Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 1027 You Are Blackmailing

It is impossible to see Xiaoyue again in the future, and the dishes Xiaoyue cooked at the beginning will become extremely precious, and one plate will be one less.

If it wasn't for the dishes ordered today that whetted Ye Lingtian's appetite, he would never touch the delicious food in the storage ring.

Even if you want to eat it, you have to wait until you go to Rakshasa Immortal Realm.

Seeing that all the delicacies he hadn't eaten were taken away, Mu Linkong suddenly said depressedly: "Master, how can you do this, old man? I haven't eaten enough yet, so you let people take those dishes away , isn't this a waste?"

"I'm asking you to keep your stomach, and I'll let you taste what is really delicious later."

Ye Lingtian said mysteriously, and Mu Linkong's eyes lit up again.

At the same time, what happened in their room was also reported to the manager of the restaurant by the girl serving them.

When the manager heard that Ye Lingtian's restaurant's food was only [-] percent, he became angry immediately.

With her picky mouth, the dishes of Penglai Pavilion are not 95 points in her mind, at least they are more than [-] points, but now they have been belittled to the level of those first-class restaurants.

What's more, Ye Lingtian also reported a kind of fine wine that she had never heard of, which seemed to be a grade higher than the best wine in their restaurant. She had to inquire about such a thing.

Otherwise, if more and more customers want this kind of fine wine in the future, and their restaurant can't produce it, then the signboard of Penglai Pavilion will be smashed.

However, visiting someone you don't know requires skill. As the head manager of Penglai Pavilion, I also understand the truth of this. If you visit rashly, not only will the reputation of the restaurant be damaged, but you may also offend the guests. cause unnecessary trouble.

After thinking about it, she first asked the kitchen to prepare a few dishes that she thought were the most outstanding dishes in Penglai Pavilion, and then took a bottle of top-notch wine, and then she was ready to leave for the room where Ye Lingtian was.

While the manager was busy preparing, the serving girl had already removed the previous dishes and brought two sets of clean bowls and chopsticks. The ring took out eight food boxes.

When Ye Lingtian opened the food box, the tangy aroma permeated the whole room, and even the serving girl couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

The dishes in the eight food boxes that Ye Lingtian took out were nothing else, they happened to be the ones he had ordered in Penglai Pavilion before, but there were no dishes in Penglai Pavilion.

Looking at Mu Linkong who was hesitant to put down his chopsticks, Ye Lingtian took out another pot of flowing spring dew, distributed a wine glass to Mu Linkong, and said with a smile: "Since it is to eat this top-level delicacy, it is of course indispensable Top-notch fine wine. Today, we, master and apprentice, will have a good drink, so that you don’t always think I’m stingy.”

Mu Linkong quickly put a piece of meat in his mouth, his expression changed immediately, and he exclaimed after a while: "Master, this tastes so delicious, where did you buy it? I'm going to buy dozens of copies to bring with me." body!"

Ye Lingtian fell silent at this time, and it took a long time before he smiled bitterly: "If there is a place to sell it, I would have let you taste it, so why wait until now. This thing is very precious, your master and I spent a lot of money on it. It’s the price paid for.”

After finishing speaking, Ye Lingtian didn't want to get too entangled in this topic, so he quickly raised his chopsticks.

When more than half of the dishes in the food boxes were gone, and the pot of flowing water was finished, the director of Penglai Pavilion who had prepared gifts arrived late.

When she walked into the room with several young girls carrying delicacies, Mu Linkong said in surprise: "Master, it seems that we haven't ordered any more dishes. Did they send them to the wrong place?"

"It's very possible. I didn't expect such a low-level mistake in such a high-end restaurant. Never mind, we will eat ours, and they will naturally leave when they find out."

Ye Lingtian didn't even raise his head, and continued to compete with the delicacies on the table.

At this moment, the beautiful woman in the lead said with a slight smile: "You two are wrong, we did not go to the wrong room. I heard the report from the people below that there were two distinguished guests, so I came to visit on purpose. Next is Yang Ningzhi, the head manager of Ningguangxing branch in Penglai Pavilion, do you know your surnames?"



Ye Lingtian and Mu Linkong uttered a word respectively, and they didn't give her any preferential treatment because they were beautiful women.

But Yang Ningzhi, who is used to seeing big scenes, didn't care, she ordered the maids behind her to deliver the prepared dishes and wine to the table, and then asked slowly: "I just heard the report from the people below, the two A distinguished guest said that the dishes of our Penglai Pavilion are only worth [-] cents in your eyes, I wonder if this is true?"

"That's right, I said it! Anyway, my mouth grows on me, so it seems that what I say has nothing to do with you! Besides, I already gave it [-]% for the sake of the good environment here. If I change places, at most Just seventy."

For those who disturbed his meal, Ye Lingtian never gave them a good face.

"Then I don't know which restaurant's dishes are considered top-notch in Ye Xianyou's mind?"

Yang Ningzhi said calmly, not at all angry because of Ye Lingtian's words.

Ye Lingtian glanced at Yang Ningzhi, and said casually: "I'm sorry, I have been to no more than ten restaurants, but it seems that the food here is only slightly better than yours."

"So, Ye Xianyou also has limited reading, so he said that. If this is the case, then please Ye Xianyou take back what you just said."

Yang Ningzhi stared closely at Ye Lingtian, she wanted to make this person who dared to underestimate Penglai Pavilion subdue in front of her.

Ye Lingtian shook his head disapprovingly and said, "This is how rare you are. Who said that top-level dishes can only be eaten in restaurants, isn't what I'm eating right now? It's not sold by any restaurant. Son, don't you think so?"

"Yes, what we eat now tastes much better than the dishes we ordered just now."

Mu Linkong also said confidently, without any estimation of the presence of other people.

"Then I don't know if I can let you taste it? I can't say anything else, and Zaixia's ability to distinguish dishes is still well-known in the entire fairy world!"

Yang Ningzhi said solemnly, this is a matter related to the reputation of Penglai Pavilion, she dare not be careless.

Ye Lingtian didn't say much, and directly stopped Mu Linkong who was about to get rid of the last bit of leftovers, and made a gesture of please.

Looking at the little leftovers in several food boxes, Yang Ningzhi's heart suddenly rose with raging anger. What Ye Lingtian did was simply an insult to her, the manager, and Penglai Pavilion Restaurant.

"Ye Xianyou, you are being a little too stingy! Besides, I am afraid that the remaining dishes can't be fully tasted by me. Why don't you bring out a new dish? It will be more fair in the evaluation. !"

"When did I say that I want you to comment, I just let you taste what is really delicious, you can eat it or not. What's more, I have always been stingy, and I don't invite people I don't know to eat casually. If you don’t believe me, you can ask my apprentice. Besides, I paid a lot of money for these dishes, and I am reluctant to eat them myself, so how can I just give them to others.”

Ye Lingtian simply ignored Yang Ningzhi's terribly gloomy expression at this time, and said calmly.

Several times, Yang Ningzhi couldn't help but want to explode. If she hadn't seen that this was a public area, she would have slapped Ye Lingtian long ago.

"Ye Xianyou, no matter how much you pay, I will pay for it."

"I'm afraid you can't afford it. I might as well tell you that the person who cooks this dish is not a chef at all, but a lady from a big family. In order to let her cook a few dishes, I spent a high-grade fairy weapon And the price of no less than one billion high-grade immortal stones!"

Ye Lingtian looked at Yang Ningzhi leisurely and said.

"You are simply blackmailing!"

Yang Ningzhi finally lost his temper, and Ye Lingtian said without hesitation: "It's just a small amount of money. I don't need to lie to you. Believe it or not. Besides, you begged to taste it. I never said anything halfway. Why do you want to compete with you at Penglai Pavilion? I eat my food, do I hinder you? Is this how you treat customers when you open the door to do business? If so, your signboard can also be removed! If you want to buy something, but you can't afford the price, is this how you people in Penglai Pavilion do business?"

"You and I……"

For a while, Yang Ningzhi didn't know what to say, since she was young, she had never been wronged like this.

However, in order to restore the reputation of Penglai Pavilion, she walked to the dining table with tears in her eyes, took a pair of chopsticks with trembling hands, and put a little of the few remaining dishes in the food box into her mouth.

After Yang Ningzhi ate the dish, she was speechless.

Because even if the remaining dishes are already cold at this time, the taste is even better than that of Penglai Pavilion. If they are freshly made, they will definitely be higher than the dishes of Penglai Pavilion. .

Seeing Yang Ningzhi standing aside silently, Ye Lingtian said coldly: "Now you should know the result! I don't bother to argue with you, if you are not a woman, you would not even have this little leftovers." Don't try it."

Yang Ningzhi took a deep breath, held back her tears and lowered her high head, and said in a trembling voice: "I'm sorry, it was our Penglai Pavilion who lost. What you said is true, I only blame my low vision."

Ye Lingtian, who didn't want to see a woman cry, could only wave his hands at this moment, and said helplessly: "Forget it, forget it, I don't care about it with you, let's end this matter like this!"

Yang Ningzhi is also worthy of being a veteran who has been in the mall for many years. After a while, he suppressed the emotions in his heart and asked honestly: "Ye Xianyou, I also heard that you once mentioned a kind of water called Liuquanlu. It just so happens that there is also a jug of our top-quality wine here, please taste it and see if it can compare to the flowing water you mentioned?" (To be continued.)

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