Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 627 It's Too Late to Regret

ps: Thank you Shuyou Sui.Xin monthly ticket support!Thanks for the reward from book friends Han and Tang survivors!


With the sound of dull thunder, dozens of thunderbolts descended from the sky, striking at the Water Guardian and the Earth Guardian in unison.

Water Guardian and Earth Guardian were wholeheartedly guarding against Ye Lingtian's attack, and they didn't even notice that Xiao Hei was ready to attack. By the time they realized something was wrong, it was too late, and Xiao Hei released all the accumulated lightning in an instant come out.

Although these thunderbolts are not very powerful for the water protection method and the earth protection method with the mid-term fusion repair, even if they are struck on them, under the protection of the armor, they will not cause much damage to them, but there is no People will be struck by lightning for no reason and willingly.

What's more, it was still in a busy city, in front of countless onlookers.

This face, whether it is a water protector or a fire protector, cannot afford to lose it.

At the moment when the lightning strikes, Water Guardian and Fire Guardian use teleport to dodge, while controlling the flying swords to attack the lightning that strikes them.

As a result, the surrounding aura fluctuated greatly. Although it was only for a short period of time, it was enough for Ye Lingtian.

Quickly cast the "Wind Escape Technique" to escape to the water protector, Ye Lingtian's flying sword attacked the water protector's dantian like lightning without sound, and by the time the water protector noticed the fierce attack, it was already too late.

With a loud "boom", Ye Lingtian's top-quality flying sword penetrated his armor without hindrance, piercing a big hole in his dantian.

Shui Hufa looked down at the big hole in his dantian in disbelief, as if he couldn't believe what was happening before his eyes.

But no matter whether he believes it or not, if the dantian is destroyed and the Nascent Soul is destroyed, even if he does not die, he will be a useless person from now on.

The soil protector on the side was also stunned by this sudden change, and quickly rushed to the water protector to support his body, and shouted: "Third brother, what's wrong with you? You have to hold on, my little brother I will take you back to find someone to help you heal your injuries!"

After finishing speaking, regardless of other things, he carried the water protector on his back and prepared to leave.

"Hmph. Do you think you can still go?"

At this moment, a cold voice came, and immediately after, Ye Lingtian's figure appeared in front of the soil protector.

"You... I'm going to fight with you!"

Seeing Ye Lingtian's appearance, Tu Hu, who had been dazzled by hatred, raised his fist and punched it. The strong true energy caused the surrounding spiritual energy to fluctuate extremely, making bursts of "cracking" bursting sounds.

"Earth Guardian. Don't..."

Seeing Guardian Tu's actions in the distance, Tian Chi hurriedly stopped him, but at this moment, Guardian Tu was only thinking of revenge, and wanted to kill Ye Lingtian, so Tian Chi's voice of dissuasion could be heard .

However, Ye Lingtian seemed to have expected such a move by the earth protector. He shook his head slightly, and slowly stretched out his fists.So now it's just a matter of effort to deal with the soil protector alone.

However, just when Ye Lingtian's fist was about to meet the earth guardian.But he felt an extremely powerful and fierce offensive attacking him from behind, and he didn't need to think about it, he could guess it, only Tianji made a move.

And those cultivators watching around couldn't help booing, the majestic master of the Illusory Spirit Sect, who had cultivated Tian Chi at the beginning of the tribulation, and the number one master on the entire Huoyun planet, would use despicable means to secretly attack A cultivator who can only cultivate in the late stage of the avatar!

It was almost impossible for this to change in the past.

But today, this scene really happened.Moreover, it was still in public, which made all the onlookers scoff.

In the middle stage of the three fusions, they joined forces to deal with a distraction. In the later stage, the strong bullied the weak, and the more bullied the less. Now their battle is not over, and Tianyu joined in again.And it's still a sneak attack, which makes people feel even more contemptuous.

Naturally, Tian Chi also knows that what he is doing now is very despicable, but if he doesn't take action again, the life of the earth guardian will be over. He has no doubt now that as long as Ye Lingtian punches out, the earth guardian will definitely be the same as the previous wood The protector, like the fire protector, was killed by Ye Lingtian on the spot.

If that was the case, all five Huan Lingzong's guardians of the fusion period would have to confess here. Even if Tian Chi could kill Ye Lingtian in the end, the price would indeed be too heavy.

In any case, the most important thing is to save the life of the soil protector first.

In desperation, Tianji couldn't care less about moral rules, so he unleashed his flying sword and attacked Ye Lingtian's back.

At this point, Ye Lingtian is faced with only two choices, one is to ignore Tianchi's blow, and although this can kill the guardian, there is no doubt that he himself will also be severely injured.

Obviously, Ye Lingtian will not lose to both Tianchi and Tuhufa.

Just when Tianji's flying sword was about to attack Ye Lingtian's back, Ye Lingtian's figure disappeared from everyone's eyes strangely again, and the punch of Tufa also missed.

Dazzled by hatred and completely unaware that he had escaped, the earth guardian saw Ye Lingtian disappear inexplicably, his old face was flushed with anger, his eyes widened and he looked around, shouting loudly: "Boy, If you come out to me and sneak attack by some despicable means, are you still a man?"

However, as soon as he said these words, those cultivators who were watching burst into laughter, and these words were even harsher to Tian Chi's ears.

Although Ye Lingtian also sneaked in when almost three people were fighting, but when the two sides fought, they did their best to survive, so there was nothing to say.

However, Tianji's sneak attack is different. The battle between Ye Lingtian and Tu Hufa is not over yet. According to the rules of the cultivation world, even if Tianzhen wants to make a move, he has to wait until the winner is decided between them, or after the battle is over. , and then start a new round of contest.

So no matter how you say it, Tian Chi's actions are contemptible, and Tu Hufa's words are even more slapping him in the face.

The problem is, the face has been slapped, and he can't attack yet.

"Guardian Earth, calm down, if I hadn't acted just now, you would have died in the hands of that kid!"

However, even though he couldn't get angry at the guardian earth, Tian Chi couldn't stand him yelling there, so he could only yell at him.

"Sect Master, I..."

"Enough! You step back, that kid is very weird, let me come!"

Protector Tu wanted to say something, but was ruthlessly interrupted by Tian Chi, who released his consciousness to the maximum, and Tian Chi said with a sullen face, "Come out, there's no need to pretend to be a ghost there! Don't think you can do it just because you know a little bit of tricks!" I don't care which sect you belong to. Today you killed my son Tianhua and the four guardians of the Illusory Spirit Sect one after another. The cruel methods are even worse than those of the Demonic Dao! I won't bring you to justice today! According to law, Huoyunxing will never have peace!"

After all, Tianzhen is the leader of a faction, and he thinks farther than others. What he said is to make Ye Lingtian a bloodthirsty person. If the people behind Ye Lingtian came to him, they would have a high-sounding reason.

"Huh, is it?"

As soon as Tianchi's words fell, Ye Lingtian's figure appeared in front of him, raised his eyebrows, and said coldly: "What I dislike the most is that you self-righteous so-called decent families, in your eyes, as long as you touch For your benefit, it is against you. I am just helping some casual practitioners to make elixirs and magic weapons. I am willing to charge them as much as the handling fee. It has nothing to do with you, but because of blocking For your Illusory Spirit Sect's source of income, you mobilize people and send dozens of people to inquire about your crimes. How is your behavior different from robbers and bandits?

The disciples of the Taiyuan Sect are waiting for the 'Green Blood Pill' to save their lives, but you are not willing to help them refine the 'Green Blood Pill' because there is only one batch of medicinal materials. You know, that is a life!

Ask yourself, what face do you have to call yourself decent?

And you Tianji, the master of the Illusory Spirit Sect, allows your son to bully men and women in the city. After being rejected by others, you still want people to come to take revenge. If it wasn’t for my brother’s desperate resistance, I’m afraid they would have already been defeated by you! Killed, your actions are truly despised by the world!

Since you don't want to repent, well, I, Ye Lingtian, will grant you blessings today. From now on, there will be no Illusory Spirit Sect on Huoyun Planet! "

After finishing speaking, Ye Lingtian thought "Nine Heavens God Thunder Formation" and activated it.

Ye Lingtian really didn't want to be entangled with Tianzhen and others again, besides, if he was head-to-head, he was quite sure against the soil protector who was in the middle stage of the fusion, but he had no chance of winning against Tianyu who had the early stage of crossing the tribulation.

Since there is no chance of winning, there is no need to ask for trouble.

Seeing Ye Lingtian appearing, Tianchi, who was still full of confidence, was shocked at the moment. Just when Ye Lingtian finished speaking, the surrounding space suddenly changed. Just now, he was still on the wide street, but now , but it turned into a cloud of gray, and even his spiritual sense couldn't detect anything.

"No, this is the formation space!"

Suddenly, something seemed to come to Tianji's mind, and his face turned pale.

He didn't expect that this Ye Lingtian would be able to arrange formations, and what shocked him even more was that he didn't know when Ye Lingtian wouldn't set up formations.

Entering someone else's formation space, unless you are fully sure that you can break the formation, otherwise, you can only be at the mercy of others.

Now Tianzhen finally understands that the reason why Ye Lingtian is so bold is that he dares to challenge the Illusion Spirit Sect by himself only by distinguishing between the gods and the late stage cultivators. Dare his biggest reliance is not the powerful true energy, nor those weird monsters. Spells, but this formation space that makes people unable to understand the depth and reality!

Now, Tian Chi finally felt that he was wrong, but even if he regretted it now, it was too late.

ps: The first update is here, and this one is to make up for what I owed yesterday! (To be continued.

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