Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 593 Don't Bargain With Me

~Date: ~September 11st~

ps: Thank you book friend 0hun for your support!Thank you 0 for the reward!

After listening to Hu San's words, Ye Lingtian couldn't help but nodded happily. Calculating at this rate, at most another 150 years, they will all break through to the level of immortal cultivation.

These are the 73 strong men who have cultivated in heaven, and they will be regarded as a considerable force when they ascend to the fairy world.

Although it is not yet possible to compete with some sect families, at least self-protection is not a problem.

But soon Ye Lingtian found that he had overlooked a problem, that is, in addition to Daoist Dan and other 73 Mahayana stage powerhouses who had transformed all the true energy in their bodies into immortal energy before coming to Earth, there were also six people who had crossed the catastrophe. A late-stage cultivator, and Tang Yuan, who has a distracted late-stage cultivation.

Putting Tang Yuan aside, before he entered the Great Dream Space, he was not too focused on his late-stage cultivation. Even if he practiced diligently for 150 years, at best he was only in the late stage of fusion, and at most he was only in the early stage of crossing the catastrophe.

But those six people are different in the later stage of crossing the catastrophe. They are about to face the catastrophe, and the Hongmeng space is a world of its own. The time has come for people to cross the catastrophe.

Therefore, the six strong men in the late stage of the tribulation spent 150 years in the grand dream space, but it was equivalent to forcibly delaying their catastrophe for more than 100 years.

You know, if you don't go through the catastrophe, if you don't go through the baptism of the catastrophe, no matter how hard you practice, it is impossible to transform the true energy in your body into immortal energy.

Thinking of this, Ye Lingtian slapped his forehead suddenly, stood up and prepared to fly to Taoist Dan and his retreat.

"Ling Tian, ​​what happened again?"

Seeing Ye Lingtian's anxious nirvana, the old man couldn't help asking suspiciously.

"Ah! I was negligent for a while, but I forgot that among the people who came from the Xumi Realm, there are six other cultivators who have reached the late stage of transcending the catastrophe, and are now in the Hongmeng space. They can't sense the catastrophe, It's like delaying them for 150 years!"

Ye Lingtian thought about it, and explained to the old man with some embarrassment.

The old man and the other old men looked at each other, and then he laughed.He said: "Ling Tian, ​​don't feel guilty because of this. In fact, although 150 years have passed here, the outside world is only five years. Besides, if you can bring them to the earth, it is equivalent to giving them After opening the gate of Feisheng Immortal Realm, why would you blame you for taking a little time?"

"Grandpa. I didn't mean that, I did. If they don't delay the 150 years, they should have reached the cultivation level of the immortal stage by now, and they can ascend together with Daoist Dan and the others."

Ye Lingtian shook his head slightly and said.

"Why, don't they go out to cross the catastrophe now, and then they can't ascend together with Daoist Dan and the others? There are 73 strong people who have cultivated in heaven, and the six of them will be bullied if you return them?"

The old man looked at Ye Lingtian who had gotten into a dead end and laughed.


Ye Lingtian's eyes lit up.He's not a fool, he was just confused for a while, and now he turned the corner after the old man said so.

When Daoist alchemy and the others have all reached the immortal stage, there will be 73 immortals at that time, and even if these six people only have the spiritual immortal stage, it will not be a big problem.

Thinking of this, Ye Lingtian scratched his head embarrassingly, and said with a sneer: "Hehe, I was confused just now!"

"Boss, since you want to take them out to cross the catastrophe, then take us out by the way. Five years have passed. We also want to go out and see what changes have taken place in this world!"

Taking advantage of this loophole, Yao Lei and Shao Weijie hurriedly urged Dai Wenliang to talk to Ye Lingtian.

"Want to go out? But not now, anyway, the six of them are not in a hurry to overcome the catastrophe at this time, so we have to finish what we have to do, otherwise. Don't say go out to see the world of flowers, even the world of self-cultivation I can't go either."

Ye Lingtian smiled and glared at Yao Lei, Dai Wenliang and Shao Weijie. He also understood that although this mansion has everything in it, it is still an independent world. Without communication with the outside world, it will always make people feel Bland and boring.

It’s better when I usually practice, a few days and half a month passed without knowing it, but they are different from me, I spent a full 150 years in this closed life, and they used the time to break through and advance It will be longer, and at other times, I will not practice for too long at a time. In this way, more than 100 years is indeed a bit difficult.

"What else?"

Seeing how serious Ye Lingtian said, Dai Wenliang couldn't help asking curiously.

"Alchemy, Artifact Refining!"

Ye Lingtian's complexion changed, and he said: "Three grandpas, as well as Leizi, Fatty and Eyes, from now on, you will study alchemy, tool and formation with me. After we leave the earth, you can also practice it yourself." The magic weapon needed for making medicine."

"Well, no problem. In fact, we have had this idea for a long time. After all, even if you can leave a batch of elixirs and magic weapons before you leave, no matter how many there are, there will always be a day when they run out. If we can refine It will be much more convenient!"

The three old men looked at each other when they heard the words, and then laughed happily.

"Boss, are you not taking us to the world of comprehension?"

The three old men were all smiles, but Yao Lei, Dai Wenliang and Shao Weijie asked with gloomy faces.

"When did we say we won't take you there?"

Ye Lingtian looked at Yao Lei and the three of them with a smile on his face and asked back.

"This... Since you want to take us there, why do you want us to study the Dao of Alchemy, Dao of Artifacts, and Dao of Formation? No one can compare to you. The three of us are too stupid, no matter how much we study, it will be useless. What's more, With you here, there is no need for us!"

Seeing Ye Lingtian's inexplicable smile, Yao Lei trembled all over, as if he had a faint premonition, and hurriedly said flatteringly.

"If you want me to do everything, you are not afraid that I will be exhausted? The three of you listen to me honestly. From now on, Leizi will study the way of alchemy, Fatty will study the way of tools, and Yanjing will study the way of formation." Dao, given you 50 years, Leizi and Fatty must refine me a mid-level panacea, a mid-level spirit weapon, and glasses must thoroughly understand the mid-level formations in the cultivation world. Whoever can't complete it will stay! "

Ye Lingtian looked at Yao Lei, Dai Wenliang and Shao Weijie, his face darkened, and he said sternly.

"Ah? Boss, are you being too ruthless? It's only been 50 years..."

Hearing Ye Lingtian's words, Yao Lei, Dai Wenliang and Shao Weijie's faces turned green, and it took a while to look at Ye Lingtian with a bitter face, but they were interrupted by Ye Lingtian before they could finish speaking.

"Don't bargain with me, 50 years is the maximum period. Of course, if you want to stay, you don't have to study!"

"Okay, can't we delve into it?"

Seeing Ye Lingtian's stern and determined expression, which was not a joke at all, Yao Lei, Dai Wenliang and Shao Weijie had no choice but to nod helplessly.

Isn't it just 50 years? 150 years have passed, and you still care about these 50 years?

Thinking of this, the three of them seemed to feel a little better.

But Liu Ruohan, Ling Xueyao, Liang Xiaoxue and Anna couldn't help covering their mouths and giggling when they saw Yao Lei's miserable appearance, and even the three old men couldn't help laughing.

"Boss, you don't think we are coolies, do you?"

The more Dai Wenliang thought about it, something was wrong, so he asked cautiously.

"Hehe, you fat bastard is not stupid. Yes, to tell you the truth, before we leave the earth, we must leave all the cultivation resources, including spirit stones, spirit grasses and medicines, and refining materials. That is to say , When we get to the world of cultivation, we are just poor people, if you don’t make alchemy and weapons to earn spirit stones, how will we, a large group of people, live?”

Ye Lingtian patted Dai Wenliang on the shoulder, and said with a smile on his face, but now his smile, in the eyes of Yao Lei, Dai Wenliang and Shao Weijie, is so hateful.

It’s just that no matter how reluctant they are in their hearts, they dare not object. You must know that it is not only Ye Lingtian’s relatives who stayed on the earth to practice, but also their own relatives. Ye Lingtian left all the cultivation resources, naturally for the sake of My relatives can ascend to the fairy world smoothly.

After all, the earth is already short of spiritual energy, and there are no resources for cultivation, and the cultivation world is full of spiritual grasses, medicines, refining materials, natural materials, and earthly treasures. As long as you have the ability, you can earn spiritual stones. With spiritual stones, you can naturally do anything buy.

What's more, if he can become a great master in the cultivation world of Alchemy Dao, Qi Dao, and Formation Dao in the future, it will be very face-saving.

It's just that this idea is also fleeting, and they can only dream about it now. Why don't the three of them know, whether it's the way of alchemy, the way of tools or the way of formation, which aspect of the great master has not gone through untold hardships? , you must have perseverance beyond ordinary people, otherwise, I am afraid that there will already be as many masters as dogs.

Next, Ye Lingtian brought the three old men, Yao Lei, Dai Wenliang, and Shao Weijie to a large stone house, and respectively wrote "Taixu Danjing", "Haotian Qijue", "Qimenzhen Daolu", " "Treasures of Heaven, Materials and Earth" and "Records of Strange Stories" were infused into their sea of ​​consciousness with the enlightenment of great supernatural powers, and at the same time, the "Five Flames True Fire Jue" was passed on to them.

Whether it is alchemy or weapon refining, the strength of the real fire is very important, and the formation method also needs a strong real fire, otherwise, your magic weapon for suppressing the formation, do you need others to help you refine it?Compared with the real fire of Samadhi of the cultivator himself, the power of the five flames' real fire is many times stronger.

"Three grandpas, Leizi, Fatty, Glasses, in the next few years, you will digest "Taixu Danjing", "Haotian Qijue", "Qimenzhen Daolu", "Tiancaidibao" here As well as the content recorded in "Strange Stories and Strange Events", while practicing "Five Flame True Fire Jue", after you have practiced to the third level of Red Flame True Fire, I will arrange your next task."

After Ye Lingtian finished speaking, he left. He still had to take the six of them out to cross the catastrophe in the later stages of the catastrophe. He had delayed them for more than 100 years, and now he could not delay any longer. (To be continued..

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