blood feud

290. One click and go

Xiao Lamei kept holding up the binoculars to observe the effect of the bombing, and saw that two watchtowers 500 meters apart were blown up one after another in a short time, and then said with a smile: "Brother, look at what you brought out." Soldiers, you openly disobeyed the military order right under your noses! Let them attack the watchtower in the northwest corner, and now even the watchtower in the southwest corner has been blown up!"

Bai Shujie chuckled: "Then what can you do? You want the bastards in the reconnaissance battalion to strictly enforce the military orders, so pull them down as soon as possible! There is no fuel-efficient lamp in the reconnaissance camp! According to Wei Chong, as long as it is a lamp, then There is no fuel-saving! This can only be said that the third-line troops of the little devil are indeed too poor, and it has been so long that they have not launched a counterattack."

It's a pity that the development of the situation is often independent of personal will. Bai Shujie's words are too early!

Just as his words fell to the ground, a row of headlights suddenly appeared in the south, and the little devils from Jin County came out, and they came out by car!

It turned out that the garrison team of the Pioneering Regiment had regulations. Their task was to guard the gate and prevent the enemy from rushing in. It wasn't that they didn't dare to rush out.As for chasing the enemy outside, that is the responsibility of the field troops.Therefore, Bai Shujie didn't wait for the development team defense team that was close at hand, so he didn't get a soft persimmon.In the end, the little devil's regular troops came and kicked him on the iron plate if he didn't do well!

"Retreat!" Bai Shujie saw that the general situation was not good, and quickly stood on the horseback and shouted loudly: "Retreat quickly, the regular army of the little devils has come out, all of them are cars, and they are very fast!"

Naturally, Yang Mantun saw the little devil's car rushing out of the city, so he ran back and shouted on his horseback: "Captain, the road here is full of potholes, and the little devil's car can't run as fast as my horse, why don't you just hit it?" It’s not too late for him to make an ambush!”

"It's not here if you want to fight, hurry up and follow me!"

Bai Shujie threw down a word, greeted Xiao Lamei, turned his horse's head and ran away, ignoring Yang Mantun's suggestion at all.

Just kidding, what is this place?Less than ten kilometers away from the barracks in Xiaoguizi County, just these twenty people ambushed right under the nose of the enemy?If the little devils from Panjin attack you, you don't want to live anymore, I haven't lived enough yet!

The commander-in-chief Bai Shujie and the battalion commander Xiao Lamei took the lead in escaping, er, they should have taken the lead in retreating. Yang Mantun's second squad had no choice but to urge the horses to run wildly.In a short time, twenty people had crossed the town of Yangjuanzi, then turned west and stopped at the Santaizi line.

"All dismount, let the horses rest!" Bai Shujie jumped off his horse, held up his binoculars and said, "If the little devil wants to die and doesn't give up chasing, then use the hilly terrain here to give him a guy! Lamei, find someone with a wide view The place is dedicated to the Dahu Mountain line in the northeast direction. If there are little devils coming out from that direction, we don’t do anything, it’s serious to run away!”

After waiting for more than an hour, Bai Shujie found that the little devil's convoy stopped near the pioneer group.It seems that the little devil is very cautious and knows to look at the place being attacked before making a decision.

Under the dim moonlight, Bai Shujie raised his wrist to check the time. It was already around [-]:[-] in the morning, and the little devil's convoy was still at the Dahe Village Development Team.

If you want to get rid of the enemy, now is the best chance.However, the vanguard has not yet sent a telegram, and Zhao Sanbao and the others don't know where the supply team they are protecting has gone.Therefore, Bai Shujie could only persevere a little longer, buy more time for Zhao Sanbao and the others, and let the large troops pass through.

Just when Bai Shujie was anxious for Zhao Sanbao and the others, the team of little devils near the Dahe Village Development Group finally quickly chased them over.

One, two, three, four...

In Bai Shujie's binoculars, a total of six sets of car lights appeared.Undoubtedly, the little devil came with six trucks.According to a truck loading a squad, now there are six squads, a little devil who strengthens the squad!According to the establishment of the front-line combat troops, the number of little devils exceeds 90!

"Mantun, the little devil will arrive in about 10 minutes. Order the grenadier to ambush, don't let the little devil chase too closely, and then retreat immediately." Bai Shujie never put down the binoculars: "In order not to let the little devil stick Follow our buttocks, chase all the way to the Fuxin line and cause difficulties for Sanbao and others, then we will go northeast. Go to Caojiatun, and then go north to Zhaojiayingzi.”

Three grenade launchers stood ready. This time, each grenade launcher could only fire one grenade. No matter what the effect was, they had to retreat immediately.If the little devil's machine gun is too close, the threat to his war horse is too great.And without the war horse, the hope of escaping from the devil's den is really slim.


The moment the three grenades flew out, Bai Shujiefei yelled, "Northeast to the Caojiatun line, advance at top speed!"

At the same time as the war horse rushed out, there were three explosions behind him.Bai Shujie looked back in his busy schedule, and saw that a truck in the middle was already on fire.Fortunately, three in one, no empty guns!

It's good to have something to gain, the little devil must not dare to push too hard, he still has room for maneuver.Bai Shujie urged the dark clouds to turn thousands of miles away, and then rushed to Caojiatun, [-] kilometers away to the northeast.

It is said that the little devil dispatched four armies to encircle and suppress the area north of Andong, but after a day, there was nothing to gain.After arresting and interrogating the common people, the little devil finally learned that a small army had gone west the day before.

The news soon reached the headquarters of the First Military Command of Fengtian City. Before they could analyze the results, the special commissioner from the Kwantung Army Command arrived!It was none other than Seishiro Itagaki, the head of the staff section of the Kwantung Army Headquarters!

As soon as the imperial envoy arrived, he naturally got news from the front line.Seishiro Itagaki frowned slightly, and soon revealed a sinister smile.Immediately ordered the commanders-in-chief of the divisions to rush to Fengtian to hold an emergency combat meeting.Just before the meeting started, an urgent telegram from the Second Regiment of the North Korean Division on the front line in Anshan arrived.At midnight the next day, an urgent telegram from Jin County also arrived.

"My lords, since the bandit leader Bai Shujie stole Jehol, in order to gain time to stabilize the interior, he actually sent a capable unit deep into the hinterland of South Manchuria to cause trouble. The guerrilla campaign has been going around for half a year, causing a huge disaster to the strategic rear of the empire."

Itagaki Seishiro raised the three telegrams in his hand, and then continued: "Now, this small team should have completed their strategic goal, and now they are taking advantage of the loopholes in our army's defense change to cross the line from Tieling to Yingkou. If Let this squad return to Rehe, that is a disgrace to the emperor!"

"According to the orders of the headquarters and the Kwantung Army Headquarters, I am now announcing an immediate adjustment of the combat direction. The specific order is as follows: The Jinxian garrison immediately draws out no less than a small team to pursue, not seeking to annihilate the enemy, but to bite them to death!" The Jinzhou defense team dispatched no less than one squadron, immediately entered the line of Daling River, spread out westward, and then pushed toward Fuxin."

"Beipiao No. 30 Third Brigade, draw out a reinforced squadron to move eastward immediately, within two days to arrive at Shaohu Yingzi line, block the Tuanshan Pass, and prevent the enemy from fleeing westward. The second railway independent garrison team, draw out a squadron immediately Go west and occupy the front line of Montenegro."

"Gentlemen, just four hours ago, this small team attacked the development team of Dahe Village, Jin County. This village is so rampant that we, the emperor, are not in the slightest attention. If we can't wipe it out in one fell swoop, we will be ashamed." The emperor's cultivation and reliance! Success or failure depends on one action, please everyone!"

Maybe Bai Shujie underestimated the little devil's ability to adapt, or maybe it was to better cover Zhao Sanbao and his army's retreat.In short, he led Yang Mantun's second squad to retreat to Caojiatun as planned, but the little devil's truck was still lingering, unhurriedly hanging behind.

hit?The distance is more than 500 meters, out of reach!Don't fight?The little devil is like his own shadow, he walks when you walk, and stops when you stop.This doesn't look like a war, but rather like seeing off guests!It's not just a general see-off, but some little daughter-in-laws mean to send off their husbands. It's a look of reluctance!

Isn't this unusual?Bai Shujie is not a fool, so he naturally found that things were getting more and more abnormal.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!

Bai Shujie found Xiao Lamei and said: "Lamei, the enemy is not oppressing us or attacking us now. The situation may be very bad. Hurry up and contact Xinlan and ask where they are and why they haven't contacted for so long! Now the enemy's situation is changing rapidly, Did something happen to them?"

Five minutes later, Xiao Lamei uttered a piece of news that frustrated Bai Shujie: "The other party is not powered on, so I can't get in touch!"

All these signs indicate that the current situation has reached an extremely dangerous time.Although Bai Shujie didn't know what adjustments the little devil had made, his intuition told him that he couldn't stay here for long!

Bai Shujie wanted to get the exact news of Zhao Sanbao and the others, and then led the team to meet up.If there is an accident in the current situation, they can only adopt the second plan. Bai Shujie and the others continue to complete the task of containing the enemy: "Since they cannot be contacted, it means that they are likely to be in trouble. We will contact Zhaojiayingzi according to the original plan. Go forward and try to drag the enemy behind you a little farther!"

After continuing to run for nearly thirty miles, the east has begun to turn white, and a new day has arrived.

Unfortunately, the seriousness of the situation has exceeded Bai Shujie's expectation!When Bai Shujie and the others arrived at Zhaojiayingzi, it was already around five o'clock in the morning.In order to find out the situation nearby, Yang Mantun led a team to go out for reconnaissance.In less than an hour, Yang Mantun returned to the temporary station in a hurry.

"Captain, the situation is much more serious than we thought!" Yang Mantun flew off his horse, found Bai Shujie and hurriedly said, "We didn't go far, but we found a large number of devils on the line from Dahu Mountain to Montenegro, and we are currently building a position. It looks like the enemy already knows we're here!"

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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