blood feud


Bai Shujie saw that the situation on the main peak was orderly, and the six soldiers were veterans who followed Hao Jicai.Although they used to be in the artillery company, since they followed Bai Shujie, they have fully adapted to everything from stepping down immediately, to infantry and cavalry.Grab a machine gun and become a machine gun shooter, and see a cannon and immediately become an artilleryman.

The machine gun team of Bai Shujie's task force has two people. The main shooter carries a machine gun and a box of bullets, and the deputy shooter carries a box of bullets and six barrels.In other words, a crooked sub-machine gun is equipped with two boxes of 9600 rounds of ammunition.

The reason why there are two people in a group instead of three is because the little devil is in order to ensure the versatility of the bullets of the [-]-type rifle and the crooked sub-machine gun.Just open the ammunition box, take out the bullet bridge and press it into the bucket to shoot.

Because of this, Bai Shujie used crooked machine guns as much as possible, because the little devil is aggressive by nature, and in order to reduce the logistical pressure, he thought of all the details too thoughtfully!

But the Czech light machine gun is different. Although Bai Shujie equips each machine gun with twelve clips, you have to press the bullets yourself after firing.Twelve clips are only 240 rounds of bullets. If the battle is fierce, it will be finished in half an hour!

Xiao Lamei placed a machine gun on a commanding height 300 meters south of the mountain ridge to prevent the little devil from rushing along the mountain ridge.

The two crooked handles in the west are 200 meters away from the main peak, and they are respectively arranged on both sides of the main peak.The two crooked handles are naturally less, but Xiao Lamei has already taken out her own and Bai Shujie's spare machine guns, thus forming three machine gun positions in the west, controlling a width of 800 meters.

When the battle is fierce, there are four machine guns on the west side, and the Czech machine gun has a fast rate of fire, and the effect of suppressive shooting is better.

"Sister, you can only participate in the battle at the last moment." Bai Shujie grabbed his machine gun and said, "Your machine gun will be my replacement gun, which can reduce the number of barrel replacements. Under normal circumstances, your main task It is to grasp the overall situation and press the bullet for me by the way."

"Don't worry, I'm not a child, so I can tell the priorities." Xiao Lamei smiled nonchalantly: "It looks very dangerous and exciting. Isn't it? Hehehe!"


Just as Bai Shujie and Xiao Lamei were talking, the little devil had climbed within 40 meters.With a long burst shot by Bai Shujie, he first sent Cao Chang who was in the middle of the group of devils flying out!

Da da!Da da!Da da!

At this distance, it was purely to call the little devils in the front. All three machine guns fired short bursts in rapid succession.

With this sudden attack, the little devil suddenly panicked.The all-round little devil was knocked down, and when he rolled down the hillside, he also knocked the little devil behind him down the hillside!

Because the main peak of Shentouling seems to rise from the flat ground, and the east and west sides are very steep.It seems that the head of a giant god stands on the ground, so it is called Shentouling.The worst thing about Shentouling is that the highest point is like the back of a knife, and the width from east to west is less than 20 meters.

The little devil received an order to move out urgently at noon yesterday, and he didn't rest at all along the way.After arriving at Shaohuyingzi, we began to climb the mountain to seize the commanding heights.Unexpectedly, it was about to succeed. It turned out that there were already enemy machine guns on the commanding heights!

Shentou Ridge is more than 400 meters above sea level. The little devil climbed up it hard, but he did nothing and returned to the starting position of more than 100 meters above sea level!A few sporadic little devils were more clever, and they had already hid behind the big tree as soon as the gunshot rang out, and escaped for the time being.

One of Bai Shujie's magazines only fired a dozen bullets, and the other two crooked guns hadn't finished firing the same magazine, and the first battle was over.

At this time, the sound of machine guns from the mountainside to the east rang out, much more intense than Bai Shujie's place!

Xiao Lamei quickly raised the binoculars to look down the east hillside, and found that the three machine gun teams were scattered, forming a blocking formation of two in front and one in back, controlling the defense line of more than 1000 meters to the left and right.

The machine gun trailing behind was in the hands of Yang Mantun himself.The enemy climbed up on him, only to be caught between three machine guns.The reason why the gunfire was so loud was that Yang Mantun wanted to leave all the more than 30 little devils who climbed up!

Now if the little devils in the west want to climb up again, it won't be impossible in half an hour.Xiao Lamei immediately went back and brought her machine gun over, rushed down more than 200 meters in one breath, and shot a shuttle at the south side of Yangmantun!

Five little devils who were hiding in a shooting blind spot were instantly beaten to pieces!This is the result of Xiao Lamei's condescending observation just now, and she has already figured out the location of the blow.

Yang Mantun saw Xiao Lamei suddenly appearing in an unbelievable corner, and was overwhelmed with surprise: "Sister Lamei is really good at tricks, she is worthy of being a hero among women!"

"Stop using these useless sour words for my aunt!" Xiao Lamei came in a hurry and forgot to bring a spare magazine, and now she only had a fire stick in her hand, so she was a little unhappy: "The terrain above is favorable, and your position can still go Up some so we can take care of both."

It was after nine o'clock in the morning to fight the first attack of the little devil.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the little devils on the east and west sides fired shells on Shentouling almost at the same time.

It's a pity that the mountain ridge is like a crucian carp's back, and it can't drop shells at all.As a result, three infantry shells fired from the east landed on the west mountain ridge, blowing up a few little devils hiding behind the big trees. Xiao Lamei, who had just returned to the mountain ridge, was dumbfounded: "The little devils are very polite today. He even helped us fight!"

"Little devils are not fools, and they will soon find out that something is wrong." Bai Shujie was not optimistic: "The enemy and us are just testing it out, and the cruel battle is yet to come. Damn it, where did the little devils in the west come from? Yes, why are you moving so fast? Looking at the traces here, Sanbao and the others should have left, why didn't they contact us?"

Xiao Lamei asked softly: "Brother, what shall we do next? Break through or something?"

"It's broad daylight now, and the west is full of enemies. How can we break through?" Bai Shujie shook his head and said, "Once we leave this place, there will be no danger to defend, so that would be too bad! Besides, the little devil is so mobilizing the crowd, and what's the point?" How could it be possible for us to break through?"

"Since the little devil wants to play, then play slowly! Send a report to Chengde!" Bai Shujie sneered: "Zhao, Gan: immediately find out the movements of the little devil in the southeast of Chengde, where is the little devil suddenly moving eastward?" .Currently, the task force is surrounded by little devils on the front line of Shentouling, and it is temporarily unable to break out of the encirclement! Call back as soon as you find out the enemy's movements. Bai Shujie."

Zhao Jinxi received a telegram from Bai Shujie yesterday, and has already sent telegrams to Zhang Xiang's first division, Hou Zide's second division, and Lan Caiqin's third division, and is ready to launch a surprise attack on the face-to-face enemy tomorrow.Unexpectedly, another telegram came from Bai Shujie suddenly, causing an uproar in Chengde Mountain Resort!

Lu Ming, chief of staff of the Rehe Front Army, read the telegram, and immediately burst into anger: "Eldest brother was surrounded by little devils on the line of Shentouling, and the enemy from the west is still passing under our noses. Lan Caiqin, a dead girl What is it for? Zhang Xiang is mature and prudent, why hasn't he noticed the enemy's movement? In case the big brother makes a mistake, everyone stay away!"

Lin Heier passed near the headquarters and heard the commotion inside, so she went in to see what was going on.Hearing that Bai Shujie was surrounded by little devils, he stopped doing it immediately: "Xi'er, Tong'er, what are you doing? The men are surrounded by Japanese devils, and they seem to be okay. Are you going to be a widow?"

Well, Bai Shujie is still fighting bloody battles with the enemy ahead, her old master has already recruited two daughters-in-law at home, and she is still scolding non-stop!

"Auntie, what are you talking about all the time!" Can Zhao Jinxi not be in a hurry?But you still have to be careful in front of Lin Hei'er, your happiness depends on the old man.Now that he heard that his matter was settled, he was immediately elated and at the same time even more furious.

"Sister Gan Tong, the safety of Chengde is in your hands! In addition, power Zhang Xiang of Lingyuan, the first division is ready to fight immediately, ready to attack at any time!"

Zhao Jinxi said something briefly to Gan Tong, then turned his head and shouted sharply: "Wei Chong, your reconnaissance battalion is urgently assembled, follow me to the front line of Lingyuan. Auntie wants to see for herself, the little devil wants to do something to my man Like! Qiu Shufen, bring the radio and follow me!"

The four companies of the reconnaissance battalion are all iron-blooded generals of Bai Shujie. Now that the eldest brother is besieged, why not worry?All the people are one person and two horses, as if a whirlwind blows out of the east gate of Chengde.He galloped eastward for 240 miles in one breath, and arrived at the front line of Shisanjiazi in the evening of the same day.

Zhang Xiang had already received the order to attack at any time, but he didn't know what happened.He was impatient in Lingyuan County, so he went west to meet him, and ended up bumping head-on at Shisanjiazi and Zhao Jinxi.

"Brother, your brother is surrounded by little devils on Shentou Ridge. He is still alive or dead!" Zhao Jinxi followed Bai Shujie and has always called Zhang Xiang "Big Brother". The enemy to the west of Touling is passing from your side, what is going on here?"

"That's right, there was some commotion last night, the little devil. I thought it was caused by the transfer of our troops. I didn't expect them to go after the brothers!" Zhang Xiang blushed and said, "It's all about me. It was caused by my negligence, sister, please give me an order, that place at Shentouling turned out to be my defense zone, and I am very familiar with it!"

"Brother, it's too late for us to rush there now!" Zhao Jinxi stretched out his hand, and Wei Chong had already handed over the map: "Look, brother, your fifth regiment is on the front line of Mumuchengzi, and this is the most prominent regiment. Even so, it is more than three hundred miles away from Shentou Ridge. There is still the Fifth Regiment of the Tenth Division of the Little Devils in the middle, and there is no way for a regiment to get through!"

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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