Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 1026 Penglai Pavilion

Early the next morning, Ye Lingtian was about to take Mu Linkong to leave the inn, but at the checkout, the shopkeeper refused to accept Ye Lingtian's immortal stone, and insisted on returning the high-grade immortal stone to him.

Regarding this, Ye Lingtian didn't think too much about it. After accepting the high-grade fairy stone, he took Mu Linkong and left.

Walking on the bustling street, Mu Linkong was also a little absent-minded, his mind was full of what happened last night.

In the end, Ye Lingtian patted him on the shoulder, and said in a low voice: "Don't think too much, this world is like this, either you are plotting against others, or they are plotting against you, there can be no absolutely fair things. As for those so-called just things , Most of them are just a cover for those with ulterior motives. You have seen a lot in the fairy world, and you will gradually get used to it."

"Master, I understand. It's just that I'm still a little angry. I kindly helped him, but I didn't expect him to harm me. If it weren't for you, Master, I'm afraid I would be living on the street now. I will definitely listen to you in the future. If so, don’t act recklessly again.”

Mu Linkong looked at Ye Lingtian helplessly. It seemed that this incident had really hit him hard.

Ye Lingtian smiled faintly, and said: "You know it's good to listen to me. Although the old man was not dealt with on the spot yesterday, he will not have a good life now.

You must know that I left something in his body, and his storage ring is still in our hands.

If there were no masters above Jinxian late stage to help him heal his wounds, or take those top healing pills, I guess he would only have half his life left now. If he just relied on him to heal his wounds, there would not be thousands of years. It is absolutely impossible to recover.

How dare you steal my apprentice's things in front of my face, this is courting death! "

Before they knew it, Ye Lingtian and Mu Linkong walked a few streets, and a magnificent restaurant appeared in front of them.

Looking at the three golden characters of "Penglai Pavilion" above the restaurant, Mu Linkong immediately said: "Master, let's go to this restaurant! I have heard the name of this restaurant before, and it seems that there are thousands of restaurants in the fairy world." Every year, they come to our house to buy many different kinds of fine wine.”

Ye Lingtian nodded casually and said, "I don't care where we go, as long as we can live there. Since you said it's this place, let's go here!"

But when Ye Lingtian and Mu Linkong walked to the gate of "Penglai Pavilion", they were stopped by two guards.

"Before entering this restaurant, you two need to understand the rules of this restaurant. The service of this restaurant is one of the best in the fairy world, so the consumption level is also more expensive than ordinary restaurants, and this restaurant never accepts credit. In addition, no one is allowed in this restaurant. , I wonder if the two of you are still planning to go in now?"

Ye Lingtian said as a matter of course: "Come in, why not? I want to see how good your service is here."

But the two guards showed some doubts, and said: "You two, let me tell you straight! As long as you enter this store, everyone's consumption should not be less than one top-grade fairy stone, but look at the two Look, I'm afraid something unpleasant will happen later."

It was only then that Ye Lingtian realized that because he had asked Mu Linkong before, they were not wearing gorgeous clothes. At this time, their whole bodies were added up, and the total price was only ten high-grade immortal stones.

Although this is already considered very wealthy among ordinary immortals, it is still not enough for a place like "Penglai Pavilion" where wealthy people gather.

Because of this, the guard was afraid that they would not be able to take out the fairy stone after eating, so he said such words.

Fortunately, the rules of "Penglai Pavilion" are very strict. Although the two guards were a little confused, they didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

"It's easy to say, but it's just a top-grade fairy stone. I usually reward others with at least ten yuan. I really can't get this one out!"

Ye Lingtian immediately snapped his fingers at Mu Linkong, and Mu Linkong, who understood, immediately stepped forward and took out 20 yuan of the best fairy stone from the storage ring, intending to give it to the two guards as a tip.

But at this time, the two guards waved their hands in a hurry, and said respectfully: "I'm really sorry, I'm really sorry, our store has a rule that all subordinates are not allowed to take tips from customers, so we can only thank the elders Thank you for your kindness. Please invite the two elders, and the shop will use the best service to entertain the two elders."

Speaking of this, the two guards also sent a message to the restaurant, and immediately a girl wearing a lady's attire with a pure face came out of the restaurant, and invited Ye Lingtian and Mu Linkong into the restaurant middle.

The decoration of this restaurant is also very unique. As soon as you enter the door, you will see a spacious corridor, and an exquisite and gorgeous carpet is laid on the corridor.

At the end of the corridor is a screen made of jade, on which a picture of a dragon and a phoenix is ​​printed with the technique of refining.

When Ye Lingtian and the two walked to the screen, they found that behind the screen was the lobby on the first floor of the restaurant. There were more than a dozen tables and chairs sparsely placed in the lobby on the first floor, and in the middle of the lobby It is a high platform, and there are several young girls playing ancient tunes on the high platform at this time.

On both sides of the hall are two staircases, leading to the two sides of the second floor.

The second floor is in the form of a ring. Sitting there, not only can you see the performance on the high platform, but you can also see all the scenes in the hall on the first floor.

As for the third floor, because there are wooden boards separating it, Ye Lingtian has no way of knowing.

However, the decoration in Penglai is gorgeous but not vulgar, noble and elegant, indeed it can be regarded as one of the best restaurants in the fairy world.

When they came to the steps of the hall on the first floor, the little girl leading the way hurriedly asked again softly: "I wonder if the two elders are planning to watch various performances of our store in the hall on the second floor? Or are they planning to go to the third floor or above?" How about enjoying the peaceful atmosphere in the private room?"

Mu Linkong immediately said: "Master, it's a bit noisy outside, let's go to the private room!"

Ye Lingtian shook his head, and said flatly: "Let's go to the second floor, just find a quieter place."

The girl who led the way hurriedly nodded, and led Ye Lingtian and the two up to the second floor from the stairs on the left.

After reaching the second floor, Ye Lingtian found that each dining table here was separated by two screens on both sides, forming separate reading rooms, leaving only one passageway for guests to walk.

In the room, there are not only dining tables, but also reclining chairs and coffee tables specially prepared for guests to rest.

When Ye Lingtian and Mu Linkong came to a room closer to the inside, the girl who led the way also smiled and asked, "I wonder what the two elders are going to eat?"

"Give me all the dishes you are good at here."

Before Ye Lingtian could speak, Mu Linkong spoke first.

Mu Linkong still remembered the experience of ordering food last time, so he said it without hesitation this time.

It's just that the girl leading the way couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling, while Ye Lingtian frowned speechlessly.

Mu Linkong looked at the girl leading the way with some embarrassment and asked, "What? Did I say something wrong?"

The girl hurriedly explained: "This fairy must be visiting our Penglai Pavilion for the first time! Our place is different from other restaurants. Other restaurants are good at seven or eight kinds of dishes at most, but ours is good at it." There are more than 130 kinds of dishes, if you really want to serve all the special dishes of this restaurant, I am afraid that you will not be able to fit in a few more tables!"

"Master, it's better for you old man to order! I will listen to you."

Mu Linkong, who was once again deflated, immediately handed over the right to choose to Ye Lingtian.

Ye Lingtian didn't say much, and immediately reported more than a dozen dishes that Xiaoyue had cooked for him.

The girl then asked: "Then I wonder what kind of wine the two elders want to drink? This restaurant has all kinds of fine wines brewed by the Mu family, the largest winemaking family in the fairy world. I guarantee that you will like it."

"Che, I have the best wine from the Mu family on me, so there's no need to drink it in your restaurant!"

Ye Lingtian thought disdainfully, but for the sake of face, he ordered a pot casually: "Then get me a cheap pot!"

"Okay, please wait for a moment, the two immortal elders. I will instruct the kitchen to make what you ordered. However, all the dishes in this restaurant are freshly made, so it will take a little longer in terms of time. Otherwise, the two immortals Let me have a pot of tea first? The various famous teas in this shop are considered unique in the fairy world."

The girl leading the way was now recommending something else.

Ye Lingtian didn't even think about it, he pointed at Mu Linkong and said, "Give this kid a cheap pot, it would be better if there is free tea, anyway, he can't tell whether the tea is good or bad. OK."

"Master, I'm so strong, why don't I drink tea? Why don't you just let me drink with you!"

Mu Linkong said excitedly that it would be impossible for him to drink tea when he grew up drinking.

Hearing what Mu Linkong said, Ye Lingtian shook his head and said, "Then there's no need for tea, you can just bring the pot of wine I ordered just now to this kid."

Mu Linkong almost didn't faint. He had given Ye Lingtian nearly [-] jugs of all kinds of fine wines, but now that Ye Lingtian was stingy and he didn't want a jug, he even let him drink the cheapest wine. This is simply too bullying Well!

After the girl brought the wine to Mu Linkong, Mu Linkong just sniffed it, and said with a depressed face: "Master, this wine is no different from garbage. Instead of letting me drink this kind of wine, I will drink it." It's better not to drink."

"Well, girl, since this kid doesn't drink, then give me a refund, and just bring him a glass of water."

With a wave of Ye Lingtian's hand, even Mu Linkong's right to drink was revoked.

As for the girl, she stared at Ye Lingtian's master and apprentice dumbfounded, and said apologetically after she came back to her senses: "You two elders, I'm really sorry, all kinds of wine and vegetables in this shop will not be refunded."

Immediately, Ye Lingtian looked at Mu Linkong with a smile that was not a smile, and said lightly: "You should drink this wine obediently! Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste if you spent so much immortal stone?"

"What? Master, you old man is right, I have to pay for this!"

Mu Linkong looked at Ye Lingtian in surprise, never would have thought that he would worship such a money-grubbing master.

But Ye Lingtian said confidently: "Of course, you are my apprentice, not you, so why should I, the master, come out? Besides, you don't want to think about it. I didn't sleep all night last night, master, so I saved it for you. How much loss, this small amount of money, I think you won't care."

Mu Linkong also refused to let himself suffer, and said angrily: "Since I paid for it, then I don't want to drink this. Bring me a pot of immortal drunk. As for this pot, just pour it out!"

Ye Lingtian shrugged his shoulders and said, "Whatever you want, I want to save some money for you kid. Since that's the case, then I'm not too polite. This girl, bring me some pots of flowing water!"

"Master, you are too deceitful!"

Mu Linkong gritted his teeth and looked at Ye Lingtian. If it wasn't possible, he would definitely pounce on Ye Lingtian and bite Ye Lingtian hard.

It's just that Liuquanlu is a treasure of the Mu family, and it is not sold to the public at all, so how could there be it in Penglai Pavilion?

The girl also said embarrassingly: "I'm really sorry, this fairy, the Liuquanlu store you mentioned doesn't have it."

"It's such a pity. I wanted to let this little boy bleed, but it seems that I have to drink my own."

Ye Lingtian shook his head helplessly, while Mu Linkong showed a smug smile. He managed to beat Ye Lingtian once in the verbal confrontation.

The master and apprentice waited in the room for about half an hour, and Mu Linkong was drunk after drinking two pots of immortals, and the dishes they ordered were finally served.

Several young girls walked into the room where Ye Lingtian and Ye Lingtian were sitting with a few plates of delicate dishes. Ye Lingtian couldn't help but nodded when he smelled the aroma, and praised: "The appearance is not bad, I just don't know how it tastes."

After finishing speaking, Ye Lingtian took a bite before waiting for the dishes to be served.

And Mu Linkong, who was on the side, also hurriedly started to eat after seeing Ye Lingtian start.

But to Mu Linkong's surprise, the dishes here are much higher than those in yesterday's inn both in terms of taste and appearance, but at this time Ye Lingtian took a bite of each dish and put it down. With the chopsticks in his hand, he frowned.

"Master, what's the matter, don't you like these dishes? I think it's very good, much better than the one yesterday!"

With his mouth full of vegetables, Mu Lin asked vaguely.

Ye Lingtian just shook his head and didn't speak.

The girl serving Ye Lingtian and Mu Linkong on the side also hurriedly asked: "My dear fairy, don't the dishes in this restaurant suit your taste?"

"It's not that it doesn't suit your taste. If it's someone else, then they should think it's pretty good, just like this kid. But my taste is rather tricky, so the food in your restaurant can barely score [-]%! This still doesn't meet my requirements. Forget it, your chefs probably won't be able to do anything good. Go and get me two clean bowls and chopsticks, and then take away the things on this table. It seems I can only eat my own."

Ye Lingtian said rather helplessly. (To be continued.)

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