Ye Lingtian nodded, turned around and walked to the white marble fence, picked up the mobile phone on it and put it in his pocket.He concealed it very well, and none of the police present saw the mobile phone placed on the fence.

"Ling Tian, ​​I can't go. They are in the same group. I'll call my uncle and ask him to bring someone over." Liu Ruohan held Ye Lingtian back, took out her cell phone and was about to make a call.

Ye Lingtian shook his head slightly, and whispered in Liu Ruohan's ear: "If you want to know who is behind the scenes, go to the Public Security Bureau with them first, and then you will have time to call your uncle."

After finishing speaking, it was useless for the middle-aged policeman to urge him, so he dragged Liu Ruohan into the police car.

When the middle-aged policeman saw Ye Lingtian and Liu Ruohan got into the police car, he walked up to Fu Lizhong, pointed to the gangsters lying on the ground, and said, "Boss Fu, what should we do with these people?"

Fu Lizhong glanced at those people, and said gloomyly: "Give them a few, and Xiaoqiang, take a good photo, call the ambulance to send to the hospital, remember, you must do a forensic examination."

At two o'clock in the middle of the night, Beicheng District Public Security Bureau.

The middle-aged policeman brought Ye Lingtian and Liu Ruohan into a room, and said in a deep voice, "Stay here honestly, and someone will come to interrogate you later."

When the middle-aged policeman left, Ye Lingtian looked at Liu Ruohan next to him, and said softly, "You can call your uncle now."

Liu Ruohan hurriedly took out her mobile phone and looked for her uncle's phone number. After thinking about it, she canceled it, and instead dialed another number: "Uncle Yan, a friend and I were arrested and brought to the Beicheng District Public Security Bureau. Come and save me!" us!"

Yan Cheng on the other end of the phone was shocked when he heard the words, and almost jumped out of bed, and hurriedly asked, "Xiaohan, what's going on?"

Liu Ruohan said aggrievedly: "My friend and I went to Houhai to watch the night view, and when we were having supper, the son of the deputy director of the Beicheng District Public Security Bureau came to molested me, and beat me first. If it wasn't for my friend's protection, I would have been injured by them long ago. Yes. Later my friend took action to teach those bastards a lesson, so he called his father to come over and took us to the police station. Uncle Yan, please tell grandpa to send someone to rescue us!"

After hearing this, Yan Cheng put down the phone in a panic, and knocked on the door of a room, and then there was the sound of a teacup being broken, and an old voice came out: "That's unreasonable! Yan Cheng, take the guards to the squad immediately Beicheng branch, call that bastard, how did he become the chief of the public security bureau, the people below have arrested people and arrested them in his own home!"

Seeing that Liu Ruohan didn't call his uncle, Ye Lingtian couldn't help being curious, and asked softly, "Who is your grandfather?"

Liu Ruohan gave him a charming look, and said coquettishly, "You will know in the future, anyway, you will definitely be able to control them."

In the interrogation room on the second floor, Ye Lingtian was sitting on a wooden chair in the middle of the room. Behind the table in front of him was a middle-aged policeman on the left, and a young policeman in his 20s on the right.

"Name?" The middle-aged policeman asked sullenly.

"Ye Lingtian!"



After some customary questioning, the middle-aged policeman got to the point and asked with a stern face, "Say, why did you hit someone for no reason?"

Ye Lingtian smiled playfully. He was not surprised by the middle-aged policeman's question. On the contrary, he would be surprised if the middle-aged policeman didn't ask that question.

"It was Fu Xiaoqiang who hit her first after he failed to make fun of my girlfriend. We were just doing it in self-defense." Ye Lingtian said lightly.

The young policeman slammed the table and shouted: "What are you molesting your girlfriend? With Fu Xiaoqiang's conditions, there are many women who want to have sex with him. How could they fall in love with that kind of crap! She just took off her clothes and lay in bed." On the bed, Fu Xiaoqiang wouldn't even look straight in the eye..."

This young policeman was probably a relative of Fu Xiaoqiang, or he wanted to hug Fu Lizhong's thigh eagerly. In order to help Fu Xiaoqiang get rid of his charges, he shamelessly insulted Liu Ruohan.

When Ye Lingtian heard this, his face suddenly became extremely gloomy and cold. With a flick of his finger, a beam of real energy shot out from the fingertip.

He has decided to protect Liu Ruohan, so naturally he cannot tolerate anyone insulting her.If Ye Lingtian is a dragon, then his mother Yang Sulan and the current Liu Ruohan are his reverse scales, who will die if touched!

The young policeman suddenly felt as if his throat had been pricked by a needle. Although he opened his mouth, he could no longer make a sound. He jumped up from his chair in a panic, and looked at Ye Lingtian in horror while clutching his throat.

The middle-aged policeman looked at the young policeman in confusion for a while, not knowing what happened, so he quickly stood up and patted him on the back, picked up the teacup on the table and handed it to him, saying: "Xiao Huang, what's wrong with you?" ?”

The policeman surnamed Huang opened his mouth wide, but he couldn't make any sound. Seeing this, the middle-aged policeman had no choice but to say, "Go to the next door to rest first, and I'll report to Bureau Fu."

I have to say that the policeman surnamed Huang is really lucky. If he changed the time and place, just because he maliciously insulted Liu Ruohan just now, Ye Lingtian would not make him speechless, but directly kill him.

Not long after, Fu Lizhong and the middle-aged policeman opened the door and came in. After they sat down, Fu Lizhong seemed to think of something, turned his head and whispered something in the middle-aged policeman's ear, the middle-aged policeman nodded, stood up and left out.

But how could Fu Lizhong's words be hidden from Ye Lingtian and turn off the monitoring?Director Fu is really considerate. Unfortunately, even if the monitoring is turned off, he won't be able to get any favors today.

A few minutes later, the middle-aged policeman hurried in and sat down. After nodding to Fu Lizhong, he pretended to be kind and said, "Ye Lingtian, our policy is to be lenient for confessions and strict for resistance. crimes, we will help you seek clemency."

Ye Lingtian said coldly: "I don't know what crime I have committed, and I have nothing to explain. Otherwise, please remind me."

The middle-aged policeman turned serious, looked at Fu Lizhong, and said, "As long as you admit to slandering Fu Xiaoqiang for molesting your girlfriends and hurting them, I can help you with the work of Fu Ju and Fu Xiaoqiang." , Let you mediate in private, not included in the criminal case, Bureau Fu, do you think so?"

Fu Lizhong nodded slightly, and said in a tone of voice: "Of course, the premise is that you have to take the initiative to explain. If you want to resist to the end, we do not rule out the use of special means. You have to be clear, this is the Public Security Bureau, the dictatorship of the country Organs, we have many ways to pry a person's mouth open."

Ye Lingtian nodded, and suddenly said with a smile: "Fu Ju, you mean that if I don't admit to the crimes you mentioned, you will torture me to extract a confession?"

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