Fu Lizhong said solemnly: "Punishment is also a means to deal with stubborn criminals. We can consider it when necessary."

The middle-aged policeman said, "How about it, have you considered it?"

--&--Sitting there contentedly waiting for the police to catch him, he can still be calm when he arrives at the police station; knowing that Fu Xiaoqiang is Fu Lizhong's son, he can still sit in the interrogation room as if nothing had happened. He didn't take Fu Lizhong seriously.

Such people are either pretending to be aggressive, or they are very awesome.

Obviously, Ye Lingtian definitely does not belong to the former, but a very awesome kind of person.

There is also that woman, who naturally exudes an aura, which makes people know that she is definitely not the child of an ordinary family.

My god, I'm really dizzy. I used to be cautious, but today I only care about pleasing my boss and forget all about it.

Offending these prostitutes, wouldn't that be suicide?They can make themselves never have peace by moving their fingers casually, and it is easier to crush themselves to death than to crush an ant.

Thinking of this, his intestines turned green with regret, his face instantly turned extremely pale, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.He looked at Ye Lingtian in horror, fortunately, he didn't completely offend the other party, and now he can only hope that there will be a lot of adults, and he won't care about such a small guy like himself.

I have to admit that it's not too late for this policeman surnamed Luo to wake up.But there is one thing he guessed wrong, Ye Lingtian is indeed a very awesome kind of person, but he is not the woman he imagined.

Ye Lingtian ignored this, turned his head to stare at Fu Lizhong, frowned, and said in a cold tone: "Fu, in order to cover up your son's crimes, are you really going to torture him to extract a confession?"

There was a sinister look in Fu Lizhong's eyes, and he said with a sneer: "Ye Lingtian, this is the Public Security Bureau. I don't care who you are, if you enter here, you have to listen to me. To tell you the truth, you have to admit it today, no You have to admit it!"

In an interrogation room next door, Liu Ruohan was also interrogated by two police officers, a man and a woman, forcing her to admit that she had slandered Fu Xiaoqiang, and that it was Ye Lingtian who took the initiative to injure Fu Xiaoqiang and those gangsters.

At this moment, there was a strong brake sound downstairs, and then there were strong footsteps on the corridor.

"Who is the supreme leader here, come out immediately!" A confident voice came into the interrogation room.

As soon as Liu Ruohan heard it, she knew that Yan Cheng was coming, and hurriedly shouted: "Uncle Yan, come and save me, these policemen are going to torture me!"

Upon hearing this, Yan Cheng ran over anxiously and kicked open the door of the interrogation room.

Seeing the scene inside, Yan Cheng was instantly furious.I saw a policeman standing motionless in front of Liu Ruohan, holding an inch-thick book in his left hand and a baton in his right. He was obviously shocked when he saw the door being kicked open suddenly.

Several soldiers armed with the latest miniature submachine guns rushed into the interrogation room, and quickly spread out to occupy a favorable terrain. One of the soldiers pointed his gun at the policeman holding a baton and shouted loudly: "Put down your weapons and hold your head!" , squat down, if there is any resistance, shoot and kill!"

And the policewoman sitting behind the table saw the black muzzle of the gun against her head, she immediately collapsed on the ground, and then a puddle of liquid flowed out from the floor, and an unpleasant smell of urine came to her nostrils. It turned out to be so frightened that he lost control of his urine.

Yan Cheng walked to Liu Ruohan's side, inspected it carefully, and asked with concern: "Xiaohan, are you okay, did they hurt you?"

Liu Ruohan showed an aggrieved expression, pursed her lips and said, "It's okay, but you've seen it too, if you guys come one minute later, I don't know if it's dead or alive."

Fu Lizhong had already heard the movement in the corridor, and now he came to the interrogation room where Liu Ruohan was interrogated. Seeing the fully armed soldiers inside, his head was stunned, not knowing what was going on.

After stabilizing his emotions, Fu Lizhong pretended to be majestic and asked: "I am the deputy director of the Beicheng Public Security Bureau. Which army do you belong to? How did you attack the public security department with guns?"

The army and the local government did not interfere with the well water and the river water, and the two sides did not interfere with each other. Fu Lizhong gave the other party a big hat as soon as he opened his mouth.

Yan Cheng didn't care about that, turned his head and looked Fu Lizhong up and down, took out a certificate from his pocket, and said coldly: "We are from the Central Security Bureau!"

As soon as Yan Cheng finished speaking, Fu Lizhong trembled.The Central Security Bureau is the department that defends the leadership at the national level, and the lowest level of the objects they are responsible for defending are all at the deputy state level.

Obviously, they came here for this woman, so this woman is likely to be a relative of a deputy state-level leader, or even a state-level leader.

I am a small deputy director of the public security bureau at the top level, but I have arrested the relatives of the national leaders into the public security bureau. This is not an old birthday star eating arsenic-I am impatient to live!

It's all because of that bastard son!Why don't you mess with a woman, but mess with the relatives of the country's leaders? Damn it, you can't be so sure if you want to die.

Tremblingly, he took Yan Cheng's certificate, which read "Name: Yan Cheng, work unit: Huaxia Central Security Bureau, military rank: Colonel." Underneath were the bright red seals of the Huaxia Military Commission General Staff Headquarters and the Huaxia Ministry of Public Security.

After carefully closing the documents and respectfully returning them to Yan Cheng, Fu Lizhong asked tremblingly: "Well, Colonel Yan Cheng, I don't know if you came to our bureau in the middle of the night, what's the matter?"

Yan Cheng put away the documents, but he didn't give Fu Lizhong a good face because of his respect. He still said coldly: "The purpose of our coming here will be explained to you later. My task now is to protect Liu Ruohan."

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