Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 621 I won't let you suffer

"My humble Ye Lingtian."

Ye Lingtian looked at the bearded old man and said with a smile.

"It turned out to be Senior Ye, poor Dao Qingyuan, these few are friends of the poor Dao, if I offended you just now, please forgive me!"

The long-bearded old man bowed to Ye Lingtian, and then said: "Since Senior Ye can refine the 'Green Blood Pill', I will thank you Senior, and Qing Yuan will definitely thank you once it is done!"

He also thought about it carefully just now, if he continues to procrastinate like this, he doesn't know how long he will have to wait until he can get the second batch of "Green Blood Pill" together. I'm afraid it's really like what the bearded man named Hong Mang said, he hasn't got it together yet. After collecting the second medicinal material, his friend Yanghua died.

Although it is extremely risky to hand over the medicinal materials to this stranger, Ye Lingtian, for refining, Qing Yuan also thought that Ye Lingtian must be above the middle stage of distraction with a cultivation that he can't see through. It is necessary to make fun of a few people.

Even if Ye Lingtian and the others had a grudge against them, there was no need to waste such twists and turns, and if they directly attacked, they would be unable to resist at all.

What's more, there are not many strong people above the level of distraction on Huoyun Star, and Qing Yuan didn't think he had sinned against Ye Lingtian.

After figuring it out, Qing Yuan decided to go all out. Instead of gathering enough medicinal ingredients and watching Yanghua die, he might as well give the medicinal ingredients to Ye Lingtian for a try.

"It's okay, it's just a matter of raising your hands!"

Hearing Qing Yuan's words, Ye Lingtian said with a slight smile.

"Where is the senior planning to refine the elixir?"

Qing Yuan looked at Ye Lingtian and asked.

Ye Lingtian pondered for a while, and said: "Just here, 'Bright Blood Pill' is not a hard medicine to make, just ask Xiao Er to prepare a guest room."


Qing Yuan and Hong Mang looked at each other, and there was a skeptical look in their eyes, but they still called Xiao Er, took out a middle-grade spirit stone, and said: "Open me the best guest room.".

"Alright, the guest room is on the third floor, everyone, please follow me!"

Xiaoer took the Lingshi and said.

"You don't need to follow up, just wait for me below, just give me the medicinal materials, within an hour, you will definitely see the 'Green Blood Pill'."

Seeing that Qing Yuan and the others were about to follow, Ye Lingtian waved his hand slightly, pointed to Yao Lei and the others and said, "You don't have to worry about anything, they are all my friends."

Hearing Ye Lingtian's words, Qing Yuan's face was full of shock. After hesitating for a moment, he still took out a storage bag in Ye Lingtian's hand, and said, "Senior Ye, the medicinal materials are all in it, and I hope you can refine it with all your heart."

There was a sentence he didn't say, that it seemed impossible to refine the "Green Blood Pill" within an hour.

Back then, the alchemist of the Illusory Spirit Sect also said that it would take half a month.

It's just that now that we've reached this point, even if we have doubts in our hearts, it's hard to say anything else.

What's more, Ye Lingtian still kept his friends.

Yao Lei, Dai Wenliang, Shao Jie, Lin Fei, including Ling Xueyao and the five daughters naturally didn't go back to worry about Ye Lingtian. When they saw Ye Lingtian going upstairs, they still ate and drank what they wanted.

For Ye Lingtian, this kind of elixir is at his fingertips.

If there was not only one medicinal material, Ye Lingtian probably wouldn't be bothered to do it, so he would just hand it over to Yao Lei to refine it.

In the Tianzi No. A guest room in Zuiyue Building, Ye Lingtian closed the door, set up the enchantment, and entered the Hongmeng space. If there is no Hongmeng space, a magic weapon that can change the proportion of time, no matter how strong Ye Lingtian's alchemy is, he will not be able to escape. It is impossible to refine a middle-grade panacea within an hour.

Downstairs, Yu Qingyuan asked Xiao Er to add a few more dishes, Yao Lei and others ate with gusto, but Qing Yuan, Hong Mang and the other two were fidgeting, sneaking glances at the stairwell from time to time.

For them, this moment is like a year, a century.

The other cultivators in the restaurant also stayed after hearing that Ye Lingtian could refine the mid-grade panacea "Green Blood Pill" within an hour, wanting to see if it was true or not.

When they saw Ye Lingtian's figure appearing at the entrance of the corridor, Qing Yuan and the others couldn't help but jumped up.

"Senior Ye, did you succeed?"

Rushing in front of Ye Lingtian, Qing Yuan couldn't wait to ask.

Ye Lingtian nodded slightly, spread his palms, and a small white jade bottle appeared in front of Qing Yuan.

"There are three 'Green Blood Pills' in it, which should be enough."

Ye Lingtian said with a smile, according to the common sense, for each medicinal material, the alchemist will only give one pill to the person who comes to refine it, because basically the ones who come to refine it cannot be bought in the market. If the medicinal materials are refined to waste, the alchemist has to pay for the medicinal materials to be refined again.

After the alchemist collects double doses of medicinal materials, he will not charge any more fees. If the alchemy can be successfully refined at one time, the remaining medicinal materials and the extra elixir will belong to the alchemist, and the elixir practice is useless. That's right, the medicinal materials posted upside down were also made by the alchemist himself.

So in the cultivation world, high-level alchemists are very rich, but low-level alchemists dare not say so. If they fail repeatedly, they may lose all their belongings.

A total of 28 pills were refined from this furnace of "Green Blood Pill". Ye Lingtian was not so stingy, and gave three pills to Qing Yuan.

Not to mention the spirit stones that are worth as much as medicinal materials, even the fifteen extra "Green Blood Pills" have already made Ye Lingtian a lot of money.

Seeing the small white jade bottle in front of him, Qing Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then he quickly opened the cap of the bottle and poured the elixir into his palm, looked at Ye Lingtian suspiciously for a while, and said, "Senior Ye, this elixir Something seems wrong..."

"What's wrong? Could it be that Qingyuan Daoist friend's doubter is not 'Green Blood Pill'?"

Ye Lingtian looked at Qing Yuan with a smile and asked.

"No, no, that's not true! What I mean is that this is the 'Green Blood Pill', but the quality of this 'Green Blood Pill' is better than what I know."

Qing Yuan hurriedly shook his head and explained.

Ye Lingtian chuckled, and said: "Of course, when I refined it just now, I added an elixir, that is, 'Seven Leaf Zitong Fruit'. In terms of efficacy, it is much higher.”

"Purple fruit with seven leaves?"

Qing Yuan was taken aback again, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses. He looked at Ye Lingtian and said in a daze, "But the purple seven-leaf fruit that is said to ripen every ten thousand years?"

Ye Lingtian nodded, and said with a smile: "Yes, it is the seven-leaf purple fruit."

"Great, great!"

Qing Yuan suddenly danced like a child, and said to Hong Mang and the others: "Now Yang Hua's injury can be cured!"

After finishing speaking, he carefully put the "Green Blood Pill" back into the white jade bottle and put it away, then took out a storage bag and handed it to Ye Lingtian, and said gratefully: "Senior Ye, I only carry so many spirit stones with me. Take it, when I go back and let Yang Hua be treated, I will thank you again!"

Ye Lingtian was not hypocritical, but after taking a look at the storage bag, he waved his hands again and again and said, "You are welcome, fellow Daoist Qingyuan, these spirit stones are enough to be worth a portion of the medicinal materials of 'Green Blood Pill'!"

There are hundreds of middle-grade spirit stones in the storage bag, which is somewhat beyond Ye Lingtian's expectation.

After all, the "Green Blood Pill" is not a precious medicine. It is estimated that it is in this remote Huoyun planet. If you are on a resource-rich cultivation planet, you can spend hundreds of middle-grade spirit stones in some big markets. can buy.

Qing Yuan shook his head again and again and said: "No, Senior Ye, you also placed an incomparably precious 'Seven-leaf Zitong Fruit', no matter what, our Taiyuan Sect will not let you suffer!"

"Tai Yuan Gate?"

Ye Lingtian couldn't help but be slightly taken aback, isn't this the sect he just met after coming out of the teleportation formation?

Ye Lingtian also learned from the stone tablet at the gate of the city that although there is only one sect on Huoyunxing, that is, the Huan Lingzong, which controls the entire planet, there are still many small sects like Taiyuanmen. The scope of sect jurisdiction is very small, the big one is no more than a mountain range, and the small ones have several hills.

In the cultivation world, such sects only exist on remote planets. If they were on those large planets with rich resources, they would have been annexed by the sects long ago.

"That's right, Senior Ye, just wait here, we'll come as soon as we go!"

Qing Yuan was obviously in a hurry to go back to save people, so he saluted hastily, and led Hong Mang and the others out of the restaurant.

Ye Lingtian smiled noncommittally, he didn't care whether Qing Yuan would come back, let alone those spirit stones in the storage bag, that is, the remaining 25 "Bright Blood Pills", if they were auctioned in the market, Can also make a lot of money.

Handing the storage bag to Ling Xueyao, Ye Lingtian chuckled and said, "Sister Yao, this is all our belongings. From now on, we will have to arrange our basic necessities, food, housing and transportation!"

Among these people, Yao Lei and Dai Wenliang are careless people who definitely can't manage money. Shao Jie and Lin Fei are not suitable either. Among the five girls, only Ling Xueyao is the best at housekeeping and the best at budgeting. Managers are the best fit.

Ling Xueyao didn't refuse, took the storage bag with a smile, then looked at Liu Ruohan and the others and said, "Sisters, you finally have money, let's go shopping and buy clothes later!"

"Okay, I've taken a fancy to a long purple dress for a long time, I guess Xiaoxue, Anna and Jiajia all have their fancy, right?"

Liu Ruohan immediately responded cheerfully, although they had stored countless sets of clothes and pants of different styles in their respective storage rings long before their arrival, but those were all modern clothes on the earth, this kind of ancient clothes There is really no such thing as a long skirt.

Seeing the five girls chattering about which clothes look good, Ye Lingtian also smiled slightly. In the cultivation world, alchemists and weapon refiners are always the most popular and richest. As long as you have that ability, Lingshi will You will earn soft hands, like buying some clothes and spending some spirit stones, it is nothing at all.

What's more, isn't it for women to spend money that men make?

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