Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 258 This Is Just the Beginning

Today is undoubtedly the most tense day for leaders of all countries in the world. Both China and the United States are very influential powers in the world. A war between the two countries, no matter what the final outcome, is bound to affect the global pattern, especially those with Small countries with good relations between the two countries are even more worried. If the side they are attached to wins, it's okay, but if they lose, then they will also suffer bad luck.

Moscow Kremlin.

"Prime Minister Pushin, no matter who wins or loses this time, the biggest beneficiary is our Russia, haha!" The current Russian President Bruvidov sat on the sofa and watched the constantly updated video on the big screen. Satellite photos, couldn't help laughing.

Pushin, who was sitting opposite him, glanced at Bruvidov expressionlessly, and said, "Who do you think will win the final victory?"

"America!" Bruvidov said without thinking, "Although China has developed rapidly in recent decades, their armaments have still not been able to keep up, and many technologies and weapons have been eliminated by us. Although some cutting-edge weapons and advanced technologies, such as the o94-class strategic attack nuclear submarine and strategic ballistic missile technology, have reached the world's advanced level, their overall strength is still not at the same level as that of the United States. If we win, we can't let others take the lead in Huaxia's huge cake!" "Huh!" Pushen snorted inwardly, and continued to stare at the big screen without saying a word.

"President Pushin, what, do you think Huaxia can win this war?" Seeing that Pushin didn't answer his words, Bruvidov's heart tightened, he quickly put away his smile, and looked at it cautiously. asked Pushin.

Standing in front of Pushin, he couldn’t help but be careless. Although nominally he is now the president and the head of state of Russia, in fact, everyone knows that Pushin is the real head of Russia. Even the one who launched the nuclear war The nuclear press is also controlled by Pushen. To put it bluntly, he is now a puppet.

For such a situation, Bruvidov is also very helpless. Pushin has too much influence in Russia, but the constitution stipulates that each president can only be re-elected for one term. Pushin has served as president for two terms before. In the case of amending the constitution, we can only take a step back to become the [prime minister] and push him out to be the president. After his term expires, that is, next year, Pushin will run for president again. Only after one consecutive term will he completely withdraw from the political arena and hand over power to himself. If Pushin is not satisfied with himself during this process, it is difficult to guarantee that he will abandon himself and elect another successor.

Therefore, in order to successfully succeed Pushin and become the real head of the family after Pushin withdraws from the Russian political arena, Bruvidov can only bear with it now, and no matter what happens, he can only do it according to Pushin's intention.

Pushen still stared at the big screen, and said meaningfully: "You must not underestimate China. There are many things about this mysterious oriental country that we don't know. 60 years ago, who would have predicted Under the new regime, China, which is so poor, can defeat the U.S. military with modern weapons such as planes and tanks on the Korean peninsula? And who would have expected that it would be so famous in World War II that it would lead the U.S. military to defeat the invincible Japanese army at that time? Douglas MacArthur, the five-star American general who forced Japan to surrender unconditionally, will be defeated by the Chinese army?" "Never underestimate China. This is a mysterious country. For thousands of years, no country can conquer China. You Do you think that the leaders of Huaxia are all hotheaded, putting aside their affluent lives, and rushing to war with a superpower like the United States? A few days ago, He Yuanchao, the vice chairman of the Huaxia Military Commission, came to Moscow, and he did not come to seek us like the outside world The help and support of China, but only emphasized one point, that is, we hope that we will remain neutral. What does this mean? It shows that China is very confident in this war and does not need our help from Russia! Remember, never be misled by superficial phenomena , that will mislead your thinking and make you make wrong judgments!"

Glancing at Bruvidov, Pushin continued to speak unhurriedly.

After hearing what Pushin said, Bruvidov was startled. If he understood correctly, what Pushin meant was that the United States would be defeated in this war. Naturally, the United States and its affiliated states would also be waiting to be divided. Those small countries under the United States, his brain immediately turned quickly.

"President, [Prime Minister], our satellites have just detected that the four American aircraft carrier formations cruising in the outskirts of China's territorial waters launched 8 cruise missiles into China from four different directions at the same time. It is estimated that these 8 cruise missiles are all It is equipped with nuclear warheads, but what is surprising is that the Huaxia military did not launch interceptor missiles to intercept."

While Bruvidov was meditating, Minister of Defense Ivanov came over to report.

"Huh?" Pushin gave Ivanov a strange look, and said, "Switch the screen over!" Soon, the big screen was switched to the scene of 8 cruise missiles flying towards the territory of Huaxia, and then a shocking scene appeared. In a shocking scene, eight cruise missiles drew an arc at the same time, and then turned around and flew in the direction they came and went.

"What's going on here?" Pushin and Bruvidov jumped up from the sofa together, stared at the incredible scene with rounded eyes, and shouted after a long time: "Zoom the picture closer immediately!" Washington, the Pentagon's underground nuclear defense facility.

"What's going on? Who can tell me what's going on here?"

Seeing the cruise missiles that suddenly turned around and flew towards the aircraft carrier formation, Orma snarled and asked loudly.

Rodriguez and Harvey were also stunned at the moment. They had never encountered such a weird scene. Both ballistic missiles and cruise missiles have guidance systems. Could it be said that these 8 cruise missiles all The goal at the beginning is yourself?This is too ridiculous!

However, if this is not the case, how to explain it?

Could it be that Huaxia has developed a secret weapon that can destroy the missile's guidance system, or can forcibly change the flight path of the missile?

It seems that this is the only plausible explanation at present!

God, if this is the case, it would be a tragedy, but they also fired five militias?

Type strategic intercontinental ballistic missile!

If these five strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles equipped with super-large-capacity nuclear warheads are also used by China to change their flight routes and fly back directly with the same secret weapon, then the United States will suffer a catastrophe!

Thinking of this, Rodriguez and Harvey's complexions instantly turned extremely pale. Although the temperature and humidity here are constant, a thin layer of sweat still appeared on their foreheads.

"Immediately monitor the flight trajectory of the Minuteman-3 strategic ICBM we launched!" Rodriguez no longer cared about the four aircraft carrier formations at this moment. In fact, even if he wanted to, it would be too late. In less than 1 minute, 8 cruise missiles will hit the aircraft carrier formation. In such a short period of time, it is impossible for the missile defense system on the aircraft carrier formation to respond.

Thinking of four aircraft carriers, more than a dozen frigates, tens of thousands of naval soldiers will soon be hun,

Returning to the sea, Rodriguez and Harvey couldn't help showing a trace of sadness on their faces.

"Report! The flight trajectory of the Minuteman-3 strategic intercontinental ballistic missile is normal, and it is expected to enter the space outside the atmosphere of China's territory in 15 minutes!"

"Report! Huaxia's three Dongfeng 41a strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles are expected to enter the space outside the atmosphere of our territory in 4 minutes. I am trying to intercept the missile!"

"Report! Huaxia's two Julang-2 submarine-launched strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles have reached the space outside the atmosphere of our territory and are changing orbits. The interception failed!" "Report! The USS Washington aircraft carrier formation was launched by its own Tomahawk cruise missile hit!"

"Report! The USS Los Angeles aircraft carrier formation was hit by a Tomahawk cruise missile launched by myself!" "Report! The USS Seattle aircraft carrier formation was hit by a Tomahawk cruise missile launched by myself!" Ax cruise missile hit!"

The satellite picture is showing this beautiful and spectacular 8 huge mushroom clouds, and Olma has collapsed on the seat at this moment.

He would never have thought that the cruise missiles that hit the four aircraft carrier formations of his side would be the cruise missiles launched by themselves, and they were also cruise missiles equipped with nuclear warheads!

This is simply a big joke!

As soon as the nuclear warhead exploded, even if the ships of the aircraft carrier formation were not sunk, the sailors would have no hope of surviving.

And this is just the beginning!

Huaxia's two Julang-2 submarine-launched strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles have broken through the interception of their own interceptor missiles and reached the sky above the mainland. Those who have no way to intercept can only watch the nuclear bomb explode.

Now Olma can only pray silently in his heart, these two huge waves?The target of the new strategic intercontinental ballistic missile is no longer Washington.

"Report! Huaxia's two Julang-2 strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles have completed orbital changes and are passing through the atmosphere. According to calculations, the targets of these two ballistic missiles are our country located between the Sierra Mountains and the Mojave Desert. The Navy’s largest weapons development base—Navy City, and my largest missile testing ground—White Sands Missile Testing Ground, there are still three minutes and 30 seconds before the missile will hit the target!” Hear the huge waves?The target of the new strategic intercontinental ballistic missile is a military base located in the desert. Olmar finally breathed a sigh of relief. If Huaxia's target chooses Washington, New York and other big cities like himself, then I don't know what will happen. Tens of thousands of people died under this nuclear explosion.

"Launch the interceptor missile again, and we must intercept the other three Dongfeng 41a strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles in outer space!" Olma let out a long breath, no longer caring about his demeanor, facing Rodriguez and Ha Vader growled loudly. ! .

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