Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 592 Comprehensive Improvement of Cultivation Base

ps: Thank you book friend Xiao Lianger for the reward!

After a short period of excitement, Ye Lingtian calmed down.

It is gratifying to break through to the late stage of distraction, but this is only a small step, and the road ahead is still very long.

Calculating the time silently, 150 years have passed, Ye Lingtian nodded with satisfaction, this is also due to the most intense and pure aura in the world in the Hongmeng space - Hongmeng Ziqi.

Otherwise, it is estimated that there will be no three to five hundred years, and it is impossible to break through to the second late stage.

Ye Lingtian, who has practice experience in his previous life, has no doubts about this.

However, there is one thing that makes Ye Lingtian feel a little regretful. When the Tianyuan Pearl and the Earth Yuanzhu merged into one to restore the majestic space, Ye Lingtian already knew that the time ratio in this mammoth space depends on his cultivation. It was enhanced by promotion, but now his cultivation base has been upgraded from the original Jindan late stage to the current distraction late stage, but the maximum time ratio in the space is still 1:30.

Could it be that this time ratio is changed according to the upgrade of "Tian Yuan Shen Jue"?

In other words, you have to wait until you have broken through to the third level, that is, the integration period before you can increase the time ratio?

Ye Lingtian thought about it, but he couldn't think of a reason, so he didn't think about it at all, anyway, he would know when the day came.

What he is most concerned about now is that 150 years have passed, and he doesn't know how the old man and Taoist alchemy have practiced. Ye Lingtian can't wait to know, and his body has disappeared in place with a thought.

In the inner courtyard of the mansion, as soon as Ye Lingtian's figure appeared, he was stunned by the lively scene in front of him, he opened his mouth wide and remained silent for a long time.

"A pair of three five belts!"

"Come on, three nine belts and one pair!"

"Kill it, three twos!"

"A pair of kings! Haha, fat man. You lost again, hurry up, give me money..."

"Damn, why are you so unlucky. There is a pair of kings in the pan..."

Near a stone table in the East Wing, Yao Lei and Shao Weijie looked excited, while Dai Wenliang was indeed depressed. You don't need to guess and you know that the three of them are fighting landlords, and Dai Wenliang has lost a lot.

Under the shade of the two big trees in front of the north, on one side are Mr. Ye, Mr. Liu and Mr. Dai, three stinky chess baskets who don't agree with each other, are playing chess. Ye Lingtian knows it without looking.No matter which two old men played, the one next to him would act as Zhuge Liang, and he would guide whoever made the move, but in the end it was a mess, and the loser would naturally have to argue with the one who acted as Zhuge Liang.

It is estimated that everyone is used to the three of them, even though the three of them were fighting there, no one turned their heads to look at it.

On the other side, under the shade of a tree, there is an antique tea set.Liang Feiyang, Liu Zhengwen, Liu Zhengwu, Liu Zhengjun and Dai Mingshan each had a rocking chair and were enjoying the fragrant Wannian Wuyi rock tea.

As for Liu Ruohan, Ling Xueyao, Liang Xiaoxue and Anna, Ye Lingtian didn't need to look at them.Just from the crashing sound coming from the hall in the north, and the non-stop chattering of the four girls, one can know that Mahjong, the quintessence of the Chinese nation, has been played by the four girls very well. If they go to participate in the mahjong competition, others will only be able to compete for No.5.

"I'm back!"

Perhaps everyone was too concerned about their own affairs, so that suddenly there was an extra person in the yard, but everyone didn't pay attention. There was no way, Ye Lingtian shook his head helplessly.

"Huh? Boss. Are you out of customs?"

Yao Lei and the others were the first to react. Seeing Ye Lingtian in the yard, they were stunned for a moment, then threw away the poker cards in their hands and shouted loudly.

Immediately afterwards, the three old men, Liang Feiyang, Liu Zhengwen, Liu Zhengwu, Liu Zhengjun, Dai Mingshan, and the four daughters Liu Ruohan also surrounded them with pleasant surprises.

"Ling Tian. Have you made a breakthrough?"

Seeing Ye Lingtian's smiling face, everyone already guessed something in their hearts, but they still couldn't help asking.

"Well, I've broken through to the distraction stage and stabilized, are you all okay? How about the others?"

Ye Lingtian chuckled, looked at the crowd and asked.

"Ling Tian, ​​congratulations!"

The old men laughed, but their expressions were a little unnatural. They also knew that the day Ye Lingtian broke through to the distraction stage was the day they left the earth.

That is to say, Ye Lingtian will bid farewell to them soon and go to the cultivation world, so they are naturally very reluctant.

"Some of them are practicing, and some are outside in the yard. Do you want to call them all?"

Liu Ruohan also sensed the mood of the old people at the moment, so she hurriedly changed the subject.

"Okay, go and inform them, let them all come in!"

Ye Lingtian nodded. 150 years have passed, although for cultivators, it is just a flick of a finger, but Ye Lingtian also wants to see how everyone's cultivation has improved during this period of time.

Soon, all the people rushed to the inner courtyard. After exchanging pleasantries, Hu San introduced to Ye Lingtian the situation of everyone's practice in the past 150 years.

The one with the highest cultivation now is still Hu San Hu Si. Like Ye Lingtian, they have also crossed a big step, from the early stage of distraction, to the early stage of integration in one fell swoop.

Sun Ning, Lai Ji, and Wulevel Daoist have also raised their cultivation bases from the middle stage of out-of-body to the mid-stage of distraction.

The one who improved the fastest was Lin Fei, who had a pure Yang body. He actually passed the out-of-body stage from the late Nascent Soul stage, and is now at the early stage of distraction.

However, Liu Ruohan, who has the same top-quality qualifications as Lin Fei, was also a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivation base before retreat, and Liu Ruohan, who has a pure yin body, is now one step behind Lin Fei, and only has a late-stage cultivation base.

Ye Lingtian knew without asking, this must be the result of Lin Fei's diligent training.

But after thinking about it, Ye Lingtian was relieved. Lin Fei had been holding his breath and spending all his time on training, but Liu Ruohan would definitely not be able to do it. When these four women got together, Liu Ruohan just wanted to You can't do it like Lin Fei, and it's already pretty good to be able to advance to the late stage of out-of-body.

Yao Lei, Dai Wenliang, and Shao Weijie don't seem to be too lazy. Like Liu Yang and Liu Feifei, they have all reached the mid-out of body stage. You must know that they were only at the peak of the Yuanying stage before.

Next came Ye Lingtian's grandfather Lailai, Mr. Liu and others. They all practiced at the same time, so there was not much difference in their cultivation bases. Before the retreat, they were all in the early stage of Nascent Soul, but now they are in the early stage of Qingyi's out of body.

Although Master Qingfeng has already reached the early stage of Yuanying, but his aptitude is indeed a little worse. Even with the help of pills, the further you go, the more difficult it is to break through. If you want to get promoted, you have to pay more than others more effort.

Therefore, although even the grandparents who practiced "Qingxin Jue" have successfully advanced to the early stage of leaving the body, and Master Qingfeng has been practicing diligently for 150 years, but he has only barely broken through to the late stage of Nascent Soul.

However, Daoist Qingfeng didn't feel too disappointed, on the contrary, he was still very excited.

After all, with his aptitude, it was even difficult to establish a foundation, but now he can practice to the late stage of Nascent Soul, which has already exceeded his expectations.

What's more, now he is only improving a little slower than others. I believe that as long as he persists in practicing, hard work can make up for his weakness, and he will always be able to realize his wish to ascend to the fairy world in the end.

Liang Xiaoxue was promoted from the previous Golden Core Middle Stage to the Nascent Soul Stage, and Anna was promoted from the previous Golden Core Early Stage to the Nascent Soul Stage.

Now the ones with the lowest cultivation level are Liang Feiyang, Mei Yarong, Qi Junpeng, Xiaodie and Ling Xueyao.

The four of them started to cleanse the essence of the Book of Changes after entering the Hongmeng Dimension. Although they started relatively late, after 150 years of practice, with the assistance of Hongmeng Ziqi, their cultivation bases have also broken through to the early Yuanying stage.

Then came the little black dragon, and the unnamed white snake that Xiang Wang Guzhong took care of.

Before the retreat, Ye Lingtian gave Xiao Hei a death order. During his retreat, no matter how many years, Xiao Hei is not allowed to sleep anymore, but must work hard to improve his cultivation, otherwise, it will also die No need to think about Ascension to the Immortal Realm.

Sure enough, perhaps frightened by Ye Lingtian's death order, Xiao Hei didn't dare to be lazy anymore. After this retreat, Ye Lingtian found that Xiao Hei's cultivation base had improved from the previous middle stage of distraction to the early stage of fusion, although he could not improve by one Ye Lingtian was very pleased with the large steps.

But Xiaolong is much more honest. Except for occasionally playing with the white snake for a while, the rest of the time is spent on cultivation. Also broke through to the out-of-body period.

As for Xiaobai, after entering the grand dream space, he entered Ye Lingtian's body and fell asleep. Once he fell asleep, he couldn't stop wondering when he would wake up.

After listening to Hu San's introduction, Ye Lingtian's face was full of smiles, and he kept nodding.

Not including the four daughters Liu Ruohan, Ling Xueyao, Liang Xiaoxue, and Anna who followed him to the cultivation world, as well as Yao Lei, Dai Wenliang, Shao Weijie, and Lin Fei, Tian Yuanzong still has two fusion phases, three distraction phases, and dozens of outstanding students. Those who are strong in the early stage, even in the realm of comprehension, are not weak in the small and medium sects.

What's more, it's on Earth.

"By the way, Taoist Dan, have they been out of customs these years?"

After learning about the cultivation status of his relatives, Ye Lingtian thought about it, looked at Hu San and asked.

"About 20 years ago, they all went out one after another, but after they heard that you had also retreated, they didn't stay long, and they went back to retreat again. I just left the retreat at that time, so I asked, Now Daoist Dan and the others have already broken through to the Spirit Immortal stage, so this time, they will not be able to leave the retreat until they break through to the middle stage of Spirit Immortal."

Hu San looked at Ye Lingtian and replied.

The first one is a bit later, and I have to stay up late tonight, otherwise the second one won't come out before tomorrow morning. ! .

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