Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 564 Ling Yi Washes the Marrow

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It's only been a few months since we've seen each other, Ling Yi is obviously a lot darker, with a crew cut and a well-fitting military uniform, he looks very energetic. !.

When she didn't see Ling Yi, Ling Xueyao was very eager in her heart, but now that she saw it, she was not so excited. Seeing Ling Yi without squinting, standing there straight like a pole, she didn't dare to move, she couldn't help it." Puchi" let out a laugh: "Ling Yi, look who we are?"

"Ah... Sister, Brother Ye, why are you? Didn't you say that the chief wants to see me? Hey, sister, when did you become a soldier? Or a major..."

Hearing that familiar laughter, Ling Yi, who was originally very nervous, turned his head and saw that it was Ye Lingtian and his sister Ling Xueyao. He was taken aback for a moment, and then asked with a look of astonishment.

Once Ling Yi was injured by a gunshot, after Ye Lingtian helped him heal, he had already agreed with him to call him Big Brother Ye directly. Yi has already joined the army, so until now, Ling Yi didn't know that Brother Ye who rescued him at that time would be the deputy director of the Police Supervision Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security.

"Chief? Well, isn't that right?"

Ling Xueyao, who had already stood up, heard Ling Yi's words, and then remembered that her identity had changed today, she pouted at Ling Yi, pointed at Ye Lingtian and said.

Hearing what Ling Xueyao said, Ling Yi noticed that Ye Lingtian was also wearing a military uniform, and the two general stars on his shoulders were shining, so he couldn't help being stunned again.It took a while to react.Together with the heels, he gave a military salute with a "slap", and said loudly: "Hello, chief!"

"Okay, okay, don't get so nervous, I won't tell you this time, can you just call me Brother Ye? Come on, sit down first, your sister and I are here to see you specially, and we have something to do by the way I need to explain to you."

Ye Lingtian gave Ling Xueyao a funny look, then took out a cigarette case and threw one to Ling Yi.He pointed to the sofa next to him to signal Ling Yi to sit down.

"Hey, this smoke is good!"

Ling Yi skillfully took out the lighter and took two deep breaths, then seemed to remember something, and looked around furtively.He lowered his voice and said, "Sister, Brother Ye, how did you get in here? You even fooled the commander of the military region, amazing!"

"Uh... what nonsense are you talking about?"

A few black lines appeared on Ye Lingtian's forehead, he glared at Ling Yi angrily, and said with a straight face, "What did you get in here? You even fooled the commander of the military region, you think the leaders of the military region are all dry To tell you the truth, your big brother Ye is a lieutenant general and deputy director of the Fifth Department of the General Staff, do you want to show you your certificate?"

Just finished speaking. "Turning around, I saw Ling Xueyao who was standing aside and tried not to laugh out loud. Suddenly, she couldn't be serious anymore. She pointed at Ling Xueyao and said: "I am a genuine lieutenant general, but your sister, a major It’s a counterfeit, and it’s just for the convenience of coming in to see you, and the military uniform was borrowed from the Xiliang Military Region Command, so don’t think about it!”


Hearing Ye Lingtian's words, Ling Yi felt a little uncomfortable again. Although he had only joined the army for more than a month, his life in the army these days had already changed him a lot.Even though Ye Lingtian sitting in front of him was the savior he always called Big Brother Ye, but after knowing that Big Brother Ye was a serious lieutenant general in the military, he was still shocked.

Even if Ye Lingtian no longer had a straight face, Ling Yi could still feel the majesty exuding from Ye Lingtian's body, which made him feel like he was sitting on pins and needles.Unnatural all over.

"You, you don't speak well. Is there any brother-in-law who scares my brother-in-law like you?"

Sensing the tension in Ling Yi's heart, Ling Xueyao sighed helplessly, and complained while looking at Ye Lingtian.

"Brother-in-law? Sister, you just said Brother Ye is my brother-in-law? Then you are not..."

Ling Yi looked at Ye Lingtian suspiciously, then at Ling Xueyao, and asked suspiciously.

Ling Yi was surprised. Ever since Ling Xueyao divorced that gay man, Ling Yi had never seen Ling Xueyao talk about her boyfriend. For ten years, no man could impress Ling Xueyao. Now that he has only been in the army for more than a month, he has How can this not surprise him.


Ling Xueyao also slipped her tongue just now in a hurry, but thinking that Ling Yi must always know about these things, she nodded shyly, sat next to Ye Lingtian and said: "Ling Yi, sister has decided to be with your elder brother Ye. "

"Yeah! My brother-in-law is a general, and I'm the general's brother-in-law..."

Before Ling Xueyao finished speaking, Ling Yi jumped up from the sofa and said excitedly.

Seeing that Ling Yi was happy, Ye Lingtian didn't stop him. Anyway, after Ling Yi came in, he had already secretly set up a barrier. Even if the inside was turned upside down, people outside would not be able to find any abnormality at all.

When Ling Yi was excited enough, Ye Ling waved his hand lightly and said: "Okay, I am a general, but don't expect me to give you an official position, I can only say that I will not let you I believe that after you walk out of this room, as long as you do not violate the discipline of the army, no one will dare to give you small shoes to wear, and you will not appear again because you offended the instructor. It's something like being sent to a border post to stand guard and patrol. And your future path is entirely up to you. I hope you can rely on your own ability to become a man of indomitable spirit! Tell me, can you do it? "

"Well, brother-in-law, don't worry, I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

At this moment, Ling Yi naturally understood the purpose of Ye Lingtian's visit today. It can be said that although no one knows what relationship he has with Ye Lingtian, he was summoned by the Lieutenant General of the General Staff. After that, if the officers below want to control themselves, they have to I thought about it carefully.

"Okay, I'll just wait for your words! Sit down first and close your eyes!"

Ye Lingtian chuckled, and then waved his hand, Ling Yi felt a heavy drowsiness hit him, and then fell into lethargy.

Before Ling Xueyao could react, Ye Lingtian had a thought, and the three of them had disappeared into the room.

"Ling Tian, ​​this... where is this place?"

Ling Xueyao only felt a blur in front of her eyes, and she was in a strange place in an instant. What was displayed in front of her eyes was an antique courtyard, as if she had traveled to ancient times, but when she looked closely, she found that there were technological products of modern society. She couldn't help asking in horror.

"Xueyao, don't be afraid, have you forgotten that I am an immortal cultivator? This is because I cast a spell to bring you to a space that belongs to me and only I have the right to allow people to enter and exit. This space is different from the world before us. The time ratio is 30:1, that is to say, we are here for 30 days, and the outside world is only one day. I brought Ling Yi in to cleanse his essence of the Book of Changes and teach him a set of qi training methods to fight for Let him enter the innate realm, that is, the Qi training period, in this way, among mortals, he will be an invincible existence, even if we leave for three, five, seven or eight years, we don't have to worry about his safety."

Ye Lingtian smiled slightly, looked at Ling Xueyao and said.

"This space is so magical? I understand. The last time Ling Yi was injured, you brought him here for treatment? I said, it only took an hour, and Ling Yi's body healed completely, without leaving any scars. Next point! But, since we want to cleanse Ling Yi's Yijing, why not let him practice with us?"

Ling Xueyao nodded as if realizing something, but then asked suspiciously.

"Xueyao, didn't I tell you that this time, as long as I can break through and advance to the next stage of retreat, I will take you, three other sisters Liu Ruohan, Liang Xiaoxue, Anna, and my three brothers Yao Lei, Dai Wenliang, Shao Weijie, and another younger brother, Lin Fei, will go to the world of comprehension together, while the rest will stay on Earth to practice ascension. Now that my grandfather and their cultivation bases have reached the Nascent Soul stage, they will They are the first batch of people who ascended from the earth to the fairy world, and Liang Xiaoxue's parents Liang Feiyang and Mei Yarong, as well as my hair boy Qi Junpeng, they will start to practice in this retreat, that is to say, they are batches, wait for them After reaching a certain level of cultivation, Ling Yi will start training again, this is also to form an echelon, so that there will be no successors."

Ye Lingtian looked at Ling Xueyao and explained patiently.

Now that Tianyuanzong has been established, Ye Lingtian doesn't want to see Tianyuanzong have no successors after his grandpa and the others ascend in the future. Although the cultivation resources on the earth are very scarce, thinking of the spirit stones, pills, and magic weapons that he can leave for them , It should not be a problem to maintain it for thousands of years.

It is still unknown whether the large interstellar teleportation array located at the bottom of the devil sea in the Bermuda Triangle is one-way or two-way. If it is two-way, then Ye Lingtian doesn't have to worry.

With his ability, it is easy to earn spirit stones in the realm of comprehension. At that time, he will earn a lot of spirit stones, collect spirit grasses, medicines, refining materials and other natural materials and treasures, and then send them back to The earth, even if the earth has no aura, the people of Tianyuanzong can still practice and ascend.

"Well, since you've already thought about it, then do as you want."

Ye Lingtian didn't fully understand what Ling Xueyao said just now, but she believed that Ye Lingtian would not leave Ling Yi alone, so she nodded immediately and said.

"Xueyao, don't worry, your younger brother is my younger brother, and I won't let him suffer! Come on, you support him, and I'll help him take the 'Xishui Pill'."

Ye Lingtian nodded at Ling Xueyao, and then took out a "Pill of Washing Marrow" and put it in Ling Yi's mouth.

Ling Xueyao and Ling Yi are both people with cultivation qualifications, so there is no need to take the "Dichen Pill" at all. A few hours later, under the guidance of Ye Lingtian's true essence, Ling Yi successfully completed the I Ching washing marrow, and now For him, he has already reached the peak acquired state, and he only needs to have a set of exercises to cultivate his true energy, thus stepping into the innate state.

"Come on, we should go out. We can't tell Ling Yi what happened here yet."

Ye Lingtian looked at Ling Xueyao and warned.To be continued. .

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