Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 566 Qi Junpeng Was Arrested

Hearing that it was his own phone ringing, Ye Lingtian let go of Ling Xueyao's hand, took out his phone and glanced, it showed Qi Junpeng's number. &&

Before leaving Guangdong Province, Ye Lingtian had already called Qi Junpeng and told him that these two days would pass. Since he was going to Ganzhou, he would stop by Xi'an after finishing the business and asked Qi Junpeng to hand over all the company's affairs to Zhang Hong. , I originally thought of calling him after Xi'an, but I didn't expect him to call first.

"Hey, Pengzi, it's me."

Ye Lingtian answered the phone and said with a smile.

"Where are you now, when will you arrive in Xi'an?"

Qi Junpeng also asked with a smile, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

"Pengzi, why are you so happy? I'm still in Ganzhou, and I'm going to Xi'an in the afternoon. You can just arrange a place for dinner."

Ye Lingtian thought for a while and said with a smile.

Hearing that Ye Lingtian would arrive in the afternoon, Qi Junpeng said happily: "Oh? Well, it just so happens that Xiaodie is back, so call me when you arrive. Well, by the way, just tell me what you want to eat, I'll go early Book a box, I don’t know why recently, there are so many people visiting Xi’an, if it’s late, it’s hard to book a box in the hotel.”

"Xiaodie is back too? That's just right. I have something to tell her. As for the place, I'll just eat mutton buns. Just find a quieter place."

After chatting with Qi Junpeng for a few words, Ye Lingtian answered the phone. Xiaodie is better off in Xi'an. This retreat will take at least several years, so she should explain the situation clearly to her. As for whether she chooses to follow Qi Junpeng to cultivate together, or It is her own business to continue to work hard to realize her dream in the show business circle.

Glancing at Ling Xueyao, Ye Lingtian thought for a while and said softly: "When you return to the Xiliang Military Region Command, you change your clothes and return them, and then we go to Xi'an."


Ling Xueyao nodded lightly and agreed, in fact, it doesn't matter where she goes, as long as she can be with Ye Lingtian, let alone.She has never been to Xi'an, and she also wants to take a look at this ancient capital with a long history of 13 dynasties.

Just as he was about to put the phone back into his pocket, the ringtone rang again, this time it was Liu Ruohan calling.

"Ruohan. Do you miss me?"

After pressing the call button, Ye Lingtian said with a smile on his face, and did not avoid Ling Xueyao who was sitting next to him. Anyway, Ling Xueyao already knew about it, so there was no need to worry about what she would think.

"Go, go, my head is full of obscene thoughts, calling you is a serious matter!"

Liu Ruohan spat on the phone.Chuanxin seems to be afraid that Ye Lingtian will say something that makes people blush and heartbeat like last time.

Ye Lingtian also knew that Liu Ruohan would not call him when nothing happened. This is already a habit between them, but thinking about it, it might be a matter of the oil storage tank, so he was not in a hurry at the moment, and said with a smile on his face: "I think you are also a serious matter." Ah, Ruohan, I haven't seen you for so long. I miss you!"

"If you miss me, come and see me. I'm in Fengqing Oilfield, Liaodong now!"

Liu Ruohan on the other end of the phone giggled and said charmingly.

"Fengqing Oilfield in Liaodong? I'm afraid I won't be able to go today. I've made an agreement with Pengzi. I'll go to Xi'an in the afternoon and wait until the work is done!"

Ye Lingtian shook his head helplessly, and said with a sneer.

"Hmph, I knew you were duplicity!"

Liu Ruohan spat at Ye Lingtian, and then said: "Okay, it's just right for you to come over in a few days. Those oil storage tanks are all in place. Due to the large number, they can only be filled in several refineries separately. I'm in Fengqing now. The oil refinery under the oil field. This provides us with 30 tons, and the remaining [-] tons are all filled in the three large refineries in Dongshan Province. I will call you today to let you prepare, etc. After the oil storage tanks are filled, they will all be collected.”

"Well, you've worked hard, I'll go over here as soon as I'm done, and I'll reward you guys properly!"

Ye Lingtian nodded, as if recalling the scene of three girls sharing the same bed before, um, now with Ling Xueyao, there should be four girls sharing the same bed, so he couldn't help laughing lewdly.

Hearing Ye Lingtian's laughter, Liu Ruohan didn't understand what the reward he was talking about, she couldn't help but blushed, and hung up the phone after a sigh of relief.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Lingtian's Audi q7 drove into the urban area of ​​Xi'an. Of course, Ye Lingtian could not drive all the way from Ganzhou to Xi'an. He took Ling Xueyao directly to an unseen place in the suburbs of Xi'an before changing to an Audi q7 .

You must know that Ganzhou is nearly 700 kilometers away from Xi'an. If you drive, it will take at least 11 hours.

Entering the urban area, Ye Lingtian couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion when he looked at this bustling largest city in Northwest China.

For Ye Lingtian, Xi'an left him with too many memories. It was in the Mausoleum of the Emperor Qin that he subdued Hu Sanhu Si, and thus learned that Qin Shihuang was a cultivator, and he had already reached the realm of comprehension. Now he may have ascended to the realm of immortality. This shocking secret, but also in this city, he successively caused the downfall of two deputy ministerial officials, Gong Qingsheng, the mayor of Xi'an City, and Chen Baohua, deputy secretary of the Qinshan Provincial Party Committee.

It seems that every time I come to this city, something unforgettable will happen to Ye Lingtian. I hope this time there will be no unpleasant things. Ye Lingtian thought to himself, took out his mobile phone and pressed Qi Junpeng's number, but the receiver The message from the phone is temporarily unavailable.

"This Qi Junpeng, what a trick!"

Ye Lingtian didn't care either, thinking it might be because the phone signal was weak, so he put the phone aside, thinking he would call again later.

"Xueyao, what's the difference between Xi'an and Guangdong?"

Seeing Ling Xueyao looking out the window, Ye Lingtian smiled slightly and had nothing to say.

"Well, there are a lot of ancient buildings here, but they can be harmoniously combined with modern things. A city with a lot of ancient charm, compared with Guangdong Province, it has a special charm!"

Ling Xueyao commented with a smile while admiring the buildings on both sides of the road.

Ye Lingtian chuckled, walked slowly with the traffic for a while, picked up his phone and pressed Qi Junpeng's number again.

"The phone you are calling is off..."

what happened?

A bad premonition suddenly rose in Ye Lingtian's heart, and a powerful spiritual consciousness was released immediately, covering the entire urban area of ​​Xi'an in an instant.

I made a call just a few hours ago, and knew that I was going to Xi'an to finish my meal, so why did I turn off my phone at this time?Something must have happened!

Sure enough, after a while, Ye Lingtian's face became extremely gloomy, his eyes widened, and his eyes were full of rage. He quickly pressed a button to convert the license plate into a police plate, and took out a siren and placed it on the roof of the car. It sounded, stepped on the accelerator, and said in a deep voice: "Xueyao, something happened to Pengzi, sit still!"

This is really what you are worried about. Just now, I was thinking that I hope that this time I will not encounter any unpleasant things. Now I am here immediately. It seems that for Ye Lingtian, Xi'an is really a place of right and wrong.

It's just that it's rush hour, and the road is full of vehicles. Although Ye Lingtian blew the police siren and kept honking the police horn, the road is full of cars, and they can't get out of the way even if they want to.

Seeing this scene, even though Ye Lingtian was very anxious at the moment, he had no other choice. After thinking about it, there was a big shopping mall not far ahead, so he hurriedly turned in and said to Ling Xueyao while parking the car: "Xueyao, Peng Zi was arrested. I have entered the Public Security Bureau, and I am being tortured, I have to rush there as soon as possible, I am afraid it will be too late, you go to the space and wait for me, if you are hungry, take a pill."

After finishing speaking, he took out a small white jade bottle and stuffed it into Ling Xueyao's hand, without waiting for her to reply, he directly took her into the primordial space, and then he himself disappeared from the car.

In the interrogation room on the second floor of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Public Security Bureau in Xincheng District, Xi’an, Qi Junpeng held his hands high, and his wrists were handcuffed to a square iron pipe. The height of this iron pipe can be adjusted. The current height is just right for Qi Junpeng to touch the ground , It is not far from hanging up.

Standing in front of him were two young police officers aged between 27 and 30 to [-], while Xiaodie was handcuffed three to four meters away from him, apparently frightened, and kept crying there.

But behind the interrogation table was a young man wearing a famous brand with very fair skin, but at the moment the young man's famous brand clothes were a bit messy, and his entire left eye socket, including the left half of his face, was obviously swollen.

"Give me your phone, I want to make a call!"

Qi Junpeng stared at the two policemen and shouted, he would never have thought that such a thing would happen when he went to dinner, now he can only try to get his mobile phone to call Ye Lingtian, otherwise, these people will definitely not let him go and Fluttershy.

It turned out that when Ye Lingtian said on the phone that he wanted to eat mutton buns in the afternoon, Qi Junpeng took Xiaodie to Tong Shengxiang and booked a box early. Unexpectedly, despite Xiaodie's concealment, she even wore a pair of oversized sunglasses. But he was still recognized by the young man sitting behind the interrogation table.

Now Xiaodie has become famous in the Hong Kong show business circle. Thanks to Yongsheng Entertainment's spare no effort to support her, Jia Xiaodie has a solid foundation. The first movie made her shine and became the new idol of the young lady school in Hong Kong show business circle. Next, Yongsheng Entertainment stepped up and made two tailor-made films for Xiaodie, making Xiaodie the new leader of the young lady school in Hong Kong and even China's entertainment industry, and became popular in just a few months.

After the young man recognized Xiaodie, he greeted Xiaodie very politely at first, and asked for Xiaodie's autograph. Seeing that his identity had been exposed, Xiaodie had no choice but to sign for the young man. , hoping to leave here and hide in the box before others find out, but unexpectedly, when he handed the signed card to the young man, he didn't go to accept the card, but touched Xiaodie's face with a lewd expression. hand.

Seeing this scene, Qi Junpeng naturally couldn't bear it, he pushed the young man away, and after a few quarrels, the two began to wrestle. The young man looked tall, but he was not Qi Junpeng's opponent at all. He was knocked to the ground by Qi Junpeng in two or three strokes. If his companion hadn't heard the news, he would have been beaten and maimed by Qi Junpeng.To be continued. .

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