Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 37 Being Missed

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What Ye Lingtian didn't notice was that not long after he left the jade market, Mr. Li, the owner of "Qishizhai" who asked someone to rob him last time, was standing at the door of the store, looking at the direction in which he disappeared, hesitating for a moment, or coming from the jade market. He took his phone out of his pocket and dialed a number.

In a luxurious suite of a five-star hotel, a middle-aged man in his 40s was lying on a coquettish blonde woman with a hot figure. The upper buds were sucked and licked in the mouth for a while, and the lower body moved quickly.

The coquettish woman's legs were tightly wrapped around the middle-aged man's waist, and she moaned loudly while shouting indistinctly: "Ouch... Ouch... I've got someone's itching... Ouch... Hurry up... ...Forcing...ah...ah...dead...dying..."

When the middle-aged man heard the coquettish woman's scream, he got up from the woman, put her legs on his shoulders, shrugged even faster, and soon pressed his upper body on the woman's thigh, Holding the woman's shoulders, a low growl came out from the depths of his throat, and his lower body twitched tightly against the woman.

After a while, the coquettish woman raised her hands, pushed the middle-aged man off her body coquettishly, and said weakly: "Boss Hu, why have you become more and more powerful recently, people are almost killed by you!" .”

The middle-aged man turned around and picked up the cigarette case on the bedside table, took out one and lit it, then stretched out his hand and continued to play with the girl's meat ball, fiddled with the flower buds on it a few times, and said with a lewd smile: "Little fairy, who Make you so coquettish, people can't help but want to do it."

But he secretly thought: "The Qi training period is really not comparable to the acquired masters. Not only is the skill much stronger than before, but even the thing below it is much better."

As soon as he finished speaking, the mobile phone rang among the clothes thrown on the floor. The middle-aged man ignored it and continued to knead the alluring woman's meatball.However, the caller didn't seem to give up. Seeing that there was no answer, he continued to call again and again unwillingly.

"Boss Hu, why don't you answer the phone? You've been calling over there, maybe there is something important!" Seeing that the middle-aged man didn't answer the phone, the coquettish woman urged worriedly.

The middle-aged man couldn't help cursing in a low voice, rubbed it vigorously, and then reluctantly removed his hand from the coquettish woman's meatball, picked up the clothes on the ground, took out his mobile phone and pressed the answer button. He asked, "Which one?"

"Hi, is this Boss Hu? I'm 'Qishizhai' Li Hong, there is news about what you ordered. I saw that young man selling stones at the jade market just now..."

The middle-aged man sat up from the bed in shock when he heard this, and asked eagerly, "Where is he now?"

Li Hong said cautiously to the phone: "Well...he showed his face in Panjiayuan just now. I just wanted to send someone to follow him, but I didn't see him in a blink of an eye."

"Trash! You can't handle such a trivial matter, what else can you do!" The middle-aged man's expression sank when he heard that he was missing, and he roared into the phone: "Send someone to look for it immediately, and give me more money." Send some people to squat in Panjiayuan, and if you find him, tell me immediately, and you must find him!"

"Yes, yes, I see!" Hanging up the phone, Li Hong raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, and thought to himself, damn it, why is I so unlucky?

The young man came to his store last time and said he wanted to sell that strange stone, and later when he had dinner with some business customers, he said it as a joke. Covered his face and took him to a compound.

He didn't know until later that the person in the compound turned out to be Hu Tianying, the well-known chairman of the North Star Group in China. After asking about the appearance and characteristics of the stone in detail, Hu Tianying only gave him an explanation. Young man, be sure to find out his address.

At that time, he was so remorseful that he wanted to slap himself in the face. You must know that the security guard who was sent to snatch the ancient jade wine glass is still unconscious in the hospital, and the shoulder blades of the other three people have been smashed, and there is no way to set the bones.

Now that Hu Tianying asked him to provoke that young man again, he was extremely unwilling in his heart, but considering the power of the Beixing Group, he could only reluctantly agree.

Seeing Ye Lingtian leave Panjiayuan today, he didn't dare to send anyone to follow him. He just called Hu Tianying and told Hu Tianying. Even so, he was already in a cold sweat.

Throwing the phone on the bed fiercely, Hu Tianying didn't bother to look at the coquettish woman lying on the bed, so she got out of the bed, got dressed and was about to leave.

"Boss Hu, what's the matter with you?" the coquettish woman asked cautiously with a gloomy face when she saw that he had borrowed the phone.

"I have something to do, I'll contact you when I'm free." Hu Tianying left a sentence, opened the door and went out.

In a quaint compound, Hu Tianying stood respectfully in front of a 70-[-]-year-old man.

The old man was a little thin, but his frame was huge. His face was long and his frontal bone was high and protruding, making his eyes look deeply sunken into their sockets.The whole face has no flesh at all, the nose is high and straight, the lips are thin, and the chin is pointed. It looks very cold, but it makes people feel very powerful and majestic.

"Father, that's how it happened. It's a pity that Li Hong's idiot failed to keep him." Hu Tianying said carefully.

"It doesn't matter, as long as that young man is still in Yanjing, you won't have to worry about finding him. You must grab that spirit stone before anyone else!" said the old man with a gloomy face.

Hu Tianying nodded, and said respectfully: "Father, I have already asked Li Hong to arrange someone to wait at Panjiayuan. As long as he appears again, I will never let him run away again."

The old man nodded slightly, took a sip from the teacup on the table, and then slowly said: "Tianying, Li Hong's people are unreliable, didn't they get killed by that kid last time? You recruit some experts from the family In the past, as long as you found him, you must bring him back with him and the spirit stone."

Hu Tianying quickly nodded and replied, "Yes, then I'll go down and make arrangements."

The old man thought for a while, then stopped him again, and told him, "Wait, not only Panjiayuan, but also Liulichang, and the larger antique and jade market in Yanjing must be guarded."

After Hu Tianying retreated for a long time, the old man showed a greedy look, and muttered to himself: "Spiritual stone, as long as I can get that piece of spiritual stone, I can hope to hit the golden core stage. At that time, I will let those old men Everyone belongs to my Hu family!"

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