Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 567 I want your whole family to die

ps: Thank you book friend Feiyu Cangmingyue for your support!

What happened next can be guessed, the young man took out his mobile phone and made a call, then glared at Qi Junpeng viciously, and shouted that he must be killed today, even Xiaodie was not let go by him However, she cursed Xiaodie as a bitch, a high-class prostitute who was ridden by thousands of people. She was fucked by many men, and she pretended to be innocent.

Ever since Xiaodie made her debut, she has never been insulted like this. Even though she was so wronged that she cried out loud, Qi Junpeng was completely annoyed by her crying, and she punched Qi Junpeng completely.

It is said that hitting people is not slapping the face. When he scuffled with the young man just now, he also greeted the other party. Under the anger, Qi Junpeng didn't care so much, but this punch went straight to the young man's face. The left side of the young man's face and even his eye sockets instantly swelled up like a piece of bread.

If it weren't for Tong Shengxiang's security guards to hold Qi Junpeng, it's hard to say whether the young man could walk out of Tong Shengxiang in one piece.

It's just that Qi Junpeng was majestic for a while, and soon seven or eight policemen walked in quickly. The young man seemed to know the leading policeman. When he saw them coming in, the villain first filed a complaint, saying that Qi Junpeng had beaten him for no reason, and His companions also echoed.

The leading policeman was originally called by the young man. Seeing the wounds on the young man's face and body, he ordered his subordinates to handcuff Qi Junpeng and Xiaodie directly without saying a word.

Seeing this scene, Qi Junpeng felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly took out his mobile phone to call Ye Lingtian, but was snatched by a policeman, and was taken to the Xincheng District Public Security Bureau.

It is said to be an interrogation, but in fact it is just a process, but the two parties in the conflict only arrested Qi Junpeng and Xiaodie. Anyone with a little common sense can see that the people from the Xincheng District Public Security Bureau are clearly partial to young men. On one side, Qi Junpeng was handcuffed and hung from an iron pipe, with the incandescent lamp facing his face within easy reach.His face had already been scorched red and hot by the strong light.

Hearing that Qi Junpeng asked for a mobile phone, the two policemen looked at him with a smile on their faces, and the taller Yin Yang said strangely: "Yo, you are so arrogant after beating someone, it seems that you are very stubborn, it's a pity , This is the Public Security Bureau, if you enter this interrogation room, you can't help it!"

"I hit her, and it has nothing to do with Xiaodie. You let her go, and she came at me! By the way, Xiaodie is a contracted artiste of Hong Kong Yongsheng Entertainment Company. You arrested her indiscriminately. Consider Are there consequences?"

Qi Junpeng also knew in his heart that the young man must have some background, and it was impossible to make a phone call, and now he only hoped that Xiaodie would be safe and sound.As long as Xiaodie can go out, Ye Lingtian can be notified, as for himself.At most, it was a bit of flesh and blood, and the other party didn't have the guts to kill him at the Public Security Bureau.

Sure enough, when they heard Xiaodie's identity, the faces of the two police officers changed slightly. They didn't know what Yongsheng Entertainment was doing, but no matter what, it was a company in Hong Kong. Make trouble.

"What happened to Yongsheng Entertainment? This is Huaxia, it's Xi'an. It's not Hong Kong!"

Seeing the two policemen hesitate, the young man sitting behind the interrogation table snorted sullenly and said disdainfully.

The two policemen stabilized their minds. Thinking of the identity of the young man, they seemed to gain confidence in their hearts. Looking at the young man, they asked flatteringly, "Young Master Qin, how do you think we should deal with it?"

"Come here!"

The young man called Young Master Qin waved his hand, and when the two policemen walked up to him, they whispered something in their ears, the two policemen were taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said, "Young Master Qin, don't worry , must do as you wish!"

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news! You handle the case, and I'll go to Xie Bureau's office!"

The young man seemed satisfied with the attitude of the two policemen, nodded, stood up and walked to the office of Xie Ronggui, deputy director of the Xincheng District Public Security Bureau.

In the office, Xie Ronggui, deputy director of the Public Security Bureau of Xincheng District, quietly lit a Zhonghua. He always felt that something was wrong. At that time, the young man who beat Qin Shao had disheveled hair and blood on his face, but he still felt familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before, but after thinking about it for a long time, he still couldn't figure out why. .

Maybe I'm too sensitive!

After smoking a cigarette, Xie Ronggui shook his head lightly. He had seen too many people. If he was really someone with a certain status in Xi'an, it was impossible for him not to be impressed.

Just as he was thinking, a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts, "Thank you, I'm Qin Kai!"

"come in!"

Seeing Qin Kai's left cheek swollen like a bun, Xie Ronggui said: "Young Master Qin, why don't you go to the hospital to see, we are here, so don't worry!"

"A little injury, no need! Thank you Bureau, you have worked hard tonight, let's go to 'Heaven and Earth' together some other day!"

Qin Kai sat down on the sofa, habitually lifted his feet to the coffee table, took out his cigarette case and threw one to Xie Ronggui and said with a smile.

Seeing Qin Kai's action, Xie Ronggui frowned indistinctly, the corner of his mouth twitched as if he wanted to say something, but thinking of Qin Kai's identity, he finally held back and lit the cigarette in his hand with the lighter , pondered: "Young Master Qin, what do you plan to do with those two people?"

"That man will be repaired severely for me, as long as he is not maimed or injured. As for the woman..."

Speaking of this, Qin Kai showed a sinister smile on his face, and said: "Hmph, pretending to be pure in front of me, I have to make her beg me to fuck her tonight!"

"Young Master Qin, enough is enough, don't make a fuss, if you can't close the scene, you will be in trouble!"

Xie Ronggui shook his head slightly. If it was changed to another place, Qin Kai would do whatever he wanted, and he would not say a word, but now he is in the Xincheng branch, and he was brought back by Xie Ronggui. What if he really did something? When it comes to major events, it must be me who is to blame.

"Thank you, just don't worry. Although I haven't been in Xi'an for a long time, I know all the powerful young masters in Qinshan, and I have never seen such a person. I bear it!"

Qin Kai said disapprovingly.

Hmph, are you carrying it?You are a vagrant, even if you have a company under your name, it is still a leather bag company. If something happens, what will you do?If it wasn't for your father's face, you wouldn't even be a fart!

But Xie Ronggui naturally wouldn't say this, and it was precisely because the other party was not the son of Qin Shan's upper echelon that he let Qin Kai go to trouble him. He can move, who can't move, he knows in his heart.

Qin Kai chatted in Xie Ronggui's office while waiting for the news, while Qi Junpeng in the interrogation room was suffering a brutal torture.

"Boy, listen to me. There is no good fruit for offending Young Master Qin. If you repent now, it may be too late. At least you can save yourself a little bit of physical pain."

As soon as Qin Kai walked out of the interrogation room, the tall policeman went over and locked the door behind him, then glanced at Qi Junpeng who was full of anger and Xiaodie who had been petrified by fright, and said sympathetically.

"You can do whatever you want me to do, but let her go first. What happened today has nothing to do with her. If you want to fight or kill, just come at me!"

Qi Junpeng said before holding back his anger.

Although he has no ability to do anything to win over these people, he believes that as long as Ye Lingtian knows about this matter, he will definitely stand up for him. The scene that happened at the gate of Cuizhu Villa last time is still vivid in his memory, and now he is most worried about Xiaodie .

"Let her go?"

The two police officers looked at each other, then laughed loudly and said, "To tell you the truth, as long as this woman is willing to wait for Young Master Qin for a whole night and satisfy Young Master Qin, you can go out tomorrow!"

"Beasts! You are still policemen? You are not even human!"

Hearing this, Xiaodie's complexion suddenly turned pale, and she cursed angrily.

"You kill me if you have the ability, otherwise, I will kill your whole family!"

Qi Junpeng's eyes were burning, but his tone was extremely cold, so cold that the two policemen also trembled subconsciously.

Everyone has their own taboos, but Qi Junpeng's taboo is Xiao Die, whoever dares to insult Xiao Die will be at odds with him!

The two policemen were obviously stunned for a moment. They had never seen such a tyrannical person in the interrogation room. They had a lot of contact with all kinds of people in their profession. ... No matter what they have done before, they are still obedient here, because there are plenty of ways to deal with you.

After Qi Junpeng finished speaking, he looked at the two policemen expressionlessly, and saw that the tall policeman took out a small claw hammer and a thick book from the drawer. Although Qi Junpeng didn't know what they were going to do, he could feel it. Getting it will never be a good thing.

The tall policeman handed the book to the slightly shorter, but stronger policeman, and smiled viciously at Qi Junpeng, "This book has [-] pages in total, I wonder how much you can bear?" ?”

Qi Junpeng looked at the stern look on the policeman's face, and couldn't help but 'thump' in his heart. It seemed that he was going to suffer today.

"Little sister, think carefully, when will you think clearly and say something."

The short policeman glanced at Xiaodie and said something, and then the two walked to Qi Junpeng.

Qi Junpeng felt a chill in his chest. It turned out that the short policeman took off all his clothes and pressed the thick book on his chest.

"That's eight hundred pages."




As soon as the words fell, the tall policeman slammed the hammer on the book with a claw hammer in his hand, and there was only a dull sound, the sound of the claw hammer being hit, followed by Qi Junpeng's muffled groan, he felt himself His internal organs seemed to be shattered.

The first one is here! ! .

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