Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 36: One Million Dollar Money

There are a few ten-thousand-year ginseng and ten-thousand-year Ganoderma lucidum collected in the fairy world in the previous life, but the lowest-level pills used to refine the "Shoushou Pill" and "Jade Pill" are simply mortal objects.It is not difficult to find thousand-year-old blue and white flowers in the cultivation world. If you can't find a century-old one, you can only replace it with a thousand-year-old one.

As for century-old ginseng, ganoderma lucidum, poria cocos, sealwort, etc., it should not be difficult to find, but cotoneaster flowers, mulberry flowers, and laurel grass depend on luck.

To gather these spiritual herbs and elixir not only depends on luck, but also costs a lot of money.A century-old ginseng can be sold for several million now, and there is still no stock in the market. Thinking about his mere 900 million, Ye Lingtian really feels that the money is not enough, and he has to find a way to solve the money problem.

Where can I get money?Ye Lingtian didn't plan to sell the ancient jade wine glasses again, although he still had two sets, but these two sets were collected in the fairy world in his previous life, and Ye Lingtian was reluctant to sell them like this.Alas, thinking of the large amount of celestial crystals and stones and top-grade spiritual stones in the Tianyuan Pearl, Ye Lingtian really felt like sitting on a golden mountain and short of money.

Let's see if there is a good way to make money first. If it doesn't work, let's sell a set of wine glasses.After making up his mind, Ye Lingtian went out and returned to school.

The days passed day by day, and it was the eve of the May Day holiday in a blink of an eye.

In this short period of time, Ye Lingtian has been thinking about how to make money.However, if he wanted to earn tens of millions in a short period of time, with Ye Lingtian's current situation, he really couldn't think of any other way besides selling ancient jade and antiques.It seems that they have to go to Gu Yu Zhai again.

The weekend was beautiful, breezy and sunny.At around nine o'clock in the morning, the sun shone warmly on the earth. The streets and alleys in Yanjing were already full of pedestrians and vehicles. The shops facing the street had already opened their doors to welcome customers. Crowded.

At the gate of Panjiayuan Market, Ye Lingtian got off a taxi.

In the earliest days, Panjiayuan was an abandoned kiln site, and the place was somewhat remote.At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, when the fortunes of the country were declining and many dignitaries and dignitaries were in decline, they stole antiques from their homes and sold them at Panjiayuan.

Later, Panjiayuan gradually formed a flea market, and in just a few years it developed into the largest collection and distribution center for antiques and second-hand goods in the country. Special period relics and even daily necessities, except for arms, drugs, and population.As long as you can think of valuable items, you can find them in Panjiayuan.

In addition to antique shops, Panjiayuan also has a unique greenhouse market and street stall market. On weekends, not only the inside of Panjiayuan is full of street stalls, but even the walls outside the market are full of vendors selling antiques.

In addition, Panjiayuan is also the most popular place for foreign businessmen. Every weekend, about [-] to [-] foreigners gather here. Many foreigners will bring back their favorite cultural products here, which can be regarded as an exchange between Chinese and Western cultures. made a great contribution.

Standing at the gate of Panjiayuan, as far as the eye can see, apart from people, there are densely packed stalls, and each stall has dozens or hundreds of objects, including porcelain, bronze, pottery, iron, and wood, including The four treasures of the study, jewellery, there are everything that one expects to find, but 90.00% of them are fakes.

Where is this antique market? The scenes are simply worlds apart.

Passing through the street stall market and shed area full of people, I finally arrived at the jade market. There are not so many people here, so Ye Lingtian walked towards Gu Yuzhai.

"It's gone up, Boss Sun has cut it up again!"

A young man in his 20s suddenly rushed out of a jade shop, shouted at several shops opposite, and ran back after shouting, and then people came out of the opposite and nearby shops, pouring into the shop one after another Jade shop.

"Cut up? What do you mean?" Ye Lingtian looked at the jade shop with a puzzled face, and out of curiosity, he let out his consciousness and followed.

Those people poured into the backyard of the jade shop. In the middle of the yard, there was something like a cutting machine cutting a stone the size of a washbasin. A stone on the side had already revealed a touch of green.

Emerald!Betting on stones turned out to be betting on stones!

"Damn!" Ye Lingtian slapped his forehead, and unexpectedly burst into a rare swear word.Thinking all day about how to make money, how to make money, sticking to a profitable way to get rich but not knowing how to use it, Ye Lingtian scorned himself severely.

Emerald is mysterious when it is underground, and no instrument can detect it.When it came out, it was covered with a layer of rocky skin. No one could tell what was inside the skin.

Even today with the prosperity of science, there is no instrument that can quickly judge whether it is a precious jade or a waste through this layer of shell, so the process of judging jade is called gambling stone in the industry.

The most profitable, the most attractive, and the most risky in jadeite trading is none other than stone gambling.

Based on their own experience and the performance on the leather shell, the stone gambler repeatedly guesses and judges to estimate the price.When you buy it, you may cut open the color and water inside, and it will be worth millions immediately, or it may be colorless and waterless inside, and become worthless in an instant. This is the risk of betting on stones.

If you win the bet, you will earn ten times and a hundred times, and you will become rich overnight; if you lose the bet, you will lose everything and lose everything.As the saying goes, one knife is poor, one knife is rich, and one knife is covered with linen.Compared with stone gambling transactions, risky transactions such as stocks and real estate are tender and pale in comparison.

But these are for ordinary people.With Ye Lingtian's divine sense, he can see everything hundreds of meters deep underground, let alone a mere stone.

Laughing self-deprecatingly, he looked around and found that many jade shops had large stones placed in front of them. Presumably these were the so-called gambling stone wool?Ye Lingtian guessed.

He used his spiritual sense to look at the gambling stone wool placed outside the gate of the jade shop, but Ye Lingtian was greatly disappointed, and the enthusiasm that had just been ignited was almost extinguished.This is no wool, it is pure stone, real stone, no different from those chaotic rocks on the mountain.Only a few pieces contain a small amount of jadeite, and the color is not much better.

The origin of this emerald is in a small country in the south. Well, it will be the May Day holiday in a few days, so I just have time to go there.

Thinking of this, Ye Lingtian didn't go to Gu Yuzhai anymore, turned around and walked back.Now that there is a way to make money, there is no need to go to Lao Wang to sell ancient jade wine glasses.

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