blood feud

291、Falling into a trap

Zhao Sanbao is extremely alert, Wang Xinlan is calm and stable, and they are a perfect match. After crossing Zhaojiatun and entering Dashan on the evening of April 4, Zhao Sanbao did not stop.Quickly led the baggage team to the north over the mountains and ridges, and finally arrived at the first scheduled rendezvous point at around 11 o'clock in the morning - Houtou Ridge!

Wang Xinlan hurriedly set up a radio station to contact Bai Shujie, but failed.At that time, Bai Shujie and the others were on their way to Caojiatun!Just such a mistake, the last chance to communicate between the two teams was missed!

Why is it the last time?Because after Zhao Sanbao arrived at the designated location, he immediately sent three teams to conduct reconnaissance in the east, west, and north directions.Unexpectedly, the result was that the enemy in the west was rushing eastward in a car, aiming at the line of Shentouling [-] kilometers in front of Zhao Sanbao!

To the north of Shentouling is Tuanshangou, where the mountain ridge seems to be cut off with a single knife. This is a major road between Fengtian and Fuxin, Beipiao, and Chaoyang, and it is also the only passage closest to it.

When the Youyan Anti-Japanese Detachment was conducting the first Fuxin defense battle, the heavy machine gun company cut off the westward passage of the second brigade of the Little Devil Railway Independent Defense Team here!To the east of Tuanshangou is the hills of Black Mountain, easy to attack and difficult to defend, it is almost a Jedi!Cheng Shijie once fought Yukihiro Hirata here, and it can be said that he suffered a lot.

If the enemy arrived at Shaohuyingzi to the west of Shentouling first, and then occupied Tuanshangou, they could line up with the little devils in Heishan and Dahushan, and then completely cut off Zhao Sanbao and his passage to the north!

Faced with this critical moment of life and death, even though he did not contact Bai Shujie, Zhao Sanbao, Wang Xinlan, Wang Sanju, and Gao Erwa met, and immediately continued to go north!Even if all the horses are run to death, they must cross the Tuanshan Valley before dawn, enter the deep mountains in the north, and move closer to the original base of Crouching Tiger Mountain!

After driving desperately in the middle of the night, I have already run more than 150 miles. If I want to cross the Tuanshan Valley, I need to run at least 80 miles!Zhao Sanbao and the others can be said to be exhausted, but now they must survive, and there is no way out.

"Gao Erwa, ask the pack horse team to unload four heavy machine guns and ten boxes of ammunition, free up 12 pack horses to further disperse the infantry guns, reduce the load on the pack horses, and speed up the march." Zhao Sanbao decided to throw away some heavy weapons, but also to ensure that The security of the large army: "Cui Mingzhe, hurry up and take a few people to hide these heavy machine guns, maybe we can find them back in the future!"

The so-called "blessings come in pairs, misfortunes never come singly!"

Zhao Sanbao and the others hurried on, and finally seized Shentouling one step ahead of the enemy!Then they immediately went down the mountain in batches. Gao Erwa and Cui Mingzhe led the pack horse team to go first, and Wang Sanju's squad set up a surveillance position at Shentouling as a cover.By the time the last group of people left Shentouling, it was already 05:30 in the morning.

Zhao Sanbao and Wang Xinlan are the last group of people.When going down the mountain, Wang Xinlan's war horse stumbled, and Wang Xinlan fell off the horse's back, and the war horse fell directly off the cliff and was smashed to pieces!Wang Xinlan's left shoulder was broken, and the radio station on her back was also broken!

Bai Shujie asked Xiao Lamei and Zhao Sanbao to contact them, and it was at this time that they would not hear from them soon!If such an accident had not occurred, everything that followed would not have happened!

Without contacting Zhao Sanbao, the first thing Bai Shujie thought of was that they also met an enemy!In order to prevent the two enemies from forming a pincer attack, Bai Shujie decided to continue to advance to the northeast and move the enemies to the east.

At 4:12 on the morning of April 08, Dingjiayingzi, the intended destination, appeared in Bai Shujie's sight. Dingjiayingzi was located at the foot of Shentouling Mountain in the west, and Black Mountain and Dahu Mountain were in the east.From Dingjiayingzi to the west is the Tuanshan Valley that Zhao Sanbao and the others crossed more than three hours ago!

Dingjiayingzi was so quiet in the morning, it was so quiet that it made one's heart chill!

Bai Shujie is a human being, and the basic common sense of some scouts is very clear.My 20 troops are not too small, and there is not even a dog barking in the Dingjiayingzi, which is more than two miles away!

Bai Shujie raised his brows, and then growled, "Quickly retreat!"


No less than a small group of devils suddenly rushed out of the Dingjiayingzi in the north, and no less than a small group of devils appeared in the east!The little devils who had been following at a leisurely pace from the south all got out of the car now, forming a semi-circular arc and slowly approaching!

The typical perimeter is three missing one, and the west is the steep Shentouling!

Enemies from three directions formed a line, Bai Shujie had already seen clearly with the binoculars, the kid in the front was all crooked machine guns! More than 200 people formed a big sheet, slowly squeezing inside!

The worst thing is that behind the shock front in three directions, there are heavy machine gun positions, infantry artillery positions and mortar positions respectively.This is a typical formation for dealing with cavalry, and Bai Shujie has used it more than once.The little devil is now "using his own way to treat his own body."

"Captain, time is running out now, we can't let us be half-hearted!" Yang Mantun said: "You and Lamei sister's horses are fast, and it is still too late to rush out against the mountain ridge! With the speed of these two BMWs, the little devil's infantry cannon and The mortars just couldn't keep up."

Bai Shujie frowned, then shook his head: "We are all lightly dressed. Although the mountain ridge in the west is steep, we can still climb it. Now I order: Everyone, let go of the horsepower, sprint with all your strength, and climb up to the top of the gods." Ridge is victory! You come with me, when Zhang Xiang and I set up heavy machine gun positions here, we personally inspected it, and there is a path to go up!"

The nearest little devil was within 1000 meters, Bai Shujie turned his horse's head and rushed west first, Xiao Lamei followed closely behind.It's not that she is afraid of death, but that the radio station is on her.Faced with such a situation, the radio station is the last lifeline!

God bless, Bai Shujie and the others rushed to the halfway up the mountain in one breath, without losing a single person or a horse.If you want to continue going up, it is impossible for war horses to carry people, and all warriors can only dismount and walk up the mountain.

"Captain, you lead the large troops and horses to go first, and I will lead three machine gun teams to build a position here, ready to stop the enemy from climbing the mountain!"

Yang Mantun hung the reins on the saddle bridge, and directly moved the machine gun and ammunition box down.

Everyone knows that veterans are oily, and everyone knows that what Yang Mandun said is the only way in this situation, and there is no room for negotiation at all.Bai Shujie nodded solemnly, and then continued to move towards the main peak of Shentouling.

Bai Shujie is well aware of the strategic points here.As soon as he reached the top of the main peak, he hurriedly said: "Hao Jicai, immediately lead the three machine gun teams and follow me!"

Before he could move, Xiao Lamei, who was looking for the commanding heights of the radio station, exclaimed: "No, the little devil came up from the west, and he's already halfway up the mountain!"

Bai Shujie was startled when he heard the sound, and ran over to see a large group of little devils on the hillside!

"Brothers, we have been surrounded by little devils, and now we are at the last juncture." Bai Shujie shouted in a low voice, "I led Hao Jicai to the north to build a machine gun position, and the remaining three machine gun teams obeyed Xiao Lamei's command, and went to the spot immediately. Build a position and fight back the little devil!"

The reason why Bai Shujie was so anxious was that he knew there was a way to climb up from the north, which was the path that Zhao Sanbao and the others left.Although this path is very hidden, there is no guarantee that little devils will not find it.If this passage cannot be sealed, everyone will be finished!

Fortunately, the little devil coming from the west walked in a straight line, so he rushed directly to the main peak of Shentouling.On the battlefield, whoever occupies the commanding heights will be able to gain the initiative.Because of this, the little devil has not had time to enter the valley to the north.

Bai Shujie pointed to a path in front of him and said, "Ji Cai, do you see that? The two corners here are where you must guard. Unless the little devil's shells have eyes, otherwise, they will fly far away and fly over the mountain ridge. It's just that the distance is not enough to fall down the mountain. I will leave this to you, and I will go to the main peak to fight back the little devil!"

Hao Jicai blocked Bai Shujie's way and said, "Captain, since no enemy has been found here, why don't you and Xiao Lamei rush out from here. Don't worry, even if we kill them all, the little devils will never catch up with you!"

"Fart!" Bai Shujie said angrily: "Since I was born, I have never let my brothers block bullets for me! If you want to go together, go together, if you want to die, you must die together! Execute the order immediately!"

Hao Jicai wanted to say something, but Bai Shujie suddenly turned his right hand, grabbed Hao Jicai's shoulder and threw it behind him, and he had already crossed the passage to the main peak.

"Brothers, have you seen it? What is the identity of the captain? He is No.1 in Rehe Province, the commander-in-chief of the front army!" Hao Jicai got up from the ground and said, "If this was placed in the original Northeast Army, it would be Tang Yulin's. Status and status. Now, not only will he not go first, but he will not retreat half a step. He wants to live and die with his brothers here. Brothers, those who are afraid of death can leave now. Even if I die, Hao Jicai will die in Bai Commander in Chief!"

The other five soldiers shouted: "Brother, if we were afraid of death, we wouldn't have run out with you! Isn't it just death? Damn it, who can really live ten thousand years without dying! It’s only two days early and two days late, what a big deal! Hurry up, the three groups find their own defensive positions, and it’s serious to try to pull a few little devils to back them up!”

People are not afraid of death, so how can they be afraid of death?Those Hao Jicai who came out of the Puppet Independence Army are real men!The six soldiers along the way to the north were all determined to die, and there was no serious problem for the time being.

When Bai Shujie returned to the top of the main peak, Xiao Lamei had already set up a radio station in a small stone cave. There was not much space here, and unless the little devil's shells could bend, it would be impossible to be blown up.

The other three crooked hands and six soldiers had already been assigned by Xiao Lamei.The little devil's climbing sound of humming and humming is now clearly audible!

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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