After thinking for a while, Ye Lingtian picked out another storage ring, held Liu Ruohan's catkin to help her put it on, then called out the flying sword, and gently cut a small slit on her finger, respectively on the necklace, bracelet and storage ring. A drop of blood dripped from the ring. ┏ _ ┓

Liu Ruohan used her thoughts to hide the ring as Ye Lingtian said, and then took out the phone to put it in for a while, and then took it out again, having a great time.

After a while, Liu Ruohan suddenly exclaimed: "Wow, it's so spacious inside, you can store a lot of things, it's perfect for shopping, and you won't have to worry about carrying things in big and small bags in the future!"

When Ye Lingtian heard this, a huge black line suddenly appeared on his forehead. This is a fairy artifact, and it is actually used for shopping?If people in the cultivation world heard Liu Ruohan's words, they might be so angry that they would vomit blood.

"Ruohan, it's almost twelve o'clock, let's go!" Ye Lingtian looked at the time and said to Liu Ruohan.

Liu Ruohan nodded, immediately put her arms around Ye Lingtian's arm, and said with a sly smile: "I can't move anymore, you can step back alone, okay?"

Ye Lingtian chuckled, lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead, and said, "No problem, sit down!"

The boat quickly returned to the shore. The two walked on the bar street and saw that the number of people on the street did not decrease because of the late night. There were many people sitting in some snack bars and bars.

Liu Ruohan held Ye Lingtian's arm and said softly, "Lingtian, I'm hungry, let's find a place to eat."

Ye Lingtian couldn't help feeling a little hungry when he heard the words, so he nodded and said, "What do you want to eat?"

Liu Ruohan pointed to the row of small tables on the shore, and said with a smile, "You can eat anything, as long as it fills your stomach."

The two found a table to sit down, but it happened to be the table of the barbecue season.After ordering barbecue, grilled chicken wings and a few snacks, they ordered a few bottles of beer. As soon as the dishes were served, the two of them picked up chopsticks and started eating.

After the thin layer of love between him and Liu Ruohan was pierced, Ye Lingtian also let go, and was no longer as restrained as before.With a skewer of barbecue in the left hand and a glass of beer in the right hand, it was very pleasant to eat.

Although Ye Lingtian's eating was a little ugly, Liu Ruohan seemed to like his arrogant and wanton appearance. Those charming eyes were always wandering on his face, and from time to time he would show him a charming and sweet smile.

Soon, the barbecue and snacks on the table were swept away by the two of them.Ye Lingtian picked up the napkin and took out a piece of paper to wipe his mouth. He lit a Zhonghua and took a deep breath, but his face froze suddenly. After a while, he took out his mobile phone and pressed a few keys. Then he got up and walked to the white marble fence. Covering his body, he put the phone away and returned to his seat.

Seeing Ye Lingtian's actions, Liu Ruohan couldn't help feeling a little puzzled, looked into his eyes suspiciously and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ye Lingtian waved his hand slightly, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, just a few flies will come to make trouble later."

"Ah? Then let's go!" Liu Ruohan looked around in fear and said softly.

Ye Lingtian shook his head, and said lightly: "Ruohan, what should come will always come, if you can hide this time, you won't be able to hide next time. Don't be afraid, there are necklaces and bracelets to protect you, no matter what happens later, don't panic ,do you understand?"

Hearing what Ye Lingtian said, Liu Ruohan nodded quickly and said, "Yes, I see."

As soon as Liu Ruohan finished speaking, she saw five or six gangsters reeking of alcohol surrounding a well-dressed young man in his 20s, with an extremely obscene smile on his face, staggering over to the small table next to him. sit down.

After ordering the food and drink, a long-haired gangster got up and walked over, smiled lewdly at Liu Ruohan and said, "Beauty, let's have a treat, our brother Qiang asked you to go over and have a drink."

"I'm not that interested, get out of the way, don't hinder my boyfriend and I from watching the night view." Liu Ruohan became more courageous when she thought that Ye Lingtian was a cultivator, and she was protected by the necklace and bracelet she gave her, and she yelled angrily with a sullen face.

"I can't tell she's still a hot girl. It's delicious. I like it, brother!" The young man stood up and walked over, staring lewdly at Liu Ruohan's chest. Ye Lingtian said arrogantly: "Boy, you can go!"

Ye Lingtian glanced at the young man, and saw that although he was handsome in appearance, his face looked quite swollen, and there were two obvious dark circles under his lower eyelids. At first glance, he looked like a dandy who often went in and out of feasting and feasting, and indulged in excessive sex for a long time.

Elegantly poking out eye circles, Ye Lingtian said with a half-smile, "What if I don't want to?"

Hearing this, the gangster immediately put on an underworld look, and yelled viciously, "I don't want to? Then don't leave."

Ye Lingtian laughed and said, "Let's go? We didn't want to go. The night view of Houhai is so beautiful, we haven't seen enough yet!"

The gangster was stunned when he heard the words, he didn't expect Ye Lingtian to say that at all, he stood there for a moment, not knowing what to do, so he turned around and looked at the young man.

"Boy, be sensible, don't force us to do it!" The young man shouted sullenly.

He was a little uncertain, seeing Ye Lingtian's appearance, he didn't pay attention to them at all, so what else could he rely on?No, isn't this kid just a poor student in a ravine?

Ye Lingtian didn't try to figure out what the young man was thinking, so he said nonchalantly: "If you want to do it, hurry up, if you don't want to do it, get out early, don't be so obtrusive, it's disgusting to people watching!"

Hearing this, the young man couldn't hold back anymore, blushed and shouted thickly: "Damn it, fuck me, get rid of this kid, and then, let's enjoy that top-quality chick!"

After being slapped in the face by Ye Lingtian like this, if he didn't beat Ye Lingtian to the ground, he would have no face in the future.

The gangsters who were still sitting heard the young man's words, "Hula!" They all stood up and surrounded them. One of the gangsters who was a bit tall raised a mahogany chair beside him and shone it on Ye Lingtian's head. It was smashed down hard.


After a crisp sound, the wooden chair was already torn apart, but Ye Lingtian was still sitting there leisurely, puffing out smoke rings, as if nothing had happened just now.

The young man and the gangsters looked at each other, as if they couldn't believe their eyes.They clearly saw that the mahogany chair fell on Ye Lingtian's head, but now the chair was turned into a pile of broken wood, but Ye Lingtian was fine, not even a hair was messed up.

The young man shook his head violently, and said darkly: "Fuck that guy together, I don't believe he's made of iron!"

@! !

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