Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 260 Admit defeat or fight recklessly

Just one minute before Xiaobai intercepted five Minuteman-3 strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles, three old strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles from the Eastern Rib had already stepped into space outside the atmosphere of the United States.

Before entering the outer space of the United States, the auxiliary propellers of the three Dong-41a strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles had also been activated, and they changed their flight directions irregularly along the predetermined orbit in space, just like the American Minuteman-3. Each Dongfeng 41a also differentiated into three fake warheads at this moment, which made the interceptor missiles launched by the United States at a loss. It was impossible to tell which one was the real Dongfeng. Several interceptor missiles directly hit the differentiated fake warheads warhead.

"Your Excellency, Huaxia's three Dongfeng 41a strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles have entered the outer space of our atmosphere and are changing orbits. The interception...failed!"

In the Pentagon's underground nuclear defense facility, Rodriguez walked up to the gloomy Alma and said in frustration.

"I see!"

Olmar nodded numbly, his face was full of disappointment, he could only accept the reality of being beaten if he failed to intercept the three East Ribs in outer space before they reoriented.

He didn't even bother to ask the target of the three Dongfeng 41a attacks. It only takes two to three minutes. The three Dongfeng 3a equipped with nuclear warheads will dive from space more than 41 kilometers away to the mainland of the United States at high speed. Such a short time , Even if the attack target is known, there is no way to evacuate the crowd.

"Your Excellency the President" Just when Alma was extremely disappointed, Harvey walked over in a panic, but after seeing Alma's unkind expression, he swallowed back the words that followed.

Olmar glanced at Harvey and said, "You can say anything if you have anything to say, Huaxia's two nuclear bombs have already attacked two of our military bases, and the other three Donglijiu will be attacked soon. Is there anything more painful than this?"

Harvey turned around, pointed at the big screen opposite and wailed: "Your Excellency, look... our Minuteman 3 strategic intercontinental ballistic missile just entered China's outer space... then changed direction strangely! "

"What?" Olma stood up abruptly, and after he saw clearly what was happening on the big screen, he sat down powerlessly with his eyes dimmed.

The five small red dots displayed on the big screen at this moment are the five Minuteman-3 strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles they launched before. Except for one that flew to the south, the other four all turned back!

If it is said that Olmar was extremely disappointed that he failed to intercept the three Dongfeng 41a in outer space before, then at this moment, seeing the five Minuteman 41 strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles launched by his own side that are not inferior to Dongfeng 3a, they were silently suppressed by China. Suddenly changed direction, Olma can only say that he was in despair.

In this round of confrontation, the United States can be said to have been completely defeated. Huaxia only launched five strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles, all of which broke through the interception of its own missile defense system. Changed the flight direction, and flew back on the same path.

Not only that, the eight cruise missiles launched by the four aircraft carrier formations were all redirected by Huaxia in the same way and flew back. Except for the underwater submarines of the four aircraft carrier formations, all frigates, including four All aircraft carriers with a displacement of more than 15 tons sank to the bottom of the sea.

I'm afraid not only Olmar, but everyone in the world would not have expected that this war would become completely one-sided, and the one who lost was the world-recognized number one military power.

"Report! Huaxia's three Dongfeng 41a strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles have completed orbital changes and are passing through the atmosphere. After calculation, the targets of these three nuclear bombs are Edward Air Force Base, Andrews Air Force Base, and San Diego Naval Base. There are still three points left." Zero five seconds, the missile will hit the target!"

"Report! The five Minuteman 3 strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles launched by our side have changed their flight direction. Four of them are targeting our mainland and the other is targeting the Philippines. Now the missile is passing through the atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean and will be launched on 25 It arrived in our territory in a few minutes. However, according to the monitoring, except for the third-stage accelerator that is flying to the Philippines, the third-stage accelerator of the four missiles that are flying to our country does not seem to be activated!"

"Huh?" Dodriguez and Harvey looked at each other. If the acceleration thrusters in the third quarter were not activated, they would be completely sure to intercept.

Olmar obviously noticed this, and immediately ordered: "Launch interceptor missiles, and these four Minutemen 3 must be intercepted outside the continental United States at all costs!"

The Dongfeng 41a and Julang-2 launched by Huaxia can't be intercepted and they still recognize it. If they launch it by themselves and fear that the strategic intercontinental ballistic missile will hit back, it would be a shame and a shame.

For Edwards Air Force Base, Andrews Air Force Base, and San Diego Naval Base, Olmar can't care anymore, as long as he doesn't attack the city, he will breathe a sigh of relief.Rodriguez ordered the emergency evacuation of some important military bases in the mainland after Julang 2 attacked Naval City and White Sands Missile Test Base. Now it is estimated that there are no people in these three bases.

This time Rodriguez struck very ruthlessly. The four Minuteman-3s had just drilled out of the atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean and dozens of interceptor missiles followed them. Due to the loss of the guidance system, the Minuteman-3s could no longer change their orbits and accelerated. The propeller failed to start, and the speed of the missile failed to increase, so it was quickly hit by the interceptor missile, and four huge mushroom clouds rose over the eastern Pacific Ocean.

Seeing that four Minuteman-3s were successfully intercepted over the Pacific Ocean, Alma, Rodriguez, Harveyd and others finally breathed a sigh of relief. At least, even if they were defeated, they would not be so humiliated.

Compared with the United States, the Philippines is not so lucky. The last militia-3 had already activated the accelerator when it was in outer space. When the senior officials of the Philippine president who were watching the excitement noticed something was wrong, the militia 3 had already begun to pass through the atmosphere, hurtling towards them at a speed of six kilometers per second.

Xiaobai's final fiddle seemed a little too accurate. The target of Minuteman-3's final attack was unbiased. It happened to be Guaniela, the capital of the Philippines. Unfortunately, all senior government officials, including the President of the Philippines, had not had time to escape. The office building and the whole of Guaranilla have become ruins in the rising mushroom cloud.

Japan, South Korea, South Vietnam and other small heads of state who used to be at odds with China were also stunned when they saw the mushroom cloud over Guaranilla. When they came back to their senses, their first reaction was to quickly leave the office building and hide in the mountains. Go to a nuclear defense facility.

No one can guarantee that if this war continues, strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles equipped with nuclear warheads will fly to their country, at least until the end of the war, these people will never dare to come out again.

Nanhu underground air-raid shelter.

The old man glanced at the senior generals in a circle, ignored the suspicious eyes in their eyes, waved his hand forcefully and smiled and said: "Go, we should go up too. Let Huaxin News Agency immediately send the prepared communication Send out the manuscript!"

At 41:2 o'clock Yanjing time, the Huaxin News Agency issued a statement announcing to the world that the first round of strikes by the Chinese military against the United States had ended. The Lang-[-] strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles hit five military bases in the United States, including Naval City, White Sands Missile Test Base, Edwards Air Force Base, Andrews Air Force Base, and San Diego Naval Base.

If the U.S. government admits defeat and accepts a series of demands made by Huaxia, Huaxia can consider signing an armistice agreement, otherwise, Huaxia will launch a second round of attacks in an hour, and this time the scope of the attack will be larger, not only Destructive strikes on military bases in the United States and overseas, including some cities.

Huaxin News Agency did not mention that the U.S. military had launched five Minuteman 3 strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles, and that the four U.S. aircraft carrier formations were hit by cruise missiles launched by themselves and the entire army was wiped out. If there is no reply from the US government at ten o'clock, the second round of military strikes will be launched without hesitation.

As soon as this statement came out, countries all over the world were in an uproar. At first they thought that China was acting rashly, but now it seems that China is fully prepared.

The five strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles that destroyed five military bases are only the first round of attacks. According to Huaxia, it seems that they want to give the United States a little color. If you want to be sensible, sign the armistice agreement, but there are conditions attached to this agreement Certainly not cheap.

If you don't know how to fight hard, then the second round will not be just five nuclear bombs like the first round, it may be ten, twenty or even more. At that time, the only way for the United States to perish is probably.

Although Huaxia's statement made no mention of America's counterattack, everyone can see that neither American cruise missiles nor strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles pose any threat to China.

Not only that, but with the mysterious weapon in Huaxia's hands, who else would dare to launch missiles at Huaxia?

It can be said that no matter how much you launch, you will end up on your own head, which is equivalent to launching a missile to attack yourself. I am afraid that even a fool would not do such a stupid thing.

"Your Excellency, President, we can no longer hesitate. With the mysterious weapons currently possessed by China, we don't even have a 0.01% chance of winning. If we really want to fight recklessly, it will only lead to the complete destruction of the United States!" A meeting at the Pentagon's underground nuclear defense facility Indoors, Rodriguez looked at the decadent Alma and said with a sullen face.

At this moment, not only him, but almost everyone sitting in the conference room has the same idea. No matter what kind of conditions Huaxia will put forward in the end, sign the armistice agreement for the time being. At most, the armistice is compensation for losses. America's infrastructure, big cities, military bases, etc. will be devastated, let alone how many people will lose their lives. ! .

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