinlan sent a second telegram, saying that the transportation team had safely passed the Hu's shack.At 12:30 in the evening, the convoy has safely crossed the railway, and is currently heading towards the scheduled Majialing at high speed!

"Assemble urgently!" Bai Shujie jumped up after hearing the contents of the telegram, and quickly tied the saddle and machine gun holster neatly.

"Brothers, our large troops have entered the safe zone, and now it's time for us to leave some souvenirs for the little devil!" Bai Shujie sat on his horse, looked at the soldiers in front of him and said, "Tonight's battle will not be too difficult!" We need to pay attention to the results of the battle. After all the grenades fired six grenades, we quickly retreated. Nine kilometers to the east, let's go!"

After resting for more than eight hours, the twenty war horses are now ready to work hard.After trotting all the way for half an hour, a 500-meter-long wall appeared in front of everyone.This is the residence of the Little Devil Dahe Village Pioneering Group. There are watchtowers on the four corners, and there is a machine gun on duty inside.

Bai Shujie reined in the BMW, and Xiao Lamei and Yang Mantun behind them stopped immediately.The entire team had arrived at the northwest corner of the pioneering group. The three of them picked up their binoculars and looked forward almost at the same time. The entire pioneering group's resident was pitch black.

"Very good, let's take the watchtower on the northwest corner!" Bai Shujie turned his head and said, "Mantun, lead the three grenadiers around and smash all [-] grenades into the watchtower! Machine gunner, load the bullets! ,Ready to fight!"

Both Bai Shujie and Xiao Lamei had already unholstered their machine guns, but they did not take out the two spare Czech machine guns.This is for the last emergency, and the time is not yet in sight.

The enemy's pioneering regiments all have only one exit due to the south.Now the place where Yang Mantun and the others are attacking is the watchtower in the northwest corner of the enemy.If the little devil dared to chase him out, he had to come around from the southwest corner. Bai Shujie and the others happened to catch the enemy by surprise.

The remaining 11 soldiers have 10 machine guns.One observer, ten machine gunners.After finishing a bucket, that is 300 rounds of ammunition.Unless the enemy dispatched a large force, Bai Shujie and Xiao Lamei's spare machine guns would not be needed at all.


In the middle of the night, there was no sign at all. About 400 meters in front of the little devil's watchtower, six shadows flew out at the same time, and smashed towards the watchtower with a strange sound!

The little devil's Taisho ten-year grenadier has an effective range of 500 meters and weighs less than 3 kilograms, which is much lighter than a rifle.A grenade is only 0.45 kilograms, and an ammunition hand's ammunition bag holds eight bullets, but only 3.6 kilograms.

Following a violent explosion, the watchtower at the northwest corner of the Little Devil's Pioneering Group suddenly burst into flames.The explosion of the grenade was rather dull, but in the middle of the night, it felt earth-shattering!Especially Yang Mantun and the others shot out 9 grenades in one go, which was like shaking the earth!

Because the top cover of the watchtower was blown off, and even the machine gun inside was blown into parts and flew out.So Yang Mantun hurriedly ordered to stop shooting, so he used half of the planned number of grenades.

Yang Mantun saw that he had reserved so much ammunition, how troublesome it was to carry.Therefore, with an order, he led six soldiers on their horses and galloped south against the wall of the pioneer group.Then sitting on the horseback, no matter what the hit rate was, he put the grenade on the saddle, and shot out the remaining 9 grenades in one go.

Maybe God bless, 9 grenades were fired, and 6 of them fell directly into the watchtower. The explosion effect was even better than that of the northwest corner!

After all, the little devils in the pioneering group were not the first-line combat troops. The two watchtowers were blown up, and the piercing whistle came from inside, followed by the roar of chirping, and then the sound of panicked footsteps.

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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