Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 586 Let Me Fly


Just when Ye Lingtian's fingers entered her vagina, Ling Xueyao involuntarily let out a muffled snort, and her two snow-white and plump tuns also subconsciously writhed.Book mi group 4∴ 8065

< The place where I feel itching is unbearable.

Ling Xueyao tried her best to restrain the strong stimulation brought by Ye Lingtian's fingers, and continued to concentrate on sucking. It was muddy. Moreover, Ling Xueyao's grass had already been wet, and under the sunlight, it glistened like dew.

Ye Lingtian stretched out his fingers, buried his head between Ling Xueyao's thighs, brought his nose close and took a deep breath, a rich fragrance was refreshing, Ye Lingtian opened his mouth wide, covering the entire valley at once, and forcefully Covering her own Taoyuan Canyon, Ling Xueyao trembled all over, and subconsciously spat out a yu column, letting out a long coquettish sound.

In return, Ling Xueyao showed Ye Lingtian unreservedly the yumen who pulled Ye Lingtian's thick water even more vigorously. <The water flowed more fiercely, and it flowed into Ye Lingtian's mouth continuously with the rich fragrance.

Soon, Ling Xueyao's flower buds opened automatically, revealing a crystal clear red flower bead, like a small pink pea, shining with a charming brilliance.

Ye Lingtian stretched out the tip of his tongue and tapped lightly on the pink flower beads, and the water poured into Ye Lingtian's mouth.

"Ah... Ling Tian, ​​don't inhale. Mmm... force..."

Ye Lingtian rolled up his tongue and stuck it into Ling Xueyao's vagina, licking the tender flesh in Ling Xueyao's vagina, Ling Xueyao felt Ye Lingtian's deep affection.My heart was agitated, I just felt a heat in my lower abdomen, I couldn't hold it anymore, my whole body trembled, and I couldn't help but hum loudly: "Ling Tian, ​​it's so comfortable...Tian hard... ah... here it is... want coming……"

The words didn't stop, Ling Xueyao's legs trembled, and contracted in the depths of Hua's heart. *yujing spewed out after that, and had a hearty orgasm, lying limply on Ye Lingtian's body and gasping for breath.

"Xueyao. Are you comfortable?"

Ye Lingtian swallowed the yujing that Ling Xueyao spewed out, and asked softly.

"It's so comfortable, Ling Tian, ​​I love you so much!"

<Looking at Ye Lingtian's thick penis, he looked at Ye Lingtian with a charming smile and said, "It's really majestic, it's a woman's treasure!"

Speaking of Ling Xueyao leaning over the chubby mushroom head and lightly licking it boldly, Ye Lingtian could only feel a sense of arrogance spontaneously.

"Ling Tian, ​​it must be very uncomfortable, let it come in quickly!"

Ling Xueyao lay down while talking, and opened her legs, waiting for Ye Lingtian's favor.


Ye Lingtian let out a low growl.Immediately got on the horse, grabbed Ling Xueyao's huge breasts with both hands, pressed her lower body tightly on Ling Xueyao's body, and stabbed in fiercely.

"Tight, so tight!"

This is the feeling of Ye Lingtian entering Ling Xueyao's genitals. It is worthy of the top-grade famous weapon Lizhu Yinglong. Although Ling Xueyao's own thick genitals have entered Ling Xueyao's genitals many times, the narrow and compact feeling has never changed. .

The narrow vagina tightly wrapped Ye Lingtian's long spear. Even though Ling Xueyao had just passed out and was still very slippery inside, it was still the same as the first time. She encountered resistance after only halfway in, and couldn't penetrate all at once.

"Oh... Ling Tian, ​​so comfortable and fulfilling!"

As soon as the thick penis entered her body, Ling Xueyao let out a high-pitched yin. She felt that the endless emptiness below was instantly filled, and an indescribable pleasure strongly stimulated her nerves. Feitun subconsciously lifted He got up to meet Ye Lingtian's entry, and his legs hooked Ye Lingtian's waist.

Pushing forward several times, the penis finally entered the depth of the narrow cunt, filling the narrow cunt, Ye Lingtian pressed against Ling Xueyao's cunt tightly, turned the mushroom head, and Not to be outdone, Ling Xueyao spun around her stomach to fight, and there was a burst of suction from the depths of her heart, as if she wanted to suck in all of Ye Lingtian's thick penis and drain the Yang Yuan in Ye Lingtian's body.

"Ah... Ling Tian... you are really amazing..."

Ling Xueyao looked at Ye Lingtian with eyes that seemed to be able to drip water and said in a haze.

"Xueyao, are you comfortable? Are you happy?"

Ye Lingtian's big hands pinched wantonly on Ling Xueyao's billowy white breasts, and the strong stimulation attacked Ling Xueyao's whole body one by one. The men and women shaking violently in the room formed a crazy picture.

Ling Xueyao was actively catering to Ye Lingtian's sprint with her eyes slightly open and her mouth tightly closed with an intoxicated expression. The two huge breasts were pinched by Ye Lingtian's big hands and deformed with her body movements. At this moment, Ling Xueyao , He has completely displayed his bold and unrestrained style in front of Ye Lingtian. Any man who sees that luan and affectionate look will not be able to help but have some crazy thoughts.

"It's so cool... Ling Tian... you are so mighty! So comfortable, so thick... Ling Tian... exerting force... the pleasure in the watery vagina is stronger than that of a lang, Ling Xueyao never Regardless of the shyness in his heart, he moaned loudly while panting, and his whole body twisted crazily under Ye Lingtian.

Gradually Ling Xueyao has been fully immersed in a wave of intense pleasure, she has completely lost herself in the impact of a wave of sexual pleasure.

Ye Lingtian pinched Ling Xueyao's plump and soft breasts while enjoying the stimulation of the penis growing stronger when Ling Xueyao's breasts were pressed.Ling Xueyao also began to get carried away and groaned. Yin, the joy that one lang was higher than the other, deeply stimulated Ling Xueyao, making Ling Xueyao forget where she was.

Maybe it was the first time when he saw Ling Xueyao, he got a peek at Ling Xueyao's plump, tall, upturned, white and round body, which made Ye Lingtian like to let Ling Xueyao enter with her tun from behind every time she fell in love with Ling Xueyao , in this case, the yu stem can be inserted deeper.Secondly, it also gave Ye Lingtian a strong visual sense.

Ling Xueyao was aroused by such a sudden stimulation from behind, she yelled out "ah" and was aroused to the apex. A large amount of vagina immediately oozed out of the yu tunnel, and with Ye Lingtian's next frantic bout of hot waves rolling in, Ling Xueyao kept reaching one climax after another.

Ling Xueyao went completely crazy, ever since she was with Ye Lingtian, she had never experienced such a sustained and intense sexual desire that tightly wrapped Ye Lingtian's genitals and began to twitch continuously, under this stimulation, Ling Xueyao was almost twitching crazily The tun was moved.

As Feitun twisted, Ling Xueyao felt it.Ye Lingtian's thick yu column seems to be getting deeper, and every time it is powerfully pressed against his heart, and the fleshy crown on the mushroom head is in his yu channel tender g, that way, as if like this, can he It's like venting out the pleasure in your body.

"Ah... Ling Tian, ​​you've touched my heart, you're so beautiful, I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore... I really can't take it anymore, you are so deep, I...I love you to death ...I...I'm going to fly! Oh my god, it's so beautiful...Oh my god! Ling Tian, ​​I...I'm about to die, use your strength, hurry up...let me fly..."

Ling Xueyao groaned loudly incoherently. Obviously, Ye Lingtian's strong impact had made Ling Xueyao no longer know where she was.

Ye Lingtian also became more and more agitated at this time, holding Ling Xueyao tightly with both hands, the thick penis was sucking faster and faster in Ling Xueyao's tight vagina, and the crotch became more and more fierce. Every time, Ye Lingtian was deeply sucked to the end, until Ling Xueyao's Feitun blocked it, and could no longer move forward, so he pulled out the yu stem, and every time he pulled out, Ye Lingtian only had a mushroom head inside. <The "puchi puchi" sound caused by the friction between the vagina and vagina under the lubrication of the flowing water, as well as the "pop" sound made by Ye Lingtian's lower abdomen hitting Ling Xueyao's Feitun, a burst of itchy feeling came from the mushroom It came from the head, making Ye Lingtian reach the peak again at this time, accompanied by a dull growl, a series of jing saliva forcefully shot into Ling Xueyao's heart.

Feeling Ye Lingtian's powerful eruption, Ling Xueyao's body began to twitch again. In just a few minutes, she blew out once again. It made Ling Xueyao almost suffocate, her limbs trembled, and an indistinct groan came out of her mouth.

After a while, Ye Lingtian raised his wrist and looked at his watch. Half the morning had passed, he couldn't help but shook his head with a smirk, and carried Ling Xueyao, who was still weak, into the bathroom.

ps: Alas, there are so many flavors, it’s hard to adjust...(..)



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