Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 1112 Stop Playing

ps: Thank you book friend 19780512 for the reward!

When the masters of the Huangfu family gave the order, the Ma family and the Zhuge family thought they could take advantage of the opportunity of the other party to break through, but how could the Huangfu family's years of combat experience allow them to succeed. .

After the Huangfu family angels in front blocked their weak attacks, they waited until the golden immortal masters from behind arrived, and those angels retreated slowly, and even when they retreated, they always maintained the integrity of the formation , there was no panic at all.

When all the golden immortals from Huangfu's family were in place, the Ma and Zhuge's teams were completely hopeless.

Looking at the hundreds of golden immortals around them, they really couldn't figure out which family they were fighting against this time, which had such powerful strength.

And the golden immortals of Huangfu's family were not in a hurry, they still attacked unhurriedly, but they were also very careful, each blow did not seek to take away an enemy's life, but could leave a lot of damage on the opponent's body. Small wounds, and force the opponent to consume a large amount of cents.

This situation didn't last long. Under the overwhelming attack of countless golden immortals, the immortal essence in that team was exhausted, but the situation was so critical that there was no time for them to recover from the storage ring. Take out the pill and take it.

Soon, a celestial being couldn't support anymore because of the depletion of immortal energy, and slowly fell down, and his departure also made the formation formed by this team of people and horses immediately invalid.

Without any hesitation, which of the golden immortals surrounding them was not a human spirit, and immediately launched the strongest attack without saying a word, flying swords, flames, ice...

All kinds of attacks poured into this narrow range.

Slowly, all kinds of explosions on the battlefield dissipated. Under such a fierce attack, the Ma family and the Zhuge family's team finally left only the four late-stage Golden Immortals with the highest cultivation. In the later stage of Jinxian, his body was already covered with injuries, and even Xianyuan was exhausted.

In the end, the four of them looked at each other as if they had a tacit understanding, and then rushed towards four different directions.

Without thinking too much, they knew that they were going to blew themselves up and died together with the golden fairies around them.

It's just that the golden immortals of Huangfu's family would let them succeed so easily. The moment those four rushed out, hundreds of flying swords attacked them at the same time. Almost each of them had nearly a hundred flying swords in front of them. sword.

Two of the four reacted a little slower, and were turned into hedgehogs by those flying swords, while the other two blew themselves up without waiting to get close to each other.

If they were facing a group of celestial beings or dozens of golden immortals, it is estimated that such a self-destruct would still be a bit threatening, but what they were facing were hundreds of golden immortals. At the same time, Xian also set up an impenetrable Xianyuan defense circle in front of him.

Not only that, those golden immortals who formed the formation also instantly increased the power of the formation to the extreme.

The originally powerful self-detonation, under the defense of so many golden immortals, only produced two huge clusters of fireworks and then slowly dissipated, while the hundreds of golden immortals around only consumed some immortal yuan Well, no one was injured at all.

With the death of the last two golden immortals of the Ma family and the Zhuge family, the melee finally came to an end, and the Huangfu family won the battle perfectly at the cost of losing dozens of people at the beginning.

It's just that although the battle here is over, the battle thousands of miles away is still going on, and the protagonists of the battle have been replaced by the seven mysterious immortals from both sides.

Compared with the melee that can end the opponent's life with just one blow, the battle of these fourteen mysterious immortals is a bit gentle. Their flying swords collide in the air from time to time, and various magic formulas are constantly being used. Striking from their fingers, either they were blocked by the opponent with the same formula, or they were easily dodged by the opponent.

It didn't look like a fight at all, more like a show.

However, among the 14 people, there are two people who are in a bit of a panic. They are all masters of the Xuanxian Ma family in the early days. After seeing them, they completely lost the calmness they used to have.

The reason for this is entirely because of their two opponents.

After all, the Huangfu family and the Ouyang family have sent seven masters of Xuanxian level, and among them, there are five masters in the middle stage of Xuanxian. In the middle stage of immortality, the two early stages of Xuanxian from the Ma family were directly selected.

As for Zhuge Ran and his wife, who had just broken through in the early stage of Xuanxian, they were directly ignored by the two masters in the middle stage of Xuanxian.

Masters also have the dignity of masters. Since there are good choices, the two mid-stage Xuanxians of the Huangfu family will never bully Zhuge Ran and his wife, the two early-stage Xuanxians who have just broken through.

It's just that, but it's hard for the two Ma family and the two early Xuanxians. They can't compare with each other in terms of understanding of the way of heaven and storage of immortal essence. In addition, they are only fighting for profit, not For the survival of the family, they have no intention of going all out at all, so they are not as powerful as the other party. Now that they are facing two masters in the middle stage of Xuanxian, they are naturally even more fearful.

And how rich the fighting experience of Xuanxian on the Huangfu's side is, they saw each other's weakness as soon as they came up, and launched the most powerful attack, and the two of them were beaten back in a flash, without any trace. He fought back, and thus suffered trauma to varying degrees.

Just when the two sides were happily fighting each other, one of the most powerful masters of the Huangfu family, a middle-stage Xuanxian master, directly used a magic trick to blast his opponent ten thousand meters away, and then said relaxedly: "Everyone, stop playing!" Already, the battle on the other side is over, everyone show their true skills!"

Humiliation, Chi Guoguo's humiliation!

The five Xuanxians of the Ma family would never have imagined that their all-out attacks would be just for fun in the eyes of the other party.

And judging from the other party's tone, they had already won on another battlefield.

Now, the seven mysterious immortals of the Ma family and the Zhuge family began to worry. You must know that those people are the capital for the future development of their two families. The inside is not to try to cheer up again.

It's just that before they had time to think about the future, the six immortals of Huangfu's family began to show their power. Four of them took back the immortal artifacts suspended in the air, and then four immortals who seemed to be of higher level and more powerful The instrument was summoned out of the body by them, and the first to suffer was an elder of the Ma family who was an early Xuanxian.

His opponent, that is, the immortal in the middle stage of the Xuanxian family of Huangfu no longer used the flying sword, but replaced it with a pair of red double hooks. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that it was definitely a powerful high-grade fairy weapon.

And the Ma family elder was just relying on a very ordinary high-grade flying sword to fight against the opponent before. After the pair of double hooks appeared, he only raised a little vigilance and didn't take it to heart.

In his opinion, everyone is using high-grade fairy weapons, and there shouldn't be much difference in the level of weapons.

It was only when they played against each other that he knew he was wrong, and he was wrong very badly.

The hook has always been used as a weapon in the history of weapons. Unlike the flying sword, the hook can only be stabbed or chopped. There are many techniques for its use. , planing, hanging, racking, etc., many of these skills can just restrain flying swords. .

But the elder fairy of the Ma family didn't know this. When he was still holding the flying sword and stabbing at the opponent like before, the master of the middle stage of Xuanxian just smiled coldly, and then his consciousness moved, and the front of him The double hooks went up to the opponent's flying sword.

When the flying sword touched the double hooks, the pair of double hooks just crossed to hold the flying sword, and then the pair of double hooks moved to the left, and the flying sword immediately changed direction.

Before the elder Ma's family could react, the original pair of double hooks suddenly split into two, and one of them drew an arc in the air and swiped towards his neck. The head and body will definitely separate immediately.

The remaining one was tightly wrapped around the flying sword. Not only could the flying sword not move forward, it was even difficult to retreat.

At this critical juncture, the elder Ma's body fell down like a tortoise, and his head quickly retracted, trying to avoid the blow.

It's just that his body's reaction speed can't compare to a high-grade fairy weapon. Although he made an evasive movement, he was still half a beat slower. layer.

Moreover, at the same time that the single hook was leaving, the tail flicked strangely, and one of the elder horse's ears was cut off immediately.

After the blood-stained elder Ma Patriarch managed to stabilize his figure and added a layer of celestial shield around his body, the formula between the hands of the master of the Huangfu family who had been preparing for a long time was finally finished. .

The single hook that was entangled with the flying sword in mid-air had returned to his side at some point, and when the other single hook that made a surprise attack also came back, the pair of double hooks spun rapidly in front of him, and then the Xuanxian clapped his hands in the middle period, and two huge fire dragons with a thickness of one foot and tens of feet long were already rushing towards the elder Ma's family.

At this time, the elder Ma's eyes were full of panic, and he didn't care about attacking, so he hurriedly prepared to deploy a few defenses in front of him and then prepared to escape.

It's just that the master of the Huangfu family who has a well-thought-out plan will make him happy. He has finally used another trump card that he has never used before, that is, the space solidification that can only be used in the middle stage of Xuanxian.

This is the supernatural power of comprehension. It is not only effective for the enemy, but also effective for yourself. After using it, all the space within a radius of ten miles will become extremely solid. In this space, no one can use teleportation anymore. skills. (To be continued.)

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