Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 58 With You Forever 1

Dai Wenliang said cautiously: "The homeowner asked for [-] per square meter, which is more than [-] million yuan! He said that if you are interested, you can pick a time in these two days to go and have a look."

Ye Lingtian pondered for a moment, and said, "Okay, you can make an appointment with the landlord tomorrow, and then we can go and have a look together."

After hanging up the phone, seeing Liu Ruohan sitting on the side with her head bowed, she quickly walked over and sat down next to her, and said softly, "Ruohan, I'm sorry..."

Liu Ruohan raised her head and looked at him shyly, put her arms around his waist lightly, put her head on his shoulder tenderly, opened her red lips slightly, and murmured: "Ling Tian, ​​don't say anything, I will As long as you treat me well in the future."

With soft and fragrant nephrite in his arms, hearing Liu Ruohan's gentle and caring words for the first time, Ye Lingtian couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed her forehead, and said affectionately: "Ruohan, don't worry, I will definitely.

Liu Ruohan hugged Ye Lingtian tightly with both hands, she was a little excited, feeling so sweet and warm, her soft body also trembled slightly, and it took a while to calm down.

"Ling Tian, ​​I heard you call just now, it seems that you are going to see the house tomorrow?" Liu Ruohan snuggled into Ye Lingtian's arms and asked softly.

Ye Lingtian embraced Liu Ruohan, raised his hand and brushed the hair on her forehead, nodded and smiled and said, "Well, it's in the inner city protection zone near here, it's a courtyard house."

Liu Ruohan sat up straight when she heard the words, raised her head and looked at Ye Lingtian in surprise, and exclaimed, "Ah? Siheyuan?"

She originally thought that Ye Lingtian was just buying an ordinary building, but she didn't expect it to be a courtyard house.

As a native of Yanjing, Liu Ruohan naturally knew that due to urban reconstruction and demolition in recent years, the number of courtyard houses has been greatly reduced.It was not until a few years ago that the government divided the courtyard houses in Sijiu City into more than 40 historical and cultural protection areas and preserved them as cultural heritage.

Most of these protected areas are located in the inner city, surrounding the Forbidden City, which is where princes and generals lived in ancient times, and the location is relatively good.Due to the protection of the policy, it is generally not demolished without extremely special circumstances.

With the shortage of courtyard houses in recent years and more and more wealthy people obsessed with the lifestyle and noble status of courtyard houses, the price of courtyard houses has doubled, ranging from 3 yuan to 10 yuan per square meter. For a small courtyard house of about four to five hundred square meters, the minimum price is more than tens of millions.

It's just that the courtyards are of different sizes, and the prices are also very different.Small courtyards are generally 2000 to [-] square meters, and a set of [-] million can be bought, but medium-sized courtyards are much more expensive.

As for the kind of large courtyard with a garden, it is very difficult to buy now because of the small number.You know, there are not a few rich people who like this kind of architecture.

Liu Ruohan didn't know how big a courtyard house Ye Lingtian wanted to buy, but when she thought about it, an ordinary small courtyard house cost tens of millions at least, so she couldn't help being shocked.

He has already spent more than 300 million yuan to buy a car, and now he is planning to buy a courtyard house. Where did he get so much money?

Thinking of this, Liu Ruohan looked at Ye Lingtian with doubts.

Ye Lingtian saw Liu Ruohan's doubts in her eyes, and after thinking about it, now that the relationship between the two has reached this point, it's time to tell her something.

Gently holding Liu Ruohan's tender and greasy little hand, Ye Lingtian said softly: "Ruohan, do you believe that there are immortals in this world?"

Liu Ruohan was a little surprised, and immediately pursed her lips and said with a smile: "You also believe in legends? Ling Tian, ​​you don't think you are an immortal, do you?"

Ye Lingtian looked at her silently, nodded slightly, and said seriously: "Ruohan, you are right, I was originally an immortal in the fairy world, but I was assassinated because of a treasure map of a temple, and I only escaped with a trace of my soul." Brought to Earth by a magic weapon and reborn."

After Ye Lingtian briefly talked about the world of self-cultivation, the world of immortals, and himself, and released the red flame and real fire and the flying sword, Liu Ruohan was already dumbfounded and stared at Ye Lingtian motionlessly, obviously unable to accept it for a while.

It took a while for Liu Ruohan to come back to her senses, her eyes turned red, she grabbed Ye Lingtian's arm, and said quietly, "You mean, you're going to leave the earth and me in the future?"

Ye Lingtian held her catkin in his hand, and said softly: "Ruohan, I will definitely leave the earth, but I never said I would leave you! Remember when we first met, I once said that you have good qualifications?" ?”

Liu Ruohan nodded vigorously, and said, "Of course I remember, I asked you later, but you refused to tell me."

Ye Lingtian stroked her little hand lightly, and said with a smile: "Your aptitude is the highest pure yin body in the cultivation world. If you practice cultivation, you will be able to get twice the result with half the effort."

Liu Ruohan said in surprise: "You mean, I can also practice, and I can ascend to the fairy world in the future and live forever?"

Ye Lingtian nodded and smiled: "Of course, and with your aptitude, compared with ordinary practitioners, under the same conditions, your cultivation speed is much faster than them."

Liu Ruohan was overjoyed upon hearing this, grabbed Ye Lingtian's hand and shook it vigorously, and said eagerly: "Lingtian, teach me quickly, I also want to cultivate, I don't want to leave you, I want to follow you to the fairy world."

Ye Lingtian patted Liu Ruohan's back, and said softly: "Ruohan, don't worry, think about it first. You know, both the cultivation world and the fairy world are full of danger..."

She was interrupted by Liu Ruohan before she finished speaking, she hugged Ye Lingtian tightly, buried her head in his arms, pouted and said, "With you protecting me, I'm not afraid!"

Ye Lingtian stroked her hair and said, "Have you really thought about it?"

Liu Ruohan nodded vigorously in Ye Lingtian's arms, and said, "Well, anyway, I'm committed to you, don't even think about leaving me behind!"

Ye Lingtian gently stroked her back and said affectionately: "No, I will be with you forever!"

With a thought, he took out a string of purple jadeite necklace and a blood jadeite bracelet from the Tianyuan beads, left his own consciousness on them, and then helped Liu Ruohan put them on.

Liu Ruohan stroked the purple jade necklace on her neck and the blood jade bracelet on her wrist, feeling sweet in her heart, and asked coquettishly, "Ling Tian, ​​is this the glass jadeite you unwrapped in Tengzhou? It's so beautiful!"

Ye Lingtian nodded, and said with a smile: "I engraved a formation on it, and it became the lowest magic weapon in the cultivation world. After you recognize the master with a drop of blood, no ordinary person in this world will be able to hurt you. I have already left my consciousness on it, and I always remember to wear one on my body, not only can it protect you, but also I can sense it whenever you are attacked."

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