Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 574 Don't Worry About Killing

Original s: Thank you for the book friend Youxixiang, Lin'an people's monthly ticket (seeking magic support!

Anyway, today's matter will not be good regardless of whether it is nuclear-free, and Ye Lingtian doesn't have so many scruples. Now he doesn't think about whether it will affect it or not. Father got the retribution he deserved, otherwise, he would have no face to face Qi Junpeng. 5

"How dare you openly attack the police, shoot me, and kill me on the spot!"

Seeing this scene, Qiu Yuejin was also dumbfounded. After a while, he came back to his senses, and hastily raised his gun and pulled the trigger.

"Don't... don't shoot..."

Hearing Qiu Yuejin's words, Zeng Lixiang became anxious immediately, rushed up and shouted to stop Ye Lingtian, if something happened to Ye Lingtian today, not to mention Qiu Yuejin, even he, including everyone present today would not be able to escape the responsibility.

It's just that Zeng Lixiang was still a step late. Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a "bang" gunshot. Hearing the gunshot, Zeng Lixiang's mind went blank. He would never have thought of it anyway. Qiu Yuejin actually dared to shoot Ye Lingtian.


Zeng Lixiang only felt his legs go weak, and he closed his eyes helplessly. He didn't dare to look at what happened next. Qiu Yuejin shot too suddenly, and there was no time to stop him.


Just as Zeng Lixiang closed his eyes, there was a shrill scream, which made him shiver involuntarily.


The voice didn't sound like Ye Lingtian's, but it sounded like Qiu Yuejin's!

Zeng Lixiang opened his eyes suddenly, and the scene in front of him stunned him.Ye Lingtian was still sitting there as if nothing had happened, while Qiu Yuejin fell on the floor at this moment, which made Zeng Lixiang terrified.Qiu Yuejin's hands and feet had been cut off, and now Qiu Yuejin was left with only his head and body, howling on the floor like a lump of meat.

Like the tall policeman who lost his hands, the wounds on Qiu Yuejin's body also did not have the slightest trace of blood, just like his limbs.There has never been a general.

"If you don't want to become the next Qiu Yuejin, just put down the gun honestly, go down and notify Qin Jianguo, and ask him to roll up to me immediately. I'll give him 5 minutes, and if it's less than 5 minutes, I'll wait to give it to him Take Qin Kai's body!"

Ye Lingtian glanced coldly at the group of policemen brought in by the stunned Qiu Yuejin, and said that he didn't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately, and it was time for Qin Jianguo to come forward.


Ye Lingtian had just finished speaking.The group of policemen dropped their guns on the ground like a hot potato, and then ran downstairs as if fleeing for their lives.

Qiu Yuejin's fate was too miserable, his limbs were cut off.They are even inferior to crippled people, none of them would like to become that miserable state.After all, even if they escaped in battle, most of them would be dismissed and punished.At worst, if you quit being a policeman, at least you still have hands and feet, and you can spend the rest of your life in peace.

In the small car downstairs, Qin Jianguo kept raising his wrist to watch the time. Qiu Yuejin had been up for more than ten minutes, but he hadn't come down yet. Qin Jianguo was also a little impatient.

"They're all scumbags, it takes so long for such a trivial matter!"

Qin Jianguo cursed secretly, just as he was about to ask the driver to go up and have a look, the phone in his pocket rang. He took it out and glanced at the caller ID, his face suddenly changed, and after signaling the driver to get off, he pressed the call button, respectfully He said, "Brother-in-law..."

"Jianguo, how many times have I told you to take good care of the people around you, the current situation is complicated, and there should be no problems in this regard!"

Qin Jianguo was interrupted as soon as he called his brother-in-law, and a majestic voice came from the receiver.

"Yes, brother-in-law, don't worry, I will take care of it!"

The call was from Lao Dongfang, and from the meaning of his words, Qin Jianguo understood that today's incident had already reached his ears.

"That woman is a contracted artiste of Hong Kong Yongsheng Entertainment. Just now, Yongsheng Entertainment has notified the Ministry of Culture. Now it is not the head of No. [-], even the head of No. [-] has already intervened. I don't care what you do. Even if you suffer a loss, you must solve it for me before tonight, otherwise, when the matter is reported, even I will not be able to save you!"

Lao Dongfang hung up the phone without waiting for Qin Jianguo to speak. He is also very angry now. He originally thought that the meeting with the chief executive on the [-]st tonight was to discuss the division of labor with him. Severely accused the meal.

The current Chief No. [-] has a strong self-restraint, and usually doesn't get angry at all, but tonight he is obviously very dissatisfied, which shows that the matter is already very serious, so when he came out of Jinzhu Garden, Lao Dongfang called Qin Jianguo.

Lao Dongfang didn't know exactly what happened, and he didn't need to know, as long as Qin Jianguo could solve it properly.

For Qin Jianguo's son Qin Kai, he also knows a little bit about it. He just likes women. The reason why this incident is so big this time is that the woman is a contracted artiste of Hong Kong Yongsheng Entertainment. Qin Jianguo, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Standing Committee and director of the Public Security Department, is also fully capable of handling it.

A signed artist of Hong Kong Yongsheng Entertainment?

Damn, isn't it just a show, what's there to be arrogant about?

Qin Jianguo secretly thought in his heart that as long as his son Qin Kai was brought back, then it would be fine for someone to apologize for the scene and say a few nice words.

Just as Qin Jianguo was thinking to himself, there was a clear gunshot from upstairs, which startled him a lot. Before he could recover, he saw the gang of policemen brought by Qiu Yuejin ruthlessly He ran downstairs and got into the car.

"Secretary Qin, the people above told you to rush there within 5 minutes, otherwise they will wait to collect your son's body without pop-up windows or advertisements!"

Before leaving, the gang of policemen still haven't forgotten Ye Lingtian's confession, and left the city branch at high speed after leaving these words behind.

Seeing this scene, Qin Jianguo also felt that something was wrong. Thinking of the gunshot just now, could it be that Qiu Yuejin had already been killed by gangsters?

Thinking of this, Qin Jianguo seemed to have forgotten Gang Lao Dongfang's instructions, and hurriedly dialed the phone number of the Provincial Department, ordering all members of the Armed Police Corps and the Special Police Brigade to rush to the city branch in full armor, and then thought that his son Qin Kai was still upstairs , the other party only gave him 5 minutes, and hurriedly opened the car door in fear and trepidation, and walked upstairs.

He has already figured it out, the other party is probably because of that woman, and now no matter what the other party puts forward in writing, he will agree to them for the time being, and get Er back first, as long as he rescues Er, even if the other party grows wings, he will not be able to escape his own. palm.

"Zeng Lixiang? Why are you here?"

Going up to the second floor, Qin Jianguo saw Zeng Lixiang standing at the door at a glance, and asked suspiciously.

Zeng Lixiang didn't even look at Qin Jianguo, turned his head to the side, and ignored him directly.


Seeing Zeng Lixiang's attitude, Qin Jianguo snorted angrily, but when he saw the scene in the interrogation room, even though he had seen many big scenes, he was deeply shocked at the moment.

"Xiao Kai, what's wrong with you, wake up and tell Dad, who beat you like this?"

Seeing Qin Kai, whose face was swollen like a pig's head, being handcuffed to an iron pipe, Qin Jianguo couldn't bear it anymore, ran over and asked eagerly while shaking Qin Kai's body.

"I did it, are you Qin Jianguo?"

Just as Qin Jianguo was still trying to wake Qin Kai up, Ye Lingtian spoke coldly.

"Who are you, you dare to commit murder in the Public Security Bureau!"

Qin Jianguo, who woke up from the start, was startled for a moment, and immediately asked back in a strong tone. He knew in his heart that facing such a brutal gangster, he couldn't lose his momentum no matter what.

"Huh! Are you really here as the Public Security Bureau? I see that this has become a private torture hall for some people! Look, this is my friend. Because your son intends to rape my friend's fiancée, you will kill my friend." If you live like this, think about it, is your son still human? In his eyes, is there still law? He is just a vagrant, but he can make a deputy director of the Public Security Bureau into his accomplice and thug. , is the Qinshan Public Security Bureau run by your Qin family?"

Ye Lingtian stared at Qin Jianguo closely, and asked angrily.

"What evidence do you have to prove that Qin Kai instigated it? Now that Qin Kai has been knocked unconscious by you, you can say that he killed someone, and he can't refute it!"

Although Qin Jianguo couldn't see Ye Lingtian's face clearly, the cold words made him feel uncomfortable, but no matter what, he couldn't admit that it was Qin Kai's instigation.

"Hmph, your mouth is quite stiff!"

Ye Lingtian glanced at Qin Jianguo expressionlessly, and then moved his fingers slightly, and the handcuffs on Qi Junpeng's hands fell to the ground with a "bang".

"Brother Peng, how are you? I thought you were beaten to death by them, woo..."

Seeing Qi Junpeng open his eyes, Xiaodie rushed over, ignoring the blood stains on his body, and asked while crying.

"Xiaodie, don't cry, I'm fine!"

After waking up, Qi Junpeng couldn't help feeling a little puzzled. He remembered that he was beaten unconscious by the two policemen. At that time, he only felt that his internal organs had been displaced by the shock. Why is there no pain at all now?

"Peng, I came late and made you suffer!"

Just when Qi Junpeng couldn't figure it out, a familiar voice came from his ear, and when he turned his head, it was Ye Lingtian, and he immediately understood everything.

"Brother Peng, Brother Ye saved you. If Brother Ye hadn't arrived in time, not only would you be beaten to death by them, but I would also be raped by that bastard!"

Xiaodie pointed at Qin Kai angrily and said.

"Peng, you can avenge yourself with your own hands. You can do whatever you want today, even if you beat him to death, you don't have to worry about it. This kind of person deserves to die. Living in this world will only hurt more people. They don't want to die." Law, then we don't need to fight with them, let's go and do it, with me, no one can stop you!"

Ye Lingtian patted Qi Junpeng's shoulder lightly, and said with a smile.to be continued

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