

Following two loud bangs, the Naval City Weapons Development Base and the Baisha missile test formed two huge and spectacular mushroom clouds in the sky. All this made the leaders of the world who were watching the war dumbfounded. , eye-popping.

The two Julang-2 submarine-launched strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles that attacked the United States are not bad. After all, no country in the world has missile defense for strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles with the functions of changing orbits, multiple warheads, and pseudo-warheads. The system can intercept it with 100% certainty. Even if the military is stronger than the United States, it cannot do it. It can only be said that it is possible to intercept it.

What they really don't understand is the destruction of the four aircraft carrier formations. If they were hit by Huaxia's strategic ballistic missiles, it would make sense, but everyone can see clearly that Huaxia didn't launch a bomb at all, and The four aircraft carrier formations were actually hit by cruise missiles launched by themselves. This strange scene made all military experts unable to explain why.

In the end, the conclusion can only be that China has mastered a very advanced and mysterious military technology. This alone is enough to make the heads of state of the world tremble. The missile turned a corner and hit back, which is equivalent to hitting yourself with a missile. Who can bear the consequences?

The most important thing is that even though you know that Huaxia used advanced secret weapons to change the flight path of the missile, you still can't produce any evidence.

Just like the United States now, the cruise missile launched by the aircraft carrier formation was touched by China's secret weapon, and immediately turned a 360-degree turn and flew back directly, blowing up and sinking itself, but whether it is satellite monitoring or others None of the equipment could detect the signs that Huaxia had used a secret weapon, and in the end he could only knock out his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

Small countries such as Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, South Vietnam, etc. attached to the United States were still dreaming of how to get more benefits from China after China's defeat. They were frightened when they saw this scene. Now they can only pray in their hearts that the nuclear bombs of the United States can raise a few mushroom clouds in China.

In the Kremlin, Bruvidov secretly glanced at the expressionless Pushin, and sighed inwardly, the gap between himself and Pushin was not just one point or two!

"Xiaobai, it is estimated that in a few minutes, the five Minuteman-3 strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles of the United States will enter the space outside the Chinese atmosphere. Are you ready?" Ye Lingtian sat leisurely on top of a white cloud in the East China Sea On the table, communicate with Xiaobai with all your heart.

He had already experimented with Xiaobai the day before yesterday, and even if Xiaobai went to outer space beyond the atmosphere, it did not hinder the communication between them, which also surprised Ye Lingtian.

"Brother, don't worry, let alone five pieces, even if there are a few more, I will send them back intact!" Xiaobai, who also used the 'Concealment Technique' to hide his figure, stared at Dongfang. While taking out a small white jade bottle, poured out a few "Bu Yuan Pills" and threw it into his mouth, he said naively: "But you must not forget what you promised me!"

Ye Lingtian shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Okay, you can focus on the missiles. When this matter is over, I will make a furnace for you. You will be satisfied!"

This Xiaobai didn't know why, but he just fell in love with this "Buyuan Pill", and almost ate "Buyuan Pill" as a snack.

However, as long as Xiaobai can successfully complete the mission this time and successfully intercept the five Minuteman-3 strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles launched by the United States, let alone a mere batch of "Benefit Pill", it will be even more precious Ye Lingtian wouldn't feel sad about pills.

What's more, although Ye Lingtian doesn't know why Xiaobai likes taking pills so much, he can still see that this pill is good for Xiaobai's growth. As long as Xiaobai can grow quickly, it is worth spending some pills. What, anyway, he has no shortage of spiritual grasses and elixir. After eating, just spend some time refining another batch.

"Big brother, here you go, watch me!" Ye Lingtian Haohai, who was thinking about the elixir, suddenly remembered Xiaobai's voice, and his heart suddenly hung up.

"Xiaobai, you need to be fast. If you destroy the guidance system and propulsion system before it's too late, you must not let them complete the orbit change!"

Ye Lingtian does not dare to say more now, after all, this is not one, but five, and we must hurry up, the only way to destroy the guidance system and change the flight direction of these five strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles before they complete their orbit change, if any It will be troublesome when the missile completes its orbit change and enters the atmosphere. Unless Xiaobai can lock on to the missile and use teleportation to destroy its propulsion system, otherwise, after the missile accelerates, there is no way to stop it.

Xiaobai didn't have time to answer Ye Lingtian at this time. With a teleportation, his figure was already in front of the Minuteman-3 strategic ballistic missile that bore the brunt. Although these five missiles had activated their auxiliary thrusters, they kept changing. According to the direction of flight, several pseudo-warheads were also differentiated, but they were all used to intercept missiles, and they were useless to Xiaobai.

After three strikes, five divisions and two divisions, Xiaobai had already destroyed the guidance system of the first Minuteman-3, and then used mana to drive the missile around in a circle. After turning around completely, he adjusted the front end of the missile slightly downward. A little bit of angle, and then the mana was withdrawn, and the missile flew back and forth quickly under the action of the propeller.

Grabbing a handful of "Buyuan Pill" and stuffing it into his mouth, Xiaobai used teleportation continuously. After dozens of teleportations, he had already reached the second militia-3, and soon the third...the fourth ...

However, after Xiaobai let the four militia-3 go home in one breath, he lost the fifth one, which made him tremble violently in his heart. I almost cried, and hurriedly called Ye Lingtian: "Woo... Big brother, it's not good, a missile is missing..."

"What?" Ye Lingtian felt his eyes go dark, and he almost fell from the sky. He stabilized his mind before asking: "Xiaobai, don't panic, I will tell you the location later!"

While talking, he pressed the button of the satellite phone, and when the phone was connected, he shouted loudly: "Lianju, tell me right away, what is the position of the remaining missile among the five missiles?"

Even Zhennan was in doubt at the moment. The first four strategic ballistic missiles had been successfully sent back by the same route. When he was agitated, he saw that the last missile had disappeared. Hearing Ye Lingtian's call, he immediately Realizing that something went wrong, he hurriedly said loudly: "The last missile is the one on the far left from the direction they are coming from. It must be fast. It is estimated that it is about to start changing its orbit!"

"Xiaobai, listen carefully, the last missile is the leftmost one from the direction they are coming from, that is, the right side when you are facing them, hurry up and use teleport to track it!" Ye Lingtian only felt that his heart was about to burst Jumped out, if this missile completes the orbit change, no matter where it hits, it will make the previous efforts go to waste.

Although Xiaobai doesn't know how dangerous this strategic intercontinental ballistic missile equipped with a nuclear warhead will be if it cannot be intercepted. After all, the one tested the day before yesterday was not equipped with a nuclear warhead, but he knows in his heart that as long as this missile If it falls, many people will definitely die, so after hearing Ye Lingtian's words, he discerned the direction slightly and then continuously used teleportation to chase in the direction of the fifth missile.

The target of this Minuteman-3 strategic intercontinental ballistic missile is the city of Guangdong in China. By the time Xiaobai used nearly a hundred teleports to find it, he had already reached the sky above the intended target and was about to complete the orbit change. In this situation, Xiaobai destroyed the guidance system located in the middle and lower part of the missile with a punch, and then used magic power to pull the missile to prepare to turn around.

But what Xiaobai didn't expect was that although the guidance system of this missile was destroyed, its orbit change had been completed before, which made its third booster, which is the final acceleration booster, activated .

Just when Xiaobai turned it around half a circle with his magic power, the accelerator suddenly released a strong thrust, which made the missile that had only turned half a circle suddenly break away from the control of Xiaobai's magic power. Fly forward.

"Big Brother, I have destroyed the guidance system of the missile, but for some reason it suddenly accelerated out of my control and flew forward by itself. Do I need to destroy the propulsion system?" At the same time, he told Ye Lingtian about the situation.

"Lianju, tell me the current flight direction of the missile!" Ye Lingtian never hung up the phone. At this time, he didn't want to waste time because of dialing. Then he will feel guilty all his life.

"The missile is flying south now. If the angle is lower, it will eventually hit the territory of the Philippines!" Lian Zhennan didn't know what happened in space, but seeing that the missile was flying in the direction of the Philippines, he subconsciously The words just now came out.

Although Lian Zhennan said it subconsciously, Ye Lingtian understood the meaning of this sentence as soon as he turned his mind. Fortunately, Xiaobai probably dragged the head of the missile to the south and circled. If it went north, it would be flying. Going to the north of China, or the territory of Russia, if that is the case, no matter where it hits, it will not be a good thing.

After heaving a sigh of relief, Ye Lingtian said to Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, just lower the head of the missile and come back, don't worry about anything else!"

The Philippines, right? Relying on the backing of the United States, these years have not only been violent and anti-Chinese, but they have always made small moves in the South China Sea in China. Recently, they forcibly landed on Brown Rock Island, which belongs to Chinese territory. The island is said to be the territory of the Philippines, hehe, since you regard the United States as your godfather, then the father and son will teach you a lesson together. Anyway, this missile was launched by the United States. Then you can go to your godfather to reason!

In the underground air-raid shelter of Nanhu, all the leaders watched the last red dot finally start to draw an arc, and they all heaved a sigh of relief, but then they saw that the arc of the small dot was not finished, but only drawn Half of them flew straight to the south, and couldn't help being stunned.

But it was only for a moment, the old man in the middle nodded repeatedly, stood up and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, it kills two birds with one stone, no, it should kill three birds with one stone!"! .

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