ps: Thank you book friend づ Ren Xiaoyao for the reward and monthly ticket support!

In the next few days, Ye Lingtian and Ling Xueyao took a leisurely tour of the tourist attractions near Xi'an, leaving their footprints on places of interest such as the Wild Goose Pagoda, the Bell and Drum Tower, Terracotta Warriors, Huaqing Pool, and the Bingjian Pavilion.

Ye Ling didn't ask Qi Junpeng and Xiaodie out until he received a call from Liu Ruohan.

"Pengzi, Xueyao and I have to go to Liaodong and Dongshan. After you have arranged everything at home, go directly to Yanjing Siheyuan and wait for me. Leizi and the others are here."

In Laomi's mutton steamed bun restaurant, which is not big and decorated in a very ordinary box, Ye Lingtian threw a panda to Qi Junpeng and said with a smile.

Last time, in order to welcome Ye Lingtian, I went to Tong Shengxiang’s mutton steamed bun restaurant to book a box, but the mutton steamed bun failed to eat, and almost lost his life, so this time Qi Junpeng refused to go to Tong Shengxiang no matter what, but I chose the Lao Mijia Mutton Steamed Bun Restaurant.

In fact, if we really want to talk about the taste of this mutton steamed bun, Tong Shengxiang, who has the reputation of "the best bowl in the world", is not as good as Lao Mi's.

However, because Tong Shengxiang has received many celebrities and dignitaries, coupled with the high-grade decoration, it will become the first choice for Xi'an people to entertain VIPs.

And if the locals in Xi’an want to eat mutton, basically they will not go to Tong Shengxiang, but will choose to go to Lao Mi’s, Lao Liu’s, and Lao Sun’s, which are full of authentic Muslim customs.

The decoration of these stores is average, even crude, but the taste is absolutely authentic, much better than those luxuriously decorated stores.

The more important thing is that the price is affordable, a bowl of mutton soup is basically more than ten yuan, and most people can afford it for mass consumption, so the business is naturally not so good. Ruchao, queuing up during peak hours is normal, just like Yanjing's belly-popping Feng.

And these stores have very short opening hours.Like Lao Mi’s, from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm, after [-]:[-] pm, it closes on time.If it's over time, wait until tomorrow.

Fortunately, it is still ten o'clock in the morning, not the peak time for dining. Although the hall is basically full, there are still plenty of boxes.

"Okay, everything at home has been arranged, and I will book a plane ticket in the afternoon."

Qi Junpeng lit his cigarette and nodded with a smile.The company's business has already been handed over to Zhang Hong, and now he and Xiaodie are a little impatient.

Ye Lingtian smiled slightly, and he didn't ask how Qi Junpeng and Xiaodie explained to their family, but from Qi Junpeng's words, it can be heard that all these arrangements have been made.

Before he finished smoking a cigarette, the waiter had already brought up the mutton soup. Although it was in a private room, the store did not arrange any exquisite tableware.Same as the hall outside, four people have four bowls of mutton soup and a dish of steamed buns.A bowl of pickles and a bowl of radish sticks.

Ye Lingtian asked the waiter to serve a bottle of Qinshan local Xifeng wine. After all, in this kind of mass-consumed restaurant, it occupies a private room, so it would be unreasonable to drink the wine that comes with it.

Ling Xueyao didn't seem to be very interested in steamed buns, but she fell in love with the original mutton soup in 10 minutes. In a blink of an eye, she had already drank more than half of the bowl, and she almost ate the mutton.

As soon as she walked into the shop, Ling Xueyao was already drooling secretly when she smelled the strong aroma of mutton.She grew up in Guangdong Province in the south. Influenced by the local food style, she ate mostly Cantonese cuisine with seafood. Although people in eastern Guangdong like to make soup, they basically use seafood flavor as the main ingredient, and basically do not use lamb.

Because the south is not suitable for raising sheep.And the smell of goat is very strong, so if you want to eat mutton in the south, you can only go to the hot pot restaurant to eat the quick-frozen mutton rolls shipped from the north, such as this authentic mutton soup, Ling Xueyao has never drank.

"Xueyao, eat slowly, if it's not enough, the waiter will serve another bowl later."

Seeing that Ling Xueyao ate most of the bowl by herself without making a sound, Ye Lingtian chuckled. Although Cantonese people like to drink morning tea and eat pasta such as small steamed buns, shrimp dumplings, and huajuan, they don’t care about steamed buns. Like, probably not that hobby, Ling Xueyao only eats mutton and doesn't eat steamed buns, which makes sense.

"That... I just feel that the taste of this mutton is really too fresh!"

Hearing Ye Lingtian's words, Ling Xueyao was a little embarrassed, and seeing that the bowls of the three of them hadn't moved much, she hurriedly put down the chopsticks in her hands, and said with a sneer.

"Eat it. The mutton soup from Lao Mi's is indeed much more delicious than Tong Shengxiang's. I don't know when I will be able to taste this taste again in the future!"

Ye Lingtian knew that if he didn't eat, Ling Xueyao would definitely be embarrassed to continue eating. He picked up the big bowl and slapped it into his mouth, then remembered something, turned to Qi Junpeng and said, "Pengzi, go out and talk about it." , ask the waiter to serve four more bowls!"

As soon as Qi Junpeng went out, Ye Lingtian's cell phone rang. He took it out and saw that it was a strange phone from Xi'an. He pressed the call button, but Zeng Lixiang's voice came from the receiver: "Director Ye, hello, I'm Zeng Lixiang Ah, I didn't bother you!"

"Zeng Shu. Ji is too out of touch. What's the matter?"

With a little thought, Ye Lingtian guessed why Zeng Lixiang called him, and asked with a smile.

"Director Ye, it's like this. If you're not busy right now, I'd like to report to you the results of the Qin Jianguo case and the Qian Youcai case."

Zeng Lixiang's tone was very respectful. Although Ye Lingtian was supervised by people from five departments and three bureaus, Ye Lingtian didn't care about the ending anymore, but he couldn't refuse. Let me know the outcome of the process."

"OK then!"

Zeng Lixiang reported the results of Qin Jianguo and others to Ye Lingtian one by one on the phone. It may be the reason why he couldn't meet Ye Lingtian face to face. He seemed a little disappointed.

Not to mention Qin Kai, all his limbs were severed, and his lower body had already been destroyed. In this lifetime, even if he did not die, it would only be a waste of food, and the Qin family could be regarded as the last.

Xie Ronggui was expelled from the party on the same day and handed over to the procuratorate for crimes of perverting the law, extorting confessions by torture, and intentional injury. However, after being sent to the hospital, the cause of the illness could not be found. The clothes all over his body would be torn to pieces, and the skin on his body would also be scratched to a bloody mess. It was horrible to see, so he had to tie his hands and feet to the chuang plus.

Qin Jianguo was held accountable for indulging his family members in crimes. Wang Zhengfeng, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and secretary of the Qin and Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee, rushed back to Xi'an from Yanjing the next day after the incident, and announced that The decision of the central government to dismiss Qin Jianguo as a member of the Standing Committee of the Qinshan Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and Director of the Provincial Public Security Department, and transfer Qin Jianguo to the Qinshan Provincial Working Group for "Investigating and Dealing with Discipline and Law Violations of the Family Members of Party and Government Leading Cadres" ".

At the same time, Wang Zhengfeng also read out the Central Committee's decision to remove Hou Guofang from the Standing Committee of the Qinshan Provincial Party Committee, secretary of the Xi'an Municipal Party Committee, member of the Standing Committee, and members, and hand over Hou Guofang to the Commission for Discipline Inspection for investigation.

After investigation and verification by the "Working Group for Investigating and Dealing with Disciplinary and Law-breaking Family Members of Party and Government Leading Cadres" and the investigation and verification of the Fifth Department and the Third Bureau of the General Staff, Qin Jianguo is currently serving as the deputy county magistrate, county magistrate, county party secretary, municipal party committee standing committee member, and deputy secretary. , the mayor, the secretary of the municipal party committee, and the deputy governor, etc., received huge bribes many times to seek illegitimate benefits for others, and also violated discipline several times to approve projects for companies run by family members, causing damage to the country and the people Huge economic losses, after deliberation by the Xi'an Intermediate People's Court, decided to sentence Qin Jianguo to death, to be executed immediately, deprived of political rights for life, and confiscated all illegal property.

The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee also made a decision to remove Qiu Yuejin, deputy director of the Qinshan Provincial Public Security Department, and Ma Changjun, director of the Xi'an Public Security Bureau, from all positions inside and outside the party.

It can be said that this time, whether it is the Central Committee or the Qinshan Provincial Committee, they all adopted thunderous means in handling the Qin Jianguo incident, and the verdict was pronounced within a few days, which is unprecedented in the history of Qinshan.

In particular, Qin Jianguo was executed by shooting, which no one expected. Just because his son committed a crime, he was investigated and sentenced to death. This is enough to deter those who are still trying to cover up their family members' illegal and criminal activities, and imagine that they can get away with it. official.

Especially his natal cousin, who is a member of the Politburo above him, can't save Qin Jianguo's life. This also shows the firm determination of the [Central] Central Committee to crack down on crimes committed by the privileged class.

And the upstart Qian Youcai, who made his fortune by digging coal, was soon found out to be the leader of a gang. The mine accident caused the death of dozens of miners due to insufficient rescue. After deliberation by the Xi'an Intermediate People's Court, it was decided to sentence Qian Youcai to death. He was to be executed immediately, and his political rights were deprived for life, and all property was confiscated.

As for those little shrimps and millets, Zeng Lixiang naturally wouldn't report to Ye Lingtian again.

With Qin Jianguo, Hou Guofang, Qiu Yuejin, Ma Changjun and many other officials at the official and deputy ministerial levels falling down, it also meant that their seats were vacant. At this time, Zeng Lixiang called Ye Lingtian, nominally to report the results, but The real purpose here is naturally self-evident.

"Zeng Shu Ji, I see, what do you think about the next situation?"

After listening to Zeng Lixiang's report, Ye Lingtian thought for a moment and asked.

The shooting of Qin Jianguo must have been a strong statement by the No. [-] chief. Now that there are five cultivators, the No. [-] chief no longer has to worry about moving a provincial and ministerial level to consider the pressure and constraints from various aspects. This is for the country. Development is very beneficial.

Zeng Lixiang must have thought about the two deputy ministerial positions that were vacated this time. Moreover, Zeng Lixiang supported Ye Lingtian from the very beginning on the Qin Jianguo incident, although there were personal grievances between Qin Jianguo and Zeng Lixiang, as well as Zeng Lixiang had already guessed Ye Lingtian's identity in advance, but no matter what, Zeng Lixiang was still a relatively qualified cadre, so just for one thing, Ye Lingtian felt that he should help him - Nuo Qiu updated as soon as possible. It is also a benefit to the common people that cadres who adhere to principles are promoted.

This chapter is on the 4th, it is a bit later, everyone will forgive me! ! .

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