Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 8 So Big, So Comfortable

Sitting next to her was a woman dressed so hotly that Ye Lingtian didn't dare to move around, so he had to sit obediently.But the upright lower body was tightly stretched by the underwear, which made Ye Lingtian swell very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, it wasn't long before dinner time, the tall slender woman took out her mobile phone from her purse to check the time, then got up and walked to the end of the carriage, it seemed that she was going to the dining car for dinner.

After trying to take a few deep breaths to distract himself, he took out a book and read it for more than ten minutes. Finally, his lower body returned to normal. Ye Ling just got up and went to make some instant noodles to comfort Wu Zang Temple.

After all, it's a hot day now, and there are few clothes to wear. As long as the thing stands up, it can be spotted by others.Although no one in the car knew him, Ye Lingtian still didn't have the courage to face the eyes of so many people.

It didn't take long after eating instant noodles, and the tall slender woman also returned.Ye Lingtian had no choice but to continue to face out of the window, although it was already dark outside the window, except for the occasional lights that could be seen when passing by the town, other times it was completely dark.

Ye Lingtian tried his best not to think about the scene he saw earlier, but the deep white cleavage and the full breasts covered under the purple lace bra always subconsciously played back in his mind.In addition, a vague fragrance penetrated into his nose from time to time, which made Ye Lingtian restless.

The bottom is always as firm as a pillar, ready to move, but dare not move, and the heart is suffering extremely painfully.

The train was heading north at a constant speed of 110 kilometers per hour, and it was already late at night when it passed Xinyang Station.The carriage was no longer as noisy as it was during the day, most people had already closed their eyes and dozed off, and the tall slender woman seemed to be falling asleep leaning on the seat.

After traveling for several hours from Guixing to Linzhou, and staying on the train for such a long time, even though Ye Lingtian is in good health, he still feels a strong sense of tiredness.

After yawning several times in a row, Ye Lingtian, who was leaning against the seat and the wall of the carriage, finally closed his eyes unknowingly, and fell asleep in a daze.

I don't know how long it has passed, Ye Lingtian suddenly felt a little itchy in his neck in the haze. He opened his eyes and saw that the tall slender woman's head had leaned against his shoulder at some point. The itchy feeling was exactly the tall slender woman's His hair rubbed against his neck.

If anyone saw this scene at this time, they would definitely think that Ye Lingtian and the tall slender woman were a pair of close lovers.

Ye Lingtian was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to push the tall slender woman away, but unexpectedly, the place where his hand touched felt very soft.

Out of curiosity, she couldn't help rubbing it, feeling that the thing was relatively big, and she couldn't hold it with her hands, and the tall slender woman also murmured a soft "hmm".

Ye Lingtian looked down and was startled. He saw that his hand was placed on the Saintess Peak on the chest of the tall slender woman. He quickly withdrew his right hand in a hurry, feeling a sense of guilt in his heart. , and the buttocks also moved inward.

He looked around in fear, and saw that the people next to him were dozing off with their eyes closed, and no one noticed the scene just now, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

The tall, slender woman who was sleeping soundly seemed to have sensed Ye Lingtian's movement, and hurriedly stretched out her hand to hug Ye Lingtian's arm tightly to correct her posture, and rubbed her head against Ye Lingtian's shoulder, as if she felt that she was sleeping comfortably before she stopped. .

The arms were tightly hugged by the tall slender woman, especially her towering parts, so that Ye Lingtian suddenly didn't dare to move any more.

Feeling the softness on his arm and the intoxicating fragrance from his nose, Ye Ling, who has always lived in the countryside, has experienced such a scene, the evil fire in his heart rushed up again.

The swelling underneath was very uncomfortable, as if it could pierce the tight panties, Ye Lingtian couldn't control himself, he just wanted to press the tall slender woman under him to vent his anger.

"I am looking into the distance, above the moon, how many dreams are flying freely..." At this moment, a burst of music sounded from the tall woman's purse, like a basin of cold water pouring down, instantly extinguishing Ye Lingtian's passion evil fire.

The tall slender woman was also awakened by the sudden ringtone of her mobile phone, her face turned red when she saw her posture, she hastily let go of Ye Lingtian's hand, her beautiful eyes glanced at Ye Lingtian shyly, and saw that although his eyes were tightly closed, he was not breathing. He was very anxious, and his face was a little red, so he naturally understood that the other party was pretending to be asleep.

But thinking of the doll that seemed to be hugging him tightly in the dream just now, he immediately realized that he might have fallen asleep and took the initiative to hug the other's arm. He wanted to get angry but couldn't, so he gave Ye Lingtian a hard look.

The music on the mobile phone was still ringing, the tall slender woman quickly took out the mobile phone from her purse and looked at it, but it was the alarm clock set by herself.

After cutting off the alarm, the tall slender woman's complexion had recovered, she didn't look at Ye Lingtian next to her, and leaned on the seat silently, wondering what she was thinking.

Not long after, the train gradually slowed down, and it turned out that it had already arrived at Zhengyang Station.

The tall slender woman stood up, shook Ye Lingtian's shoulder after hesitating for a while and said, "My little brother, I've arrived at the stop, please help me a little bit, take down my suitcase, okay?"

Ye Lingtian was naturally embarrassed to pretend to be asleep, so he hurriedly got up and took the suitcase from the luggage rack and put it next to the tall slender woman.

The tall slender woman looked at Ye Lingtian as if she wanted to say something, but when she saw Ye Lingtian kept her head down and didn't look at herself, only two words came out of her mouth: "Thank you!"

After speaking, he turned around and dragged the suitcase to the junction of the carriages.

Seeing the tall slender woman leave, Ye Lingtian let out a long breath.

Ye Lingtian, who grew up in the countryside since he was a child and has never even been to the county seat, has never seen a young woman so revealingly dressed, let alone such a close contact.

In my mind, I recalled the feeling when I kneaded the ball of soft flesh with my palm. Even through the clothes, it still felt so big and comfortable!Why didn't you knead a few times just now?And those slender thighs, what would it feel like to touch?

Pooh!How did I become so evil, my thoughts so dirty?Ye Lingtian settled down, and couldn't help despising himself, why he couldn't resist the temptation so much.

I stood up and stretched my slightly numb limbs, only to realize that the train had stopped.Adjacent to the Yellow River in the north, Zhengyang is the capital of Hexi Province and the hub of national railway transportation. The Beijing-Guangzhou and Longhai railways intersect here. There are many passengers going up and down, and the stop time is a little longer than other stations.

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