Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 575 Nobody Can Save You

ps: Thanks to book friends 1392233, upstream hun, heart dragon, Shaguo proud... Monthly ticket support!

Hearing Ye Lingtian and Xiaodie's words, Qi Junpeng gritted his teeth loudly, looked at Qin Kai with anger and hatred, and clenched his fists tightly. Even if Ye Lingtian didn't say anything, he still wanted to have Qin Kai. Kay's life.

"Xiao Die, don't worry, I will make that scum pay for it!"

Qi Junpeng nodded vigorously, and walked slowly towards Qin Kai. He only felt that his body was full of strength after waking up, and he needed to vent. At this moment, he only had one thought in his mind, that is, wishing to smash Qin Kai's body into thousands of pieces, otherwise Can't resolve the deep anger in his heart.

Qin Jianguo on the side didn't expect things to develop like this at all. He, a dignified member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, was directly ignored by these people. The eyes full of hatred and anger felt extremely dangerous, and he could sense that what Ye Lingtian said just now was definitely not a threat.

"Stop! You openly committed a crime in the Public Security Bureau. You are committing a crime and you must be severely punished by the law!"

Seeing Qi Junpeng walking slowly towards Qin Kai who was still handcuffed to the iron pipe, Qin Jianguo could guess what would happen next without thinking. To him, it is tantamount to a devil from hell.

He could definitely imagine that if Qi Junpeng was allowed to do anything, his son would definitely be beaten to death by him.

"Crime? In this same interrogation room, when your son instigated the scoundrels among the policemen to almost beat me to death, why didn't you say he was committing a crime? I don't care who you are, you'd better f*ck immediately Shut up for me, otherwise, I will clean up with you!"

Qi Junpeng turned his head and gave Qin Jianguo a hard look. Now, as long as anyone dares to stop him, he will do it without any scruples.

"Zeng Lixiang. What are you all doing to watch these gangsters commit crimes in the Public Security Bureau? Do you still want to do it, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee! I order you in the name of the Provincial Party Committee, immediately arrest these gangsters. Catch the gangster!"

After being yelled by Qi Junpeng, Qin Jianguo subconsciously took two steps back.But immediately remembered something, and roared loudly at Zeng Lixiang who was standing outside the door.

"Qin Jianguo, I can tell you very clearly that I, the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, serve the people, not you, let alone your son. You are not qualified to say such things to me. You also represent No provincial party committee! I know who should be arrested and who should not be arrested, I know it myself, and it's not your turn to dictate!"

Zeng Lixiang gave Qin Jianguo a disdainful look, and said in a cold tone, since he decided to support Ye Lingtian and this gamble, he must support it to the end, even if Ye Lingtian ordered him to kill Qin Jianguo and Qin Kai.He will also execute without hesitation.


Qin Jianguo pointed at Zeng Lixiang and almost vomited blood from anger, he would never have thought of it anyway.Zeng Lixiang would actually say such a thing.



Qi Junpeng didn't pay attention to Qin Jianguo at all, and kicked on Qin Kai's lower abdomen. With a muffled sound, followed by a lifelong wailing, Qin Kai's body shook, and he opened his mouth in pain. eyes.

"Dad, save me quickly..."

The pain from the lower abdomen and the handcuffing of his hands made Qin Kai realize what happened when he woke up and turned around. When he saw his father Qin Jianguo in front of him.He shouted involuntarily.

"Xiao Kai..."

Hearing his son's cry for help, Qin Jianguo didn't care too much, grabbed the ground and pointed at Qi Junpeng, and shouted with a ferocious face: "If you don't want to die, just hug your head and squat down!"

"Hmph! Do you have a chance to shoot? Pengzi, don't worry about him. You do it yourself! Secretary Zeng, please arrange for two people to handcuff Qin Jianguo to me!"

Seeing Qin Jianguo's reassuring expression, Ye Lingtian shook his head in disdain, and looked at Qin Jianguo playfully, as if he was holding a handful of toys in his hand

Hearing Ye Lingtian's words, Qin Jianguo also went all out, and pulled the trigger on Qi Junpeng, but to his surprise, the trigger of this gun didn't work at all.

"Zhongjie, carry out the order and handcuff Qin Jianguo to me!"

While Qin Jianguo was still in a daze, Zeng Lixiang also saw the abnormality, and hurriedly said to Zhang Zhongjie.


Zhang Zhongjie couldn't help hesitating a bit. Anyway, Qin Jianguo is also the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Standing Committee of the Qin-Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and the Director of the Provincial Public Security Department. He is the highest leader of the Qin-Shaanxi Public Security System. And if he handcuffs Qin Jianguo himself, if Qin Jianguo survives in the future, then he will be charged with a serious crime, and he may go to prison.

"Zhongjie, you have been with me for so many years, will I harm you? Follow my orders!"

Zeng Lixiang glanced at Zhang Zhongjie with a firm expression, then leaned into his ear and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "You haven't forgotten the Cuizhu Villa incident, have you?"

Hearing these words, Zhang Zhongjie suddenly came to his senses, no wonder Zeng Lixiang was so abnormal today, no wonder these people acted so boldly, at this moment, he understood everything.

Without thinking too much, Zhang Zhongjie waved his hand, and was the first to rush forward, took out the handcuffs and handcuffed them on Qin Jianguo's wrist.

Seeing that Zhang Zhongjie had done it himself, the few confidants who followed him naturally would not neglect, they rushed up quickly and pressed Qin Jianguo firmly to the floor.

Now that you already know who the other party is, how long will it take if you don't show up at this time.

To achieve the position of deputy provincial city public security bureau deputy director, Zhang Zhongjie is naturally a genius, and he can naturally think of what Zeng Lixiang can think of.

In terms of power, Chen Baohua, the deputy secretary and secretary of the provincial party committee at the time, was much bigger than you, Qin Jianguo, and you fell down as soon as you said you would, but you, Qin Jianguo, were too lucky to have offended this mysterious boss.

"Okay, okay! Zeng Lixiang, Zhang Zhongjie, please remember!"

Qin Jianguo couldn't react to Zhang Zhongjie's series of actions for a while. When he came back to his senses, his face had already made intimate contact with the cold floor.

"Xiaodie, help me, let's give this scum a taste of 'smothering'!"

After the false alarm, Qi Junpeng breathed a sigh of relief. He was also frightened when he saw Qin Jianguo pointing the gun at himself at first. You must know that it was a real bullet, and one bullet could kill him. He didn't come back to his senses until Qin Jianguo was handcuffed and fell to the ground. Then he picked up the claw hammer and thick books on the ground, and treated him in the same way as others. How did Qin Kai deal with himself? I will get it back from him.


Xiaodie nodded, and quickly walked over with a book on Qin Kai's chest.

In normal times, she would never dare to face such cruel torture, but now she has no fear in her heart. The scum in front of her is the murderer who murdered herself and Qi Junpeng. The anger in her heart has made her forget everything.

"No, don't... I was wrong, I am willing to compensate you, how much you want, just ask..."

Qin Kai was so scared that his face was bloodless at this moment. Of course he knew the power of "smothering", which is a torture that shakes the internal organs of the human body into dislocations. The secretary, the provincial public security chief, had already been handcuffed, and he had nothing to rely on anymore. Under the intense fear, his feet trembled, and then there was a smell of sao. Scared to pee.

"Money? To tell you the truth, I am the chairman of Tianpeng Jewelry and Jade Co., Ltd., do you think I will be short of money? Xiaodie, take it..."

Qi Junpeng glanced at Qin Kai disdainfully, with a cold smile on his face, raised the claw hammer high in his hand, and smashed it down fiercely.



With a dull sound and a shrill howl like a slaughtered pig, Qin Kai could only feel his world spinning, and his internal organs seemed to have been misplaced.

However, this is just the beginning, Qi Junpeng sneered twice, and said: "This is page 800, Xiaodie, turn to page 600!"

At this moment, Qin Jianguo, who was firmly pinned to the floor by two policemen, suddenly gave up struggling, he didn't even seem to hear his son's screams, he was stunned for a long time before he looked at Ye Lingtian and asked in horror: "You... ...Are you Director Ye?"

Qin Jianguo, who is Secretary of the Legal Committee of the Standing Committee of the Qinshan Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Provincial Public Security Department, naturally knows why he can take over the current position, as well as Chen Baohua, the former Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and the Director of the Provincial Public Security Department. The real reason for Liu Jianping's downfall is that Qi Junpeng, chairman of Tianpeng Jewelry and Jade Co., Ltd., is one of the people involved in the Cuizhu Villa incident.

Now that the young man who was beaten to the ground with blood said that he was Qi Junpeng, then, that mysterious person who has been unable to see his face clearly will be that plague god Ye Lingtian in all likelihood.

"Hehe, Qin Jianguo, should I say you are smart, or should I say you are stupid? Since you can guess my identity so quickly, the reason why Chen Baohua fell , just because he has an arrogant and domineering son who does whatever he wants, but what about you?

What your son has done is even worse than that of Chen Baohua's son!It is said that the past does not forget the teacher of the future, but you are a servant, you have completely forgotten how Chen Baohua fell from power, and continued to indulge your son to commit crimes. With such a son who does not care about the lives of ordinary people, you What qualifications do you have to ask others to obey the law, and what qualifications do you have to sit in this position?

I can tell you that from the moment your son took action against my friend, his demise and the downfall of your Qin family were doomed. No one can save you! "

Ye Lingtian withdrew the little spell that covered his face, looked coldly at Qin Jianguo who was already ashamed and said.

The first one is here! rx! .

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