Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 628 Supporting the Taiyuan Gate


As a burst of lightning strikes, Tianji watched helplessly as the disciples of the Illusory Spirit Sect around him were smashed to death one by one in an instant.

Even the soil protection method with the mid-stage cultivation of the fusion, it was just a thunderbolt and it was wiped out, and there was no room for root rot to resist.

With what to resist?

That's the thickness of a bucket of sky thunder. The real sky thunder is completely different from the thunder and lightning released by the thunder bird and Ye Lingtian's monster.

Tian Chi can be sure that even the tribulation thunder during the tribulation may not have such great power.

At this time, Tian Chi's face was ashamed. It's not that Ye Lingtian didn't give him a chance, but he himself gave up and walked towards the road of destruction step by step.

The Phantom Spirit Sect is really going to disappear in Huoyunxing and in the cultivation world from now on!

All this was only for a moment, when the onlookers were puzzled, the gray space became bright again, but everyone opened their mouths wide at this moment, and only Ye Lingtian appeared in front of everyone. One person, but Tian Chi, Tu Hufa, and dozens of Illusory Spirit Sect disciples who were in the distraction stage, out-of-body stage, and Nascent Soul stage all disappeared.

In such a short period of time, so many strong men disappeared out of thin air, which shocked everyone, and at the same time looked at Ye Lingtian with a trace of awe and horror.

"It's okay, Xiao Fei, are you feeling better?"

After finishing Tian Chi and the others, Ye Lingtian didn't bother to pay attention to those onlookers, and went straight back to Zuiyue Tower, and asked Lin Fei who had already woken up.

"I'm much better, Brother Tian, ​​I'm sorry, I've embarrassed you!"

Lin Fei's eyes were full of apology when he thought that he failed to complete the task assigned by Ye Lingtian and almost caused Ling Xueyao's five daughters to be kidnapped by the Illusory Spirit Sect.

Ye Lingtian waved his hand slightly, and said, "Xiao Fei, don't blame yourself too much. It's because they are too powerful. During this time, you and Glasses should take good care of your wounds."

After finishing, he turned his head to look at Yao Lei and Dai Wenliang and said, "Now I have wiped out all the powerhouses of the Illusory Spirit Sect, and the Illusory Spirit Sect will also disappear. Maybe there are still some masters in their sect who have nothing to do. But there is no threat to us anymore. In this way, you first distribute the pills and magic weapons that you promised others, and then release the news. As long as there is a need to refine the medicine pills and magic weapons, you can take them. Stay for a few days."

"Boss. Got it!"

Yao Lei and Dai Wenliang nodded, and called the cultivators who were waiting to receive the elixirs to the other side.

"Xueyao, don't go out and wander around these few days, just stay in the restaurant. Huoyunxing is very poor, and there is probably nothing good to sell. If you want to buy clothes or something, you'd better go to the bustling planet to go shopping. alright!"

Think about it.Ye Lingtian looked at Ling Xueyao's five daughters and said, Lin Fei and Glasses are still recovering from their injuries, so he is not worried about the five daughters going shopping by themselves.Although Liu Ruohan also has a clone in the initial stage of cultivation, she is still too weak in the cultivation world.

What's more, they are all women and have no combat experience before. If they really want to fight with others, their strength will be greatly reduced.

"Senior Ye, the grace of saving life will never be forgotten, please be respected by Yang Hua!"

As soon as Yao Lei and Dai Wenliang finished giving orders, Ye Lingtian heard a bold voice coming from the door.Looking back, he was a middle-aged man in his thirties, with a broad forehead and a square face, with a distracted early stage cultivation. Behind him were Qing Yuan and Hong Mang.

"This is……"

I saw a middle-aged man kneeling on the ground.Ye Lingtian looked at Qing Yuan suspiciously and asked.

"Senior Ye, this is Yang Hua, the young master of our Taiyuan Sect. The reason why we beg you to refine the 'Green Blood Pill' is because he offended someone from the Illusory Spirit Sect and was seriously injured. After taking the 'Green Blood Pill', the injury has improved a lot. I heard that it was you who made the elixir, so I insisted on thanking you. "

Qing Yuan quickly explained.

"This is impossible! Yang Hua, get up quickly, I and you have also charged a handling fee for refining the elixir."

Hearing Qing Yuan's words, Ye Lingtian hurriedly stepped aside and said.

Seeing this, Qing Yuan pondered for a moment, and then said to Yang Hua: "Brother Yang Hua, you still support Senior Ye, get up first and then speak."

"Okay, Senior Ye, you saved my life. What you want me to do in the future, as long as it doesn't violate [moral] conscience, I will never refuse!"

Yang Hua stood up and looked at Ye Lingtian and said sincerely.

Ye Lingtian smiled casually, and then asked: "Listen to Qing Yuan, you were injured by people from the Illusory Spirit Sect? Now I have wiped out most of the people from the Illusory Spirit Sect, including the suzerain Tianji, and The five guardians of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth have all been destroyed, do you have any ideas to replace the Illusory Spirit Sect?" Ye Lingtian also had his own purpose in saying this, after all, the teleportation array is within the scope of the Taiyuan Sect However, if the Taiyuanmen can become stronger, it will be of great benefit to Ye Lingtian's future trips to and from Earth.

"What? Senior Ye, what you said just now is true?"

As soon as Ye Lingtian finished speaking, Yang Hua, Qing Yuan, and Hong Mang all looked shocked. The Huan Lingzong, the biggest sect on Huoyun Planet, was wiped out just like that?

Moreover, according to Ye Lingtian's tone, Tian Chi and the five guardians were all killed by him?

This is too unbelievable, right?

They hurried all the way from Taiyuanmen, but they didn't see the scene where Ye Lingtian fought against the Illusory Spirit Sect just now, so they really didn't know about the destruction of the Illusory Spirit Sect.

Ye Lingtian nodded lightly, and said: "That's true, I have killed Tianyi and the five guardians of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, but there are probably some masters in the Illusory Spirit Sect who have not shown up. You Taiyuan Sect should be able to take it?"

"Yes, absolutely! Senior Ye, thank you for waking up, we will go back and report to the sect master, and we will take our leave first!"

Seeing what Ye Lingtian said with such certainty, Yang Hua nodded after a moment of thought, bid farewell to Ye Lingtian, and then left in a hurry with Qing Yuan and Hong Mang.

Without the threat of the Illusory Spirit Sect, those casual cultivators no longer have any scruples. As long as they can meet the conditions, they will use their own refining materials to ask Ye Lingtian to refine various elixirs and magic weapons.

After all, Yao Lei and Dai Wenliang have already said that their time in Huoyunxing will not be too long, which means that if they don’t come to refining this time, they will have no chance in the future. If they want to ask goodbye If a professional alchemist refines the magic weapon of elixir, he has to prepare double refining materials and a high handling fee.

What's more, with the first batch of refining alchemy treasures as an example, those casual practitioners also know that the medicine pills and magic weapons refined by Ye Lingtian are better than the previous alchemists and alchemists of the Illusory Spirit Sect in terms of fineness and grade. The equipment master is much stronger, so there is an endless stream of casual practitioners who ask Ye Lingtian to refine the magic weapon, which also makes Ye Lingtian and others have to postpone the itinerary for quite a while.

During this period, after a fierce battle, the Taiyuan Sect has wiped out all the remaining disciples of the Illusory Spirit Sect, and all the territory of the Illusory Spirit Sect has been returned to the Taiyuan Sect.

Of course, the Taiyuan Sect also played Ye Lingtian's signboard here. After all, the Illusory Spirit Sect fell, and there were not a few people who wanted to eat this piece of fat. Now, only Ye Lingtian's name can shock them.

After learning about this situation, Ye Lingtian just smiled, as long as the Taiyuanmen can do things properly, it doesn't matter if they borrow their own signboard.

Before leaving Huoyunxing, Ye Lingtian was invited to visit the main altar of Taiyuanmen after taking Ling Xueyao's five daughters and Yao Lei into Hongmeng Space.

After all, if he wanted to go back to Earth in the future, he would still have to deal with the Taiyuan Gate, and it seemed impossible to refuse his invitation.

What's more, the large teleportation array leading to other planets is now also under the jurisdiction of Taiyuanmen.

This teleportation formation has always been under the jurisdiction of the Illusory Spirit Sect. Now that the Illusory Spirit Sect has collapsed, it will naturally be taken over by the Taiyuan Sect.

Regardless of a small teleportation array, the annual income it brings is not a small amount. Although the location of Huoyun Star is remote, there are not a few cultivators who go out to other planets every day.

After bidding farewell to Yanghua, Qingyuan and others, Ye Lingtian embarked on the star teleportation array leading to Yuquan star.

Ye Lingtian has already learned from Yanghua that although Yuquan Star can only be regarded as an ordinary planet in the entire cultivation world, it is much more complex than Huoyun Planet. The most important thing is that the cultivation resources are much richer.

This is equivalent to a large market. In remote places, there is always a relatively concentrated business area, which is convenient for practitioners from the surrounding planets to buy and sell various cultivation items.

Coming out of the teleportation array on Yuquan Star, Ye Lingtian saw a wide street. It turned out that the teleportation array on Yuquan Star was built in the city.

The entire Yuquan star is larger than Huoyun star, with as many as one million practitioners, and tens of millions of ordinary mortals.

There are also quite a few sect families stationed on Yuquan Star, most of them are business owners, after all, Yuquan Star is a commercial planet.

The city where Ye Lingtian is now is called Qingluo City, which is the largest city on Yuquan Star. After finding an inn and inquiring about the city’s squares with Xiaoer, Ye Lingtian asked Xiaoer to open a guest room, and then called Ling Xueyao and others , under the leadership of Ye Lingtian, everyone walked towards Fangshi in a mighty manner.

"Leizi, when we get to Fangshi, let's find a place to sell all those pills and magic weapons, so we can buy some spiritual herbs."

On the way, Ye Lingtian looked at Yao Lei and Dai Wenliang and said.

Since this Yuquan star is a commercial planet, the business must be booming, and in such a market, middle-grade spirit pills and middle-grade spirit tools are undoubtedly the best-selling products, and they are also the products that are easiest to earn spirit stones. Thinking of taking advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune.

"Ling Tian, ​​why not, can you accompany us to look at other products first? You see, there are many things in this cultivation world that we haven't seen yet!"

Hearing Ye Lingtian's words, Ling Xueyao's five daughters seemed a little dissatisfied, and looked at Ye Lingtian and said coquettishly.

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