Fu Lizhong's head grew bigger again. Yan Cheng from the Central Security Bureau was only here to protect this woman. Listening to his tone, he knew without thinking that the people who would come later were more powerful.

Fu Xiaoqiang, you bastard, you are breaking the sky!Since ancient times, a loving mother has lost many sons, and it was that woman who protected him all day long, otherwise, his son would not have become such a dude.

He didn't expect that he himself was not like this.If he hadn't wanted to protect his son today and excuse him from crimes, he wouldn't have thought about it -- & -- leisurely walked into the interrogation room, and said lightly.

Seeing Ye Lingtian, Liu Ruohan forgot for a moment that Ye Lingtian was a cultivator different from ordinary people, so she ran over and grabbed his arm, and asked with concern: "Lingtian, are you alright?"

Seeing Liu Ruohan's actions, Yan Cheng couldn't help showing a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Ye Lingtian nodded slightly, patted her little hand lightly, and said with a smile, "Why, you don't believe me?"

Only then did Liu Ruohan come back to her senses, she gave him a blank look, and said angrily, "I don't care about you!"

The two walked in front of Yan Cheng, and Liu Ruohan said, "Uncle Yan, this is my classmate Ye Lingtian. Ling Tian, ​​this is Uncle Yan, my grandfather's chief of guard."

Ye Lingtian nodded, shook hands with Yan Cheng politely, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Hello, Captain Yan, we've met each other a long time ago, haven't we?"

Yan Cheng naturally understood the meaning of Ye Lingtian's words.Although he had already confirmed in his heart that Ye Lingtian was discovered by him during the spying, but now he got the confirmation from his mouth, which still made him feel shocked again.Immediately said vaguely: "Well, yes, Xiaoye has a good memory!"

Liu Ruohan looked at the two suspiciously, not knowing when the two had met, and couldn't help asking: "Ling Tian, ​​Uncle Yan, did you know each other before?"

Ye Lingtian and Yan Cheng looked at each other and smiled in unison.

Liu Ruohan wanted to ask again, but Ye Lingtian patted her little hand, so she had to give him a glare, and held back her words.

Ye Lingtian gave her an apologetic look, turned his head and said to Yan Cheng: "Secretary Yan, I have to work hard to bring someone over here. Tonight's incident, there is another behind-the-scenes instigator, half an hour ago in Xinmao The hotel has opened a room, the room number is 1613, is there a problem? If it is difficult, I will go there in person."

Yan Cheng was slightly taken aback, how could he know that the room was opened half an hour ago?But after thinking about it, I was a little relieved. Maybe someone saw it and called to tell him.Nodding to the two of them, he said, "After I received your call, I called Secretary Liu. It should be here soon. You wait here, and I'll bring him here."

Turning his head, he said to Fu Lizhong who had been standing beside him tremblingly, "The air here is not very good, take them to the reception room of your bureau."

After speaking, he left four people here to protect him, and left in a hurry with the other six people.

Not long after Ye Lingtian and Liu Ruohan came to the reception room and sat down, there was another sound of footsteps on the corridor, and then a first-class police chief in his 40s and less than 50 years old, with olive branches on his epaulets and three four-pointed star flowers inlaid Surrounded by people, he strode in. It was Liu Ruohan's uncle, Liu Zhengwu, member of the Standing Committee of the Yanjing Municipal Party Committee, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee and director of the Public Security Bureau.

The people behind them are Liu Feng, Director of the Police Supervision Division of the Yanjing Public Security Bureau, and Lei Yuanhua, Director of the Beicheng Branch.

Seeing the person coming, all the policemen in the reception room stood up, saluted them in unison, and shouted respectfully: "Secretary Liu!"

Liu Zhengwu ignored the policemen, went straight to Liu Ruohan, looked around, and then asked with concern: "Xiaohan, how are you?"

Seeing the person coming, Liu Ruohan turned around and snorted, curled her mouth, and said angrily, "Uncle, do you still know you're here? I was caught by your people and tortured to extract a confession. If Uncle Yan came later... In a few minutes, they will torture me, what do you think can be done?"

Liu Zhengwu couldn't help blushing when he heard this, and his eyes became extremely cold.He was in charge of the political and legal affairs office in Yanjing City, but his niece was arrested and taken to the Public Security Bureau, and was almost tortured to extract a confession.

Glancing coldly at the policemen around him, Liu Zhengwu smiled angrily: "Beicheng Branch, very good! Fu Lizhong, very good!"

Fu Lizhong was completely stunned at this moment, his face was pale, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.Liu Zhengwu's old man was ranked fifth among the last nine giants. Isn't his niece the granddaughter of that giant?

Liu Ruohan's name is Uncle Liu Zhengwu, so she must be the daughter of Liu Zhengwen, the current secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee.Although Mr. Liu has retired, he has been in charge of the organization department for many years, and his disciples and old officials are all over the world. He has promoted several current state leaders.

Besides, as the leader of the second generation of the Liu family, Liu Zhengwen will definitely enter the Politburo in next year's general change of office.

After offending such a super big family, is there any way for him to survive?It's over, this time it's really over!Fu Lizhong's eyes were suddenly filled with despair.

Liu Zhengwu patted Liu Ruohan's shoulder lightly, and said apologetically, "Xiaohan, uncle, I'm sorry for making you wronged. Tell me, what's going on?"

Just as Liu Ruohan was about to speak, Ye Lingtian said first: "Secretary Liu, I have a video here, you will know it after watching it."

Liu Zhengwu looked at Ye Lingtian suspiciously, and asked in a deep voice, "Xiaohan, who is he?"

Liu Ruohan hurriedly introduced: "Uncle, his name is Ye Lingtian. I just watched the night scene in Houhai with him at night. If it wasn't for him, I would have been injured by those gangsters long ago."

Liu Zhengwu looked at Ye Lingtian again, then at Liu Ruohan, and nodded thoughtfully.

Asking the technicians to bring a laptop, Ye Lingtian took out the data cable to connect the mobile phone to the computer, clicked on the video file, and the scene of Houhai Bar Street appeared on the computer screen.

Ye Lingtian's mobile phone has very high pixels. Even though it is night, the brilliant lights of Bar Street allow everyone to see everyone's face clearly and hear everyone's words clearly. The leak was replayed again.

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