It's just that the Ma family elder who was in a panic couldn't think of this. After setting up the defense, he was ready to teleport a hundred miles away, but when he used the teleport, he found that this skill he usually used often It just failed. .

Seeing that the two fire dragons were getting closer, he could no longer maintain his usual demeanor, so he rushed to the side, preparing to escape the fire dragon's attack.

But something that made him dumbfounded still happened, the two fire dragons seemed to be alive, they changed their angles in mid-air, and rushed straight towards him. When he wanted to turn around again, the two fire dragons had already Arrived in front of him.


After the Ma family elder screamed, he was swallowed by the two fire dragons immediately, but the two fire dragons didn't seem to be filled with it, and turned in mid-air, heading towards another mysterious place in the Ma family. The elders of the early days of immortality attacked.

The opponent of the Ma family elder was also a middle-stage Xuanxian master of the Huangfu family. Seeing this scene, he shook his head helplessly and thought with some dissatisfaction: "This kid is like this every time. I won't let you succeed if the opponent wants to grab other people's business if they solve it!"

Thinking of this, the speed of the long whip in his hand accelerated several times, and it flew in the air. At the same time, the length of the long whip was constantly increasing while it was flying. In the blink of an eye, all the space within a mile radius was filled with the shadow of the long whip.

"Pay me!"

The Xuanxian mid-term shouted loudly, and the whip shadows around quickly shrank towards the elder Ma Patriarch.

And the position that the Ma family elder was in at this time was indeed in a frozen space, and he couldn't teleport at all.

Looking at the whip shadows all over the sky, the Ma family elder only had time to lay down a shield of immortal essence, and was bound into rice dumplings by countless whip shadows.

It's just that the master in the middle stage of Xuanxian didn't give up after trapping the opponent, but shrank violently towards the middle.

Although the shield of immortal essence arranged by a master of the early stage of Xuanxian is strong, it still looks so weak in the face of the attack of the master of the middle stage of Xuanxian and the high-grade fairy weapon. In just a few breaths, the shield was broken. And the long whip was successfully tied to the elder Ma's body.

As the whip was tied tighter and tighter, traces of blood also seeped from the cracks of the whip.


I don't know if it was the sound of the elder Ma's armor breaking, or the sound of his body breaking, everything in the whip had been wrung to pieces.

And the middle-stage Xuanxian of Huangfu's family took back the long whip with a relaxed face, looked dissatisfied at the middle-stage Xuanxian master who fired the fire dragon, and said lightly: "Your speed is still a bit slower, the opponent has already been beaten. I solved it!"

At this time, the two fire dragons tumbling in the air turned into double hooks and returned to the middle-stage Xuanxian. He shook his head and said, "What's the matter? You just had better luck this time. No such luck. But please don't be so bloody every time, isn't it good to be like me?"

The Xuanxian Zhongqi who used the long whip snorted coldly, ignored him, but turned his head to look for another target.

As for the Xuanxian who used the double hook at the moment, he also smiled at the moment, and while flying towards a middle-stage Xuanxian master of the Ma family in the field, he laughed and said: "I'm so angry that I said it now!"

At this time, the remaining three Xuanxians of the Ma family were still angry besides anger. They never expected that the two brothers who grew up together were killed in this way. s attack.

It's just that those attacks that looked terrifying to them were blocked by their opponents in various ways.

When the two Xuanxians of the Huangfu family who had eliminated their opponents joined the battle group in the mid-term, the three elders of the Ma family immediately changed from attacking to defensive.

Originally, their own opponents were already a headache for them, but now with the addition of two middle-stage Xuanxians who were sneaking around, it made them even more uncomfortable.

Often before they have time to pinch some powerful spells, the opponent's sneak attack will come. The pair of double hooks and long whip seem to have a spirituality. Where to drill, and the positions where these two high-grade immortal artifacts appear are always so tricky.

Soon, the remaining three elders of the Ma family were also in some danger. When one of them pushed away the opponent's attack and was about to use the spell, a pair of double hooks suddenly fell from the sky. Although the elder tried his best to dodge back, But two of his fingers were cut off by the double hook.

Another elder of the Ma family was about to control Feijian to resist the opponent's attack, but a long whip flew out obliquely and directly entangled Feijian, while the opponent's Feijian attacked him without any resistance in front of.

Although blocked by a shield, a wound more than five inches long was drawn on his chest.

Gradually, under the siege of the Huangfu family's five middle-stage Xuanxian masters, the three elders of the Ma family suffered more and more wounds, while the two elders of the Zhuge family, Zhuge Ran and his wife, also suffered some minor injuries. But compared to the three members of the Ma family, their injuries are simply negligible.

At this time, Zhuge Ran also felt that it might be a little bad to continue fighting like this, so he hurriedly said to his wife: "It seems that the three of the Ma family can't resist for long, this time we are doomed, and if this continues, we may be too There is no escape from death, I think we should flee now while we still have the chance!"

Zhuge Ran's wife couldn't bear to ask: "But if we do this, what will the three elders of the Ma family do?"

Zhuge Ran, who was used to the behavior of these big families, immediately said with disdain: "Their life and death have nothing to do with us, anyway, these big families are wolf ambitions, it would be better if they died.

The most important thing now is to save our own lives. If we die here, the Zhuge family will really be removed from the fairy world.

Do you think it is possible for the Zhuge family to exist without us?So whether it's for Zhuge's family or our children, we must go! "

Between the family and the allies, Zhuge Ran's wife chose the former without even thinking about it, and said: "Well, I will listen to you, and I will do what you say."

"I have been observing for a long time just now. Among so many people on the other side, the old man from Ouyang's family is the weakest. I will block the opponent immediately, and you will immediately launch the biggest attack on the old man from Ouyang's family, and then we both use it at the same time. Escape secrets, retreat to the rear immediately. On this planet, we built a secret close-range teleportation array. As long as we get there, we can return to the family. At that time, we will immediately declare defeat, and then quietly arrange the family retreat!"

Zhuge Ran said calmly, and his wife could only nod helplessly after sighing.

Now that Zhuge's family has reached this point, this is the only way to go.

After making a good plan, the two of them confronted their opponents and came to the edge of the battlefield without leaving any traces. After fighting with their opponents with a flying sword, they immediately slammed the magic formula, and his opponents Not to be outdone, Shi Shi followed up with a formula.

Soon, after Zhuge Ran's formula was completed, he immediately shot it out, and the space in front of him immediately became a sea of ​​flames, and at the same time he shouted: "Good opportunity!"

After receiving the hint, Zhuge Ran's wife also waved her hands quickly, and a beam of light flickering with lightning fiercely blasted towards the only Xuanxian in Ouyang's family.

Seeing the great power of the opponent this time, coupled with the blocked line of sight, the Xuanxian of the Ouyang family did not choose to fight recklessly, but retreated while blocking.

At this moment, without even thinking about it, Zhuge Ran and his wife spurted out a large mouthful of blood at the same time, and then their bodies turned into two bolts of lightning, and disappeared into the battlefield in an instant.

And when their opponents found out that they were running away like this, they immediately released their spiritual consciousness and prepared to pursue them, but the secret escape technique used by Zhuge Ran and his wife had already covered up their aura, but in an instant, they had already reached hundreds of thousands of miles Other than that, there is no way to find it.

Seeing Zhuge Ran and his wife fleeing under his nose, the angry Huangfu family and Ouyang family masters joined the ranks of besieging the three elders of the Ma family without even thinking about it. If they lose, then they will be ashamed this time.

The three elders of the Ma family, who were already scarred, were furious when they discovered that Zhuge Ran and his wife had fled without even saying hello. Space solidification has been laid within a hundred miles.

"Since the two have already escaped, then the remaining three people must not let them run away again. Even if it is exhausted, these three people will be exhausted to death in this place today!"

With this in mind, the masters of the Huangfu family and the Ouyang family launched wave after wave of fierce attacks.

The three elders of the Ma family who have lost all retreat can only do their best now. They formed a simple formation of three talents. Even more desperately stuffing money into his mouth.

All of a sudden, the seven masters of the Huangfu family and the Ouyang family really couldn't do anything to the three elders of the Ma family who were determined to do their best.

However, the six members of the Huangfu family, who were very experienced in fighting, quickly came up with an idea. Since they couldn't win at the same time, they should break through one by one. They didn't believe that the opponent would have any ability to fight them after one person died.

Immediately, they divided into two attack formations, and attacked the most injured elder among the three elders of the Ma family.

Every attack is the strongest force, and every time the target is the same person, after dozens of consecutive attacks, the armor of the Ma family elder has long since been broken into pieces, leaving only a few slaps Pieces of skin, large and small, were still attached to his body, and his body surface was densely covered with various wounds. (To be continued.)

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