Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 620 Jade Blood Pill

Could it be that these are people from the Illusory Spirit Sect?

It doesn't look like much!

Ye Lingtian secretly guessed in his heart when he saw those people walking on the street with all kinds of monsters swaggering.

It is no wonder that Ye Lingtian guessed like this. It is really that the cultivation of those monsters is too low. Most of them are monsters who have just started to practice. Not to mention that they can condense monster pills, not many even enter the foundation stage.

Even those ostentatious cultivators are mostly in the golden core stage.

So far, Ye Lingtian and others have not encountered a cultivator above the Nascent Soul Stage.

If the little black and little white in the primordial space were called out, I'm afraid there would be a huge sensation.

These people are able to swagger like this, probably because of the name of the Illusory Spirit Sect.

Ye Lingtian secretly speculated here, but Ling Xueyao and the others all looked at everything in front of them with surprised eyes.

The wide and straight street, with no end in sight at a glance, is neatly lined with shops filled with all kinds of common goods in the cultivation world, and the cultivators in all kinds of long gowns and robes, making them who were still living in the bustling cities of the earth just now feel like walking Entered the filming base of the costume drama.

This is a completely different world, and everything makes them feel fresh and curious.

But they also found that when they looked at the cultivators and mortals in the Nether City with curious eyes, those people also looked at them with curious eyes, and whispered to each other from time to time.

"Ling Tian, ​​do we need to change into another set of clothes?"

Seeing all the people looking at her group with strange eyes, Liu Ruohan obviously felt a little uncomfortable, looking at Ye Lingtian and said.

Indeed, the men and women in Shaman City are all dressed in long gowns and long skirts. The clothes of Ye Lingtian and others really look too different here, and they are out of place with the surroundings.

Ye Lingtian smiled slightly and said: "You can wear whatever clothes you like. You can just look good on yourself. There is no need to care about other people's eyes. But if you like those long gowns and long skirts, you can buy a few and change them later. Now we have to find a restaurant and inn to rest."

Under the leadership of Ye Lingtian, a group of people avoided the people of the Illusory Spirit Sect. While watching the scenery on both sides of the street, they walked into the city. After walking for about five or six miles, they stopped in front of a restaurant that looked quite grand. .

After taking a look, there was a gold signboard with a black background hanging on the lintel of the restaurant, with the words "Zuiyuelou" written on it. Ye Lingtian waved his hand and said to the crowd: "Let's go, let's taste the delicacies of this psychic city first." !"

After talking about the bento, I went in first, and when I saw a guest coming in, a young-looking waiter rushed over to say hello: "Welcome to Zuiyue Tower, I don't know if you want a private room, or you just want a private room." Lobby?"

"It's fine in the lobby downstairs, here, it's fine there!"

Ye Lingtian took a look, the lobby was almost full, only a few tables were left in the corner, so he pointed with his finger and asked Xiaoer to lead the way.

It is not important to taste the delicacies of the psychic city, what is important is to understand the situation in the psychic city, and inns and restaurants are the best places to inquire about the situation, Ye Lingtian naturally will not ask for a private room.

What's more, before coming to the cultivation world, Ye Lingtian had already left all the spirit stones to Tianyuanzong. Now all the spirit stones on their bodies are only a few dozen low-grade spirit stones. If they go to the elegant room, it may not be enough to pay meal money.

The ten people sat down at two tables, and after ordering the waiter to serve some special dishes, Ye Lingtian took out a few bottles of Moutai, and while drinking, he paid attention to the comments of other practitioners in the lobby.

As soon as Ye Lingtian and Yao Lei opened the Moutai in their hands, all the cultivators in the lobby turned their heads and looked over. Obviously, it was the strong aroma of Moutai that attracted them.

But soon, they turned their heads obediently. After all, among this group of weirdly dressed people, most of them made it difficult for them to tell whether they were high or low.

After drinking a bottle of Moutai, Ye Lingtian has already learned some useful things from some cultivators. Since he is at the edge of the realm of cultivation and there are no large mineral veins, there are not many cultivation resources on Huoyunxing. In the world of comprehension, it belongs to the backcountry.

The cultivators on Huoyun Planet are generally not high in cultivation, and most of them are below the distraction stage. There are indeed not many masters who have reached the distraction stage, which also makes most of the cultivators have never been to other planets in their entire lives.

And there are very few cultivators from other planets Daohuoyunxing. After all, if there is no very important thing to do, no one would like to come to a remote planet with few resources.

So, whenever you see a foreign cultivator, the local people will basically not provoke them for no reason. After all, their strength is there. Stupid enough to provoke a strong man whose strength is much stronger than himself.

This is also the reason why no one dared to come to cause trouble when Ye Lingtian brought five women who looked like flowers and jade and looked like gods, except of course, the few rascals he met at the gate of the city.

Putting down the wine bottle, Ye Lingtian shook his head slightly, looked at Yao Lei and the others and said in a low voice: "It seems that we still have to find the teleportation formation. Although this Huoyunxing has no strong people, if he lives here, he doesn't have to worry about it. There are no dangers, but there are not many resources. If you want to make a fortune, you have to go to a planet with rich resources."

"But we don't have any spirit stones in our hands now, so we don't know if it's enough to pay for the teleportation array."

Dai Wenliang thought for a while and said.

"Well, that's true. We have to find a way to earn some Lingshi."

Ye Lingtian nodded, and began to think about how to earn spirit stones quickly.

At this moment, three or four practitioners came in from outside the door, looked around the lobby, and sat down on the empty table next to Ye Lingtian and the others.

"Brother Qing Yuan, the Illusory Spirit Sect only wants us to prepare double doses of medicinal materials to help us refine the Jade Blood Pill, what should we do?"

As soon as he sat down, a middle-aged man with a full beard looked at an old man with a long beard and said with a sad face.

"Hey, we can't blame them. It's been an old custom to prepare two batches of medicinal materials. Let's split up to find the spiritual grass and elixir for refining the Jade Blood Pill as soon as possible. I hope we can gather the medicinal materials as soon as possible!"

The long-bearded old man also shook his head again and again, and said helplessly.

"Brother Qingyuan, it's easy to say, but it's as hard as heaven to find it! You also know that the most important blood sesame grass is not available on our Huoyun star, and even if you have money, you can't buy it. Guess, brother Yanghua has already..."

"Shut up! Can't you say something nice?"

Before the middle-aged man finished speaking, he was interrupted by another man in a blue robe.

Hearing this, Ye Lingtian's heart couldn't help but move. This "Bright Blood Pill" intermediate panacea is used to treat internal injuries. From the words of the few people just now, it is not difficult to guess that someone has suffered serious internal injuries and needs to take it urgently." "Green Blood Pill", and now they only got together a batch of medicinal materials to refine "Green Blood Pill", they wanted to ask the alchemist of the Illusory Spirit Sect to refine "Green Blood Pill", but they were rejected.

In the world of self-cultivation, if an alchemist is required to refine elixir, he must prepare more than two medicinal materials. This is indeed the rule of all alchemists.

After all, there is no alchemist who can guarantee a 50.00% success rate, and it is already very remarkable to have more than [-]%.

Collecting more than two copies of medicinal materials is also to prevent enough medicinal materials to be re-refined after the first batch of refining waste, otherwise, only one copy of medicinal materials will be charged. ?

"Fellow daoists, I heard from you just now that someone is injured and needs to take the 'Green Blood Pill' to heal his wounds, right? If you trust me, I am willing to help you refine the 'Green Blood Pill', but on one condition, I A spirit stone equal to the value of the 'Green Blood Pill' medicinal material is needed."

After pondering for a moment, Ye Lingtian looked at those people and said calmly.

Just now I was thinking about how to earn spirit stones, now the opportunity came, and Ye Lingtian naturally would not let it go.

"Green Blood Pill" is only an intermediate-level panacea, not to mention Ye Lingtian, even if it is made by Yao Lei, it is not difficult.


Those people obviously didn't expect Ye Lingtian to interrupt, so they couldn't show a trace of vigilance, looked at Ye Lingtian and said, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, all you need to know is that I can help you refine the 'Green Blood Pill'."

Ye Lingtian smiled slightly, looked at several people and said.

The bearded man glanced at Ye Lingtian, and said with disbelief: "Why should we trust you, if you use up the medicinal materials, we will have no hope at all."

"Indeed, you have heard our conversation just now, and you must already know that we only have one batch of medicinal materials for refining the 'Green Blood Pill'. Even if you are an alchemist, you can refine the 'Green Blood Pill' and get What guarantees that the refining will be [-]% successful?"

The old man with long beard also looked at Ye Lingtian suspiciously and asked.

Ye Lingtian shook his head lightly, and said firmly: "I don't need to joke with you, and I don't need to promise you anything, because I am [-]% sure that I will help you refine the 'Green Blood Pill'."

"What a joke, what do you think we are? If you fail in training, what will you pay us for? Everything else is easy to say, the key is the blood sesame grass, can you afford it?"

The bearded man had a displeased face, if it wasn't for the fact that Ye Lingtian and others had much higher cultivation than him, I'm afraid he would have been rude long ago.

"Hong Mang, don't be rude!"

The bearded old man glared at the bearded man, then looked at Ye Lingtian, and after a while he said, "Dare to ask You Zun's name?"

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