Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 598 Niu Xiaorong is Dead

With two loud noises, Lu Jiajia was immediately stunned.

He saw a woman in sweatshirt lying at his feet, with blood splashing on her body, Lu Jiajia trembled, He Qiang was stunned, and Niu Jingguang, who was being dragged outside, yelled: "No!"

The young men who were pulling Niu Jingguang were also dumbfounded, and they let go of their hands unconsciously. After all, this is very likely to cause death.

And the people who were drinking the wedding wine were also blown up. The timid ones ran out, while the bold ones slowly gathered around and stood in the distance to discuss. On the big day, someone jumped off the building. It was really lively.

Niu Jing ran over at the speed of light, and threw himself on the bloody woman on the ground. Lu Jiajia stared blankly at the scene in front of her. After a while, she clenched her fists tightly with both hands, gritted her teeth, and her face was very ugly. At this time, Lu Jiajia Already fully aware of what happened.

Niu Jingguang howled loudly: "Xiao Rong, Xiao Rong, why are you so stupid."

Having been a reporter for so many years, Lu Jiajia has seen a lot. Although the ground is full of blood now, Lu Jiajia was only scared for a while, then slowly calmed down, and shouted loudly, "Niu Jingguang, hurry up and send him to the township health center. "

Unexpectedly, Niu Jingguang ruthlessly pushed away the person who came to help Niu Xiaorong, and shouted: "Go away, none of you will touch my sister again."

Lu Jiajia hurriedly said, "Hurry up and send your sister to the hospital, or it will be too late."

Niu Jingguang snorted coldly, and roared hysterically: "You guys are so kind, you and these dog officials are the same, you must want to move my sister's body away, and then put aside the relationship, I tell you no way."

Lu Jiajia knew that Niu Jingguang had completely collapsed at this moment, and if he didn't send Niu Xiaorong to the hospital immediately, then there was really no way to save him.

Lu Jiajia gritted her teeth and kicked Niu Jingguang to the ground.Niu Jingguang jumped up from the ground and glared at Lu Jiajia. Lu Jiajia said in a cold voice: "When are you going to make trouble, is your sister's life more important or your nonsense. If you don't want your sister to die, hurry up and send her away." to the hospital."

Niu Jingguang seemed to wake up suddenly, looked at Lu Jiajia, and asked, "Aren't you trying to get rid of the relationship?"

Lu Jiajia looked at Niu Jingguang, sighed guiltily, and said, "Brother, don't worry. I'm a reporter, and I'm here to assure you today that we will give you justice in this matter. I can't stop it, if I don't do it, I will do whatever you want."

Hearing this, Niu Jingguang didn't hesitate any longer, and ran out with Niu Xiaorong on his back.

at this time.A few more people ran over, and Lang Zhanggui, who was already frightened, shouted loudly when he saw the people coming: "Dad, Dad..."

The person walking in front is Zhang Gui's old Zhang You.Obviously, He Qiang had already told him what happened here. He ignored Zhang Gui, but looked at Lu Jiajia a few times, and then said, "Are you a comrade reporter? I am Zhang You, the mayor of Long Town." !"

Lu Jiajia looked at Zhang You gloomyly, and said, "Mayor, it's amazing that you actually robbed the civilian girl. Now you can pray that the girl is okay, otherwise, you will die!"

After speaking, Lu Jiajia turned her head and walked outside.

"Mayor, you can't let her go. She's a reporter. If she says anything, the higher-ups will send people to investigate. If that's the case, she's really dead!"

Looking at Lu Jiajia's back, He Qiang hurriedly whispered in Zhang You's ear.

"I know!"

Zhang Yi looked angry, pointed at the young men and said, "Bring that woman back to me!"

"What do you want to do? I'm a reporter from the military newspaper. Aren't you afraid of going to jail?"

Hearing the footsteps behind, Lu Jiajia turned her head to look, and naturally understood what Zhang You was going to do. She glared at the young men angrily and said.

"If we catch you, we may still have a way to survive. If we let you go, we will really die. If it were you, what would you choose? Hahaha, lock her up for me!"

Zhang You said arrogantly.

However, what happened next made him dumbfounded. He saw that those young people had just rushed forward, and before they got close to Lu Jiajia, they all fell back like an electric shock.

"What's going on? Are you all scared?"

Zhang You looked at those young people inexplicably, not knowing what happened.

But Lu Jiajia vaguely knew why, glanced at the jade bracelet on her wrist, turned around and left the compound, took out her mobile phone and prepared to dial the number of the group army.

However, before she could dial the number, she saw Zhang You leading someone chasing after her, shouting while chasing, "She wants to make a call, and I stole the phone!"

What Zhang You didn't expect was that these people still couldn't get close to Lu Jiajia. It can be said that they didn't even touch Lu Jiajia.

"Damn it, what the hell!"

Zhang You's face became a little terrified, this scene was too weird!

Watching Lu Jiajia leave helplessly, Zhang You, He Qiang, Zhang Gui and that fake mother all looked terrified, Zhang Gui looked at his old Zhang You in panic and said, "Dad, what should I do? "

Zhang You glanced at his son with an uncertain expression, and then slapped Zhang Gui on the face fiercely, "You still have the face to ask the boss what to do, it's all about you Made it."

Zhang Gui didn't say a word, and covered his burning and painful face with his hands. He Qiang was a little calmer than Zhang Gui, and said: "Brother-in-law, this has already happened, and it will not help to blame Zhang Gui now. Now, we have to What you do is how to separate the relationship, don't be implicated."

Zhang You this calmed down his anger, the most urgent thing is to find a way to get rid of this matter, so as not to be implicated, he asked: "What good way do you have?"

He Qiang shook his head, and said: "I haven't thought of it yet, but Niu Xiaorong must die, otherwise, it will be difficult to completely separate the relationship."

In the Long Town Health Center, the doctors and nurses were all recruited from the banquet, but the conditions were too simple to treat Niu Xiaorong. Niu Xiaorong, who lost a lot of blood, passed away.

Niu Xiaorong's older brother, Niu Jingguang, was holding Niu Xiaorong's body stupidly, without saying a word, without any expression on his face, but the tears dripping on Niu Xiaorong's body whose blood had begun to congeal, betraying his innermost feelings at this moment. sad.

With such a living life disappearing in front of Lu Jiajia, Lu Jiajia's heart is very complicated at this moment, and a sense of powerlessness arises from her heart.

Lu Jiajia blamed herself very much. If she could have discovered some traces earlier, perhaps Niu Xiaorong would not have done such a stupid thing, would not have passed away, and her family would not have endured such suffering.

Walking to Niu Jingguang's side, Lu Jiajia thought for a while and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't find out earlier. If I had found out earlier, it wouldn't be like this."

Niu Jingguang was very calm but looked at Lu Jiajia with tears on his face, and said, "You are not to blame for this, you are a good person, and I want to thank you for my sister."

Lu Jiajia also shed tears, and turned to wipe the tears off her face with Niu Jingguang behind her back.

At this moment, Niu Jingguang's eyes showed a strong sternness, and he said to Niu Xiaorong's body without a trace of emotion in his voice, "Xiaorong, you can go at ease, my brother will definitely avenge you."

After a while, Niu Jingguang's mood seemed to have eased, but Lu Jiajia knew that Niu Jingguang couldn't accept this fact in his heart at the moment, so he said, "Brother Niu, I will definitely seek justice for you in this matter."

Niu Jingguang looked at Lu Jiajia, and even showed a smiling face, and said, "Thank you, everyone in Zhang's family deserves to die."

Lu Jiajia nodded and said: "Brother Liu, don't be too impulsive, the law will naturally punish Zhang You, don't do stupid things to get yourself involved, I don't think Xiao Rong wants anything to happen to you of."

Niu Jingguang didn't say a word, looking at Niu Xiaorong's body, Lu Jiajia looked at Niu Jingguang and said, "Brother Liu, let's arrange Xiaorong's funeral first."

Niu Jingguang nodded, then picked up Niu Xiaorong's body and walked out of the township health center, while Lu Jiajia followed Niu Jingguang back to the village.

Niu Jingguang's village is next to the town, and he arrived in a few minutes. Niu Jingguang carried Niu Xiaorong's body into the village. At this time, all the villagers came to welcome him. Seeing Niu Xiaorong's body in Niu Jingguang's arms, they were very angry. Someone scolded loudly, "Zhang You is such a bastard, you must not let him go, big guy fucks guy."

Immediately, the villagers picked up hoes and poles and wanted to trouble Zhang You. Niu Jingguang carried Niu Xiaorong's body into the house without saying a word. Seeing the villagers' agitation, Lu Jiajia hurriedly said loudly, " Folks, calm down, listen to me first, violence can't solve the problem, it's against the law, don't worry, I just called the group army, they will come soon, if Zhang You can't escape, he will definitely Give everyone justice!"

The villagers didn't know who Lu Jiajia was, so an old man asked, "Who are you?"

"Old man, I am a reporter from the army, please believe me, I will definitely give you justice."

Lu Jiajia said.

Hearing that it was a reporter from the army, everyone's emotions eased. The old man said angrily: "You must help Niu Xiaorong to get this justice. Niu Xiaorong is such a good girl. If you say no, you will be gone."

The old man shed tears while talking, Lu Jiajia nodded vigorously and said, "Don't worry, old man, the army will be here soon."

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