Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 599 Lu Jiajia Is Helpless

Lu Jiajia was right. Just as he was making promises to the old man, several military trucks drove into the town, and a pair of soldiers with live ammunition jumped down, quickly surrounding the Zhang family compound.

What Lu Jiajia didn't expect was that Ye Lingtian also appeared.

"Jia Jia, are you okay, what happened?"

Seeing that Lu Jiajia was not hurt, Ye Lingtian let out a long breath.

"How did you come?"

Looking at the man in front of him who always wanted to forget but couldn't forget, Lu Jiajia turned his face away and asked coldly.

"That bracelet and necklace, as long as someone attacks you, I can sense it."

Ye Lingtian didn't hide anything, he told the truth.

Lu Jiajia didn't speak, but turned around and started talking with the army. Under the identification of her and the villagers, Zhang You, He Qiang, Zhang Gui and others, including those young people, were all brought out.

However, at this moment, a siren sounded, and then four police cars drove over quickly.

"Which unit are you from?"

After getting out of the car, a second-level police inspector walked up to the major officer leading the team and asked politely.

"We are from the Army Headquarters, are you?"

"I am Liao Enci, deputy director of the County Public Security Bureau. I received a report that someone robbed a civilian girl, causing the victim to commit suicide by jumping off a building. We are here to arrest the criminal!"

The Second Inspector said seriously.


The major hesitated for a moment, then looked at Lu Jiajia, the police were supposed to be responsible for such matters.Now the police are here.It is also not good for them to continue to bring people back to the military camp. Even if they are brought back, they will still have to be handed over to the public security department.

"Can't give it to them!"

Ye Lingtian said suddenly.

"who are you?"

The major looked puzzled and asked.

Ye Lingtian was about to speak, but Lu Jiajia said first, "Give them the prisoner."

Hearing this, Ye Lingtian had no choice but to keep his mouth shut.

"Yes!" The major saluted, and then directed his subordinates to hand over Zhang You and others to Liao Enci's people. Watching them handcuff Zhang You and others, stuff them into a police car and leave, this pair of Lu Jiajia Said: "Reporter Lu. Are you going back with us?"

"You go back first, I still have to visit the deceased's house."

Lu Jiajia was obviously worried about Niu Jingguang, so she walked to Niu Jingguang's house after speaking.

Niu Jingguang's home consists of two small earthen huts, which are very dilapidated. From this, it can be seen that their living conditions are not optimistic.Lu Jiajia admired Niu Xiaorong's toughness very much, but it was this toughness that caused Niu Xiaorong to lose her life.

If it were someone else, maybe it would be a compromise. After all, Zhang Gui is the son of the mayor’s family, so following him will naturally make life easy and bring great improvements to the family. This is what the other girls hoped for. It's impossible to ask for it, but it is precisely this that can prove Niu Xiaorong's greatness.

Entering the main room, Niu Jingguang had already removed two wooden door panels and used two four-corner benches to build a small bed, and then put Niu Xiaorong's body on it, while Niu Jingguang's father was crying on Niu Xiaorong's body.Lu Jiajia's nose couldn't help but feel sour watching this scene, this white-haired man is giving away a black-haired man.

It was getting dark gradually, and Lu Jiajia and the others had no intention of leaving. Niu Jingguang started to greet Lu Jiajia and the others, and the people in the village also helped, and put a pair of fir trees on the small building on the second floor of the earthen house. The coffin was taken down, an old craftsman was painting the black paint, and two old people from the village were also helping Niu Xiaorong to wash her body in the room.

Ordinarily this should be done by younger generations, but Niu Xiaorong is too young and has no younger generations, and it is naturally impossible for her father and elder brother to do this.So I can only trouble the old people in the village.

More than two hours later, Niu Xiaorong's body was finally put into the coffin. Niu Xiaorong's father stood there with old tears in his cloudy eyes, while Niu Jingguang seemed much calmer, and all the tears that should have been shed had dried up.

After busy work.The person who helped make the dinner had already prepared the dinner, but everyone couldn't eat much.After casually picking up a couple of mouthfuls, Lu Jiajia took out a stack of money and handed it to Niu Jingguang, saying, "Brother Niu, give Xiaorong a decent funeral. Don't think too much about it. Let your condolences go."

Niu Jingguang pushed the money handed over by Lu Jiajia, and said, "Reporter Lu, I appreciate your kindness, but I can't take your money."

Lu Jiajia stuffed the money into Niu Jingguang's hand, and said, "Brother Niu, don't say that, take it as my wish, otherwise I won't be able to make it up."

Hearing Lu Jiajia's words, Niu Jingguang took the money silently, then knelt down on the ground with a plop, and said, "Reporter Lu, thank you, thank you for being the master of our poor family."

Ye Lingtian knew the reason why Lu Jiajia ignored him, but now that he was here, it was hard to leave before the matter was settled, so he had to watch Lu Jiajia do all this silently from behind.

After finishing Niu Xiaorong's funeral, Lu Jiajia ignored Ye Lingtian and rented a minivan in the town to go to the county town with two villagers, a man and a woman. She wanted to know how Zhang You would be treated.

I found a hotel to rest for the night. Not long after Lu Jiajia got up the next day, she learned from the villagers who came with her that it was said that Wang Guokun, the magistrate of Yongning County, had personally greeted her, and four of Zhang You had been released. came out, and has returned to Long Town.

Lu Jiajia shuddered violently when she heard the words. She didn't even bother to eat breakfast and asked the driver to drive away from the hotel and went straight to the county government.

When the car came to a stop in the county government compound, Lu Jiajia looked very ugly, and hurried directly to the county magistrate's office.

"Who are you looking for?"

Before reaching the door of the office, a young man wearing glasses suddenly stopped Lu Jiajia, looked at Lu Jiajia suspiciously, and asked.

"I am a reporter from Bayi Daily. Here is my press card. I am looking for the magistrate of Yongning County."

The man with glasses was shocked when he opened his ID card, and hurriedly said, "Reporter Lu, wait a moment, I'll report it."

Soon, the man with glasses came out and said respectfully: "Reporter Lu, County Magistrate Wang invites you in."

Lu Jiajia opened the door and walked in. Wang Guokun, the mayor of Yongning County, who was sitting behind the desk, stood up and said with a smile, "You are reporter Lu? Welcome to Yongning as a guest!"

Although there was a smile on his face, Wang Guokun felt a little upset in his heart. He already knew this woman, she was the female reporter in Long Town yesterday.

However, Wang Guokun was not afraid in his heart. He was just an army reporter and had nothing to do with the locality.

"Major Wang, I'm here today for one thing. I'm a little confused about the case of Niu Xiaorong's death in Longzhen. Why did you release Zhang You and other suspects before the case was investigated?" Lu Jiajia Seeing Wang Guokun questioning.

Wang Guokun's face showed a smear, but it was only fleeting, he laughed and said: "Reporter Lu, this case has been investigated clearly, this is completely an accident, although I am sad to say that someone died, but it can't be justified Wrong our cadres for no reason."

Lu Jiajia's face darkened when she heard this, and she said, "Mayor Wang, I don't know how you judged that this was an accident."

Wang Guokun's expression darkened, and he said, "Reporter Lu, comrades from the County Public Security Bureau have already investigated this matter clearly. You can go to the Public Security Bureau for consultation."

Lu Jiajia snorted coldly when she heard the words, and said, "If Zhang You returns to Long Town now, no one can guarantee that nothing will happen. Who will bear the consequences? Is it you or the County Public Security Bureau?"

Faced with Lu Jiajia's repeated questioning, Wang Guokun slapped the table fiercely, and said coldly: "Reporter Lu, please pay attention to your attitude, this is the place, not your army!"

Hearing Wang Guokun's words, Lu Jiajia snorted coldly, then turned around and walked out of Wang Guokun's office. At this moment, Lu Jiajia was full of worries. After getting into the car, Lu Jiajia said in a deep voice, "Hurry back to Long Town, the better."

The driver nodded, then started the car, and said, "Reporter Lu, are you worried that something will happen to Zhang You and others when they go back?"


Lu Jiajia said in a deep voice.

Che Fei drove out of Yongning County, the speed was already very fast, but Lu Jiajia kept urging the driver to stop without noticing it.

Although the driver knew that Lu Jiajia was in a hurry, he was already driving at a safe speed. Besides, his small bread was an old car. If it was too fast, he couldn't guarantee that there would be problems.

Halfway through the car, the woman who came with her received a call from the village. She hung up the phone and said to Lu Jiajia, "Reporter Lu, it's not good, something happened."

Lu Jiajia's heart skipped a beat, and she asked, "What happened?"

The woman said: "Zhang You and others just came back to the town and Niu Jingguang met them at the street corner. Niu Jingguang directly stabbed them with a knife. Zhang You and Zhang Gui were killed on the spot. He Qiang and that The counterfeit girl was also seriously injured and has been sent to the town health center, but the situation is not optimistic."

Lu Jiajia's face was ugly, very ugly, as expected, Niu Jingguang still did this, and the hatred in Lu Jiajia's heart, hating herself, still couldn't do it.

"Reporter Lu..."

Seeing that Lu Jiajia was silent, the woman asked.

Lu Jiajia came to her senses this time, and said in an unusually cold voice, "How is Niu Jingguang now?"

"I don't know where Niu Jingguang heard the news that Zhang You was released. He dug up Niu Xiaorong's grave last night and put Niu Xiaorong's body in front of Zhang You's house. Zhang You and others haven't arrived at the door today. It was told by Niu Jingguang that the reason why Niu Jingguang waited at the intersection was because he was afraid of being tipped off by others. After hurting someone, Niu Jingguang returned to the door of Zhang You's house, knelt in front of Niu Xiaorong's body, and was very emotional. The police from the police station had already arrived at the scene. , Now the two sides are still in a stalemate, and the police dare not act rashly."

The woman continued.

"Hey! If I knew this would happen, I should have listened to him yesterday and brought Zhang You and the others back to the barracks!"

Lu Jiajia sighed and leaned on the seat weakly. She felt helpless now.

@! !

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