On the sofa in the lounge, Ling Yi woke up slowly, then looked around, and said a little embarrassedly: "Sister, brother-in-law, why did I fall asleep?"

"It's okay, maybe you've been too tired these days, and you just took a nap for a while."

Ye Lingtian looked at Ling Yi and smiled slightly: "By the way, your current physical fitness is far superior to ordinary people. I have a set of exercises here, and I will pass it on to you. If conditions permit, practice twice a day at midnight." Hours, I believe it will not take long, you will find that your ability is much stronger than it is now."

After finishing speaking, Ye Lingtian stretched out his palm and pressed it on Ling Yi's forehead, and used the magical power of "initiation" to transfer the practice formulas to Ling Yi's brain.


Ling Yi only felt that a large amount of never-before-seen information suddenly poured into his mind, and felt that his head was about to explode, so he subconsciously opened his mouth and screamed.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are..."

Seeing Ling Yi's painful expression, Ling Xueyao's heart tightened. Although she knew that Ye Lingtian had no malice towards Ling Yi, she still couldn't help asking nervously.

Ye Lingtian waved his hand slightly, and said with a smile: "Xueyao, don't worry, it will be fine in just a moment."

Sure enough, when those messages were gradually accepted by Ling Yi, his expression returned to normal, but he was still at a loss. I don't know what method Ye Lingtian used to create some incomprehensible things in his brain out of thin air.

"Ling Yi, don't ask too much about other things, you will understand in the future. From now on, every night you follow this set of exercises and start practicing from the first level. Remember, don't be impatient. , must be done step by step.”

Seeing that Ling Yi had recovered, Ye Lingtian exhorted him with a serious face, and then took out a glass emperor green Guanyin pendant and a dagger and handed them to him, saying: "Now put a drop of blood on this Guanyin pendant , you can’t take it off at any time, and you can’t pass it on to others. Don’t think too much, just understand that this Guanyin pendant can protect your life in the most critical moment! In addition, this dagger is quite sharp. It’s real It will be of great use in the future, but remember to use it with caution."

This Jade Avalokitesvara was re-refined by Ye Lingtian, and its power is several times stronger than the jade talismans refined for the first time.Even Mi's heavy machine gun bullets can't hurt Ling Yi at all, but that dagger is a low-grade magic weapon. Although Ling Yi can't refine it yet, it can only be used as an ordinary dagger.But this is not the only dagger in the world. Even the most advanced high-tech alloy steel is like a piece of tofu in front of this dagger.

Seeing that Ye Lingtian spoke so solemnly, Ling Xueyao hurriedly said to Ling Yi who was still in a daze: "Ling Yi, you are about to bleed, why are you still standing there?"

"Ah... um!"

After reacting, Ling Yi hurriedly pulled out the dagger to cut his finger, but at first glance, it was gray and black like a piece of scrap iron, without any peculiarity.Even if it is thrown on the road.I'm afraid no one will take a look at it, and I can't help but feel a little suspicious. This piece of broken iron, which is inconspicuous and hasn't even been opened by a blade, can break the iron like mud with a blow?

"Try it with your military dagger!"

Ye Lingtian also saw the suspicion in Ling Yi's eyes, and smiled.Pointing to Ling Yi's boots, he said.

Ling Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then he pulled out a cold military dagger from his boots.Try to sharpen the military dagger with the gray and black dagger that Ye Lingtian gave him, which is like a piece of scrap iron.

See this scene.Ling Xueyao on the side came over, she didn't care about women with swords and guns, but Ye Lingtian's words were so amazing, Ling Xueyao couldn't help but become curious.

Ling Yi was just trying, so he didn't use much force, but after the two daggers came into contact, it seemed that there was no resistance at all.

At first Ling Yi thought he had missed the mark, but when he looked carefully, his eyes widened in disbelief. The military dagger made of high-tech alloy steel was already shortened, and the broken piece He was lying quietly on the thick carpet under his feet at the moment!


Ling Yi looked shocked. Even if the military dagger was cut ten times the gray-black dagger that Ye Lingtian gave him, it should still make a little noise, and there would always be some resistance when cutting it, but he He obviously felt that the dagger in his hand didn't touch anything at all, it felt like it was scratched in the air, but the military dagger was cut into two pieces like tofu!

After being stunned for a while, Ling Yi quickly slashed a few knives. Sure enough, although he felt that he didn't encounter resistance every time he waved his hand, as if he was slashing on the air, the military dagger had already been cut into several pieces!

Seeing this scene, not to mention Ling Yi, even Ling Xueyao who was standing by the side already knew that in front of this gray and black inconspicuous dagger, the dagger for special forces made of high-tech alloy steel was simply Not even tofu.

"Brother-in-law, where did you find this treasure? It can't be the famous fish intestine sword in ancient times, right?"

Seeing that his military dagger was not as good as tofu in front of this unremarkable dagger, Ling Yi suddenly became excited, his eyes brightened admiringly for a long time before he looked at Ye Lingtian and asked.

Yuchang sword is one of the ten famous swords in ancient China. Because the sword is short and can be hidden in the belly of a fish, it is called Yuchang sword.

"Don't think about it, it's not some famous ancient sword, it's the same sentence, don't ask too much, when you should know, I will tell you naturally! Put it away first, don't show it easily, understand?"

Ye Lingtian glared at Ling Yi angrily, picked up a cut-off blade and threw it on the tea table in front of Ling Yi, saying, "First drop a drop of blood on the jade Guanyin pendant!"


Ling Yi responded honestly, picked up the blade and stabbed his index finger, squeezed out a drop of blood and dripped on the jade Guanyin pendant, and with an imperceptible flash of light, the jade talisman was gone Recognize the Lord.

"Okay, now I have a few things to explain to you. The first one is that your sister and I are going to a far away place. The shortest period is three to five years, and the longest period is ten years. There is no way during this period of time. Contact us, so everything is up to you. Second, if someone asks you about the origin of this dagger, you can just say that I gave it to you. Also, when you encounter difficulties that cannot be solved, you can Just call Zhang Hong, Deputy Director of the Fifth Department of the General Staff, and he will help you solve the problem. We will not see each other again until several years later, and I hope that by then, you will have become the world's number one special soldier!"

Seeing that everything has been done, Ye Lingtian's expression changed, and he looked at Ling Yi and said solemnly.

"Ah...where to go, it will take so long?"

Ling Yi looked at Ye Lingtian in surprise, then looked at Ling Xueyao again, and asked, "Sister, is it true?"

"Ling Yi, it's true. This is the key to the house. There are 100 million in the card. You can hold it. When it is useful, listen to your brother-in-law. Don't ask why. When you should know, I will tell you. Yes. During our absence, you must keep improving yourself and do everything according to your brother-in-law, understand?"

Ling Xueyao nodded, took out a key and a bank card and handed them to Ling Yi, holding back the tears of parting.

"Well, sister, brother-in-law, you can go at ease, I must become a leader in the special forces, and I will not let you down!"

Ling Yi looked at Ye Lingtian and Ling Xueyao, and said firmly.

"It's not about being the best, but about being number one and becoming the pride of the Chinese military!"

Ye Lingtian said with a sullen face.

"Yes! I must become the world's number one special soldier and the pride of the Chinese military!"

Ling Yi straightened his body and replied loudly.

Hearing Ling Yi's answer, Ye Lingtian nodded in satisfaction, and after Ling Xueyao told Ling Yi about some trivial matters, he coughed lightly, indicating that it was time to go down.

In the reception room downstairs, Lei Hao and Zhong Hailiang looked anxious, and kept raising their wrists to look at the military watches in their hands. Ye Lingtian had been up for nearly an hour, and it was almost one o'clock. up.

Originally, Lei Hao had already arrived at lunch time after his report last night. He thought that Ye Lingtian would talk to Ling Yi, and it would only take one to two ten minutes at most. Fortunately, Chi Cunao was not in a hurry, otherwise, the two of them really didn't know what to do.

Just as he was thinking about asking Chi Cunao to go down and call Ye Lingtian, he heard Ye Lingtian's voice outside the door: "Commander Chi, Comrade Lei Hao, Comrade Hailiang, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long!"

"It's okay, it's all for work!"

Chi Cunao laughed, waved his hand lightly and said.

Seeing Ye Lingtian and Ling Xueyao come down, Lei Hao and Zhong Hailiang both secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and helped them to go to the cafeteria for dinner.

Ling Yi has already gone back to the army directly. It is naturally not suitable for him to participate in such an occasion. Anyway, the goal has been achieved, and there is no need to be too close in front of everyone.

After lunch, Ye Lingtian declined the kindness of Lei Hao, Zhong Hailiang and other leaders of the special brigade to stay, and returned with Chi Cunao on the same route.

Everything has been done, so there is no need to bother others. What's more, as the commander of the Xiliang Military Region, at a special moment like the National Party Congress has just concluded, he naturally has a lot of work to do, and Ye Lingtian can't waste his time too much. .

"Xueyao, don't be sad, a few years will go by in the blink of an eye, besides, it's a good thing to let Ling Yi enter the party by himself, it will make him grow up faster."

On the way, seeing Ling Xueyao's complexion a little unwell, obviously still missing Ling Yi, Ye Lingtian gently held her little hand, comforting her softly.

"Well, I know, it's just a little uncomfortable."

Ling Xueyao nodded, and was about to say something when Ye Lingtian's cell phone rang. ! .

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